Monday, 2015-11-09

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asalkeldooo, nice :
sdake_SamYaple good thing we have tht gate !00:22
sdake_asalkeld you also hae a tracker00:23
sdake_feel free to go wild00:23
asalkeldwill soon00:23
sdake_the tracker is completely distributed00:23
sdake_anyone can do anything they like00:23
sdake_i prefer CRs muck with blueprints but it isn't strictly rquired00:23
asalkeldsdake_: what do you mean by a "tracker"?00:23
sdake_we are still sorting out a process for dealing with launchpad blueprints00:23
sdake_tracker = launchpad00:23
asalkeldaaa, lp project - nice!00:24
sdake_who is your second person for the kolla-mesos group asalkeld00:24
asalkeldsdake_: i think (Kirill Proskurin) will get the most dedicated time00:25
sdake_asalkeld trying to get the olla-mesos-grou psetup but its sunday00:25
sdake_so you and krill then?00:25
sdake_seem slike michael is right on track to hit core reviewer in short order00:26
asalkeldnihilifer: is doing a great job too (in case you want #3)00:26
sdake_but your wish is my command00:26
sdake_just two00:26
sdake_they can always just end up joining the cr team00:26
sdake_who is nihilfer's name?00:26
sdake_(ddon't recall his real name)00:26
asalkeldk, i think best to go by who has the most time to dedicate00:27
asalkeldMichal Rostecki00:27
sdake_ok makes sense00:27
sdake_it mya b that machiel just gts i the cr team directly00:27
sdake_asalkel i know I said in teh past I dont have a hard cap on the number of core reviewers, however, I want to ensure we keep our team diversity tag00:28
sdake_which means there is a hard cap on number of crs from one company00:28
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asalkeldsounds ok'ish00:29
sdake_i thin kthe limit to th eore reiewers is a bad ide aon part of the tc00:29
sdake_ut there is little i can do about it00:29
asalkeldthough i don't really think core is very important (other than actually getting code in), you can be very productive without been core00:30
sdake_right it just hep move code along00:30
sdake_we do a good job of reviews typically00:30
sdake_the more complex they r the slower they re00:30
sdake_so keep em simple :)00:30
sdake_last week - i wrote off ;)00:31
sdake_but the ocming weeks should be soid00:31
asalkeldok, i'll start posting some idea patches soon00:31
sdake_no rush00:32
sdake_repo is created - spec is neraly wrapaped00:32
sdake_these r eitems i wanted to rush on00:32
sdake_after tht whatever happens naturally wfm00:32
asalkeldI am quite happy with interest from others (harmw and Zhongyue)00:33
asalkeldi'd really like this to be widely used00:33
asalkeldone thing i am trying to think about is not diverging the config options between deployments00:34
asalkeldtho' i am not sure how that can be best achieved00:35
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sdake_which config options00:48
sdake_yu mean globals.yml?00:48
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
asalkeldsdake_: yea00:56
asalkeldand the way a user can customise the config00:56
asalkeld /etc/kolla/<service>/<project> ...00:57
asalkeld /etc/kolla/config ...00:57
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SamYaplepoor asalkeld02:05
SamYaplewell get that spec merged at some point :/02:05
SamYaplei mean we already have the repo for it sooooooo02:05
* asalkeld just hacking away happily02:05
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britthouserasalkeld - I know very little about Mesos, but wondering how much "ownership" it takes of each container?  Like, can it only manage containers its deployed?  Or can it take over the management of containers previously deployed, with say, ansible?02:15
asalkeldbritthouser: i'd assume it only know about ones it starts02:15
asalkeld(tho' i may be wrong)02:15
britthouserOk.  I figured that would be the case.02:16
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Fix bootstrap for services
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Fix bootstrap for services
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unused cinder-data container
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Move data container to start.yml
