Wednesday, 2020-03-18

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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: vexxhost: add openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/ master: Replace nb01 with nb04
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Add config for
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: : use new(?) image name
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Replace with nb04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: vexxhost: add openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs
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openstackgerritDaniel Pawlik proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add phoronix-test-suite job
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openstackgerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use centos8 deps repo  for RHEL8 nodes
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/project-config master: Use /detail in check-release-approval queries
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/lodgeit master: Tuning pool_recycle to avoid MySQL server gone away
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roman_gHello team. Nice to meet you in your noew channel.13:08
fungiwelcome, roman_g!13:13
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use centos8 deps repo  for RHEL8 nodes
* AJaeger waves to roman_g and fungi13:23
openstackgerritScott Little proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Rook to StarlingX
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clarkbok smoker is smoking16:08
rm_workfirst message I see in the new channel is a tautology, nice16:08
fungichannel is channeling16:11
fungiclarkb: i just realized, your recent two opendev announcements should probably also go to
clarkbfungi: I'll get those sent out shortly16:20
fungii suspect we should start using that. it had a message last june16:20
fungialso is there a change up for the main page to update the contact info section there? if not i'll push something in a few minutes16:21
AJaegerfungi: not sure. There is
clarkbI've sent the gerrit downtime email. I think I need to draft a third email for service-announce re the irc change16:23
clarkbworking on that now16:23
fungiAJaeger: thanks, at least that -1 captures the reminder to do it16:24
fungifrickler: ^ are you still working on that change?16:24
clarkbfungi: emails sent, thank you for pointing that out16:27
clarkband ya we should start to use that list more aggressively16:27
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fricklerfungi: yeah, I left it pending until we switch, I can update it tomorrow but I also won't complain if someone does it in the meantime (hint, hint ;-)16:29
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ensure-python element
AJaegerfungi, frickler, let me take it over quickly...16:30
ouroboros8Hi, I am adding an option to the openstack cli `floating ip` command, and would like to submit an update to docs with the change. Could anyone point me to where is generated from?16:31
ouroboros8(context if required:!/story/2007439)16:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Update references to IRC channels
AJaegerfungi, frickler ^16:33
AJaegerouroboros8: this is the channel to run the openstack infrastructure, better ask on #openstack-sdks channel. Just from looking at the URL, it is on the pike branch. And documents are under doc/source in general. We fix bugs on master first.16:35
ouroboros8AJaeger: thanks, I'll do that!16:38
fungialso stable/pike is under what openstack calls "extended maintenance" so may no longer be actively maintained, and probably is only merging critical fixes there (if any)16:40
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Fix URLs after OpenDev rename
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ensure-python element
clarkbI'm going to proceed with the gitea upgrade in about half and hour. I should be able to sit and pay attention for a while at athat point17:26
fungii'll be on hand to help should things go sideways17:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Fix URLs after OpenDev rename
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Update redirects
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Update git.starlingx/git.airship redirects
AJaegerfungi, clarkb, could you review 713695 (#openstack-infra -> #opendev) - and the stack on top of it as well, please? I'm curious whether we should do the last two ones or not.17:42
clarkbgitea chagne is approved and now looking at AJaeger's changes17:55
clarkb that potentially impacts dns. I think its just changing the git remote url though. Should be safe. corvus maybe you can confirm?17:58
clarkbactually would be good for someone that understands ansible better than me to check that those urls chnages won't cause us problems in the existing git repos18:00
fungiit's just clone urls for that playbook as far as i can tell18:03
clarkbfungi: ya but it sets the origin remote18:04
clarkb(I think my biggest conern is that the git module won't know how to udpate an existing remote)18:04
