Thursday, 2015-07-30

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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/ceilometer: Revert "Revert "remove instance:<flavor> meter""
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/aodh: Add alembic support for aodh
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: gate: fixup gabbi live tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/aodh: api: fix alarm deletion and update
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/aodh: tests: ensure gabbi live test fail
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: tests: add an integration test
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* sileht sigh, gate is so slow....06:26
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jiaxi_What is the function of that live in the main directory ?06:50
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* sileht sigh, gate is dead, again07:26
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Our CI system is broken again today, jobs are not getting processed at all.07:39
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/ceilometer: Drop out-of-time-sequence rate of change samples
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/aodh: tests: ensure gabbi live test fail
openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Refactor alarm scenario tests (RuleThreshold)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/ceilometer: Make the partition coordinator log more readable
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: CI is back online but has a huge backlog. Please be patient and if possible delay approving changes until it has caught up.08:58
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: InfluxDB storage driver
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/aodh: Keep alarm other attrs constantly after evaluating an alarm
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openstackgerritIlya Tyaptin proposed openstack/ceilometer: [MongoDB] Refactor indexes for meter and resources
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cdentmariadb-slow.log just filled up the disk on one of my openstack test machines11:40
cdentthat's irony or something11:40
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gordcanyone notice any blockers or have a reason why i should not tag liberty-211:59
gordcthe gate seems dead so i'm probably going to have to call it11:59
gordccdent: i'm leaving your batch item for l-312:02
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gordccdent: cool if we close bp after that merges?12:02
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Convert identity, sahara and volume to meters yaml
gordcildikov: sileht: jd__ : llu: speak now or forever hold your peace ^... or hold for a few weeks.12:06
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silehtgordc, the gate will stop you, so ... ;)12:11
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gordcsileht: lol yeah... i give you guys false hope.12:12
gordcwhen i say hold for a few weeks i mean until gate clears.12:12
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jd__gordc: go ahead12:34
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: gate: fixup gabbi live tests
gordcjd__: cool cool. in process of tagging.12:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Keep alarm other attrs constantly after evaluating an alarm
cdentgordc i'm happy12:50
gordclol, it took 14hrs for prad to find out his patch failed gate. i guess we have to start testing locally.12:51
* gordc debates whether to recheck or abandon a failed gate check.12:53
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: gnocchi: retry with a new token on 401
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: gnocchi: reduce the number of patch to gnocchi API
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: Adds batch dispatcher
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: gnocchi: concurrently post resource/measures
silehtif people have some review times: and
silehtI would test that into a gate job now12:59
sileht(the futur gate job:
cdentgordc: I've just had a friendly remember from QA that especially in the case of notification related test failures gratitous rechecks aren't very helpful, better to rewrite the failing test so it provides more effective debugging. I said I'd pass it along. So there ya go.13:00
gordccdent: what have we been rechecking?13:01
gordci sometimes recheck just to make sure i don't see any random failures.13:01
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gordccdent: is this in regards to current gate backup? ie. don't do anything right now?13:04
cdentI rechecked something, but I think the point is that there is no such thing as a random failure when notification-related test fails13:04
cdentthere is a failure which the test should be able to point at13:04
cdentand eventually lead to a better test and may eventualy lead to a real fix13:05
cdentfor example this case: 75776440413:05
cdentthis case:
gordcbank pin?13:05
cdentno, some sort of userid for something other13:05
cdentjust the username though13:05
cdentanyway, in that failure the error message is completely useful13:06
