Monday, 2021-02-01

ianwwe'll need to update dns for the server anyway since i changed the floating ip.  we might as well upgrade it to focal probably if we can get resolved00:08
fungigreat point00:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Expand gerrit testing to multiple changes
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Test x/ project clones in Gerrit
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Expand gerrit testing to multiple changes
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Test x/ project clones in Gerrit
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Expand gerrit testing to multiple changes
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Test x/ project clones in Gerrit
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Test x/ project clones in Gerrit
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Expand gerrit testing to multiple changes
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Test x/ project clones in Gerrit
dpawlikclarkb: ack. thanks for review07:11
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openstackgerritdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install last stable version of script
dpawlikclarkb: Right, It was easy to reproduce. I push new change. Hope will be good:
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove orphaned zuul-executor defaults file
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove anachronistic jobs from scciclient
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Use patch instead of sed to update Gerrit's x/ route
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Update Gerrit 3.2 plugin versions on image builds
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Remove Karbor team meeting from eavesdrop
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/project-config master: Add ansible-role-pki repo
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/project-config master: Add ansible-role-pki to zuul
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: bindep: remove set_fact usage when converting string to list
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use urlencoded filenames in test fixtures
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/project-config master: Add ansible-role-pki repo
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openstackgerritDavid Hill proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Set eus repositories if REG_RELEASE is set instead of the base repos
openstackgerritDavid Hill proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Set eus repositories if REG_RELEASE is set
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openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Upgrade ansible-lint to 5.0
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Check that git clone against x/ project succeeds in testing
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openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed opendev/system-config master: Increase autogenerated comment width to avoid line wrap
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed opendev/system-config master: [DNM] test comment width: review without autogenerated tag
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Testing zuul-registry changes
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Use less ambiguous line iteration variable name
funginoonedeadpunk: ^ that seems to have been what was blocking us from landing lodgeit fixes late last year18:50
noonedeadpunkwhen gate jobs were failing?18:51
noonedeadpunkyeah I never had a time to check out what was exactly wrong with that18:51
fungiit was just pep8 complaining about that one ambiguous var18:52
fungii was going to try to catch up on the handful of outstanding reviews there18:52
fungizbr: if you're around, can you expound on what (path-based package declarations in bindep) was supposed to do? i didn't mention it in the release notes because i can't see how it could possibly work18:57
fungimaybe i'm missing some important detail18:57
fungiit seems like the implementation is incomplete, and will always list those packages as not installed19:00
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fungian easy solution might be to check whether there is a file/link at the listed path and treat that as an "installed" state19:01
dpawlikzbr: hey. We have small conversation about get-pip script with clarkb and fungi ( ). As you commented, this was my first proposal. After small conversation we decide to use last script that works with python 2.7 and ubuntio bionic base on ubuntu 3/519:14
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fungiseems like clarkb prefers the approach where we use an older for all interpreters and then tell it to upgrade pip to the latest the interpreter can support, while zbr prefers using a different for different interpreters (old for older interpreters, latest for the rest)19:16
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clarkbmy issue with using the split setup was that we missed at leasto ne distro when attempting that19:17
clarkbnot splitting things avoids this problem19:18
clarkbI think both appraoches can be made to work, but one has already proven itself to be flaky19:19
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openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Create a template for ssh-key and size
funginoonedeadpunk: well that's no fun... now tox-py36 has bitrotted more recently
fungii wonder if something changed with pygments in the past few months19:32
noonedeadpunkI'm trying to understand why in the world, ansible-playbook run with tox is unable to install apparmor (actually it says "changed" but installation got dropped). But manually running playbook (using binary from tox venv) works....19:36
fungilooks like pygments released 2.7.x versions after the last successful run, i'll try pinning <2.7 and see what happens19:37
openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Create a template for ssh-key and size.