clarkbAJaeger: optimising those redirects seems fine18:04
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: WIP Restart gitea more cleaner
clarkbmordred: ^ fyi I decided to start poking at that since we are doing upgrades18:29
clarkbit will be too late for this upgrade, but hopefully in place before the next one18:29
clarkbour CI should test how wrong I got that too which is nice18:36
fungii'm popping out for a quick walk but will be back to help with any gitea breakage shortly18:37
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Update to gitea 1.11.3
mordredclarkb: awesome. looks like an ansible issue needing some more quoting18:53
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Update references to IRC channels
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: WIP Restart gitea more cleaner
clarkbthe portion of ansible just started on gitea0119:21
clarkbI think that means we'll get to the upgrade shortly19:21
clarkbgitea01 just updated19:29
clarkbit seems to be working but some of the rendering looks weird19:30
clarkblike its not got all the css maybe?19:30
clarkbthere are no failed fetches according to my debug console so its getting all the files it asked for19:30
clarkblooking at a git diff I don't see any obvious html, js or css changes that would impact this. I do notice they chagned the build process for js and css though19:33
clarkbthatmakes me suspect this is a build time issue19:33
fungilooking normal to me so far19:34
clarkbfungi: open a file19:34
clarkbthe line numbers are not linkable and the file size header stuff is weird19:35
clarkboh maybe I need a hard refresh? I'll try that too19:35
clarkbya thats got the same bad render in two browsers for me and after a hard refresh19:35
fungiyeah, lines aren't clickable/highlightable19:36
clarkblooking at the makefile changes they've removed the generate target which we were running, but it appears the functional equivalents of that are now under the build target which we also build19:36
clarkbso that should all work fine19:36
clarkbwe also have node 10 which is the version they want19:37
clarkbI'm trying to find log files for the image build that we just did to see if ther eis anything useful there19:38
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for build-only packages
fungicould it be sticking some files in a place we're not collecting/archiving now?19:41
mordredI don't see any smoking guns19:42
clarkboh wait I had a filter on my network requests and was only looking at js19:42
clarkbthere are some 404s19:42
clarkb is a 40419:43
clarkbI bet that is our problem19:43
fungiLoading failed for the <script> with source “”.19:43
mordredyeah. I agree - index.css and index.js both seem awol19:43
fungiwas just looking at my js console19:43
clarkbthere were no errors from the build that snuck by that I can see19:44
clarkbI'm downloading the image now to poke around in it19:45
AJaegermordred: could you look at later, please? clarkb wants to know that those URL changes don't break anything19:46
fungii'm not sure what to expect out of the webserver in those images, but is a 404 for me19:46
mnaserdo we use gitea upstream images or our own19:47
clarkbmnaser: our own19:47
mnaserperhaps you need to run something now to "build assets"19:47
mordredmnaser: it looks like we did19:47
clarkbmnaser: thats what I was looking at in the makefile and I'm 99% sure we do19:47
clarkbwe run make generate build. generate runs go generate and build runs the frontent and backend builds19:48
mnasernpx lessc web_src/less/index.less public/css/index.css19:48
mordredmake clean-all build is what they're running now - but I agree, that should have the same impact as what we're doing19:49
* mnaser pulls image locally19:49
clarkbmnaser: note it grumps about volume mounts if you try to run it naively19:49
mnaseryep i just saw that scroll by :P19:50
clarkbshould be fine for investigative purposes though19:50
mnaserok i dont see any css19:50
mnaserinside /app/gitea/ i only the gitea binary19:50
mordredyeah. but that's all they copy in their Dockerfile too19:51
mnaseroh so gitea somehow builds those assets into the binary19:51
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mnaser23 days ago19:52
mnaser"They need to update their Dockerfile to include new build deps since 1.11."19:52
mnaserbut i think we already do that19:53
mordred1.11.1 worked fine19:54
clarkbpossible 1.11.3 has added more build deps I guess?19:54
mnaserdo we call make js and make css in our build?19:54
mnaserlook at that "WARNING: `generate` method is deprecated and using it may cause build to miss some static files."19:55
* mordred is asking in the gitea discord fwiw19:55
clarkbmnaser: no we call make build which calls frontend which calls js and css19:55
mnaseri think clarkb has the reason19:55
clarkband ya I think we want to drop the generate :))19:55
clarkbI'm working on a patch19:55
mordredshould we try switching to make clean-all build ?19:55
mnasermordred: im curious why we aren't using the dockerfile build but then i bet there's a series of reasons behind that19:56
