Monday, 2020-06-08

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deividHi! I'm trying to use pyghmi and I'm having some issues.. is this the right place to ask about it?12:30
AJaegerdeivid: OpenDev is running the infrastructure that hosts pyghmi and others but we cannot help you.12:35
AJaegerdeivid: I don't see any IRC channel for them. This looks related to ironic, so #openstack-ironic is one idea - check whether they can help you12:36
deividcool! thank you12:37
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible collection roles
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible collection roles
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openstackgerritHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Backport-Candidate label for oslo deliverables
auristorianw: this repository contains a kafs-client package with builds for Debian buster, bulleye,  and sid and for Ubuntu focal.   I hope that it will be accepted by Debian in the next week or two.14:27
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fungiis it already in the new queue for debian, just waiting for ftpmasters to review?14:38
* fungi checks14:38
auristorrra will upload it to debian after he approves it14:38
fungioh, excellent14:39
fungiand yeah, it's not in yet14:39
fungirra is great, he's the uploading sponsor for my packages since i've been too lazy to ever bother applying to be a dd14:39
auristorrra has reviewed prior builds.  he caught the openssl license conflict which resulted in the removal of the openssl libcrypto dependency from kafs-client.14:42
fungiwell, he was maintaining the openafs packages in debian for many years too14:43
auristorsure, I recruited him as openafs elder/gatekeeper when he was at Stanford14:43
AJaegerconfig-core, please review to unbreak requirements periodic constraints run.14:44
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mnaserAJaeger: +214:45
AJaegerthanks, mnaser14:45
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
fricklerinfra-root: I have set up unbound to answer DNS queries from instances within devstack with and the dependencies. I'm thinking we might want to integrate this into our images directly, so others can use it, let me know what you think15:10
clarkbthe big difference to the existing unbound is adding the listen address?15:11
fungii guess that's safe so long as we're not booting in a cloud which uses that as an internal network for instance interfaces and then puts floating ips for global addresses pointing to those (relatively unlikely)15:13
frickleradding the listen address and the filewall rule15:13
fricklerwell we have declared the range as free to being used by devstack. if we come across a provider for whom this isn't true, we'll need to find another range anyway15:14
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible collection roles
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dmsimardJust sharing fyi, there's apparently new gerrit releases including a security fix:
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update to gitea 1.12.0-rc2
clarkbdmsimard: thanks for the heads up. Reviewing the notes there I think we'll be ok15:34
clarkb(its not ideal but not world ending,
clarkbfrickler: yes, I believe that is true. If we have a conflict we're updating a few things either way15:36
clarkbinfra-root has been updated to handle gitea's latest RC15:36
mordredclarkb: lgtm - I like this shift to commenting15:37
clarkbmordred: ya I had a weird thing comparing rc1 to rc2 showing a delta then comparing our content to rc2 checkout didn't show the delta rc1 had15:39
clarkbmordred: I opened the file with vim instead of using diff then the next diff showed the delta. Silly filesystems15:39
clarkbbut otherwise teh comments make it easier to pick out intentional changes15:39
mordredclarkb: unrelated - I have a stack up in cliff to start to update how osc deals with plugins and entrypoints15:42
mordredclarkb: tl;dr - register all the in-tree plugins directly and have cliff look at its internals for command resolution first, and only scan entrypoints if it can't find a match the first pass15:43
mordredclarkb: this should allow most of the built-in functionality to happen without an entrypoint scan at all15:43
mordredclarkb: fwiw15:44
mordredI have to unwind a few things to get that process to be workable - but I think it's only a couple of patches away15:44
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible collection roles
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clarkbinfra-root looks like a few certs failed to refresh as expected yesterday. I'll look into that in a bit if no one else is already doing it16:32
* clarkb finds breakfast first16:32
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
fungii saw the sslcheck warnings but have had meetings all morning so haven't taken a look yet either16:41
clarkbI've finished eating some food and am about to pull up logs16:52
clarkbbased on acme logs etherpad hasn't tried to renew its cert. Working back from there I need to check ansible I guess16:53
clarkbskipping: no hosts matched16:54
clarkbI think our ansible is nooping16:54