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Move data container to start.yml
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unused cinder-data container
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Fix bootstrap for services
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: add config generation script and some examples
SamYapleasalkeld: so the idea is to use ansible to do the config generation for kolla-mesos?03:29
SamYaplenot ansible03:30
asalkeldyeah just jinja203:34
asalkeldansible hostvars is going to be a problem03:35
asalkeld(dynamic stuff)03:35
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SamYapleasalkeld: does mesos have some way to detect that stuff?03:36
asalkeldi need to convert that to some kind of zookeeper variables that the containers can wait on and update the config as it is discovered03:36
asalkeldSamYaple: mesos afaik totally stays out of the configuration game03:36
asalkeldexcept for loadbalancers and service discovery03:36
asalkeld(which we can use)03:36
SamYapleright but service discovery comes with ip detection right?03:37
SamYapleim not sure03:37
SamYaplei should play with it03:37
asalkeldyeah, i need to look at it too03:37
asalkeldi have been trying to understand how ansible works03:37
asalkeld(newbie to ansible)03:37
SamYapleeh don't worry about ansible03:38
SamYaplei dont think youll have to know anything about it03:38
asalkeldyeah, just to see how the templating works03:38
SamYaplewe just need a way to detect that ip information in mesos03:38
SamYapleoh ok03:38
SamYaplethen run `ansible localhost -m setup`03:38
SamYapleit will spit out all the variables it knows about03:38
asalkeldnow he tells me...03:39
SamYaplei told you before :)03:39
asalkeldif you did it slipped by03:39
SamYapleno problem of course03:39
SamYaplei may not have told you this actually03:40
SamYaplesorry :)03:40
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asalkeldnp, it looks like mostly ip address/ports03:40
asalkeldtho' one biggie is figuring how to run the bootstrap stage03:41
asalkeldbut, I'll get there03:41
SamYapleI am now the proud owner of a patch that merged into nova03:42
SamYapleits so rare. its like a unicorn03:42
asalkeldwell done03:43
* asalkeld taking a break, brb03:43
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SamYapleasalkeld: this is actually a conversation I would like to have with you03:58
SamYapleis there _any_ outside orchastration of any kind?03:58
SamYapleor is it literally "start all containers, all contaienrs must be smart with teh logics"03:58
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sdakeSamYaple note, python kolla_set_configs is not a list in sudo but an app + args04:02
sdakeso python kolla_set_configs is as secure as it gtes...04:02
SamYapleif that is the case the python piece is redundat since kolla_set_configs is executable04:03
sdakeya i dont know why it was there in the first place04:03
SamYaplesdake: i got a patch merged into nova04:03
sdakei thought for some good reason04:03
sdaketime to bring donuts into the office ;)04:04
SamYaplesdake: its leftover cruft04:04
sdakeyes just a fyi so you learn something ;)04:04
sdakei will remove ethe python (if tht works with sudo)04:04
SamYaplesdake: yea i couldn't remember if it was space or command seperated lists04:05
SamYapleI thought wrong04:05
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SamYapleits comma seperated04:06
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sdakeatm all our containers require tty which i htink is incorrect04:08
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SamYaplewere keeping the tty around for other reasons anyway04:09
SamYapleit makes working with the contaienrs so much more pleasent04:09
SamYaplebut we _could_ turn off tty for the process itself04:09
SamYapleor at the beginning of the shell04:09
SamYaplethe issue is if the contaienr isn't created with a tty it can't be added after the fact04:10
SamYaplethen when you have to docker exec into the contaienr is all broken04:10
SamYapleyou can't use stuff like less04:10
SamYapleor mysql04:10
sdakeso you recommendd that !requiretty or what04:10