noonedeadpunkbut yes, pygments seems had huge update with 2.7.019:38
fungiyeah, changing the pin to <2.7 seems to have fixed it locally for me, i'll make sure 2.7.0 is where the error is actually happening before proposing it19:39
fungiand that it's not, like, just a recent regression in 2.7.4 specifically or something19:40
openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: updated vars
fungihuh, 2.7.0 actually still works19:41
fungiyeah, starts failing with 2.7.3 (2.7.2 still works)19:43
funginothing there is jumping out at me as the cause19:44
noonedeadpunkyeah already reading it through19:44
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fungilodgeit is calling into pygments.lexers.get_all_lexers() and expecting it to return an indexable type with at least two elements19:47
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noonedeadpunkit feel like we might be doing smth weird I guess...19:48
noonedeadpunkJust don't have py36 locally :(19:48
fungii do, (i build all minor python versions from source for just such situations), and am able to reproduce it locally19:51
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fungithe LEXERS mapping that generator yields from is just a dict of tuples and they look like they're all a minimum of two entries each19:52
fungii'll insert some debugging and see if i can tell what's going on exactly19:54
funginoonedeadpunk: a bit of creative dumping to stderr shows me that it's choking on this entry:19:59
fungi('JSONBareObject', (), (), ())19:59
fungilooks like that was done here:
noonedeadpunkwhich is deprecated20:00
funginoonedeadpunk: so maybe we can just have a safety valve for such "deprecated" entries20:01
fungii'll see if i can hack something up for that in a sec20:01
noonedeadpunkI'm in the meanwhile trying to set up vs code to run nosettests doh20:01
noonedeadpunkmaybe just try/except IndexError: pass ?20:07
noonedeadpunkI guess it would be the most efficient way considering it's one of the tens of linters...20:07
fungii was going to check len(linter) but yeah i guess lbyl isn't as pythonic20:08
fungier, len(lexer) i mean20:08
noonedeadpunkyeah no reason to check everything20:09
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Add py3.8 support
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Add py3.8 support
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Use less ambiguous line iteration variable name
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Skip deprecated lexers (Pygments 2.7.3 and later)
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funginoonedeadpunk: ^ there, i stacked my fixes with a temporary pygments<2.7.3 pin in the first which i remove in the second20:18
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fungiso that i wouldn't need to squash them20:18
noonedeadpunkdo we still run it with py2.7?20:19
funginoonedeadpunk: in production i think it still is until we switch to containerized20:21
fungiyeah, it's still running as `/srv/lodgeit/openstack/ runserver ...`20:21
fungion ubuntu 16.04 lts20:21
noonedeadpunkwe're having huge issues with werkzeug actually there20:21
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dpawlikfungi, clarkb, zbr: both approaches are good, but you know better in which direction the project should go. It is temporary, until py2 will be really dropped.20:27
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Add py3.8 support
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Add py3.8 support
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Add py3.8 support
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clarkbdpawlik: zbr fungi I would probably defer to what ianw prefers since ianw has done the majority of dib maintenance20:46
openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Use less ambiguous line iteration variable name
openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Skip deprecated lexers (Pygments 2.7.3 and later)
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fungiyeah, the counterargument i can see is that by limiting the explicit pinning to older platforms, you might be able to eventually drop the logic for it and be back to using latest everywhere20:52
fungibut in practice, it's entirely possible that pypa will want to drop, say, python 3.6 support before we're done using that too20:53
fungiand then we're right back to pinning and switching logic again20:53
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ianwthis is all in pip-and-virtualenv element right?21:08
ianwthere was a reason we went to some effort to remove that :)21:08
clarkbyes I think so21:09
ianwI'll go through it all today then ...21:19
clarkbianw: now that you mention we got off of pip and virtualenv I wonder if we should add a footnote to the readme explaining how to rely on venv and friends?21:20
clarkbI suspect for many of the uses here that a similar migration would work for them as well21:20
ianwthere is a note in the readme that it's considered deprecated, but it might also be a lot of work to remove, especially on already outdated branches21:22
clarkbya I don't know that we can fully remove it21:24
clarkbbut at least steer people in a better direction21:24
ianwi'm fine with doing something minimal to keep things working, but it's very much a palliative care situation21:24
fungiianw: to catch you up on the citycloud mirror situation, apparently robert is at ericsson, and he's our contact because they're something like the customer of record for the account. noonedeadpunk however has colleagues in that citycloud region who are looking into things21:35
clarkbI'm getting the meeting agenda ready to send out, last call if you have anything to add to it21:39
ianwfungi: cool, well i'm ready to re-create the mirror if we get networking up :)21:40