fungipart of it has to do with overriding templates19:56
clarkbmordred: let me read the clean-all target19:56
clarkbya I think clean-all is worthwhile (a noop for us typically but will avoid stale js/css)19:57
mordredcool - that's what their dockerfile does19:58
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Don't run make generate for gitea
clarkbinfra-root ^ I expect that will fix things for us19:59
mordredmnaser: their dockerfile is designed for a slightly different use-case - it's more structured for an AIO deploy with multipel processes running in the same container. we're doing container-per-process - and we also need to add custom stuff19:59
mordredclarkb: I thnkit's worth trying20:00
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mordredclarkb: the current break is just ugly - not functionally broken20:00
clarkbmordred: considering its tied to an upstream PR that literally says "fix this thing"20:00
clarkbI have high hopes :)20:00
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clarkband ya I think we can just roll forward. the current state isn't great but it is mostly useable while we get the expected fix up20:00
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mordredclarkb: note for future - start looking at dockefile changes between releases in addition to templates20:02
mordredclarkb: while we're waiting - you might enjoy Add support for build-only packages20:02
clarkbI'm actually gonna go check if my ribs are done but then I shall look :)20:03
fungiyeah, we're dinnering but i'm around to keep an eye on things when that fix lands20:03
clarkbmordred: that passes testing now. I think it deserves careful scrutiny though20:03
clarkbmordred: I'm worried that our testing only tests the bootstrap case and not the existing install case20:04
clarkbthough I think concerns are relatively minor as its all docker compose operations we were doing before just broken out into explcit commands20:04
mordredclarkb: yeah- I agree - on both scruitiny and on it's probably fine20:04
AJaegerclarkb: mordred (thanks!) gave +2 on 713695, want to review later again and +A?20:07
clarkbAJaeger: ya I'll try to get back to it once gitea is happy again (only need one fire at a time)20:09
AJaegerclarkb: sure - thanks20:10
clarkbI think one rack of ribs needsabout 15 mintes and the other an hour20:12
fungidifferent sizes? or just hot spots in the smoker?20:13
clarkbfungi: I think hot spots in the smoker. I've got one side's vent open almost fully so fire will burn from that side to the other20:13
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Kubernetes Node Support for Mirroring Git Repos
clarkbmordred: left a couple notes on the things I was concerned about with the service restart change. Curious to see what others think20:18
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ensure-python element
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Optimize repos for size when preparing for nodecache
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Replace with nb04
ianwinfra-root: ^ if i got get some eyes on that, i can bring up nb04 with a fresh container today20:42
ianw(i brought the host up yesterday)20:43
ianwinfra-root: also wrt to that, if we could check the new image name from :  ... did anyone get any communication over changing the name from PVHVM to Cloud from RAX?20:44
ianwas mentioned, it all looks the same to me on the host20:44
mordredianw: we may want to check the glance metadata for the image ... because there are metadata keys that can have impact on how the image is run (what???)20:45
fungiianw: you missed the acme record on 71357120:45
fungisee inline comment20:45
mordredoh. new image name20:45
mordredianw: yes - I agree, if PVHWM is gone - that one seems like the sane one to use20:46
fungiianw: i didn't see announcements, but it's possible they stopped offering non-pvhvm images a while back and so wanted to clean up the names20:46
mordredalternately we could start using our own base image ...20:46
mordredon this topic ...20:47
mordredfungi, ianw:
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/ master: Replace nb01 with nb04
ianwfungi: ^ thanks!20:47
ianwi mean if kernels have everything built in to be a performant rax node, we could just upload the upstream cloud image and use that at least as a stable point?20:48
fungithe nodepool images we build seem to get reasonable performance on rackspace20:49
mordredianw: depends on cloud-init ... but I think we uploaded a dib-built base image somewhere at one point20:49
mordredmaybe vexxhost?20:49
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add containerfile element
ianwmordred: yeah, i just meant as something that wouldn't change because we uploaded it20:50
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ansible-lint to version 4.2
openstackgerritMerged opendev/ master: Replace nb01 with nb04
mordredianw: totally. I'm just saying - if we're gonna upload something - maybe building a minimal bionic and uploading that? I think every time we've discussed this we've gotten lost in how to manage it overall20:55
