Sunday, 2020-03-22

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openstackgerritMerged opendev/gerritlib master: Add integration testing with jeepyb and gerrit
mordredoh good. I got an email letting me know about a new miracle oil that will protect against the virus14:14
fungistep 1. construct giant vat; step 2. fill with miracle oil; step 3. live there14:16
openstackgerritMerged opendev/jeepyb master: Run gerritlib and Gerrit integration test
openstackgerritMerged opendev/jeepyb master: Update ConfigParser imports for python3
fungiactually, if you cover yourself in cod liver oil, i bet that would be effective against it14:18
fungisince nobody will voluntarily go within 2 meters of you14:18
mordredto be fair - cod liver oil IS the answer to most things14:18
mordredwe went to a norwegian fishing museum in Ă…lesund - and there was a large section about cod liver oil production14:19
mordredsince that was basically the only norwegian economy for 100 years or so14:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Put gerrit image jobs into a project-template
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/jeepyb master: Run gerrit image jobs on jeepyb patches
mordredfungi, clarkb: ^^ followup to yesterday's jeepyb fun14:34
fungiyup, was just now looking over the bazel cleanup under those14:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Make a project-template for opendev-buildset-registry
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use opendev-buildset-registry project-template
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/jeepyb master: Run gerrit image jobs on jeepyb patches
mordredfungi: yay!14:39
mordredfungi: hrm. depends-on to the opendev base-jobs don't work - oh, that's a config repo isn't it?14:43
fungiit very much is, yes indeedy14:43
mordredyeah. well then depends-on really won't be expected to work now will they?14:43
fungii think it's fine to use depends-on for that, it's still a good signal to reviewers14:43
mordredyah - I was just confused for a second why there were red marks14:44
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Cleanup a few docker image related thigns
mordredinfra-root: manage-projects seems to work in the gerrit image now. next step - if we could get things in through - then we should be able to test an actual manage-projects run on review-dev - but also - it's Sunday, so you know, feel free to ignore me :)15:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Install utility scripts for running jeepyb commands
mordredactually - I'm testing that utility script ^^ now - finding a few issues15:20
corvusthe scones are in the oven15:21
corvuswe're trying a recipe that called for creme fraiche and we're substituting sour cream, so we'll see15:23
mordredcorvus: it'll be fine I'm sure :)15:24
corvusyeah, i'm pretty sure it will, and i usually like baked goods with sour cream, so i might even like this better than the original :)15:25
corvusthe dough seemed fine15:26
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Install utility scripts for running jeepyb commands
mordredcorvus: sorry - I found another issue ^^15:29
mordredbut with that - the script runs on review-dev - at least until it hits the next jeepyb issue :)15:30
mordredcorvus: could I entice you into the excitement which is ?15:31
corvusmordred: can we just add that to the job itself?15:32
mordredcorvus: oh - that's also a good idea :)15:34
corvus\o/ i can review!15:34
fungiseems we should be able to as it's in the same repo15:34
fungiso is already opendev-specific15:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Add docker mirror info opendev-buildset-registry
mordredcorvus: voila15:36
AJaegermordred: so, no template anymore?15:37
AJaegeryou could update job and do a template ;) - but if we don't use that often...15:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Install utility scripts for running jeepyb commands
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/jeepyb master: Run gerrit image jobs on jeepyb patches
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/jeepyb master: Clean up some more python3 things
mordredAJaeger: yeah ... corvus what do you think? should we also add the template?15:41
corvusi'm not a fan of templates for single jobs just for check/gate15:42
clarkbya'll are far too productive for sunday morning. I've not even managed breakfast yet15:42
mordredclarkb: to be fair - I'm a couple of hours ahead of you with the timezones15:42
mordredfwiw - with that last jeepyb patch I was able to run manage-projects through to completion on review-dev15:42
mordred(I went with has-github = False because we're not actually doing github things in project-creation any more right?)15:43
clarkbmordred: I think we would for openstack/ but can also stop at this point15:45
mordredif we don't create them is that going to bork gerrit replication?15:47
clarkbgerrit will go into retry forevwr mode for each if those repos iirc15:48
clarkbwhich may be badon larger scale15:48
mordredk. I'll look at updating to include github for now15:49
clarkbwhen nova specs wascorrupt it did that for a while without major negative affects15:49
mordredI'm just going to put it on the cleanup todo for now15:51