fungioh, i also haven't gotten around to checking whether ovh has fixed their keystone endpoint21:44
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Build Gerrit 3.3 images
clarkbfungi: what was the ovh problem (I saw the citycloud issue over the weekend but not ovh)21:45
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fungiclarkb: i status logged it but there's a bit more detail in
fungiFailed to discover available identity versions...21:46
clarkbif you open that url you get a version document and it looks ok at first glance (basically says its v3 only)21:47
clarkbwe could probably force v3 as well and give it the v3 url rather than the base url21:47
fungiin retrospect, i bet it was also impacting the corresponding nodepool launcher, i'll check the graphs21:47
clarkband try and bypass version lookups21:48
fungismall cluster of launch node failures around that timeframe, but zuul also wasn't all that active21:50
clarkbfungi: I think that the version info is only looked up when the provider starts21:50
clarkbif we restart nl04 we may start to see similar failures, or maybe we've already forced v3 there21:51
fungioh, right, it likely only happens on boot for the launchers21:52
fungithey don't constantly reauthenticate21:52
fungii guess i can just push a dnm change to exercise base-test21:52
clarkbya lets do that. There is a version doc present now and in theory that should work21:53
clarkbif it doesn't we should investigate further21:53
clarkbI don't know if there was a version doc when things were failing21:53
openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: docker: switch to using uwsgi-base
openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Tuning pool_recycle to avoid MySQL server gone away
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/lodgeit master: Add lodgeit-db script
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Temporarily limit base-test to OVH uploads
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Temporarily limit base-test to OVH uploads"
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/base-jobs master: DNM: test OVH log uploads
fungiclarkb: care to approve 773486? then i'll recheck 773488 and if it works, abandon it and approve 77348722:00
clarkbconfirmed it is the base-test playbook and approved it22:02
fungimuch obliged22:02
fungiat which point we can also safely approve 773259 to resume uploading normal build logs to ovh as well22:03
clarkbsounds liek a plan22:04
fungii don't see any reflection of the problem in their status log, though maybe it could be related to ?22:05
clarkbthat seems unlikely, but possible22:06
fungiagreed, grasping at straws there22:06
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Temporarily limit base-test to OVH uploads
clarkbfungi: I'd like to test zuul's handling of approved workinprogress changes. Do you want to set to workinprogress and I can approve it and monitor it? (note I can't seem to set workinprogress for you)22:15
clarkbor does anyone else have a change that would be useful for testing that on?22:18
clarkbhrm maybe I should just make one and then abandon it when done22:19
fungilooks like gertty doesn't have a wip toggle (yet)22:19
fungii'll use the webui22:19
fungiclarkb: it's marked wip now22:21
clarkbconfirmed I'll +2 +A it and then check zuul status for anything ending up in the gate22:21
fungiapparently needed to click the vertical ellipses in the upper-right corner for a secret drop-down easter egg22:21
clarkb shows nothing in the gate and the queues lengths are all zero22:22
fungioh, you know what, 773488 isn't going to let me exercise base-test22:23
fungii need to do that in an untrusted repo22:23
clarkbfungi: I've tpyically used zuul-jobs in the past22:23
clarkbsince it runs a number of shorter jobs, gets good coverage22:23
clarkbqueue lengthsare very much not 0 right now. I think once it returns to 0 if we've avoided enqueing to the gate that we should be good22:24
fungithere should be a repo in the opendev namespace we can use for that instead, pondering22:24
clarkbfungi: the namespace doesn't really matter much since base-jobs is in all the tenants22:25
fungiyeah, more about not pestering people who watch those other repos for legitimate changes with our noise22:25
clarkbqueue lengths are zeroed out and I never saw that change enqueue to the gate22:27
clarkbI'll remove my +A now (but leave the +2 as taht seems fine)22:27
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/bindep master: DNM: test OVH log uploads
fungithat should give us a viable exercise22:28
clarkbfungi: 773487 has had its +A removed and you can undo the wip if you want, thank you for that I think we can call that feature in gerrit ready to go with zuul now22:28
fungiwip removed, thanks22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add 'DIB_UBUNTU_MIRROR_DISTS' to ubuntu-minimal
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fungiclarkb: it all checks out if you want to approve
clarkbcool let me check the testing change and then will approve if that lgtm23:03
clarkbtook me a minute to find the jobs that used the ovh swift storage for logs (its the bindep-* jobs)23:04
clarkbI foudn examples with logs stored in both ovh regions so I think we're good23:04
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Temporarily limit base-test to OVH uploads"
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Temporarily disable build log uploads to OVH"
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Build Gerrit 3.3 images
clarkbthat is just a rebase, I realized the jobs have updated a bit since that was originall written so I want to mroe easily compare 3.2 and 3.3 job setup and bring 3.3 up to speed23:15
clarkbshould have a new ps soon with it up to speed23:15
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Build Gerrit 3.3 images
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