Saturday, 2015-05-30

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woodster_elmiko: take care!00:09
woodster_miguelgrinberg: thanks for the thoughts00:10
miguelgrinbergwoodster_: np, if you find out more about the race condition issue with heat let me know00:10
woodster_miguelgrinberg: will do00:11
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kfox1111miguelgrinberg: alive?00:18
miguelgrinbergkfox1111: and kicking ;-)00:18
kfox1111woodster_ mentioned you were interested in the barbican acl race.00:18
miguelgrinbergyes, I was wondering what was that about00:19
kfox1111say you create a heat autoscaling group that launches heat stacks that look like the following:00:19
kfox11111 resource for launching a vm paused and creating a keystone user for it. 1 resource that takes the user from the other resource, and tries to enable that user to access barbican secret X, a resource that after all acl's are done, unpauses the vm, a wait condition to pause until the vm's ready, and a resource that adds the vm to a load balancer.00:21
kfox1111now, heat will automatically launch and delete vms at whim.00:21
kfox1111it may launch 2 vm's at roughly the same time, or launch one while deleting another, or deleting several at a time.00:22
kfox1111If the barbican acl api is "download the acl document, change it, upload a new one"00:22
kfox1111each of the instances of the heat barbican acl resource will do that behavior and potentially upload incorrect documents.00:23
kfox1111ie, download, download, change, change, upload, upload, one of the two changes is dropped.00:23
kfox1111but both think they succeeded.00:23
miguelgrinbergokay, I think I understand. So what I suggested to woodster_ is to expose the ACL as a collection, then you can use REST semantics00:23
kfox1111exactly. :)00:24
woodster_kfox1111: so two resources are configuring state for one VM?00:24
kfox1111no. each acl resource maps to just one vm. but they point at the same secret/acl00:24
kfox1111for example, a wild card certificate. :)00:24
miguelgrinbergright, so let's say you have your secret endpoint as /secrets/{secret_id}00:24
woodster_kfox1111: so two VMs share one secret?00:25
kfox1111yes. :)00:25
miguelgrinberginstead of having the ACL inside that resource representation, add another endpoint /secrets/{secret_id}/users00:25
kfox1111in a heat autoscaling group, the vm's are identical in function. it lets you scale with load.00:25
miguelgrinbergthen to add a user send a PUT request to /secrets/{secret_id}/users/miguel00:25
miguelgrinbergto delete same thing but with DELETE00:26
miguelgrinbergthen both can be changing the ACL list at the same time00:26
kfox1111miguelgrinberg: exactly what I suggested yesterday. :)00:26
kfox1111we're on the same page. :)00:26
miguelgrinbergawesome, that's very RESTful in my opinion00:26
woodster_I don't think per user policy is the correct way to handle that. keystone is considering a user group approach that would support group based ACLs00:26
kfox1111woodster_: that may simplify things a bit, but the problem is not just isolated to heat.00:27
kfox1111if heat is modifying an acl, and a user does at the same time, the same problem happens.00:27
kfox1111it really should be solved RESTfully. :/00:28
woodster_Well I would agree that is better than PATCHing!00:28
miguelgrinbergthis has nothing to do with heat, heat just happens to make lots of calls into lots of APIs00:28
kfox1111of all places you don't want a race condition, its in your authorization subsystem. :)00:28
miguelgrinbergwell, problem solved :)00:30
woodster_I'm still not comfortable with multiple processes modifying shared resources concurrently....seems dangerous.00:30
kfox1111sure. but its unavoidable. it will happen.00:30
miguelgrinbergthat's true of any API, you can't control what your clients do00:30
woodster_I think user groups are really the correct way to manage this00:31
kfox1111assume it will happen, and design api's that can handle it safely.00:31
kfox1111Your going to see the same issue when two admins try and modify the same acl at the same time.00:32
kfox1111groups don't solve it.00:32
woodster_I agree as a general statement but for orchestration in particular is makes for a more complicated system.00:32
kfox1111groups are a performance optomization only.00:32
kfox1111heh. we're all ready about 100x more complicated then my previous suggested solution to the vm-integration system. ;)00:33
woodster_If I could put shared secrets in a group that all VM instance users are part of, I only have to mod ACL on that secret once00:33
woodster_Less chatter as a minimum00:33
kfox1111the keystone groups stuff will make it 120%. :/00:33
kfox1111lets see....00:34