AJaegerwe're doing github things for openstack namespace, don't we?15:52
* AJaeger is long beyond breakfast - just had lovely cake for tea ;)15:52
mordredAJaeger: mmm. cake15:52
AJaegersorry, all gone ;)15:52
* corvus is having hong kong-style milk tea with scones for breakfast15:52
* mordred is having coffee15:52
corvus(we had some leftover condensed milk)15:53
AJaegerscones are on the menue for one of the next days15:53
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* AJaeger never had hong kong-style milk tea ;(15:53
corvuswhich, to be fair, if you ever have condensed milk, you should have leftover condensed milk because a little sure does go a long way15:53
clarkbcorvus: its good over shaved ice if you neat an afternoon treat15:57
corvusooh, we should take it out with us next time we're in the snow.  lightweight treat since the snow is already there15:59
mordredwe used to call that "snow cream"16:03
fungiyeah, same but we just used milk and sugar16:03
mordredalthough, if you can believe it, we'd also add sugar16:03
mordredbecause, I guess, the south16:03
mordredwhere there can never be too much sugar :)16:03
clarkbour sugary frozen treat was coconut apple and copra frozen in some sortof dairy based liquid.16:05
fungiin new england and eastern canada you boil maple syrup and then pour it onto snow to make quick maple taffy16:07
mordredcorvus: ...16:10
mordredcorvus: it's failing because it's running in jeepyb so context, which is relative, is wrong16:10
mordredshould I add zuul_work_dir to the vars? or make context absolute?16:10
corvusmordred: maybe absolute?16:12
mordredcorvus: looks like both will work:16:13
mordred  args:16:13
mordred    chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ item.context }}"16:13
mordredcorvus: so maybe a door-number-three would be to set zuul_work_dir in system-config-build-image and system-config-upload-image16:14
mordredsince all of the jobs using that as a base are designed to work inside of system-config16:14
corvussorry, i just discovered the ukulele orchestra of great britain16:16
corvusmordred: that sounds like a good idea, but i'd probably agree to anything right now :)16:17
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Put gerrit image jobs into a project-template
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Set zuul_work_dir for system-config-*-image
mordredI rechecked to show that working16:19
mordredcorvus: I am now listening to a remix containing the ukulele orchestra of great britain16:19
corvusthis is amazing and delightful!16:20
mordredcorvus: from what source are you enjoying them? I've only got one remix song via my usual vectors16:21
corvusi started with "the good, the bad, and the ugly"; then "psycho killer", now i'm on "sweet dreams"16:22
corvus(good/bad/ugly is particularly well done)16:22
AJaegercorvus: the Ukulele orchestra is great! I was in one of their live concerts and really enjoyed it!16:23
corvustoday, i am one of the 10,000 people just learning of the ukulele orchestra for the first time!  i am so lucky!16:24
AJaegeryou are indeed16:24
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Add opendev-buildset-registry depends where overridden
fungithis discussion has prompted me to listen to bruce lash's rendition of psycho killer from prozak for lovers ii16:28
AJaegercorvus: want to review 714306 again - has two +2s now. Or what were you waiting on, fungi ?16:41
mordredcorvus: teenage dirtbag is great16:41
AJaegerI see vexxhost tenant testing 714306 - is that correct or should we disable that?16:42
fungiAJaeger: i'll take a look16:43
fungiahh, cool yeah i didn't approve that one in case it didn't address corvus's comment on the previous patchset like i thought it did16:44
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: vexxhost: do not test opendev/base-jobs
AJaegermnaser: ^16:45
AJaegerthe patch above removes vexxhost from running on opendev/base-jobs16:45
mnaserlooks like that was merged before i could look :)16:46
mordredmnaser: I can remove the +A16:46
mnaserwe're all farming reviews today16:46
mnaserno that's fine!16:46
mnaseri agree with it16:46
fungiit's not merged yet16:46
corvusit's all ukuleles and +3s on sunday16:47
mnaserstaying at home all day has always been an excellent skillset of mine16:48
corvusokay i'm going to go outside and get some government approved exercise16:48
mnaserbut the whole concept of it not being done by choice drives my cray :)16:48
mordredmnaser: right?16:50
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Add docker mirror info opendev-buildset-registry
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: vexxhost: do not test opendev/base-jobs
mordredcorvus: when you're back from your government approved exercise - is green now17:41
fungilgtm, but i need to step away soon to fire up the grill for my government approved steak17:47
mordredmmm. government steak17:47
* mordred has government approved pork cooking17:47
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Docs: Update main page for OpenDev
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openstackgerritLenny Verkhovsky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Mellanox element: removed ibutils,libibcm,libmlx4-dev
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