Wednesday, 2020-09-16

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BlackFXIs there a way to set the containers up to log to the log host using systemd-journal-remote ?06:47
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jrosserBlackFX: everything is there to allow systemd remote journals but you need to be aware of this
BlackFXAwesome. thank you!07:28
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jrosserBlackFX: something really handy to know about is codesearch.openstack.org08:03
jrosserif you search for the variable that enables remote journals, like this
jrosseryou can click straight through to the git repo and look at the code08:04
BlackFXOh, I like that - thank you :)08:04
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mensisjrosser: hi, thanks for the reply, i'm trying to install constraints like in glance as you mentioned. While there is one repo in glance, there are many repos in monasca. How can i combine those repos of monasca into one constraint and use it with python_venv role?08:36
mensisThis is what i've tried, in defaults/main.yml, and in tasks/main.yml
mensisShould i write python_venv_build for every service of monasca? (monasca-api, monasca-thresh etc.)08:39
mensisThanks in advance for your help08:39
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jrossermensis: for something with multiple repos, neutron is a good example
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SecOpsNinjahello everyone. how is the best way to find the corresponding lxc container to tap... interface in a brq... bridge?10:11
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SecOpsNinjaim asking because in my external bridge i cant find the corresponding interfaces corresponding to ${CONTAINER_UNIQUE_ID}_${NETWORK_DEVICE_NAME}10:14
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Define condition for the first play host one time
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CeeMacjrosser: reading that thread for journal vacuum looks like it was resolved in systemd v244, is it the case we're waiting on systemd v244 getting incorporated somewhere upstream for osa?11:25
jrosserCeeMac: yeah, i guess it needs distros to be shipping that, or someone adventurous to upgrade theirs!11:26
CeeMacjrosser: fair.  I'm sure ive looked into that thread a while back too11:26
CeeMaclooks like focal is shipping with 24511:28
CeeMaccentos 8 might be stuck with 239 though11:31
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_barbican master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_heat master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: Define condition for the first play host one time
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SecOpsNinjahello everyone. how can i find the cause of a k8s failure in a specif stack? i was able to  fidn that the stack that failed was of type OS::Heat::ResourceGroup but i can't find any information in lxc heat container logs13:27
SecOpsNinjasecond is there any way to know what coreos password did heat put in fedora-coreos configuration when instructed by magnum to create a k8s cluster?13:28
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_mistral master: Define condition for the first play host one time
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_masakari master: Define condition for the first play host one time
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Added Openstack Senlin role deployment
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ChiToHi guys, I am deploying an environment but I am getting stuck at the venv wheel builds for keystone node/service because there is a file that the system is expecting but it is not on the repo server, the file is the keystone-10.1.5-constraints.txt, it simply says the file is not found and the playbook just finishes with the Failed status on that node, do you have any clue why that specific constraints file is not15:56
ChiToloaded/downloaded? I noticed the other constraints files like globals, etc. are already on the /var/www/repo/os-releases but the only one missing is the keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt. Any clue by chance what is going on?15:56
spatelChiTo: are you doing AIO or 3 node controller?15:57
ChiTospatel: I am using 3 node controller16:00
ChiTospatel: with HAProxy as well16:00
spatelcheck all 3 repo server and see if they are in sync (lsyncd daemon is responsible for that)16:01
spateli would say verify that file across all 3 nodes16:01
ChiTospatel: yes, I did it actually, but that file is the only one missing16:02
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ChiTospatel: Is there any tearing down playbook or role, to reprovision the repo servers?16:02
ChiToor in general all my environment16:02
