Thursday, 2024-02-15

TheJuliao/ folks, can I get an autohold entered for the next failure of any job named ironic-tempest-ipa-partition-uefi-pxe-grub2 against openstack/ironic ? If you need a specific change, just let me know. Thanks00:47
TheJuliaactually, hold off on that00:50
TheJuliaI think it was my own mistake00:50
fungii'll be on the call in a sec14:03
TheJuliao/, can I get the next failure of networking-baremetal-multitenant-vlans held against openstack/networking-baremetal ?14:52
fungiTheJulia: we're on a call but i can knock it out in a minute or two15:05
TheJuliafungi: ack, I might have actually already figured it out, but hopefully it is a create and drop later item15:06
TheJuliano rush15:06
fungiTheJulia: added15:14
fungiof course15:40
fungiTheJulia: ssh root@
fungii'm headed out for a bite, should return within the hour18:17
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring openstack-chef projects
fungipython 3.13.0a4 is out! compiling now...21:25
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove openshift + zuul registry testing
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
fungifungi@rhan-tegoth:~$ python3.13 --version22:07
fungiPython 3.13.0a422:07

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