cdentand provides no information that would allow for any diagnostic investigation13:06
cdentor I might be unable to type and meant useless13:06
gordci really have no idea why that failed. that check has no relation to timing.13:07
cdentand the message helps not one wit13:09
gordcok. i thought you were talking about tempest... and i just assume tempest has a 15% fail rate built in13:09
* cdent thinks tempest is a bad of pooh and pays about zero attention to it13:09
cdentdammit! bag!13:10
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gordchope your qa connections don't read taht.13:10
cdentseriously, one of the reasons I'm so keen on in-tree-functional and integration testing is because tempest is junk13:10
cdentI think there would be some agreement from some people13:10
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gordci actually understand the failure you linked... not why, but what is failing... probably because i wrote it. :)13:11
cmysternope we havn't read that ;)13:11
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* cdent gives cmyster a cookie13:11
gordcdammit! bridge burnt13:12
gordccdent: you were are only connect!13:12
cdentI think I have given you my typing disease gordc13:13
gordcyeah. or just can't type... let's go with "blame it on you."13:13
cdenteverything is my fault13:13
cdentexcept that test error message13:14
cdentthat's on you13:14
gordci think i could fix it... but it involves duplicating code...13:14
* cdent does not believe in DRY in tests13:14
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gordc"fix it" == "limit chances of randomness"13:15
cdentI'd be very curious to see what that is. Or even just to hear about it.13:15
cdent(It's nice so much code is moving lately, but it sure makes for a lot to review)13:16
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gordccdent: what is failing is that hmac got called apparently when it's not suppose to be.13:16
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cdenthow could that be non-deterministic?13:17
cdentseems kind of straightforward13:17
gordcwe patch it at the beginning of test but it really can be done later.13:17
gordcthat said, i don't know what in the steps before is calling it... nothing should be13:17
cdentthere's that should word13:17
gordcit could be the tests are running segregated.13:17
gordci'll change it for now. that was the one and only time i've seen that failure.13:19
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cdentgordc: I've found this style: mock.method.assert_called_with a bit more readable and reliable and informative (since it requires args)13:20
gordccdent: how do i do the opposite? method is never called.13:21
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gordcwith anything.13:22
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gordcadmittedly, testing negative set is not really proving much...13:24
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gordci'm going to drop that test and just test the method.13:26
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cdentdoes that bring us any closer to understanding why that one failure happened?13:27
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thorst1Hey.  I'm doing some testing with the powervm compute inspector...but I'm having trouble getting the inspector to load.  While debugging, I came across this change:   Wondering if its OK for me to open a bug and update that to include powervm?13:27
gordc*shrugs* i'm testing that a native python method isn't called. i'm assuming there's any number of things that could call it.13:28
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cdentthorst1: interesting. your trouble suggests that that way of controlling inspectors is kind of limiting13:30
gordcthorst1: sure thing. probably doesn't need a bug but either or13:30
cdentyour external plugin ought to be the way of the future13:30
thorst1yeah, if OK without bug I can just propose an update.13:30
cdentbut it should also require a core change in order to be usable13:30
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thorst1but yeah...with an external plugin, I thought the intent was that it wouldn't need changes to core ceilometer?13:31
thorst1I'm not sure that this is in fact the issue...just seems limiting to only have the in-tree ones listed there.13:31
gordcthorst1: cdent: i'm sort of leaning towards that the list is what ceilometer considers as validated drivers.13:31
gordcbut that's just me being political.13:32
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gordcaside from that. it doesn't really add much value.13:32
cdentthorst1: it does look like that not allowing powervm would break your ability to load stuff13:33 limits you to ONLY those choices13:33
cdentgordc: are we in the business of validating things or enabling things?13:33
thorst1I think13:33
cdentthorst1: that appears to be the case, yeah13:33
gordccdent: both.13:34
gordcto a certain extent13:35
* cdent wonders if gordc is a crypto-fascist13:35
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thorst1so I guess the question is...with the external plugin future, should it be a list of choices?  If so, I could add powervm to it.  If not, I could update it so the validated choices are in the help text.13:36