ChiTobecause usually I just leverage the nature of ansible and I reexecute the playbooks16:03
ChiTobut I would prefer to tear everything down and to redeploy16:03
ChiToto see if that file is downloaded properly and synced across the controllers/repos16:03
spatelI don't think its repo server issue. but if you want to destroy everything and re-build then you need to delete all container and remove data directory then you can re-build everything from scratch16:03
ChiToI am using just bare metal/VMs16:04
ChiTowith no_containers on true16:04
spatelyou can just try to re-run repo playbook and see16:04
noonedeadpunkChiTo: that doesn't cancel the fact of existance of repo stuff16:04
noonedeadpunkit's just placed on nodes but not in containers16:05
spatelwhat is the reason you pick bare metal and not container?16:05
noonedeadpunkas well as lsyncd is expected to exist16:05
ChiToso the keystone-**-constraints is triggered through the taskfor the venv on openstack yamls or the setup-hosts (repo playbook?)16:05
noonedeadpunkcan you past error?16:06
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: understood, so at the end I need to redeploy the repo and to figure out why the keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt is not loaded?16:06
ChiTosure thing16:06
jrosserthat file should be created by the python_venv_build role16:06
jrosserand i think that there is some cleanup that may delete files if the venv build fails16:07
ChiToI am reexecuting now to catch the error / raise right now16:07
spateljrosser: does keystone role deploy that file?16:07
jrossereach role which calls python_venv_build will result in some of those files being created, so yes it will be done via the keystone role16:09
noonedeadpunkbut still I think it's delegated to the "repo hosts"16:09
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jrosseryes i think so16:10
noonedeadpunkso probably in case of lsyncd issue, it can be missing during futher retrieving16:10
noonedeadpunk(not sure though)16:10
spateljrosser: just curious why do we need keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt file on repo, if i am not wrong this file is part of keystone source package and setup can read from source directory itself. (just curious to find out)16:11
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jrosserafaik is a file generated by the venv build role to specify the exact constraints which are used for building the keystone venv16:11
ChiTofatal: [brlp-ope-key1 ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "file not found: /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt"}16:11
noonedeadpunkI gues it's to use pre-build wheels16:11
spatelnoonedeadpunk: in past i had issue with lsyncd (where it failed to start) and i had seen this kind of errors..16:11
ChiTothat is the fatal/FAILED error16:12
noonedeadpunkChiTo: please check lsyncd status on repo_all[0] host16:12
ChiTosure thing16:13
spatelnoonedeadpunk: but if that file missing on all 3 repo nodes then its not going to help with lsyncd right?16:13
noonedeadpunkyeah. right16:13
noonedeadpunkbut it's being removed in case of failure I guess16:13
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noonedeadpunk(I can mix things up ofc)16:14
spatelcheck logs on like /var/log/python_venv_build* (something like that)16:14
noonedeadpunkso you should fast ctrl+c to see it existing :p16:14
ChiTothe only lsycnd.log information is coming from yesterday night16:15
ChiToit looks like it did not log on this latest triggering16:15
ChiToI just see:16:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:45 2020 Normal: Executing precmd: /usr/bin/ssh -l nginx -i /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5 "sudo /var/www/repo/ pre-www"16:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:46 2020 Normal: Collecting event, exitcode: 016:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:46 2020 Normal: Finished a list after exitcode: 016:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:46 2020 Normal: Executing postcmd: /usr/bin/ssh -l nginx -i /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5 "sudo /var/www/repo/ post-www"16:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:47 2020 Normal: Collecting event, exitcode: 016:15
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:47 2020 Normal: Finished a list after exitcode: 016:16
ChiToTue Sep 15 22:34:47 2020 Normal: Executing postcmd: /usr/bin/ssh -l nginx -i /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5 "sudo /var/www/repo/ post-www"16:16
noonedeadpunklooks valid...16:17
ChiTothis log is on the ctrl116:17
ChiTobut there is no lsyncd.log on ctrl2 nor ctrl316:17
noonedeadpunk(ps please use for pasting logs)16:17
ChiTosure thing thx16:17
noonedeadpunkthere should be only one lsyncd16:18
