Tuesday, 2021-04-06

*** sudhir has joined #openinfralabs05:53
*** fdegir4 is now known as fdegir10:22
*** jbrooks has quit IRC14:25
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: POST_FAILURE results between 14:00 and 15:50 UTC can be safely rechecked, and were due to authentication problems in one of our storage donor regions15:53
*** sudhir has quit IRC17:12
leifmadsenthere's a slack?18:20
leifmadsennot mentioned @ https://openinfralabs.org/community/18:20
fungileifmadsen: i think the foundation set up a slack space at the request of oilabs leadership and added a bot to synchronize messages between it and this irc channel, but then other folks set up a different slack space in parallel and i don't know who's using which one18:25

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