Monday, 2021-11-22

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: update gentoo source suffix (where it finds the file to download)
ianwthe bootloader is wrong01:00
ianwi don't really understand how this passed testing01:00
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [wip] fix f35 bootloader setup
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [wip] fix f35 bootloader setup
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: specify distros for grubby install
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ianwwell i'm stumpted. shows that the gate tests are setting "root=LABEL=cloudimg-fs" (and, ergo, why f35 boots in the gate)07:36
ianwthe build logs and look the same07:37
ianwbut the gate builds have images with "root=UUID=<wrong-uuid>"07:38
ianwi think that is generally correct, in making the image use grubby to setup the bootloader07:39
ianwbut it's unsatisfying to not have an exact root-cause for the production failure07:39
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: specify distros for grubby install
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opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Make prepare-workspace-git root configurable
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opendevreviewwangxiyuan proposed openstack/project-config master: Add openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2 node
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fungirackspace says logstash-worker12 had to be rebooted roughlt 17.5 hours ago due to a host problem13:53
fungilooks like its four jenkins-log-worker started successfully at boot though13:54
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sshnaidmfungi, clarkb hey, just for clarification - we don't have Ansible Galaxy mirror or cache somewhere, right?14:46
fungisshnaidm: i don't know of one... does galaxy have its own site which serves roles?14:53
sshnaidmit's the main one14:57
fungiwhat protocol is used to fetch roles from it?15:01
fungiis it just normal http gets?15:01
fungilooks like the url for the ansible-galaxy cli is overridable, so in theory we could point it to a caching proxy:
fungithe bigger question is whether is just a frontend/indexing service, or actually hosts the data for which we'd need to proxy requests15:08
fungifor example, we cache but it really only serves indices, all the packages are served from instead15:09
fungiso we have to cache that as well15:09
sshnaidmI think actually hosts this content15:10
sshnaidmand it's just HTTPS protocol15:10
fungii know at one point it only served as a pointer to things in github, but i guess they improved the design15:11
sshnaidmfungi, the link looks like:
fungioh, cool, so roles are bundled into compressed tarballs, that does probably make this simpler15:12
sshnaidmyeah, it's possible to clone from git repo, from tarball, from local directory, from ansible galaxy server15:13
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
fungisshnaidm: ^ does that make sense?15:23
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sshnaidmfungi, I think it totally does.. I'd like to test15:27
fungiwell, there's a test included which will at least make sure it's proxying the main page, but yeah we'll probably have to do some more extensive testing to confirm downloads really end up going through the proxy when told to15:28
fungisshnaidm: bad news, i'll wip it...15:29
fungiConnecting to (||:443... connected.15:29
sshnaidmfungi, yeah, just noticed15:29
fungiso the tarballs aren't served from, they're served from amazon sq15:29
sshnaidmit's hosted on aws15:29
fungier, s315:29
fungiyeah, i'll see if i can adjust the config to cover that15:30
sshnaidmit looks like
sshnaidmso to cache "" ?15:30
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
fungithat seems to be consistent with how we handle similar situations for other proxies15:40
fungiwe basically shadow a "" directory at and then proxy it to s3, and rewrite the remote url in responses so that it looks like a directory on the proxy site instead15:41
sshnaidmlooks good15:42
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, marios fyi ^15:42
fungiso as long as is never actually used for anything, that shouldn't cause problems15:42
fungiand that was we can easily expand it if they use more than one storage backend (like the quay proxy does)15:43
fungier, that way we can15:43
rlandy|ruckfungi: thanks for the help here15:44
opendevreviewArx Cruz proposed opendev/elastic-recheck rdo: Fix ER bot to report back to gerrit with bug/error report
fungii'm trying to think up a good way to test the recursion stays on the proxy base url15:45
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
fungii think that ought to confirm it15:53
Clark[m]fungi: is there a reason you don't host it on 443 like pypi?16:16
Clark[m]Also fwiw we've used the zuul connection cache to cache git repos for things like roles in the past. Not sure we want to keep doing that particularly with GitHub impacting zuul restarts due to throttling16:17
mariosthanks sshnaidm fungi 16:18
fungiClark[m]: oh, good point, i guess we can just tell ansible to use a namespaced path16:19
fungii didn't consider it16:19
fungii'll revise16:19
fungiClark[m]: as for using git, apparently ansible galaxy is all compressed tarballs now not just pointers to git repos?16:19
Clark[m]It does both I think. You can consume the roles from a git url if you choose or via the Galaxy tarball16:20
sshnaidmClark[m], that's right, but currently galaxy provides tarballs from aws s316:21
sshnaidmcollections can be installed both from git, local dir, tarball, galaxy..16:22
sshnaidmmaybe even worth to have a zuul role that downloads configured collections from galaxy before the job?16:23
sshnaidmand then in job you can install them from local dir, for example16:23