sdakeya i get the tty thing04:10
SamYapleoh it doesn't matter04:11
SamYapleyou can use either04:11
SamYapleyou want to add it or leave it off, it really doesnt matter04:11
sdakei'll leave my sudoers file as is i think04:11
sdakeminus trying to remove python04:12
SamYapleyou still need to change that second ALL to (root)04:12
sdakei'll see if that works or not04:12
sdakewhat does that do?04:12
SamYapleprevents the user from sudo'ing to a user other than what is specified04:12
SamYaplein this case only to root04:12
sdakei'm going to stick with kolla04:12
sdakei don't like configs04:12
SamYaplesure i dont care, openstack just didnt make sense for a user in the ceph or mariadb contaienrs04:13
sdakeimplementation looks pretty good tho no?04:13
sdakeinterestingly ti is the sipliest one so far ;-)04:14
SamYapleI say yes, though I think we should have a helper file to append commands too04:15
SamYapleno that seems fine04:15
SamYaplei was thinking for the extend starts04:15
SamYaplebut we can add special sudoers for the specific user04:16
sdakeyou mean for nova and neutron that erqurei root sudo?04:16
SamYapleno those are handled by thier rootwrap things04:16
SamYaplewe can just move those into place04:16
SamYaplei was thinking of like ceph04:16
SamYaplewith parted and sdisk comannds04:16
sdakemaybe you can sisgn up for ceeph ;)04:17
* sdake runs04:17
SamYapleyea no problem04:17
SamYaplehye sdake, not realyl related04:17
sdakewound me04:17
SamYaplebut lets have a talk about harpxyo really quick04:17
sdakei just woke up04:18
SamYapleno problem its simple04:18
sdakeso don't expect rocket scientistry atm04:18
SamYapleright now with COPY_ONCE we cannot hot reload haproxy config04:18
SamYapleis this the behaviour you want?04:18
sdakethat is a complex question04:18
sdakethe reason we have copy_once is to preserve immutability of the container config from start through exit04:19
SamYapleits a yes no answer :P04:19
sdakeso if we caan presserve that then its an easy yes04:19
sdakeif not, it may be more a quetion of pragmatistim04:19
sdakei mean changing it above04:20
SamYaplewell here is the issue, if you add another node (mariadb, nova-api,neutron-server, etc) this requires a _very_ distruptive container top start04:20
* sdake goes backt o beed ;)04:20
sdakeif the restart is rolling its not disruptive right?04:22
SamYapleit can't be rolling04:22
SamYapleyou have to restart haproxy04:22
SamYaplerestarting haproxy is very distruptive04:22
sdakebut the other tw onodes provide service?04:22
sdakecan't you drain haproxy out04:22
sdakethen restat it?04:22
SamYaplesure. but then your cluster is dead for x ammount of time04:23
sdakewhat is the hit to immutability?04:23
SamYaplethe haproxy container may not have the same config as when it was first launched04:23
SamYaplethats teh hit04:23
SamYaplebut to be realistic here, haproxy doesnt ever restart...04:23
SamYapleif it did everything would be dead anyway04:23
sdakeone reason we want immutability is so the state of the system stays syncrhonized04:24
sdakethis sounds like it could lead to desynced state04:24
SamYaplethat doesnt make sense04:24
sdakejust woke up04:25
sdakewarned you :)04:25
SamYapleanyway. think about it because no one will ever use COPY_ONCE if they are aware of these facts04:25
SamYapleand I will maek them aware04:25
SamYaplethats an operators worst nightmare04:25
sdakeis it not possible to take one haproxy out of service (out of the load blancers) then drain its queue, then resstart it?04:25
SamYapleonly one haproxy is ever processing things anyway04:26
sdakeoh wasnt' totally ware of that04:26
SamYapleyou were04:26
sdakeor maybe i was04:26
sdakejust woke up like i said04:26
SamYapleweve had the conversation before04:26
sdakestruggle when i first wake up :)04:26
SamYaplei woke up like an hour ago04:27
sdakei woke up about 10 mins ago04:27
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SamYapleyouve been talking to me for 30 minutes04:27
sdakeso lets say we take the hit to immutability04:27
sdakewhat is the impact?04:27
sdakeagain reason we want immutability is to make ure system state stays synchrnized04:28
sdakedoes this result in desynced behavior?04:28