gordc... is there a difference between fascist and facist? because if so, i've been using it wildly inappropriately.13:36
cdenta "facist" would be a "face-ist" and probably not what you mean13:37
cdentthorst1: I think that change should be reverted, but I'm not sure I'm in the majority on this, thus my current badgering of gordc13:38
gordcthorst1: i think we need quick debate. whether to add to it choices or drop choices completely.13:38
thorst1seems like a good approach.  I can work around it for now, maybe something for the ceilometer meeting in a little over an hour?13:39
gordcadding to agenda13:39
cdentthorst1: that's incredibly sensible of you, I'm not sure that's allowed ;)13:39
gordcwe usually just grab bats and see who last person standing is.13:40
thorst1ooo, that'd be a fun booth in Tokyo13:40
cdentgordc is only ptl because he has a lot of baseball experience so knows how to use a bat13:40
gordctrue story.13:40
gordci'm the only north american so really i was only one with a bat.13:41
thorst1I went to the batting cages a few months back...I think I managed contact with 2 or 3 of the pitches...13:41
gordclucky for you, you might be in running for ptl.13:41
gordci think going to batting cages and not getting hit by a ball from machine or foul is a win.13:43
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cdentjd__, sileht: is there a reason there is not history option GETting one resource?14:04
cdentyou can either get history when doign a get_all14:04
cdentor do POST of a complex search14:04
jd__cdent: I don't think there is a reason14:04
cdentI keep wanting to do it, so I guess I'll add it?14:04
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jd__cdent: sure go ahead14:07
jd__gordc: boss I'll be AFK during the meeting14:07
gordcjd__: cool cool14:08
* cdent makes a bug as a reminder since I'm not going to do it _right_ now14:08
jd__cdent: good idea14:08
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gordcjiaxi_: hey14:14
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jiaxi_Jekins is ill ?14:14
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gordcjiaxi_: yep. i don't have a link to confirm what is wrong though.14:16
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gordcyou can ask in openstack-infra but best to not bother them and let them work it out.14:17
jiaxi_gordc: You are right. They are working on it14:17
gordcf... possibly another memory leak in notification agent14:25
cdentgordc: :(14:26
gordci'm going up 10MB per min14:26
gordcat 5s polling14:26
gordci think the constant CPU load might be related to pipeline.14:28
gordcdefault one worker it will hover around 10% CPU load.14:28
gordcwith event disable, one worker, it will hover around 6%14:29
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cdentgordc: i'm on a 10s polling with 4 notification-agents (from master) and seeing stable memory use14:39
cdentI assume you are on one your branches?14:40
cdent(floating around 230/50 drs/rss)14:41
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gordcrss started at ~80M, went to 113M.14:42
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Enable entry points for new declarative meters
cdentgordc: how long have you been running?14:44
gordci've been jumping back and forth testing random branches so that might be it.14:44
gordccdent: 5 days?14:44
cdentyou've had the same notification agent process alive for 5 days?14:45
gordcadmittedly i did see collector spike at some point and i just ignored and restarted and it was fine.14:45
gordcoh no. i've had my machine on for 5 since last reboot14:45
cdenta messed up thing about python is that it never gives memory back14:46
cdentso if at some point your process gets large, it will stay large14:46
cdentpython will reuse that empty memory but not return it to the OS14:46
* gordc has faith in magic garbage collect14:46
cdentso there can be pretty significant ramp up period while the process grows as it explores all its nooks and grannies before it hits a stable period14:47
cdentmy notification-agentshave been up for nearly 4 hours14:47
cdentand they and the collectors have stable (but what I would consider high) memory use14:48
gordcwill reboot and leave system up later today.14:48
gordcwill focus on this idle CPU load item for now.14:48
cdentgordc: we're you round when I was talking to sileht about that?14:48
gordccdent: do you see that?14:49
gordccdent: possibly? something about heartbeat?14:49
cdentthe listeners sit in a tight epoll_wait tight loop which can cause some cpu usage14:49
gordcyeah i think i was there for that.14:49
cdentif you turn off the listeners the processes sti truly idle14:49
gordcor i came back and read.14:50
gordci added some comments to bug14:50
gordcafter the fact14:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1478135 in Ceilometer "notification agent never idles" [High,New]14:50
* cdent is not getting all the bug emails he thought he was signed up for14:50
cdenthmm, interesting14:51
cdenti shall have to try my fiddling again14:51
cdent(I'm not sure if I was looking post sample receipt)14:52
* cdent makes meeting coffee14:52
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* gordc thinks it's pipeline.14:57