Clark[m]Yes that's basically what we already do. You add it to zuul's project list then require the repo in your job16:24
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
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sshnaidmfungi, but it won't work when galaxy server will be down, right?16:41
fungisshnaidm: it may work briefly if we have it cached16:41
fungibut as soon as caches expire it will return failures, sure16:41
sshnaidmfungi, but someone need to redirect to aws..?16:42
fungithe redirects are cached16:42
sshnaidmoh, that's great16:42
fungibut also they don't redirect to aws, they simply redirect back to the proxy because the s3 urls are rewritten16:42
fungithat's the ProxyPassReverse "/galaxy-s3/" ""16:43
sshnaidmI see, awesome16:43
fungiit replaces "" in the responses with "/galaxy-s3/"16:43
fungiso it will be
sshnaidmgreat, probably worth to have a big cache time :)16:44
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fungibut like clarkb pointed out, if those roles/collections area available from git repositories then setting them as required-projects for your job will be even more stable since zuul keeps a local cache of git repos and pushes them onto the job node16:45
fungiand then you can also depends-on pull requests for those roles, in theory16:46
fungianyway, assuming the test in included in 818787 is sane, it should prove the download urls are being properly forced through the proxy16:49
jrosseri'm unclear if we're talking about collections developed on gerrit/opendev or more generally collections whose source is in git(hub).....16:49
jrosserin practive you'll always need both16:49
fungijrosser: yes16:49
fungiour zuul has a connection to github and can use repositories there16:49
jrosserfor context, OSA moved very early to ansible-base + collections and almost straight away we migrated to install from github rather than the published ones on galaxy16:50
jrosseras the API/whatever was way too unreliable for use in CI16:50
jrosserif there is a way to optimise that and use local copies it would be interesting16:50
fungiif the galaxy api is super unstable, then yes the proxy will only hide some of it16:50
fungijrosser: looks like we already consume a few collections that way...
jrosseroh interesting, that covers a bunch of it actually
fungiif you look a few lines past there, we also have repos for some roles hosted in github in namespaces like infrawatch and stackhpc16:55
fungiso yes, if you add those to a job's required-projects list then you can find them checked out on disk in the job16:56
fungiif you're truly testing the integration of those roles and collections then that's probably a better solution. on the other hand if you're testing automation which fetches things from galaxy then the caching proxy is probably better16:58
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opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/project-config master: Add OpenStack CI Log Processing project in infra docs
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sshnaidmfungi, can we add additional collections to ? So that we can clone them as "required-projects"17:16
fungisshnaidm: sure, that's what the feature's for17:17
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
sshnaidmfungi, but it will be always latest code, right?17:21
sshnaidmI think we'd better stick to some known good version17:21
Clark[m]It will be the entire git repo so you can checkout any ref or tag you like17:22
Clark[m]By default it will be up to date17:22
fungiyes, what clarkb said17:25
fungiit can be a specific branch or a specific tag or a specific commit, anything that repo has you can check out explicitly on the job node17:26
fungiit'll be as if you had just cloned the repo at the start of the build17:26
fungiclarkb: were you suggesting i put it on 80/443 or on 8080/4443? it looks like you suggested the former, but i get the impression that's just for backward compatibility with when we used to host an actual pypi mirror and the latter is preferred?17:32
sshnaidmit's interesting: when you install a collection from repo, but it has dependency on other collection - the deps will be downloaded from galaxy. You need to clone all deps and explicitly install them before or together with the desired collection..17:37
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/project-config master: Add additional collections to projects
sshnaidmfungi, Clark[m] ^17:42
Clark[m]fungi: I think we split out to 4443 when we were worried it would break stuff on 443 to add proxying. But now we know it's fine so can prefer the default port18:08
Clark[m]Then docker and some other things just don't work on a subroot so have to be at /18:08
fungiokay, in that case 818787 is probably ready18:09
fungithough i have test failures to sort out still18:09
fungiso i guess not entirely ready18:09
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opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache Ansible Galaxy on CI mirror servers
sshnaidmClark[m], can we +w ?19:16
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Clark[m]sshnaidm: I'm not at a computer with credentials to vote today but looks like it is just lacking approval if mordred or fungi want to +A it19:35
fungiconfig-core: ^19:36
fungii can single-core approve it if needed though19:36
mordredI +2d19:37
fungithanks, i'll approve19:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add additional collections to projects
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Create a new mailing list site
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: specify distros for grubby install
ianwfungi: if you have a sec will help move my github branch of dstat_graph into an opendev project20:06
fungioh, yep!20:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add dstat_graph project
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