SamYapleexpand on that04:28
SamYaplei dont know what you are saying with sync-state04:28
sdakefor example one nova-compute could end with qemu and one with libvirt04:28
sdakerhater kvm04:28
sdakewhen all should be one or the other04:28
sdakedefinately the running state shoudl match teh config for compute04:28
SamYaplewell that isnt assured with COPY_ONCE04:28
sdakeroger i understand04:29
SamYaplethe entire environment isn't immutable, the container is04:29
sdakeya understood04:29
sdakebut kvm if configed wil be running04:29
SamYaplethe haproxy config deals with teh entire environemnt which is not immutable04:29
sdakedoesn't sound like an exception to me04:29
SamYapleeven with COPY_ONCE you can have two hosts in the environemtn, one iwth KVM, one with QEMU04:30
sdakeimo run wild04:30
sdakeyes i get that :)04:30
sdakesomeone invents compltely immutable infrstructure = docker 3.0 :)04:31
SamYaplethe truth of the matter is, COPY_ALWAYS is the only way we are going to be able to do hot reloads in the future04:32
SamYapleand thats the future of openstack04:32
SamYapleso this idealistic COPY_ONCE thing will be more and more a pain in the ass as the default04:33
SamYapleunless we kinda change what it means04:33
sdakeso my recommendation would be sort out the pragmatic approach to dealing with haproxy04:33
sdakeand do that04:33
sdakei think we can change what it means04:33
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SamYaplesure and that means ignore COPY_ONCE for haproxy04:33
sdakebut i will have to think more about that04:33
SamYaplei understand04:33
SamYapleits why i bring it up now04:34
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asalkeldSamYaple: as far as the bootstrap stuff goes... can we run all the bootstrap tasks before any services?04:34
SamYapleasalkeld: in the case of openstack stuff, i think yes04:34
openstackgerritDiogo Monteiro proposed openstack/kolla: Add support for ubuntu when deploying kolla with Vagrant
SamYaplein the case of mariadb glaera cluster not a chance04:34
sdakeasalkeld yup04:34
asalkeldok, that might make it easier04:34
SamYaplewith rabbitmq clusterer rabbitmq doesnt really have a "bootstrap" phase04:35
sdakeya mariadb and galera snowflakes of the unicorn variety04:35
asalkeldbasially db up, then all bootstrap, then all services04:35
SamYapleasalkeld: kind of04:35
SamYapleyou need keystone up to register the services04:35
SamYaplethats part of our bootstrap stuff i think04:36
sdakeyup it is04:36
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sdakeso a possible new definition of copy_once is if a hot reload happens container cnofigchanges04:36
sdakebut that is the only case04:36
sdakeotherwise it does *not* change04:37
SamYaplethat would be anytime the playbooks run04:37
sdakeeven if admin hacks around on the files04:37
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SamYapleif it lays a new config, it hot reloads04:37
SamYaplethere would be no time when it doesnt run04:37
SamYapleits essentially gettting rid of the config strategy04:37
asalkeldhopefully we can just add a zookeeper "driver" to oslo.config so no files needed in /etc/04:37
SamYapleasalkeld: that would be sweet04:37
sdakei am not hot on adding a java dep for base olla04:38
sdakeetcd i could live with tho ;)04:38
asalkeldsdake: kazoo is a python client to zookeeper04:38
SamYaplesdake: the two options as I see them. Get right of COPY_ONCE/COPY_ALWAYS. make it all copy_always. Keep COPY_ONCE with the way it works not but make COPY_ALWAYS default04:38
asalkeld(but sure the server is java)04:39
sdakewell at mwe dont have to worry abut hot reload04:39
sdakeasalkeld i am talking abut the server04:39
asalkeldbut openstack is now mostly requiring zookeeper anyway04:39
SamYaplesdake: some openstack stuff does hotreload already04:39
SamYapleasalkeld: +104:39
SamYaplethat will help alot actually04:39
sdakei dobut peope will actuallly use dlm ;)04:39
SamYaplesdake: itll be a requirement for ha cinder04:40
asalkeldsdake: hahaha04:40
asalkeldfloodgates open ...04:40
sdakenobody used it in ha cluster stack04:40
SamYaplesdake: see last comments04:40
SamYaplenew HA cinder will use it04:40