clarkbianw I can help with revuews as soon as these ribs are consjmed20:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add config for
mordredianw: speaking of images ... could I get you to take a look at ?20:59
ianwmordred: yeah, we could build it in a job, and leave it in AFS, and possibly have the cloud launcher then upload it from there as a standard name20:59
ianwi think the issues we had was nodepool trying to manage the control plane images, more than the image itself20:59
mordredyeah - because it's not really a great match use-case wise20:59
mordredianw: that's actually a great idea. or even just upload it to tarballs and have cloud-launcher wget it first (afs isn't as awesome for a large seldom-read file)21:00
mordredor - tarballs is afs now isn't it?21:00
mordrednevermind :)21:00
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ianwyep :)21:00
mordredianw: oh!21:00
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mordredianw: your idea but one step further ... have zuul build the image - then in promote run cloud-launcher to fetch it down from swift as an artifact and then upload it to our control-plane clouds21:01
ianwyeah, the only thing about swift is that it would disappear when it expired?  i feel like we'd want a persistent copy21:02
mordreddo we need one? we can always build a new one? but yeah - if we do want a persistent copy that's a bad idea21:02
fungipersistent copy of every one we've ever built? why?21:03
ianwjust thinking if you ever want to test an image like what's in production.  but maybe that's not something we want to care about21:03
ianwor re-upload for some reason21:03
clarkbaiui you can pull the image out of glance if you need it21:03
mordredyeah- I'm mostly thinking in this case these would really be _minimal_21:03
mordredand yes - you can download from glance21:03
mordredso - simple-init ubuntu-minimal and maybe that's it?21:04
* clarkb is attempting to work outside21:04
mordredlet launch-node and ansible do the rest21:04
ianwyou'll want ssh and a user too21:04
* fungi is attempting to not work, but needs to practice his zuul presentation for tomorrow's cdf interop sig call21:05
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: : use new(?) image name
clarkbmordred: to confirm on that dib change the uninstall bit is already set up to run at the end of the phase?21:07
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ansible-lint and add fake zuul_return
mordredclarkb: that'd right21:09
mordredthat's right21:09
mordredclarkb: install happens at 01 and uninstall at 9921:09
ianw... ohhh ... i should probably shutdown nb01 quick because i imagine if the hostname disappears with the update but it's still trying to chat that will be bad21:09
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ansible-lint and add fake zuul_return
mordredclarkb: see the followup change in the stack to see a use case21:10
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM test if compose up --no-start is necessary
ianw#status log shutdown ... nb04 will be the replacement21:10
clarkbstatusbot insn't here yet21:11
clarkbdidn't that change land?21:11
ianw seemed to add it?  i'll restart it?21:12
AJaeger landed, clarkb21:12
ianwi restarted it, let's see if it appears21:12
ianw(This server is not accepting new connections. Please connect to instead.)21:13
ianwoh, this is our host override thing?21:13
clarkbor perhaps the channel limit?21:14
clarkboh no that error looks like the override21:14
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove the Rackspace Cloud repo
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ianw#status log update hostname override for statusbot on eavesdrop.openstack.org21:16
openstackstatusianw: finished logging21:16
ianw#status log shutdown ... nb04 will be the replacement21:16
openstackstatusianw: finished logging21:16
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update ansible-lint exception
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clarkbianw: nb04 change is approved21:21
AJaegerianw: I updated your change to update ansible-lint the same way mordred updated it for zuul-jobs and openstack-zuul-jobs. mordred, want to review, please? is related, it's a simple rename of rules21:25
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ansible-lint and add fake zuul_return
AJaegermordred: thanks, addressed comment ^21:28
AJaegeranybody interested to review to stop Fedora 29 mirroring, please?21:31
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Don't run make generate for gitea
clarkband now we wait just a little longer21:48
mordredclarkb: fingers crossed21:56
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Replace with nb04
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clarkbmordred: that passed with the docker-compose up --no-start commented out22:02
clarkbmordred: if you get a chance can you take a look at that and give some thought on whether or not we should squash them together22:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Update ansible-lint and add fake zuul_return
mordredclarkb: so - stop seems to be safe even if nothing is running22:06
clarkbmordred: ya22:08
