Saturday, 2019-05-18

eanderssonIt shouldn't rm_work lol do you have an example?00:00
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rm_workwell it's just popping up a ton of little dialogue boxes temporarily from the python process asking my permission to do something with a port00:15
rm_workbut they disappear really quickly00:15
rm_workand the tests seem to pass anyway, sooo00:15
rm_workit's just odd00:15
eanderssonbtw for that previous error, was there any logs in central by any chance?00:21
eanderssonWas it run just after an upgrade or similar by any chance?00:22
rm_worki think we figured it out00:42
rm_worki think one worker was still running on queens as it was stepping through doing the rocky upgrade00:42
rm_workkilling all the workers and then doing it seems to have resolved that00:42
rm_workso i think we're good00:42
eanderssonFigured it would be something like that. We moved to OVO in Rocky.00:47
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