gordcif i disable pipelines but keep listeners it's fine. will look after meeting.14:57
openstackgerritRohit Jaiswal proposed openstack/ceilometer: Separates event listener from sample listener
gordcfriendly reminder, we have meeting now.15:01
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haypojd__, sileht : hi. i ran "tox -e py34" in aodh. remaining python 3 issues are non trivial (no obvious python 3 issue)15:34
haypoany idea to debug them? for example, a content type is None on a request object15:34
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cdentgordc: in typical fashion I don't understand your latest comment on the notification agent load bug15:52
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cdentI feel like maybe we need couples therapy or something15:52
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gordc... do i get a doll so i can point to where you hurt me?15:53
cdentyour the one with the baseball bat15:53
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gordccdent: true true15:54
cdentanyway I wanted to replicate what you tried but since I couldn't understand what you tried I didn't15:54
gordcbasically i turned off store_events which essentially doesn't build the event_pipeline15:54
gordcthat dropped CPU load15:54
cdentso even when you weren't sending any events, having the even pipeline present was causing load?15:55
gordcseems like it15:55
gordcor there's a difference between having store_events on and store_events off.15:55
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gordcnext i disabled setup_pipeline and skipped it in appropriate places but still keeping listeners on15:56
gordcso basically i had listeners enabled but they just tossed each notification before pipeline stage15:57
gordcwhen i did that, it would have expected cpu load when notifications arrived... but would idle at zero when nothing15:57
cdentare you savvy to strace and lsof?15:58
gordccdent: i need to google what lsof is15:59
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gordcis that a good enough answer? :)15:59
cdentit tells you what filedescriptors in a process are associated with what files, sockets, etc15:59
cdentwhich is handy when you're using strace, which will will show you the syscalls of a running process15:59
cdentso if you see that is epoll_wait on filedescriptor 3 you can go to lsof and find out what that is16:00
cdentand usually know slightly more16:00
cdenthaypo: I seem to remember that as a bug in pecan or webtest or webob16:01
haypocdent: the traceback points to webtest16:01
haypo  File "/home/haypo/prog/openstack/aodh/.tox/py34/lib/python3.4/site-packages/webtest/", line 499, in json16:01
haypo    if not self.content_type.endswith(('+json', '/json')):16:01
haypocdent: do you mean that the bug can be in webtest, not in aodh or how aodh uses webtest?16:02
cdenthaypo: _maybe_16:02
cdentI'm trying to refresh my memory16:02
haypocdent: the content_type of the response is None16:02
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gordccdent: after 15hr you need a recheck. tempest karma.16:05
gordcnever criticise the gods16:05
* cdent sighs16:05
cdentthat's my whole life16:05
cdentwhy be alive unless it is to challenge the gods16:06
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cdenthaypo: webtest never assigns self.content_type, but its super webob.Response does16:08
haypocdent: we told me that it's not a good thing to write a robot to automatically recheck16:08
haypogordc: ^^16:08
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gordci should change to full time recheck robot. i will track down all rechecks16:09
lakshmiSquestion on glance notifications. For searchlight project we will be suggesting glance team to add new data(tags) to notifications. will it impact ceilometer if its see new fields in glance notifications?16:10
gordclakshmiS: new fields? no. it will only show up in metadata and raw fields16:11
gordcif you want to do something with the new fields, you'll need to declare it in ceilometer.16:11
lakshmiSgordc: thats good news. thanks16:11
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: api: dogpile cache for getting resource
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't update resource if nothing has changed
gordclakshmiS: np16:11
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cdenthaypo: it's probably WSME16:17
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gordccdent: ha!16:20
praddoes the intel ci do anything useful today? i rarely see it pass16:21
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cdentprad that failure is usually the result of network problems the intel folk are aware16:23
pradah ok16:24
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: api: dogpile cache for getting resource
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't update resource if nothing has changed
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* cdent is never going to catch up with the rate of sileht and jd__ patches16:41
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cdentsileht: is your aodh,ceilo,gnocchi,heat stuff committed anywhere?16:51
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haypocdent: holy crap, i think i found it16:58