kfox1111you woudl create a group in the over template, and associate it with the secret,00:34
woodster_120% for traffic you mean? Why would that be meta data passed along to service like roles?00:34
kfox1111then in each instance you would still have to bind the instance user to the group. it wouldn't decrease traffic, just move it from barbican acl api to keystone group api.00:35
woodster_That *not* be meta, from keystone, that is00:35
kfox1111no, I mean 120% more complicated then the initial vm-integration solution I proposed. ;)00:35
kfox1111the simple nova plugin -> barbican api tweaks one. :)00:35
kfox1111the instance user one so far is like 9 blueprints across almost as many projects. :/00:36
woodster_kfox1111:that's where policy/access stuff should live :)00:36
kfox1111and I'm thinking there are still a few.00:36
kfox1111woodster_: heh. then why do acl's at all? ;)00:36
kfox1111its keystones job.00:36
kfox1111I don't nessisarily disagree, but getting the keystone folks to accept that is a very hard thing. :/00:37
kfox1111The vm-integration spec/actual implementation took me like 8 hours to right. The instance-user variant will be weeks-months probably and longer to actually land. :/00:38
woodster_Well I think we are hogging the API channel with Barbican foo now, sorry miguelgrinberg :)00:38
kfox1111I'm willing to do it because I think it will make the guest agent problem better too.00:38
miguelgrinbergno problem :)00:38
kfox1111but projects really need to stop pushing all the work to the other projects. :/00:39
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kfox1111one more quick one miguelgrinberg,00:39
kfox1111barbican has secrets, and containers. both have acls.00:39
kfox1111for the heat stuff, I'm mostly interested in containers, and getting all the secrets out to the vm.00:39
kfox1111currently the api only allows you to set acls on containers and secrets seperatly. acl on container doesn't affect the secrets listed in the container.00:40
kfox1111and one secret can be in multiple containers.00:40
kfox1111If I make a heat resource that takes in a container name, and adds the vm user to the acl in the container, and then iterates on all of the secrets, and adds it to all of the secrets too, I think thats pretty racy too.00:41
miguelgrinbergdo you need the acls on the container and all secrets updated?00:42
miguelgrinbergcan you just rely on container-level ACLs?00:42
miguelgrinbergsorry if it is a dumb question :-)00:42
kfox1111I just want the vm to be able to download any secret listed in the specified container.00:42
kfox1111currently its not implemented that way. I was hoping it would be that simple.00:42
miguelgrinbergit sounds like you'd want the barbican side to do the iteration00:43
kfox1111shoudl we push to change it so container acl's ripple down to the secrets listed in them?00:43
miguelgrinbergso you add a user to the container ACL and that user shows up on all the secrets in it00:43
miguelgrinbergand on any secrets added later00:43
kfox1111oh, and secrets removed.00:44
miguelgrinbergright, that needs to be handled too00:44
miguelgrinbergwhich is an expensive way of saying we are only going to use container ACLs00:44
kfox1111wouldn't want users forgotten to be removed because they were removed from the container.00:44
kfox1111woodster_: should I file  blueprint for this?00:45
miguelgrinbergideally you want secrets to inherit the container ACL, plus their own00:45
woodster_The multiple container per secret makes this very tough00:46
miguelgrinbergthe key is in the word "inherit", not sure about the implementation, but the idea is that the lookup is doing done in both places00:46
kfox1111What about adding back the container secret download endpoint I was talking about before.00:47
miguelgrinbergyou have to search the secret and container ACLs00:47
kfox1111if you try and download the secret through the container, then it only has to check the one container acl.00:47
miguelgrinbergwell, okay, then it isn't too complicated00:48
kfox1111so container acl's would only aply when accessing /container/<uuid>/secret/<name>/00:48
kfox1111or /container/<name>/secret/<name>/00:48
kfox1111very similar to the api I had in the vm-integration spec.00:49
kfox1111I've got most of an implementation there aready too.00:49
kfox1111Ok. I think I'll write up a spec for this. its getting complicated enough that we should nail down all the details explicitly.00:49
kfox1111but it doesn't seem very hard to actually implement.00:49
miguelgrinbergglad I could help00:50
kfox1111yup. thanks. :)00:50
kfox1111have a great weekend guys. :)00:50
woodster_kfox1111: you too00:51
kfox1111I'll try and post a spec monday.00:51
miguelgrinbergyou too :)00:51
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