sdakedlm doesn't and never will scale04:41
sdakejust based on experience not book reading :)04:41
SamYaplein this case it doesn't need to scale04:41
SamYaplebut either way the point is it will be a requirement04:42
asalkeldnew option: what dlm do you want04:42
asalkeldwell will have to install something04:42
SamYapleTooz is the oslo DLM project04:43
SamYapleit is supposed to have different backends04:43
SamYapleincluding memcached04:43
SamYapleand mysql04:44
SamYapleand obivously ZK04:44
sdakeoff to eat bbl04:45
diogogmtis there a problem if i checkout master on kolla and then build the openstack services from source using the juno or liberty release?04:52
diogogmtwould kolla master support only the master branches of the other openstack services? or would it be backwards compatible?04:53
sdakeso sam re hot reload04:54
sdakedidyou grasp the concept of only change the config in a hot reload situation04:55
sdake(not when the admin mucks arund with files on teh system)04:55
sdakeso hot reload = responsible for copy operation rather then container start04:55
sdakethat preserves spirit of immutability04:55
sdakerather then/in addition to04:55
SamYapleyea thats fair04:57
sdakeasalkeld the problem we faced with jamming all the stuff at once in a start04:57
SamYaplei didnt pick up on that subtly04:57
sdakewas that keystone returns its ready before its ready04:57
sdakeiirc we had some hacky sleep in there or something04:58
asalkeldsdake: ok thanks04:58
asalkeldat worst we can have a zookeeper variable to wait on04:58
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: add config generation script and some examples
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Remove
sdakehey britt04:59
sdakeasalkeld can you add your other guy here,members05:05
asalkeldsdake: sure05:06
asalkelddlm stuff05:06
sdakeya i saw it already05:06
asalkeldcos' i know you love that stuff;)05:06
sdakei really dont like java ;)05:06
sdakei have dave nightmares of dlm05:06
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sdakethat and posix locking in a distributed fashion05:07
* sdake groans05:07
sdakeboy dave tetsted my patience05:07
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed openstack/kolla: Fix to look for Dockerfile.j2
asalkeldsdake: ^05:20
sdakethanks angus05:20
asalkeldseems  some were not right05:20
sdakeya thats why we had the validation05:21
sdakeapparently our gating was busted05:21
SamYapleim good to +2 that05:21
SamYaplebut ive been thinking for a while that should be a variable set in build.conf05:21
SamYapleif other people build these images, its not kolla maintaining them05:22
sdakeya fil ea blueprint imo05:22
sdakesomeone new can pick it up pretty easily05:22
SamYapleesh blueprint? kinda heavy for that05:22
SamYaplebug labeled feature request i would think05:22
sdakefor feature request bugs, supposed to use "wishlist" bugs05:23
sdakeyou can do that as well if you like05:23
SamYapleok ill do wishlist05:23
asalkelddaddy taxi about to head off ...05:25
sdakeSamYaple note we need to keep the python in the sudoers file or no bueno05:25
SamYaplesdake: no you have to take it out05:26
SamYapleand then not call python05:26
sdakeoh maymbe not05:26
sdakenah that isn't hte problem - maybe -a isnt working correctly - still investigating05:27
SamYapleyou can update with `kolla_set_configs`05:27
sdakealready did that05:27
sdakemy sudoers file is wrong - hass %openstack insteado f %kolla05:27
sdakeneed to hit teh rack105:27
SamYapleok but `sudo -E python /usr/local/bin/kolla_set_configs` should be updated to `sudo -E kolla_set_configs`05:28
sdakei've already done that05:28
SamYaplesince its in the path, we no longer need call the full path05:28
sdakeoh path05:29
sdakeya haven't done that05:29
sdakei don't have a secure path setting so I dont think that will work05:29
SamYaplehey sdake i was talking to cloudnull and we may be able to compress all the config gen stuff to a single command instead of the two step process we have right now05:29
SamYapleif you recall the reason i didnt go for the action module original was it wasnt compatible with ansible 2.005:30