haypoif (state['status_code'] / 100) not in (2, 3):16:58
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cdentnice find17:00
haypocdent: it took me one hour of pdb17:01
haypo(and print)17:01
haypoceilometer has the same bug17:01
haypowhich probably explains a lot of things17:01
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cdentdoing math on status codes is bad mojo17:02
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haypocdent: well, why not17:03
cdentbecause though they are numeric they are not numbers17:03
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/aodh: Port remaining tests to Python 3
* haypo invokes the daemons of Python 317:04
haypojd__: one line to port aodh to Python 3 :-D17:04
cdenthaypo I dropped a quick "delete the entire py34 env" comment17:06
cdentI can't _wait_ until everythign is py3 that will make me very happy17:07
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/aodh: Port remaining tests to Python 3
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haypocdent: what do you mean by "everything?"17:09
haypocdent: ok. in this case, you must vote for my talk and advertise it :)17:10
cdentis today the last day of voting?17:11
haypocdent: i have no idea17:13
cdentI think I saw something like that.17:13
cdentanyway, I voted, because I in face "would love to see!"17:13
cdentfact, not face17:13
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix WSGI replacement_start_response() on Python 3
haypocdent: cool, thanks ;)17:15
haypoand here --^ is the fix for ceilometer17:16
* cdent waves17:16
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silehtcdent, infra: and gabbi tests:
cdentawesome, thanks17:40
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cdentsileht: I guess you decided not use <@ for the heat template?17:44
silehtcdent, the template is finally short17:45
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't update resource if nothing has changed
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: tests: add an integration test
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/ceilometer: tests: add an integration test
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Convert identity, sahara and volume to meters yaml
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openstackgerritIlya Tyaptin proposed openstack/ceilometer: [MongoDB] Cast Int64 values to float
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openstackgerritIlya Tyaptin proposed openstack/ceilometer: [MongoDB] Refactor indexes for meter and resources
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openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen proposed openstack/ceilometer: Remove the compute inspector choice restriction
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thorst1I've noticed in the PowerVM compute inspector...whenever a sample is collected I end up with multiple cpu_util entries.  I think the behavior is occurring because I've implemented both the CPUStats and CPUUtilStats (looks like all other inspectors only do one).  It looks like something is taking the CPUStats and translating that to CPUUtilStats...but I can't find that logic.  Does someone know where that is offhand?19:57
gordcthorst1: in the pipeline we compute a cpu_util value the cpu time.20:00
gordcyou'd probably want to disble that in your setup20:01
thorst1yeah.  PowerVM does 'partial' processors.  So you could get like .35 processors.  It can mess with that calculation I think20:01
thorst1or at least, that's where I'm seeing the issues.  :-)20:02
gordci'd imagine. the rate of change transformer makes some assumption and is fairly basic20:02
thorst1OK - I'll take a peak around and figure out how I could turn this off.  Thank you for the quick reference!20:05
gordcthorst1: you can delete this section:
gordcthat should be good enough.20:06
thorst1so its a yaml deletion only?  I'm thinking from say that deployment to automate the deployment for it.  Conf file changes are easy.20:08
gordcthe pipeline.yaml file is meant to be edited, just that most people dont. by default, it gives you everything and according to a typical libvirt setup.20:09
gordcif your driver already calculates cpu_util, that pipeline (the part i delete) should not be in your file.20:10
thorst1alright.  So this can definitely be something we document.  We're going to get started on that stuff.20:10
thorst1maybe I can include a 'default for powervm' yaml file in my stackforge project for now20:11
gordcyeah. that can work. i don't see us changing pipeline file in this cycle... maybe next... probably not.20:12
thorst1yeah, totally understand20:12
thorst1thanks so much for the info.  Saved me a lot of time  :-D20:12
gordci think from deployement pov it could probably be done using puppet or something.20:12
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* gordc gives up trying to debug notification agent20:41
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openstackgerritMike Dorman proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix kafka broker 'pop from empty list' error
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix more tests on Python 3
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