Friday, 2023-03-31

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: promote-container-image: add promote_container_image_method
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: remove-registry-tag: role to delete tags from registry
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: promote-container-image: use generic tag removal role
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: remove-registry-tag: update docker age match
*** Trevor is now known as Guest945302:03
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: promote-container-image: use generic tag removal role
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: remove-registry-tag: update docker age match
ianwlooks like per rax messages was migrated and rebooted04:57
ianwi've logged into it and it seems happy04:57
ianwafs in general seems happy04:58
ianwfungi/tonyb: i've written an auditor, it's basically working i think05:41
ianw is a sample of "wheels we have for centos-8-x86_64 that do not exist on pypi"05:41
ianwi.e. these might be helping.  the inverse of that would be stuff we could delete05:42
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Kayobe
ianwit's too long to paste but here's a feeling for the inverse05:58
fricklerjust for reference this is the job I had to check u-c builds without our wheels. it finally passed last month after a lot of cleanup had happened
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Kayobe
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fricklerhmm, why does zuul comment twice on my config error here? seems redundant
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opendevreviewHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update satellite_repo labels + add env var
noonedeadpunkHey folks, I was wondering what is the reason not to have a comment for re-gating failed check? To limit this possibility only to ones who have +W ?09:07
fricklernoonedeadpunk: at least one of the reasons it to avoid having patches with hard-failing jobs re-enter gate by enforcing a fresh clean check run to happen first09:10
fricklergate failures are much more costly due to speculative merging09:10
noonedeadpunkwell, you still could -+W kinda?09:12
fricklerit also reduces the chance of patches that cause intermediate failures getting merged09:12
fricklernoonedeadpunk: no, if zuul voted -2, you'll need a v+1 before the next +W takes effect09:12
noonedeadpunkah, yes, true09:13
fungifrickler: each zuul tenant a config is read in will comment, so maybe that project is in multiple tenants?11:13
fungithough it would probably help for it to indicate the tenant names in such cases, since a config change could in theory be erroneous in one tenant and not another11:13
fricklerfungi: I don't think kolla-ansible is used in a different tenant and I haven't found that in the zuul config, either11:38
fricklerfungi: checking open reviews, seems due now?11:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Kayobe
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for Placement projects
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Unpin nodeset for tag-releases
fungifrickler: oh, i didn't see you linked the change. skimming to quickly, sorry. i guess you're referring to how zuul added two identical inline comments on the file? i agree that seems odd12:07
fricklerfungi: ah, checking the logs it is different pipelines, check vs. check-arm64. maybe that's indeed something that could be added to the message 12:13
frickler2023-03-31 06:39:06,479 INFO zuul.Pipeline.openstack.check-arm64: [e: 76990013af184fa4a7fc07cf28a82d80] Reporting item <QueueItem e4e9a82d0b5b4acfb82a1edbacbc3f0c for <Change 0x7fe87e253310 12:13
frickleropenstack/kolla-ansible 879132,1> in check-arm64>, actions: [<GerritReporter: failure>]12:13
fungifrickler: and yes, thanks for spotting 878143, i meant to merge it on monday. i've pushed an update to correct the effective date and we can approve 87814412:14
fungioh, yes, multiple pipelines will also comment once per pipeline. good catch12:14
fungii agree, pipeline (and tenant?) name in the comments could help, though also i can see some benefit to keeping them short12:15
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fricklerwell the comment is pretty verbose already anyway IMO, citing the complete failing config item plus some more lines around it. I'll see if I can come up with a patch12:18
fungii concur, specificity trumps brevity for that12:19
fungilooks like "StorPool OpenStack CI" is commenting on changes with zuul config errors12:50
fungiactually, i guess it's probably only erroring on changes to openstack/project-config because it's complaining about "Pipelines may not be defined in untrusted repos..."12:53
fungithey need to adjust their tenant to limit what configuration they read from our repositories12:54
fricklerfungi: yes, but that's been going on for quite some time now. so far I considered it to be just below the level where I'd start to do something about it13:05
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Replace old Antelope cycle key with 2023.2/Bobcat
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mnasiadkafungi: coming back to setting Kayobe to read-only in Storyboard - can I ask for that now? :-)13:37
fungimnasiadka: i've got it on my to do list (was watching the change to make sure it deployed), but i have ptg sessions for the next 5 hours straight so not sure if i will get to it right away13:53
mnasiadkafungi: Understandable, I wasn't saying now now, just that it can be done in a convenient time :)13:53
fungiyep, i have several to do so will batch them up hopefully later today13:54
mnasiadkathanks :)13:55
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opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Add nested-virt-debian-bullseye label to nodepool
slittle1_does gerrit/projects.yaml still accept 'upstream:<url>' when defining a new project ?16:28
clarkbit should16:28
slittle1_it was a good way to init the opendev repo from an upstream source16:29
opendevreviewThales Elero Cervi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add virtualization (virt) repo to StarlingX
fungislittle1_: yes, as far as i know we haven't broken that16:42
fungislittle1_: but also if you don't supply that, the project creation system will create a valid .gitreview file and init the project for you with just that file in it, then you can do normal code review to add other files16:43
fungiif you're going to supply your own content for importing, it's recommended to include a .gitreview file in the repository being imported or add one in your first change16:45
fungislittle1_: also in the case of 879076 you've supplied a repository with a default branch named "main" which may not match the default branch convention for your other projects16:45
fungithough it looks like you also created a branch named master in it16:46
fungiboth of those are going to end up getting imported16:46
clarkbyou have to take extra steps if you want the default branch to be main in gerrit and gitea (I don't think anyone has tested that in production yet either)16:54
clarkbbut it is theoretically possible. I added support for it16:54
fungiyeah, in this case it's more that the project has branches named master and main and both and going to end up imported17:03
slittle1_I set 'master as the defailt branch, deleted the .zul.yaml, and deleted the 'main' branch.   Please recheck
fungithanks! will do18:34
slittle1_The main goal was to preserve a long commit history18:34
slittle1_and not re-review it all18:35
fungimakes sense, that's the usual reason for using an import there18:35
fungii was just initially confused because github was defaulting to the empty "main" branch18:36
fungilooks like the checker ran cleanly this time, zuul will probably leave its +1 once the linters job finishes in a few minutes18:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add virtualization (virt) repo to StarlingX
fungislittle1_: i've added your gerrit account as the initial member of the new starlingx-virt-core group19:17
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: promote-container-image: add promote_container_image_method
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: remove-registry-tag: role to delete tags from registry
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: promote-container-image: use generic tag removal role
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: remove-registry-tag: update docker age match

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