Monday, 2022-10-10

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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Run a base test against "old" bridge
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove testinfra version install workaround
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: testinfra: install with ansible extras
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove stevedore workaround
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove stub install for ARA
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: bootstrap-bridge: drop pip3 role, add venv
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: run-selenium: Use latest tag on firefox image
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: afs-release: better info when can not get lockfile
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Run jobs with a jammy
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: testinfra: Update selenium calls
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Abstract name of bastion host for testing path
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Run a base test against "old" bridge
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Convert production playbooks to bastion host group
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gnuoyHi, I'd like to share some ansible roles that define test setup and execution across the charm projects. Where would be the right place to store these roles ? 07:14
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opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/project-config master: Add post-review pipeline
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Allow-Post-Review flag to OpenStackSDK project
opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Added cloud-init growpart element
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fricklerso ... didn't in earlier times we still collect gate results when a dependency failed? to me it doesn't make much sense to abort already running jobs instead of collecting their results, see e.g.
frickleror do I misremember things?11:16
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fungignuoy: you could put them somewhere central, for example in the openstack/charms.openstack repo or create a new repository specifically for the shared configuration. probably best way to look at it is who is best placed to review and approve changes to those roles, and then put them somewhere that group of people can do that11:36
gnuoyfungi, ah ok, thanks, I can do that. How do I then make sure that the ansible definitions in the new repo are available when zuul reads the charms zuul.yaml ? Is that a project-config change?11:39
fungignuoy: you add a "roles" list to the job definition to tell it you want to include roles from that repository11:44
fungiso it depends on where the job which will use those roles is defined as to where you'd set it11:45
fungifrickler: i don't recall that zuul ever included dependent pipeline build results in a "this change depends on a change that failed to merge" result, but we do still retain the results in the db. in that example, it was this buildset:
gnuoyfungi, the jobs are running in opendev zuul. At the moment I  have where 'build-charm' and 'func-tests' are defined in the playbooks/ subdirectory of the charm. If I move those definitions to another repo can I reference that repo in the .zuul.yaml in the charm ?11:52
fricklerfungi: I was wondering about results for the dependent patch, which via some searching I found at . so a) can we (and do we want to) have zuul add a reference to this partially cancelled buildset in the V-2 message? and b) would it make sense to at least have an option to not cancel jobs in this scenario? similar to like we 11:57
fricklerdon't cancel the remainder of the buildset on the first failing gate job?11:57
fungignuoy: yes, you would list the repositories containing roles used by the job like this:
gnuoyfungi, great, thanks for all the help12:01
fungifrickler: oh, you're right i searched on the change it said it depended on. looks like returns no search results12:02
fungii wonder if freeing up build resources for all changes depending on the one which is failing is an intentional optimization, but if so i definitely don't recall when it would have been originally implemented12:04
fricklerfungi: I found the buildset by looking at the history of builds for the "devstack" jobs and then selecting the one matching the change I'm interested in12:05
fungigah, nevermind, i shouldn't be doing this before i've finished pouring my coffee for the morning12:06
fungi was the search i meant to try, and it did return results12:07
fungipasted from the wrong buffer12:07
fungifiltering down to the gate pipeline it gets me to which does indeed show some of the builds were cancelled12:09
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TheJuliaQuestion, will you folks be taking part in the PTG? I was kind of hoping so to have a few high bandwidth discussions I have been putting off until then.13:50
fungii will be, certainly13:58
fungiwe didn't book any slots specific to the opendev collaboratory, but many of us still participate in sessions for other projects/teams where relevant13:59
fricklerbut I don't about about a specific infra/opendev session, is there one planned? I for sure would prefer IRC discussions13:59
TheJuliaEven a office hours session would be good. Truthfully, I'd prefer higher bandwidth because I think tone, emotion, and body language are important when discussing topics that may be contentious or where highly opinionated individuals take place. Granted, I too prefer text at times, but sometimes not everything will translate through14:02
TheJuliaI think also, some may find a time to "break the ice" might be helpful where as jumping into irc might be a little intimidating for just trying to build mutual context14:03
fungiworth looping our service coordinator (clarkb) into this when he's awake/around, but it's certainly possible to add a session in an available slot on the schedule if people have topics they want to cover14:09
Clark[m]We stopped doing office hours because no one showed up so it was just effort on my part that felt wasted. I'm happy to join in on ptg sessions where I can be helpful though 14:09
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fungiyeah, even for the in-person ptgs, it was mostly us sitting around waiting and nobody coming into the room with questions14:10
TheJuliaI know you guys got visited at least once :) But yeah, I can see that as frustrating14:13
Clark[m]I think we went 3 ptgs in a row where no one took advantage of the time I scheduled before we stopped14:15
