Wednesday, 2021-04-28

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openstackgerritMerged opendev/glean master: Fix Gentoo "is" comparisons
kevinzianw: Sorry yesterday I do not check the irc.  Is there anything I can help?01:30
ianwkevinz: we were wondering if it would be possible (maybe even better?) to upload .raw images to linaro, instead of qcow2?01:31
kevinzianw: Yes, I think it should be fine01:31
ianwkevinz: ok, we can propose a change to switch it; should be a bit friendlier on the builder as it won't have to also do qcow201:33
kevinzianw: OK, cool01:35
ianwkevinz: other than that, i did a bit of ping testing.  there still seems to be the odd packet loss01:35
ianwI was just doing with "ping -D -O -q -<4 / 6> zk02.openstack.org01:36
ianwboth ipv6 and ipv4 dropped some packets; not many, but i guess enough to be annoying to long-running things like image uploads and zk connections01:36
kevinzianw: Could I ping from our router? I need to check if there are some issue with infra netowrk01:37
ianwkevinz: sure.  actually clarkb is in the process of changing them to zk04, zk05, zk06 as part of upgrades01:38
ianwbut i think any of them exhibit the same issue01:40
ianw2021-04-28 00:03:04,652 INFO kazoo.client: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED01:40
ianw2021-04-28 00:26:30,509 INFO kazoo.client: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED01:40
ianw2021-04-28 00:58:03,900 INFO kazoo.client: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED01:40
ianw2021-04-28 01:04:29,465 INFO kazoo.client: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED01:40
ianw2021-04-28 01:25:56,801 INFO kazoo.client: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED01:40
ianwthat's the dropped connections from midnight01:41
kevinzianw: how long period can you observe packet loss?01:45
ianwi guess i left it running for 3851 packet, i think it does one a second, so about an hour01:47
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kevinzianw: OK, I'm trying on our router02:15
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/glean master: Update hacking and fix pep8 violations
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic
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kevinzianw: checking from our router, 2.5 hours without any packet loss for IPV4.  Will check the network issue from our internal cluster08:50
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fungiianw: clarkb (when you wake up): this is an interesting failure condition:
fungi"Ensure Zookeeper not running" fails on a dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-stream-src job12:02
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openstackgerritdaniel.pawlik proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Fixed issue related to new Pillow lib
dpawlikfungi, clarkb: hey, could you check later please ^^12:40
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fungidpawlik: frickler left you some comments13:09
dpawlikack, thanks fungi and frickler13:12
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openstackgerritdaniel.pawlik proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Fix issue related to new Pillow lib; change hash string encode
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openstackgerritdaniel.pawlik proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Fix issue related to new Pillow lib; change hash string encode
clarkbfungi: I'll take a look. Making some tea now14:48
clarkbfungi: I plan to try and catch up on the openstack logging stuff too (can move that into the dib side if no one else has)14:48
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fricklermnaser: do you have any update on the v6 situation for vexxhost yet?15:12
clarkbfungi: I suspect that `pkill -f zookeeper` returns >0 if zookeeper is not running and that is why we ignore errors on that task15:18
clarkbfungi: ianw: the actual error appears to be 'manifest for zuul/nodepool-launcher:siblings not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown'15:19
clarkbwhich implies the parent job that does image builds didn't work?15:19
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clarkbcorvus: looks like the intermediate registry is having socket/ssl problems? `sudo docker logs --since 2021-04-28T00:00:00 registry-docker_registry_1` I'm not quite sure how to parse what that is telling us yet15:25
clarkbbut it seems to be causing jobs like the dib functional jobs to timeout15:25
clarkbseems like maybe we aren't catching some exception that we should be and that caused the whole thing to crash? however the actual process and the container seem to be running15:26
clarkb(I'm inclined to restart it but wanted to give you a chance to look at the error first in case we want to do further debugging)15:27
clarkbfwiw the tracebacks don't seem to bubble up into our application, they stop within cherrypy so not clear if we should be handling that ourselves or if this is a cherrypy bug that needs fixing15:32
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clarkbok I'm going to go ahead and restart it now. I recordred the tracebacks in my homedir on that host15:57
openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Fix issue related to new Pillow lib; change hash string encode
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yoctozeptoI love it how gerrit says it's running dirty16:18
clarkbbecause we do our own builds (there is probably a way to fix that)16:19
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corvusclarkb: interesting; i'm unfamiliar with those errors, and they don't mean anything to m....16:37
clarkbcorvus: that was the end of the log too so I'm pretty sure it was functionally fatal but the process kept going16:38
clarkbI suspect a bug in cherrypy16:38
clarkbmaybe we should rebuild the registry and pick up newer cherrypy if available?16:39
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openstackgerritGhanshyam proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update TC office hours time for Xena cycle
corvusclarkb: maybe; i just happened to be writing 2 changes to the registry; we could merge those :)16:39
clarkb++ I can take a look shortly16:40
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: debian-minimal: Set bullseye version
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Collect openstack logs
clarkbfungi: ianw  ^ that moves the openstack log collection into dib whcih should make that mergeable16:48
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: debian-minimal: bullseye: /updates -> -security
fungirackspace opened tickets to let us know that and were both on hardware which experienced a failure17:11
fungilists.k.i seems to be up and running the various python processes mailman expects17:12
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (4)
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (5)
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (8)
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openstackgerritKevin Putnam proposed openstack/project-config master: Adds r/stx.5.0 to the list of branches to promote for starlingx docs.