noonedeadpunkand can you check if is delegated to the same host?16:18
noonedeadpunk I guess16:18
ChiTothat is the correct the .1116:19
ChiToit is delegated there16:19
ChiToI am gonna increase the verbosity on the openstack-ansible and re execute because I remember I catched an ssh failed connection16:20
ChiTolet me re execute it16:20
spatelChiTo: try "locate  keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt"  and see if you can find it anywhere in system16:21
spatelit should be in /openstack/vens/keystone.....16:21
ChiTospatel: Yep, I have search for it but unfortunately is not on the system16:21
noonedeadpunkBut that task passes for you which means that it was created....16:22
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: It should be on the repo right?16:22
noonedeadpunkI believe it is. in case you run in verbose, you can check where it puts it16:23
ChiToyep it supposes it is created on the /var/www/repo/os-releases16:23
ChiTolet me reexecute it brb guys16:24
spatelalso check logs /var/log/python_venv_build* it will give you lots of info16:24
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ChiTospatel: on the controller right?16:24
spatelin my case i have keystone container where i found them16:25
spatelin -vvvvv it will show you where its dumping logs16:25
spatelits /var/log/python_venv_build.log16:27
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spatelmay be something here -
spatelansible-role-python_venv_build playbook is responsible to dump file on repo server and somehow its not.16:36
spatelas jrosser mentioned if it failed somewhere then it won't copy that file.. or clean up16:37
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mgariepyebbex, ceph-volume stuff:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: How to upgrade from xenial to bionic on rocky
ChiToHi guys, I reexecuted the playbook after removing all the files in the repo server, I noticed the file is missing yet but now I got a different error related to a Failed pip building "scrypt" I got this msg:17:51
ChiToand based on your spatel recommendation I got the error in the python_wheel_build.log:
spatelChiTo: that explain everything17:54
spatelwhat OS ? version are you running?17:54
ChiTospatel: I am on CentOS 7.817:54
spatelopenstack version?17:54
ChiTospatel: Train with OSA 20.1.517:54
ChiTobut I did not get the17:55
ChiTomissing file17:55
ChiToeven if it was not generated, are those files generated after the pip success?17:55
spateljrosser: and noonedeadpunk can explain more about that17:56
spatelbased on error mesg - ERROR: Failed building wheel for scrypt17:56
spateldid you check /var/log/python_venv_build.log17:57
ChiTospatel: yes, but I just got these latest lines:
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noonedeadpunkcan you paste like whole output of the run?18:01
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: sure thing, the ansible.log or the venv logs?18:01
ChiToI ran it with 5 v's18:01
noonedeadpunkmaybe even without so much v's :)18:02
ChiTosure let me reexecute it with just 2 v's :)18:02
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ChiTonoonedeadpunk: not sure why but the Lodge It server from does limit about 600 lines, so I share you this link:
ChiTothis was the last ansible.log try and now it shows up the file missing for the constraints.txt18:55
noonedeadpunkoh. hm18:58
noonedeadpunk`Task "Build constraints file for installation purposes" has been omitted from the job`18:59
noonedeadpunk^ that shouldn't happen18:59
noonedeadpunkactually it should execute but not be skipped18:59
ChiToshould I change the keystone_install_method variable perhaps?19:00
noonedeadpunkI think it's source by default19:00
noonedeadpunkI'm wondering where this condition comes from19:01
noonedeadpunkI see only `venv_wheel_build_enable` in that file19:02
noonedeadpunkah, I see19:03
noonedeadpunkblock inside block19:03
noonedeadpunkyou know what....19:03
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: got it, shall we tear it down and re execute setup-hosts?19:04
noonedeadpunkChiTo: try just dropping /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/keystone-20.1.5-requirements.txt on .11 host19:05
noonedeadpunkthen it will trigger _requirement_file as changed19:05
noonedeadpunkand should finally build constraints19:06
ChiTosure, let me try it, the lsyncd automatically will replicate to the other controllers?19:06
noonedeadpunkbut probably worth adding some force variable....19:06
noonedeadpunkit's supposed to)19:07
ChiTogot it, re-deploying playbook...19:09
noonedeadpunkalso ofc you can try disabling venv_wheel_build_enable, but not sure it's really good idea (in terms of deployment speed)19:09
ChiTowithout the requirements on the repo19:09