clarkbmordred: ^ I think the groups and hosts split is not working16:55
AJaegerconfig-core, please review to unbreak requirements periodic constraints run.16:57
clarkbI think I see the issue16:58
fungii love how le cert refreshes, via automated sslcheck notifications, repeatedly serve as a canary that we've broken ansible16:59
fungior broken the jobs that run our ansible, et cetera17:00
fungii guess last time it was that i'd broken the periodic pipeline for system-config17:01
clarkbinventory=/home/zuul/src/,/home/zuul/src/,/etc/ansible/hosts/emergency.yaml <- that is our prod config. Note the extra src/ entries17:01
fungiyeah, we don't have a src namespace in opendev17:03
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove extra src/ dirs from inventory paths
clarkbI think ^ is the fix17:03
clarkbmordred: ^ do you understand why this worked in testing?17:03
mordredclarkb: yeah - we write out an overriden ansible.cfg in testing pointing to alternate inventory location17:07
mordredclarkb: it's one of the things we override17:07
mordredso - you know  - the general rule - any divergence from prod and testing WILL break17:08
mordredclarkb: youknow - maybe we should avoid doing that - and instead we should just have our test fixture overwrite the gate content into the same locations as would exist on bridge17:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Use python 3 venv for generate-constraints
clarkbfungi: catching up on things this morning and did jvb02-04 get deleted or simply removed from inventory/dns? or to put it differently: anything else we need to do to finish that up?17:46
clarkbmordred: feel free to update my change if you can contruct a better way to test that (because ya I think my change is totally untested and simply expected to fix things)17:46
mordredclarkb: I can't think of a way in the short term17:48
corvusi +2d that, but also think mordred's approach would be fine... i'm kinda either/or on them17:48
mordredclarkb: I think we should just land it17:48
mordredcorvus: I'll look in to a patch to do my thing17:48
mordredand see what it looks like overall17:48
fungiclarkb: double-checking the state of the changes i pushed17:54
fungiclarkb: i did a poweroff of the servers and then pushed changes to revert them from the inventory and dns zone, both of which merged, so i think i can delete their instances from nova next17:55
fungii'll go ahead with that now17:56
fungi#status log deleted down instances,, after removal from inventory and dns17:57
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging17:57
fungiand that's that17:57
clarkbwith ansible theoretically sorted and jvb's cleaned up I'm transitioning to "paperwork". Going to get a meeting agenda out, write some PTG recap summary content, and remind peopel about the opendev advisory board as suggested by mnaser. Ping me if something code or operational comes up17:59
fungii'm transitioning to "yardwork" (which didn't really need the airquotes)18:03
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove extra src/ dirs from inventory paths
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mordredfungi: I feel like "yardwork" might involved more beer than yardwork18:17
fungino comment18:21
fungiit does involve a lot of lounging on the patio with my computer and staring staring out at the water, at least18:22
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
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corvusclarkb: i think is ready to merge now (mordred pushed up the latest ps there and confirms it's working as intended)21:10
mordredcorvus: wanna see something weird?21:12
clarkbapproved. Do we want to remove the /etc/hosts collection in a followup or keep it as generally useful?21:12
mordredI think it's generally useful21:12
mordredcorvus, clarkb: succeeded in gate - and didn't get merged, but there's no message21:13
clarkbI just sent out a very long PTG recap email21:13
mordredthat's exciting21:13
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clarkbmordred: looking at zuul logs for 734095 now21:14
clarkbmordred: it got an conflict exception21:16
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for CentOS 8 Stream
clarkbmordred: its parent is whcih si not the latest patchset21:17
clarkb(so it cannot merge)21:17
mordredclarkb: weird. I would have thought something would have reported that - like the "can't merge" error or something21:18
clarkbmordred: ya the little orange dot next to the parent sha is all you get I think21:18
mordredclarkb: gerrit reported its child as cannot merge21:18
mordredclarkb: oh the orange dot. thanks!21:18
corvusif the parent hadn't been merged a long time ago, zuul would have caught that; but it doesn't instantiate change objects in memory for merged changes21:20
corvuswe could still probably add a specific check for this in the mergability check of the gerrit driver21:20
mordredI mean, admitedly it's a bit of an edge21:21
fungiquick-n-dirty nginx log analysis via docker-compose says we had precidely 600 unique ip addresses visit a meetbot room monday through friday last week. i suppose that's a coarse upper bound on the total number of folks who might have used the service during the ptg?21:34
