Thursday, 2021-10-21

opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/bindep master: Handle no newline at the end of bindep.txt
clarkbfungi: ianw ^ fyi since that came up in a starlingx context earlier today. ireally did fiddle with the parsley setup and even very simple grammars exhibit problems with parsing when I try to match end (it seems to go into an infinite loop)00:31
clarkbStepping through the parsley state machine with pdb was making me go a bit crazy and the fix is really actually very simple if I don't try to fix the grammar so I gave up00:32
clarkbprobably a better use of my time :)00:32
funginormalize your inputs, folks ;)00:39
corvusclarkb: what are the zuul keys that were an issue?00:59
corvusalso hrm, i don't see that i logged the hash we restarted on :/01:02
corvusi think it was on bfe5a4a93524e1b534851f3d04c4f1ad7d44eec701:04
corvusi would like to restart zuul now01:07
fungisounds fine to me01:08
fungialso some of the affected keys were anything in the osf namespace, since we moved everything out of it01:08
fungiosf/openstackid for example01:08
corvusokay, restarting now01:09
Clark[m]corvus those listed as old at
corvusClark: your change appears to work as expected.  export shows errors for those projects.  i delete one of them, then export no longer shows that error01:17
corvus#status log deleted empty zk key directories for all old projects listed at
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging01:20
corvus#status log restarted all of zuul on commit 1df09a82ef67e9536bce76b9ef071756f9164faa01:22
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging01:22
corvusit looks like the version change didn't land, so we'll need to restart one more time, but is already looking pretty cool :)01:31
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos-minimal: boot test 9-stream
Clark[m]corvus cool thank you for checking the deletion thing01:44
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Switch ARM64 testing to bullseye
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Switch ARM64 testing to bullseye
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos-minimal: boot test 9-stream
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos-minimal: boot test 9-stream
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Refactor infra-prod jobs for parallel running
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Refactor infra-prod jobs for parallel running
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Refactor infra-prod jobs for parallel running
ianwclarkb: ^ gave the syntax checker a bit of a workout but i think that's right now03:59
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Switch ARM64 testing to bullseye
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Switch ARM64 testing to bullseye
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fricklerianw: seems broke gentoo builds. tmp/in_target.d/finalise.d/50-bootloader: line 75: GRUBENV: unbound variable07:07
mrkikoHello all!!07:42
mrkikoI'm the gertty guy :) :)07:42
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ianwprometheanfire: ^^ -- hopefully having the boot job in the gate tests will help avert things like this ...08:03
fricklernot sure why there's neither /boot/grub nor /boot/grub2 though and what to use as fallback08:12
fricklermaybe just make the "elif" an "else" and see what happens. same as for the grub-mkconfig above08:14
* frickler goes patching08:14
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix bootloader installation for gentoo
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opendevreviewAurelien Lourot proposed openstack/project-config master: Mirror newly added charms to GitHub
opendevreviewEttore Simone proposed openstack/project-config master: Add siss under x namespace
opendevreviewEttore Simone proposed openstack/project-config master: Add siss under x namespace
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add dnf versionlock support
opendevreviewAurelien Lourot proposed openstack/project-config master: Mirror newly added charms to GitHub
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ianwinfra-root: interesting one on the cpu type centos 9-stream is compiled for @
ianwnot 100% what the solution but might well be something that will affect production as we bring in new things as well, one to watch10:56
mordredianw: wow11:11
mordredThat seems like a thing that's going to confuse users11:11
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fricklerguess they'll have fun with that on a lot of clouds, not just ours11:30
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opendevreviewDong Zhang proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Implement role for limiting zuul log file size
fungimrkiko: hey there, did you have another question or suggestion?13:42
fungiianw: could that cpu type be related to our f34 boot issues?13:45
Clark[m]fungi: I was just wondering the same thing. Once tea is made I need to do a braindump on the comments of that change related to live migration testing and why custom CPU models didn't work in the past13:46
opendevreviewDong Zhang proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Implement role for limiting zuul log file size
clarkbI've left a comment on that change. With some of the background there and hopefully that helps us find a way forward.14:03
prometheanfireianw: heh, thanks15:01
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prometheanfireianw frickler, by default gentoo doesn't tell you which to install (for a bootloader), that's why neither exists, normally for gentoo it's /boot/grub (not grub2)15:05
fricklerprometheanfire: well the issue happens after grub was emerged, see near the end of
fricklerbut it seems the easy fix of just assuming /boot/grub as default worked:
clarkbremote: Use Nehalem CPU model by default <- that might fix our centos-9 issues. However, it is possible that we can't use the Nehalem CPU on some clouds beacuse the CPUs in our VMs aren't new enough15:20
prometheanfirefrickler: ya, the package install and the creation of /boot/grub are two different things iirc15:22
prometheanfirenahalem, is that 12 years old now15:23
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fricklerclarkb: would a dib job with depends-on devstack work? worth trying that, too, I'd think15:39
clarkbfrickler: ++ 15:39
fricklerlike on top of the c9 stack15:39
clarkbfrickler: ya once the devstack job shows it doesn't just explode I can do that (I didn't check it locally before pushing)15:40
frickleralso, if the f34 issues really are the same thing, doesn't that mean that this devstack change will fail there, too?15:40
fricklerclarkb: I tested the libvirt settings locally, seem to be fine as far as that goes15:41
clarkbyes and kashyap confirmed in the nova channel that fedora-34 isn't using x86_64-v215:41
clarkbso fedora problems are different and wen eed to keep debugging that15:41
fricklerah, didn't see that yet. o.k., let's see if ianw can make progress, otherwise I can check with kashyap being in the same time zone it seems15:42
clarkbsoudns great and I can followup tomorrow morning too15:43
fungithat's good i guess that maybe centos-9-stream won't have the same problems booting as fedora-34 does, but unfortunate that we're still short on theories as to the actual source of the fedora-34 boot problems15:44