noonedeadpunkyeah, shoot it19:09
noonedeadpunkah, you just needed to use `-e venv_rebuild=true` as argument - my bad sorry19:11
noonedeadpunkthat would drop these files for you:)19:12
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: oh great hint, you mean along the openstack-ansible cli right?19:13
ChiTojust as an additional flag19:13
ChiToright now the wheels are in the process of building19:15
ChiToand so far we are getting a: FAILED - RETRYING: Build wheels for the packages to be installed into the venv (3 retries left).19:15
spateltrying to catchup.. so what was the issue?19:17
ChiTospatel: Hi, still on diagnosing with noonedeadpunk but so far we have removed the *requirements.txt to allow to rebuild the files, right now the wheels are rebuilding19:18
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spateljust curious why did you did that bug?19:19
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ChiTonoonedeadpunk: This is the output after removing the keystone-20.1.5-requirements.txt file, I noticed it was regenerated but still missing the keystone-20.1.5-constraints.txt:
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ChiTospatel: yeah me too, it is the first time I hit it, I did not see it in previous versions but not sure if the venv_build change some code from the 20.1.1 to the 20.1.519:25
ChiTothe only change I have done in the last 5 days was to upgrade from .1 to .5 but I never ran the setup-openstack with the .1 so it is the 1st I hit the bug19:26
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spatelI can still see error - ERROR: Failed building wheel for scrypt19:28
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: I am reexecuting with the venv_rebuild extra var to make sure everythiing is rebuilt19:28
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: This is the log with venv_rebuild=true
noonedeadpunkChiTo: sorry, was out of pc19:41
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: no prob, on the contrary thanks for your time19:42
noonedeadpunkok, this is closer to the issue, which is actually build failure19:42
ChiTothis is the list of files generated19:42
ChiTosince Sep 11th I noticing the utility-* as well19:42
noonedeadpunk`ERROR: Failed building wheel for scrypt` looks like the isue19:43
noonedeadpunkooook, I think the issue might be in py2.....19:43
noonedeadpunkand py3 for centos is supported only since ussuri (21.0.0)19:44
noonedeadpunkI think you can reproduce it by running on .1119:45
noonedeadpunk`/openstack/venvs/wheel-builder-python2/bin/pip wheel --requirement /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/keystone-20.1.5-requirements.txt --constraint /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/keystone-20.1.5-global-constraints.txt --constraint /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/keystone-20.1.5-source-constraints.txt --wheel-dir /tmp/keystone-20.1.5/ --find-links /var/www/repo/os-releases/20.1.5/centos-7.8-x86_64/ --log /var/log/python_wheel_build.log`19:45
ChiTounderstood, let me execute it19:45
noonedeadpunkoh wait19:46
noonedeadpunkcan you post output of  /var/log/python_wheel_build.log ?19:46
noonedeadpunkscrypt 0.8.13 seems to be supported by py219:47
spatelChiTo: why are you not using CentOS-8 ?  believe starting something on centos-7 today would be little dangerous because developer move forward..19:48
jrosserdidn’t we ha e the venvs as py3 for train?19:49
ChiTospatel: unfortunately my end user needs train for that deployment and not ussuri/centos 8.x :(19:49
jrossereven if the host was py2-ish19:49
noonedeadpunkjrosser: only for ubuntu?19:50
noonedeadpunkwe had hook that prevented centos from py3 venvs19:51
jrosseroh hmm19:51
noonedeadpunkand backporting py3 not sure how good idea is...19:51
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noonedeadpunkand tbh CI looked fine recently as well....19:53
spatelnoonedeadpunk: i would like to give it a shot with centos-7.8 + train (next week i am planning to upgrade my ocata to train )19:54
noonedeadpunkcan wish only good luck with that....19:54
noonedeadpunkI mean ocata....19:55
spateldon't say that :)19:55
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noonedeadpunkyeah, sorry, I should have been more optimistic :)19:56
spatelThis is very big problem sitting between two major OS release :(19:56
noonedeadpunkimo it's big problem when release you're sitting goes to eol....19:57
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noonedeadpunksince then upgrade path might become pretty tricky...19:57
spatelits not easy to upgrade OS on 400 compute nodes and expect no issue :)19:57
noonedeadpunkesp, when most of the releases are on the upgrade path way are eol as well19:58