Clark[m]I think the best approach is to in where we know there is interest rather than the other way around. I'm happy to add sessions to my calendar for that14:15
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TheJuliaack, okay14:47
TheJulialet me see if I can get some others to join in since I'd hate for it to just be me14:47
fungibut if there's a topic specific to a particular project or subproject and you want to cover some things that are relevant to the collaboratory services, i'm happy to join that so long as i don't have other schedule conflicts14:54
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clarkband we don't necessarily need to organize this as part of the ptg either.15:13
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clarkbfungi: when you get a chance today can you review that is one piece of not getting /tmp files for zuul console on bridge and static15:55
clarkb(we need a second change in a different repo to complete the cleanup15:55
clarkbI think we can also hold off on approving that until ianw is around if we like15:55
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dmendiza[m]diablo_rojo 👋19:40
dmendiza[m]diablo_rojo: I can't seem to find the link to the ethercalc for PTG slot reservation.  Would you happen to have that handy?19:41
Clark[m]dmendiza: there isn't one. Instead you can use the ptg bot to reserve slots on the schedule directly 19:48
dmendiza[m]Clark: ack, that would explain why I can't find the ethercalc19:50
dmendiza[m]Clark: thanks!19:50
fungidmendiza[m]: hop into #openinfra-events and use the book command to book the times you want:
fungisee the help near the bottom of that page19:50
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diablo_rojo_phonedmendiza[m]: if you need help with the bot, the docs are really good. 20:24
clarkbI'm updating the meeting agenda for tomorrow. Please add any content I've missed soon20:34
clarkbor let me know what I forgot and I'll do my best to add it20:34
fungii'm all good, thanks20:40
ianwclarkb: and are ready for review in the venv stack21:05
ianw476 is the biggest one -- that abstracts us from places where we use "" to using a "bastion" group -- so we can swap the name of the bastion host21:06
ianw476 changes the testing path, 486 is a follow on that changes the production run playbooks (which really just consists of adding groups["bastion"][0] in add_host, instead of "" hard-coded)21:07
ianwboth intended to be no-ops in current production :)21:08
clarkbianw: 486 will also need a similar update in base-jobs21:29
clarkbin the same bit of code that needs updating for console log disabling21:29
clarkber I guess that is true for both of them 476 as well21:31
ianwhrm, good point.  have to think about where that can get the variable name21:32
ianwshouldn't break, as long as is around21:33
ianwi'll put something together today, and work on 85547221:35
clarkbianw: I left some other comments inline on 47621:38
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fungii just noticed that content has browser-side script callouts to and
fungiwe should ideally be serving that stuff directly to clients, right? otherwise it's a privacy issue?22:33
fungi(since browsers are notifying google and bootstrap that they're visiting the site)22:34
JayFThere have been some EU companies getting in trouble for that; some court over there ruled it was the site sharing the users' IP with the remote servers hosting the js (IIRC)22:41
fungiwell, i mean, they're right, it totally is22:43
fungiwe've already stripped out the built-in gravatar "integration" from some of the services we run for precisely that reason22:43
fungigravatar is a bit more egregious though, since they have a tos that says you basically can't proxy content to your users so that they can preserve the revenue stream of knowing who's going to what websites22:44
JayFI'm just going to say, as an aside; I <3 that we care enough about this to have a conversation about it. After having worked for places that were data vacuums it is appreciated that it's table-stakes-assumed that we're protecting our contributors from tracking :)22:46
fungioh, i could tell you some stories. the first start-up i worked for, my job was securing packet sniffers for collecting browser traffic for "market analysis" from partnering isps who got paid a monthly stipend for letting us snoop on their customers22:48
fungiback in the innocent times where we thought that doing double-blind anonymization and superquantization to zip codes was sufficient to avoid the creepy factor22:49
fungialso long before widespread adoption of https, and when most people still used dial-up services over phone lines to reach the web22:51
JayFI didn't realize for a long time how many folks thought that kind of data collection and advertising was *actually good for people* instead of a neccessary evil.22:51
fungiwe basically intercepted their ras credentials, did a lookup against a database of home addresses given to us by the isp, and then created a one-way hash which we used to associate all their http requests, creating timelines of every url they visited22:53
JayFClosest thing for me is a company that I worked for that did POS API integration that also made money by selling aggreggated reciept data 22:54
ianwfwiw i think that the google api stuff says they don't track things on an individual level.  but hosting them sounds like a better idea22:54
fungi"google says" is enough of a reason for me to assume they're probably lying22:55
fungii'll try to remember to push up a change to copy those bits to the server deployment22:56
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Add zuul_console_disable flag to added hosts
ianwi've approved 855472 and cleared out the old console files to make sure they're not coming back -- i will keep an eye23:13
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opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add zuul_console_disable flag to added hosts
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove testinfra version install workaround
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: testinfra: install with ansible extras
opendevreviewMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Add zuul_console_disable flag to added hosts
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove stevedore workaround
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: install-ansible: remove stub install for ARA
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: run-selenium: Use latest tag on firefox image
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: afs-release: better info when can not get lockfile

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