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed opendev/gerritbot master: Add branch to all the remaining event messages
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (9)
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed opendev/gerritbot master: Add branch to all the remaining event messages
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (10)
yoctozeptoinfra-root: how costly would it be to make gerritbot run with the fix above? ^ :-)18:51
fungiyoctozepto: do you mean in beers, or bitcoin? ;)18:52
clarkbyoctozepto: I'm not sure I agree with the premise. Many repos are single branch18:52
yoctozeptofungi: I mean in using your precious time18:53
yoctozeptoclarkb: other messages show branch18:53
clarkbthe biggest cost is you'll be losing message bytes in an already constrained system18:53
* yoctozepto needs to rethink the way he builds his questions18:53
clarkbyoctozepto: ya I'm not saying I'm against it. Just want to point out that the branch isn't necessarily useful even if we emit it18:53
fungiright, as it stands the messages are already a bit longish and in many cases may exceed the max message length for irc and get truncated/rejected/other breakage18:54
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (11)
clarkband the biggest "cost" is irc messages are limited to 512 bytes including the message prefix stuff so you'd be cutting into that18:54
yoctozepto512 bytes is a lot, long commit titles are bad anyway18:55
openstackgerritKevin Putnam proposed openstack/project-config master: Adds r/stx.5.0 to the list of branches to promote for starlingx docs.
clarkbmy hunch is that this was simply overlooked and not intentional18:56
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (12)
yoctozeptoclarkb: I checked git history and it was no branch at first18:57
fungi512 bytes aren't really a *lot* when you consider that includes the channel name, bot nick, and whatever fields are being included in the message, along with multi-byte utf-8 encoding of some chanracters... at a minimum the change subject is what should wind up truncated to compensate, but right now it's not the last field (the change url is) so that's not trivial18:57
yoctozeptothen it was added to the other messages18:57
clarkbfungi: ya but the vast majority seem to come in well under 51218:58
clarkbjust based on what gerritbot does emit18:58
fungiwe might also be able to save some bytes by converting to "old-style" gerrit urls (stripping the project name)18:58
yoctozeptooh, that would be nice18:58
yoctozeptoas the project name is already embedded18:59
yoctozeptowe can also likely change the order so that the message goes last18:59
yoctozeptobut that's optional18:59
fungithe counterargument there is that old-style gerrit urls are no longer guaranteed to be unique, i think? but in practice they still seem to be (for now anyway)19:00
clarkbfungi: they are unique, there is a change number counter somewhere19:00
clarkbI think in all-projects19:00
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (13)
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clarkbsuccess! and by that I mean it failed19:11
clarkb keystone doesn't seem to provide much more info though19:12
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (16)
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (17)
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (18)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Adds r/stx.5.0 to the list of branches to promote for starlingx docs.
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (19)
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (4)
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (16)
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (18)
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clarkbianw: fungi: to tl;dr the dib functional job failure it seems that the domain is not being supplied with the request. However, we're sourcing the devstack openrc which does set the domain env vars. I've asked about this in #openstack-qa but no responses yet. I think it is possible that this may be a nova issue as it seems to be happening via nova's validate_networks() call and other requests prior19:47
clarkbto the server create work fine using the same credentials19:48
clarkbno clear cause yet though19:48
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (10)
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clarkbhrm maybe it is happening after validate_networks19:52
openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (12)
clarkb_refresh_neutron_extensions_cache() is in the traceback19:52
clarkbI wonder a stale cache / timing issue is why it doesn't fail consistently19:52
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Move projects under meta-config acl (13)
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fungiclarkb: openstacksdk regression maybe?20:50
fungithe cliaas work hasn't merged yet, right?20:51
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openstackgerritKevin Putnam proposed openstack/project-config master: Adds docs_branch_path value needed for promoting release branches.