spatelcurrently i am testing everything on lab with ussuri but with in few week we will have victoria :(19:58
noonedeadpunkofc you can try skipping some....19:58
spatelI am thinking to go with victoria direct19:59
noonedeadpunkI guss generally we provide upgrades once a year or so19:59
noonedeadpunkyeah, opensatck is missing some LTS releases...20:00
spateleveryone wants new feature every 6 months..20:00
noonedeadpunkI mean openstack i on the level when it's more about maintenance then really features20:01
spatelnoonedeadpunk: when are we going to merge senlin... (sorry for asking same question :D)20:03
spateli know its holding back on other patches but just curious when it will get clear20:03
noonedeadpunkas soon as it will pass gates:)20:04
noonedeadpunkif it won't fail then I guess about 3 hours20:04
spatelwhich gates holding it back? I am seeing all patches passed20:04
noonedeadpunkyeah, needed to push it what I just did20:05
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spatelcan you point me to patch which is failing or blocking gates20:09
noonedeadpunkok, let me rephrase it - was a dependant patch. It has merged, but not from the first try (but after recheck). In this case your patch got a bit stuck, as in such situations it won't go to gates automatically. Instead it should be pushed there with adding (or removing and adding) +W20:11
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noonedeadpunkso now it in gates as I've just pushed it there20:11
noonedeadpunkand nothing blocks it at this point20:12
spatelthank you for explanation20:13
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: The wheels log is huge but I am noticing there is no aes.h from openssl library, let me try to install openssl-devel on the centos 7 to see if that works20:18
noonedeadpunkI'm wondering if you have aes cpu instruction as well20:18
ChiToyes I do, I listed in proc/cpuinfo and the aes flag is shown20:20
noonedeadpunkhuh, yeah. try openssl-devel then, but I thought we install it...20:20
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: this is the error I caught let me install openssl-devel on 3 ctrollers because actually I did not have it20:21
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noonedeadpunkhm keystone_devel_distro_packages should be installed on the host where wheels are build (.11)20:22
ChiToare those vars set by default? because I did not set it on user_variables nor any additional yaml file20:23
noonedeadpunkwe don't have it for train o_O20:23
noonedeadpunkok, I added it lol
ChiToAwesome!! :)20:25
noonedeadpunkbut didn't backport20:25
ChiToI have installed openssl-devel, re executing now20:25
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/train: Add libssl devel package for CentOS and Suse
spatelfingers cross **20:29
ChiToit worked now!20:33
ChiTo2020-09-16T17:30:56,299 Successfully built argparse keystone python-ldap munch Mako pyngus Tempita simplejson pyinotify prettytable SQLAlchemy unicodecsv pycparser PyYAML pyperclip warlock python-qpid-proton dogpile.cache scrypt systemd-python yappi wrapt pyrsistent repoze.lru functools32 alembic scandir uWSGI20:33
ChiTothank you Dmitriy!20:34
noonedeadpunknot sure how we had it working in CI.... maybe because we have single host and we don't build wheels because of that....20:34
ChiTonow it is installing everything related to the keystone role so far so good20:34
ChiTonoonedeadpunk: unless you already had the openssl-devel installed on the CI environment20:35
noonedeadpunkor that, yes20:35
noonedeadpunkjrosser: how do you think - is it worth explicitly enabling venv_wheel_build_enable for CI builds?20:35
noonedeadpunkas I guess it's more typical path?20:36
noonedeadpunkbut it will be even more time in CI20:36
noonedeadpunkor maybe same...20:36
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Enable venv_wheel_build_enable for CI
noonedeadpunkjust placed it to see current status... we can have more input to decide...20:40
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Remove centos 7 jobs
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-tests master: Remove centos 7 jobs from templates
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_senlin master: Initial commit to os_senlin
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ChiTounfortunately I am hitting a new issue23:10
ChiToit looks like the keystone servics are installed on the key1 server but not on the key2 nor key3 because it says that is waiting until the services are up23:10
ChiToand it goes to the 5000 port on the vip from my haproxy but I am assuming it does not respond with a valid response code from keystone23:11
ChiToIt is stuck at the Wait for services to be up TASK forboth key2 node and key3 node:
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