fungiclarkb: the user with the login problem/duplicate account apparently never saw your reply and simply send the same message to openstack-discuss all over again15:47
clarkbfungi: I cc'd them too... Maybe someone else wants to try a response in case I'm getting bitbucketed?15:47
clarkbfrickler: hrm depends-on won't work because the dib jobs use ensure-devstack which clones devstack out of band15:52
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clarkbwe could do a change to zuul-jobs that does a fetch of the change in ensure-devstack and depends-on that. I guess I'll give that a go15:52
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/project-config master: Add project openstack/ci-log-processing
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Manual depends on between dib and devstack
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opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM testing against devstack Nehalem change
clarkbfrickler: ^ lets see how that does16:01
fricklerclarkb: doesn't seem to work. but also interesting set of unrelated failures16:15
clarkbfrickler: which thing isn't working? I am not seeing failures yet16:16
fricklerclarkb: on the zuul-jobs change16:16
clarkboh the zuul jobs change. Ya I don't need it to merge, I just need it to exist for fetching the change in the dib jobs :)16:17
frickleralso the "conflicts" shows ianw has tried this earlier already
clarkbah cool worth following up on that more generic setup then I guess16:17
fricklerthat might even be mergeable, modulo those linter+py27 failures16:18
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fricklerclarkb: I think you need to use shell instead of command. the "&& ..." is placed into the first git command16:22
Clark[m]frickler: arg I had it as shell first too locally. I think you are right16:22
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Manual depends on between dib and devstack
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clarkbheh mixing up my clients. Sorry about that16:23
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opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update zuul restart documentation
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add zuul debugging documentation
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update zuul secrets decryption docs
clarkbfungi: frickler ^ fixed the review nits, but I Think we can probably land that today maybe?17:40
clarkb nehalem worked17:41
clarkbnow we just need to recheck the devsatck change enough to be confident all the clouds can support a nehalem qemu cpu17:41
fungiclarkb: i see you replied to the second e-mail, that was basically the same as what i was going to send anyway. i guess i can still do that if they don't seem to have received it either17:51
clarkbfungi: ya sorry I didn't want it to get forgotten so went ahead and responded. And ya if they continue to not respond I guess then we can assume I'm getting bitbucketed17:52
fungicorvus: i'm occasionally getting "AttributeError: 'Text' object has no attribute 'keypress'" raised at the beginning of gertty.view.change.ChangeView.keypress() where it tries to assign key = super(ChangeView, self).keypress(size, key)17:58
fungiseems to happen when i'm using pgdn to scroll through a diff view17:58
fungibut i'm not sure what the underlying cause might be, wondering if it's safe to just catch the AttributeError there are return None, or if it's a sign of some underlying bug which needs to be addressed17:59
clarkbfungi: I self approved as I doubt anyone else will be reviewing that one18:03
clarkbthat is the bindep newline change18:03
fungiwfm, thanks18:06
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add comments to manage-projects about project-config syncing
clarkbfungi: ^ thats my last todo out of the renaming process18:45
clarkbNot a perfect solution but I think it calls out things in enough detail that we can improve the actual renaming process going forward. One thing that leads me to is we might consider squashing renaming changes into a single change in the future18:45
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opendevreviewMerged opendev/bindep master: Handle no newline at the end of bindep.txt
clarkbI'm not sure that is worth a new release on its own but if we ever make another release that will be included :)19:16
clarkbcorvus: did you want to review the stack at ? all three changes are opendev zuul docs updates for various zuul acitvities in opendev (restarts, debugging, secret decryption)19:24
corvusclarkb: can do.20:17
corvusfungi: i have not seen that, and that does not make sense to me...20:18
corvusall approved, one +2 comment on the first20:21
clarkbcorvus: fair enough I'll do a followup for that20:22
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Make logging zuul restarts less optional
clarkbcorvus: ^ thats the followup20:25
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update zuul restart documentation
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add zuul debugging documentation
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update zuul secrets decryption docs
clarkbspot checking the nehalem cpu change in devstack it seems like the various clouds (if not all regions) are supporting it. I need more data to say all regions are fine with it. Also the change as written may not work on arm6420:36
clarkbthere is a consistent failure in airship-kna1 but it is related to metadata service being slow not inability to boot VMs with thedifferent cpu type so I think we're ok there20:36
clarkbah looks like devstack already handles the arm64 situation20:37
corvusimma just gonna +3 that20:40
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Make logging zuul restarts less optional
ianwclarkb: thanks for digging into the cpu thing, as soon as it was pointed out i figure this was something we needed to consider more globally 20:58
clarkbianw: ya kashyap really did the hard work20:58
clarkbianw: the rechecks on the devsatck side seem ok so far (some failures but none related to cpu model as far as I can tell)20:59
clarkbI strongly suspect this will be the fix we end up with20:59
ianwmy brother in law, who lives 9 hours drive from both sydney and melbourne, just got his starlink dish ->
clarkbnot bad21:04
ianwthe wheels released after we fixed the quota/bindep issues yesterday, yay!21:27
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Return dstat graph artifact
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opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use pcp instead of dstand and return dstat graph artifact
clarkbianw: if you get a chance can you weigh in on
ianwoh yep, lgtm.  always easy to go back 22:32
clarkbtomorrow I'll probably land the gerrit group removal (in favor of the review group)22:38
clarkbas I expect I'll have time to keep a watchful eye on it. Also rereview the CD reorg in system-config22:39
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use pcp instead of dstand and return dstat graph artifact
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use pcp instead of dstand and return dstat graph artifact
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Always update gitea repo meta data

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