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ianwclarkb: o/ ... just catching up.  so we don't have issues with the intermediate registry any more?  i feel like one of my jobs hit that21:33
fungiianw: in theory the restart has cleared that problem21:39
ianwfungi: i got a response overnight on the aarch64 glibc question in #centos-stream: "<carlwgeorge> ianw: it will be released soon"21:46
ianwso make of that what you will21:46
clarkbfungi: ianw  correct looks like the registry restart fixed it21:58
clarkbas far as I could tell it had crashed (tracebacks in my homedir on the host)21:58
clarkbbut the process was still running so docker didn't restart it21:59
clarkbok it has been about 24 hours since the zk cluster upgrade. I haven't seen any indication we will need to rollback22:00
clarkbinfra-root ^ ya'll good with me cleaning up the 3 old hosts now?22:00
clarkb#status log Deleted as they have been replaced with zk04-06.opendev.org22:07
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging22:07
clarkbianw: fwiw I think is working proeprly if we can just get it to land now :)22:14
clarkbI'll abandon the nodepool change that did similar22:14
ianwhaha yeah, i want to take more of a look in a little after school drop off22:16
ianwi guess we could put a speculative hold on all functional jobs and run it through a few times, hopefully catching one22:16
clarkbya that may be the next thing to do. Then if the issue is persistent we could hand it off to nova if necessary22:17
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corvusianw: re your q in #zuul23:21
ianwVariant <Job dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-stream-src branches: {MatchAny:{ImpliedBranchMatcher:master}} source: openstack/diskimage-builder/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml@master#167> did not match <Change 0x7ffa649ab340 openstack/openstacksdk 788420,1>23:21
corvus2021-04-28 21:45:33,181 DEBUG zuul.layout: [e: 75d0d82962bd45cc9a168a39c1144cee] Variant <Job dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-stream-src branches: {MatchAny:{ImpliedBranchMatcher:master}} source: openstack/diskimage-builder/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml@master#167> did not match <Change 0x7ffa649ab340 openstack/openstacksdk 788420,1>23:21
ianwi think it must be a branch matcher23:21
corvusianw: also 2021-04-28 21:45:33,181 DEBUG zuul.layout: [e: 75d0d82962bd45cc9a168a39c1144cee] No matching parents for job dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-stream-src and change <Change 0x7ffa649ab340 openstack/openstacksdk 788420,1>23:22
corvusianw: and that change is on stable/victoria, so likely some branch mismatching going on23:23
ianwyeah, the job hierarchy is long23:23
ianwdib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-8-stream-src -> dib-nodepool-functional-src-base -> nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings-base23:24
ianw-> nodepool-functional-container-openstack-base23:26
corvusianw: dib is a multi-branch job23:28
corvusianw: which is why it's getting an implied branch matcher attached to it23:28
clarkbbecause the feature/v2 branch exists? I think that may have served its usefulness and we can tag it and then delete it?23:29
corvusianw: assuming you don't want to remove the feature/v2 branch, you may need to set a pragma to tell zuul not to do that23:29
corvusclarkb: ya23:29
corvusclarkb: delete would be my recommendation, but you know me, i love deleting branches ;)23:29
clarkbha, in this case I'm fairly certain the v2 work completed a while back23:29
ianwahh.  yeah v2 was a branch point where we could backport image building changes but keep python2 compat, if we needed such a thing23:30
ianwi'd agree that ship has sailed23:30
ianwnow i think about it, this job is going to clone devstack master anyway @
clarkbianw: ya that was one of the things i checked when lookingat the nova 500 errors. Has me wondering if we tried current stable if we'd get better results (granted current stable just released so unlikely)23:39
ianwso we'd be testing master nodepool with stable/* openstacksdk against a master devstack23:39
ianwthinking that through; i don't think there's any guarantee that master nodepool stays compatible with stable/* openstacksdk.  it could easily use new features23:42
clarkbianw: we have historically been forced to not do that though because production clouds tend to lag significantly23:43
clarkboh you mean for openstacksdk specifically? ya I suppose that is possible23:43
corvusmaster sdk should work with old clouds23:43
clarkbcorvus: yup I misread23:43
ianwi don't think we'd notice in the siblings image build, because we a) install nodepool b) loop around our listed siblings and install them.  we're not checking in b) that the version of openstacksdk we're installing from the zuul chekcout satisfies nodepool requirements23:43
ianwyeah i'm trying to think through what this testing is providing on the openstacksdk side23:45
ianwnon containers does the same thing as well.  installs nodepool in a venv, then loops through the required projects to install them one by one23:52
ianwso if nodepool sets openstacksdk>=X , then the openstacksdk uses this test and installs stable/foo that's a breakage23:53
clarkbis the idea to use nodepools less trivial set of tasks as a reasonable sanity check for sdk?23:54
clarkbI think the sdk does have a test suite that tries to do a number of actions against a real cloud23:55
ianwyeah, i should say i'm thinking through openstacksdk's usage on stable branches, not master23:59
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