Friday, 2024-02-23

fungisorry for disappearing, laid down for a nap at lunch and was out for hours. fever's higher too, so i may not be on at all tomorrow00:17
clarkbfungi: get rest and I hope you feel better soon00:31
fungithanks! me too...00:53
fricklerclarkb: I saw there's also some opensuse references in the nodepool-base element, do we also want to clean those up or leave them there just in case?07:16
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Stop mirroring OpenSUSE Leap 15
prometheanfireanyone else having problems with gertty and urwid 2.4.6 (2.4.1 works) looks like they changed how overlays worked16:00
prometheanfirelooks like it was 2.4.216:06
clarkbfrickler: I thoguht about those but decided that keeping the build stuff around at least for some time would help any potential resurrection or local builds and doesn't hurt us too much. I'm mostly concerned abuot nodepool and the mirrors16:07
clarkbthe openafs person was able to reproduce the problem. No fix yet but they seem intersted in running it down16:13
prometheanfirewell, left but may poke at it a bit more16:26
prometheanfirehelp dialog pops up fine, but review doesn't16:26
fricklerclarkb: ack, I can agree to that16:31
fricklerbtw., the opensuse mirror update went fine, removed roughly 50% of the data there (115 -> 60.7 GB)16:32
clarkbyup I see that in grafana. The remaining space is related to the obs content which we should clear out with centos 716:35
clarkbI'm starting to put buster changes together now as well16:35
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Replace buster with bookworm in role integration testing
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Drop Debian Buster python wheel mirror publication jobs
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Set debian-buster min servers to 0
clarkbI think all three of those changes are safe to merge at any time16:42
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Drop debian buster testing
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Drop debian-buster nodesets
clarkbok that set of changes should get us to a point where we can start to remove stuff from nodepool16:51
clarkbtopic:drop-buster if you want the whole lot16:51
fungii will try to review those, but don't wait for me17:02
clarkbfungi: ya I don't think this is a rush. You should take it easy if you are still feeling unwell17:06
noonedeadpunkhey folks! I have a question - what would it take to move under openstack namespace?17:06
noonedeadpunkexcept governance approval?17:07
noonedeadpunkjust as any other fork - remove zuul config?17:07
clarkbnoonedeadpunk: you need to put the project on the rename requests list on our meeting agenda and push a change that makes the update in project-config. Then we have to schedule a gerrit downtime to rename it17:07
clarkbthe alternative is to fork/copy it into a new repo17:08
noonedeadpunkSounds like second is faster/easier....17:08
funginoonedeadpunk: but also an openstack/governance change. they can happen asynchronously17:08
clarkbconsidering where we are in the openstack release cycle I don't expect a gerrit downtime to happen for a little while. But that usually isn't a big problem becuse you can keep using the existing repo17:09
noonedeadpunkdoes it mean all existing patches will be moved as well?17:09
clarkbnoonedeadpunk: if we do the downtime process yes17:09
clarkbI think we would also want an ack from vexxhost that they are ok with any rename17:10
noonedeadpunkyeah, mnaser recently pinged me and suggested moving repo17:10
clarkbif not then you can fork or collaborate in the exsiting repo. If yes then all the options are available17:10
mnaseryeah I’d suggest rename or just an import to a new repo. I’m ok with whatever17:11
fungithe proper rename/move with downtime is preferable for a number of reasons. it preserves pending changes but also sets up redirects from the old name17:11
fungiand it doesn't leave an old abandoned repo behind17:12
noonedeadpunkmnaser: if you fine with bearing with outstanding patches to the repo (given I won't add you to reviewers or anything), I'd probably go with moving it?17:12
clarkbwe are R-5 ish I think and starting to get into freezes so figure we're at least 6 weeks away from a rename, but ya you can in theory just keep using the repo in its current location until that time17:13
noonedeadpunkas I need kinda to keep working on it until migration will happen17:13
noonedeadpunkand having huge series of changes works for me kinda17:13
noonedeadpunkYeah, I realize it's not earlier then mid-april or so...17:14
fungione possible complication... most vexxhost projects use their own separate vexxhost zuul tenant rather than the openstack tenant (this may not be 100% as zuul tenants and git namespaces are a disjoint set and not intrinsically related), but if you want to add official openstack jobs that might be hard to do in the vexxhost tenant. on the other hand, moving the repo's gate pipeline to a17:17
fungidifferent tenant is a fairly simple config change and can happen independently of the rename too17:17
clarkbalso you may not need those jobs for a bit depending17:18
noonedeadpunkyeah, exactly, I'm fine with having only tox ad default zuul-jobs17:18
noonedeadpunkso not biggue17:18
fungicool, i mainly bring it up because at some point you'll need to remember to switch that too17:19
noonedeadpunkyeah... true17:19
noonedeadpunkI already realized that some jobs/projects are missing jsut today :)17:19
noonedeadpunkas require-dprojects was slightly more deal breaker then jobs, but again - nothing crucial17:20
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/project-config master: Move vexxhost/ansible-role-frrouting to openstack namespace
noonedeadpunkI assume it should be smth like that? ^ and you do patch to opendev/project-config on your own?17:37
noonedeadpunkAs they're all "dated" so to say17:37
clarkbyes we'll do the record making change ourselves17:37
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/project-config master: Move vexxhost/ansible-role-frrouting to openstack namespace
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring TripleO projects
clarkbgmann: ^ that failed because you are deleting the acl config files for some projects that were not updated20:26
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Drop debian-buster image uploads from nodepool
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove debian-buster image builds from nodepool
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove debian buster package mirrors
clarkbI think that should be the set of changes needed for debian buster. As noted in the last change above we need to do manual reprepro cleanup steps after these changes merge21:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: rocky-container: Add installation of Minimal Install group
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring TripleO projects

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