mordredclarkb: yeah - I think maybe let's just squash and remove the commented section - it doesn't seem necessary22:08
mordredclarkb: and I think maybe take off the WIP22:09
clarkbkk will get to that shortly22:11
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Restart gitea more cleaner
clarkbmordred: ^22:15
mordredclarkb: comment inline22:19
clarkbmordred: good point22:22
clarkbwill cleanup22:22
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Restart gitea more cleaner
corvusclarkb: why not leave all the user stuff outside the new image block?22:28
clarkbcorvus: it was in there for symetry because we do the root check22:29
clarkb(and use that to know the api is up)22:29
corvusi just worry we're making an unrelated assumption here22:30
corvusthat the only time we need to bootstrap the system will always be immediately after an image update22:30
corvuswhat if a future bring-up process ends up with the current image already on the host?22:31
corvusi think i'd suggest just running the root check again22:31
clarkbya we could do that22:31
corvus(or pick a different "is it up yet?" endpoint)22:31
corvusi can't say why the current thing would break, just that it feels like one of those things we'd spend 30 minutes tracking down when it does :)22:32
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Restart gitea more cleaner
clarkbcorvus: ^ I think that does what you want and ya I think I like that better22:40
clarkbkeeps the start stop steps clear of config management22:41
clarkbalso I believe at least gitea01 has the fixed css now22:41
clarkb is happy. I'm going to trigger replication22:41
clarkball 8 are happy if you look and switch the number around22:42
clarkb01-04 are replicating then will do 05-08 after22:43
clarkbthen hopefully with 711130 in we never need to trigger replication this way again22:44
corvusclarkb: lgtm (and sorry, i *just* left the comment on ps5; i typed it up earlier and apparently forgot to publish it; i went ahead and did so just ftr)22:47
clarkbah its the irc comments22:47
ianwok, nb04 is configured but ... not quite working22:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add support for build-only packages
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add containerfile element
ianwopenstack.exceptions.ConfigException: Cloud citycloud was not found. ... something to do with config i guess22:55
clarkbianw: we did switch around where the clouds.yaml comes from maybe we didn't get what quite right?22:55
ianwyes, the config file has22:56
ianw# This file is deployed to nodepool launcher and builder hosts as  ~nodepool/.config/openstack/config/clouds.yaml22:56
ianwi'm pretty sure i templated that out, suggesting that change has worked22:56
ianws/has/has not/22:56
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mordredianw: I remember looking at that change23:09
ianwmordred: has confused matters ... do you think we're ok to revert that?23:09
ianwi think, from our prior discussion, we're probably of the opinion nodepool isn't the right tool to manage control plane images?23:10
ianw is more the change i mean actually, that created the duplicate config files23:12
mordredianw: well - I thinkw e could - but I also don't think that's the issue - I think the issue is that that the setting of openstacksdk_config_dir is being done in 2 different groups and the one group is not overriding the other group23:12
mordredoh - hrm.23:13
mordredno - I take that back23:13
ianwit has gone into /etc/openstack ... but just not the file i thought would go there23:14
mordredah. nod23:14
ianwcontrol-plane-clouds still makes sense as an abstraction i guess (rather than just hard-coding that is the only thing that ever gets those configs)23:15
ianwlet me see if i can just cleanup the builder bits23:15
ianwit's still probably a container mapping issue, but one thing at a time :)23:16
mordredyes. one thing at a time is a smart choice23:17
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: nodepool config: remove builder template, fix base template
ianwmordred: ok, looking back it seems like we just missed it in I5e72928ec2dec37afa9c8567eff30eb6e9c04f1d23:24
ianwwhich says exactly the same thing about keeping the control-plane-clouds ... :)23:24
ianwi'm only 8 months behind, seems about right :)23:25
ianwnow, back to this failing container23:26
ianwnodepool.yaml -> /opt/project-config/nodepool/ is right at least23:27
*** diablo_rojo has quit IRC23:29
ianw                "Type": "bind",23:30
ianw                "Source": "/etc/openstack",23:30
ianw                "Destination": "/etc/openstack",23:30
ianw-rw-r----- 1 root root 4802 Mar 18 22:23 clouds.yaml ... that's going to be it23:35
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: nodepool-builder container: give nodepool group acess to config
clarkb05-08 are replicating now23:42
clarkbthen we are done with that23:42
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: zookeeper: open firewall port to nb04
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Restart gitea more cleaner

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