Friday, 2022-03-11

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/grafyaml master: Strip id/uid from .json input
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: Add infra deployment overview
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/grafyaml master: Strip id/uid from .json input
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: add helper script
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Handle btrfs root subvolume for fedora extract-image
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: add support for Docker
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [dnm] see if this works without podman running as root
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update fedora element testing to F35
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ykarelHi can someone help in finding why zuul is not reporting in stable/yoga patches of neutron07:52
ykarelin zuul status page i can see the patch appears for few seconds and then disappears07:52
ykarelfrom zuul logs i think can get what's the issue07:53
ykarelfrickler, fungi ^ once you get around08:00
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fricklerykarel: infra-root: it seems that zuul did not receive a reconfiguration event from gerrit for the neutron stable/yoga branch. it seems there were some connections issues with gerrit around the time when the branch was created, that may be related. I have no idea how to trigger the reconfiguration manually or how else to fix this08:29
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ykarelThanks frickler for checking, let's wait for others if they have some idea08:35
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM Add Opensearch Dashboard information
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fungifrickler: if a branch changes "behind zuul's back" i think it requires a full reconfigure to become aware:
fricklerfungi: ah, it evens mentions this scenario as example, great. can I do this right now or should we wait for some off-peak time?11:57
fricklerthe docs also aren't explicit about whether the full-reconfigure would also be done only on one scheduler or all of them12:00
fungiyeah, if it's not urgent we can do it at a time when a 20-minute pause will be less disruptive12:03
fricklerlajoskatona: ykarel: ^^ I would do this tomorrow morning then, if you agree12:05
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lajoskatonafrickler: sure, thanks12:34
lajoskatonafrickler, fungi: perhaps an idea what went wrong to be sure never happen again?12:35
ykarelfrickler, ack sounds good12:40
fungilajoskatona: yes, step 1: fix the internet so that things in texas and montreal never lose packets again12:47
fungi(out gerrit and zuul servers run in different donors' clouds)12:48
lajoskatonafungi: thanks :-) I just checked history, so I see now the begginning of the discussion :-)12:48
lajoskatonafungi: ok, I see now, so it was accident / Murphy behind it12:50
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fungiit's possible with gerrit working on a new event queue system which buffers/stores events server-side, we'll see less impact from disconnects than we do from a stateless socket stream13:28
fungisince zuul would in theory be able to ask for events which occurred while it was out of contact13:28
Clark[m]Yes, is an example of one such option13:33
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corvusno one has run the reconfig yet, right?15:22
corvusi'm going to assume so, and i'm going to run it now.  i don't think it's important to wait (we shouldn't miss any events, and i think the pause in launching jobs won't be too long).15:25
corvusthe merge jobs are already done, but the scheduler is still reading the results; there's probably an opportunity for optimization there.15:42
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corvusthe reconfiguration is complete, but it appears it does not invalidate the branch cache, so neutron's yoga branch is still missing.  that may get corrected if zuul sees an event on the stable/yoga branch (at which point another full-reconfigure may work).  aside from that, i think the only way to correct the issue would be a full shutdown and delete-state.15:56
corvusif there are no open changes, the branch could be deleted and recreated at the same hash; that would probably correct it as well.15:57
corvusi'll work on fixing the actual bug in zuul, but probably won't have that today.16:01
fungicorvus: thanks! and yeah i hadn't tried yet, was out running errands until moments ago16:07
fungiroughly how long did the reconfigure pause queue processing, could you tell?16:07
corvusfungi: almost 20m - your estimate was good :)  (maybe 18?  we can check the logs to be sure).  that was for the openstack tenant; others ran unencumbered during that time.16:09
fungicorvus: 833221 seems to be a dnm stable/yoga change for that project, do you think rechecking it would be the sort of event on the branch you were thinking of?16:10
fungii've rechecked it just now, in case that helps kick the branch cache16:11
corvusoh hrm, if it already existed then my theory may not work :/16:12
corvus(though, if was created during the outage, then the theory may still be valid)16:12
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frickler833221 was created today, the branching happened yesterday around 12UTC. does it help if I create another patch? or abandon/restore the existing one(s)?16:35
fricklerif all else fails, recreating the branch also should be feasible. would you do that in gerrit manually or retrigger the release automatism?16:39
fricklercan we somehow verify that neutron is the only affected project?16:39
fungithe .gitreview change would have been created immediately after the branch appeared, if we need one created earlier16:45
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fricklercorvus: I'm off now, let me know if I should do anything tomorrow or if you'd rather continue on this yourself19:42
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opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project
mnaserinfra-core: anyone around to push this through to let me do things over the weekend? ^ :)21:06
mordredmnaser: don't hate me for being your own personal yamllint ... but there is an unrelated change in that 21:17
mnasermordred: damnit, did i mess that up21:17
mnaserugh, auto-save on format21:18
mordredright? stupid autosave21:18
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opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project
mnasermordred: ok thanks for catching that21:19
fungimnaser: lgtm21:50
mnaserfungi: thanks! :)21:50
mnaserfungi: and thanks again =)21:55
fungimy pleasure21:58
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add vexxhost/ansible-collection-atmosphere project

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