fungier, precisely21:34
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fungimeetpad not meetbot21:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Consolidate zuul_connection variable
corvusmordred: ^ see anything wrong with that?21:50
mordredcorvus: I think that's a *great* idea21:51
corvuscool, wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something :)21:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Fake zuul_connections for gate
corvusthen i think that's how we use the new gate-overriding thingy21:59
clarkbcorvus: when you say not having the secrets should be fine that is because those zuul sub services don't actually use the connection data?21:59
corvusclarkb: yep21:59
corvus2 things: ansible is not going to bomb (because in the jinja template, the secrets are additive iff they exist), and zuul isn't going to bomb because if, say, the github api key isn't present on zuul-web, that's fine, it's ignored.22:00
corvusthough, i dunno, maybe that particular example was bad :)22:01
corvuslet's change that to 'the gerrit http password' :)22:01
mordredcorvus: in 29 there - you add more things to zuul.d/system-config-run.yaml than were added in the patch22:02
corvusmordred: yes!  i thought they were good things to add22:02
mordredthey seem like fine things to add - but were they missing due to oversight? or is there something... ok, cool22:02
mordredI thought that was the thing22:02
corvusi was thinking that maybe everything in the service dir should also be in the templates dir match22:02
corvusmordred: if i'm right about that, then i think your system makes it easy to make the job pretty future-proof22:03
corvusmordred: may we should rework that one more time to have a shiny regex that handles all the variants22:04
corvusanyway, that can come later22:05
openstackgerritHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use unittest.mock instead of mock
corvusclarkb, mordred: there is probably some risk in my consolidation patch.  there could be some zuul component that refuses to start if it has a connection entry missing some critical piece of data.  that would annoy me if that's the case, but it could be.22:08
corvusif it is, then we could either do the same thing with zuul_connection_secrets and have the same file everywhere, or we could revert it and leave a comment explaining why it's different.22:09
corvusbut my hope is that nothing that doesn't needs that information tries to use it22:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: WIP: add Zookeeper TLS support
corvuswith any luck, whether that works should be visible in logs now22:11
mordredfingers crossed22:14
ianw... just getting kids out the door to school ... thank $deity22:29
clarkbianw: wait your kids can go to school again?22:30
clarkbours are about to finish school for the academic year but they haven't gone to school in months :/22:31
ianwyeah it's been 11 weeks but they're back today22:31
ianwit's so ... quiet :)22:32
fungii wish our tourists would go away. with everything here closed they're all so bored they just cruise up and down the residential street i live on even though it doesn't go anywhere (just parallels the main road for a few miles at half the speed limit with lots of stop signs)22:36
fungiso weird22:37
fungii guess they want to look at the water, and the parking spaces at the beach accesses are probably all full22:37
fungiand it's not like it's just a few of them... it's a nonstop line of cars all day22:40
fungimaybe i should take it as an opportunity to put up a few signs22:40
ianwyou know things are bad when a stop sign is entertainment! :)22:47
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fungihey, a lot of them don't have stop signs back home. it's novel when an intersection isn't embellished with flashy signal light bling22:50
clarkbportland actually has a bunch of uncontrolled intersections22:56
clarkbit creates confusion and their faq even says something along the lines of "this isn't a portland specific or even oregon issue"22:57
clarkbwhich I thought was funny22:57
clarkb I'm starting the very early beginnings of figuring out where we stand re python322:58
ianw ... just failed to download an artifact with "304 not modified" ... that is odd23:02
ianwoh i guess it's my fault ... don't worry :)23:05
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Change launch scripts to python3 shebangs
ianwi still think ansible is getting it wrong because it's not the same file23:09
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Consolidate zuul_connection variable
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Be more explicit about using python3 to run tools/
clarkbI expect that as part of this investigating we'll want to do things like ^ to be explicit23:43
clarkbjust makes it easier to tell whether or not python3 or python2 is used23:43
clarkb if ya'll think of other services and utilities to add there that would be great23:44
clarkbI'll try to properly categorize things into the three TODO lists as I'm able then from that people can pick up porting tasks23:44
ianwyeah afsmon should be fine, and afsrelease too23:52

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