SamYaplebut he has a PR up to push something we can use05:30
sdakei'd rather not lock us into ansible 2.005:30
sdakeuntil it is absolutely necessary05:30
SamYapleas ive already been over, it is05:30
SamYapleits necessary the momemnt it lands05:31
sdakei can run current code on onn 2.005:31
sdakethe moment which lands05:31
SamYapleansible 2.005:31
SamYaplethere is no more bug fixes for 1.905:31
SamYapleand we need new features05:31
cloudnull++ it'd be a good thing to work on that together if you guys are interested in it:
sdakewhere is /usr/local/bin in the path samyaple?05:32
sdake(where set)05:32
cloudnullin the mean time you guys can work off of our 1.9 lib if you decide to go that route
SamYaplecloudnull: i won't be backporting this work, so its strictly a looking forward action05:33
sdakeliberty kolla is definately pinned to ansible 1.905:33
cloudnullah. fair point.05:33
SamYapleive been waiting for ansible 2.0 for quite a while for quite a few things :/05:33
SamYaplelike blocks05:33
SamYaplei wants blocks so bad05:33
cloudnull++ blocks05:33
cloudnullitll solve a bunch of crusty bits we've been carrying05:34
SamYaplecloudnull: can you pass multiple source files into the config_template stuff?05:34
cloudnullno, its a single source file.05:35
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SamYapleok. how would you feel about extending that?05:36
SamYaplelist-of-source-files style05:36
cloudnullit essentially follows the same scheme as the template module with the ability to override items.05:36
cloudnullwe could05:36
SamYaplewell its not without precedent05:37
SamYaplethere is another module that accepts either a single file or list05:37
cloudnullthat could work checking the object type05:37
SamYapleyea thats how they do it05:37
SamYaplei cant remember whic one05:37
cloudnullseems sensible05:37
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cloudnullwould you want the module to merge the listed sources and then apply the overrides? or render individually?05:38
SamYaplethats how we do it currently05:38
SamYaplethe first one05:38
SamYaplealthought i dont know that the end result would be affected...05:39
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SamYaplewell not what we are talking about it. how does the it work with for loops and what not?05:39
SamYapleit can't merge them05:39
SamYapleit would have to render it first, would it not?05:40
cloudnullit renders the jinja, applys the overrides, renders jinja again incase there was jinja in the overrides and then writes the target05:40
SamYapleyea that should work05:41
SamYaplerender-apply loop05:41
SamYaplethen final render05:41
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cloudnullseems like we could apply a simple input check to the config tempalte plugin > run the meat from to render the unified config > render jinja > apply overrides > render jinja > write target05:46
cloudnullseems like a very sensible change to the module , if your keen on working on it together05:47
SamYapleof course05:47
SamYapleopensource is opensource05:47
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cloudnullthat'd be great05:48
SamYapleso combine the bits of that do the multi-file stuff and run them over the functions in config_template if source is detected as type list05:48
cloudnullthat sounds like it'd work well05:48
SamYaplelet me hammer out a gist real quick05:49
SamYapleyou know cloudnull, I don't think there is any reason why the config type couldn't be detected automagically05:56
SamYapleini wont validate as json or yaml05:56
SamYaplejson wont validate as yaml05:56
cloudnullmaybe detected unless stated ?05:57
SamYapleor accept any valid ini, json, or yaml file and specify the output type05:58
SamYaplewell no05:58
SamYaplethat wouldn't work05:58
SamYapleini isn't going to allow nest dict05:58
SamYapleso on
SamYapledoes this code work _without_ config_overrides?06:02
SamYaplejust as a normal template module?06:03
SamYapleyea i suppose it would06:04
* cloudnull watching homeland06:04
cloudnullyes the module should function the same as the regular template module if no overrides are passed06:05
SamYaplei havent watched it since end of season 306:05
SamYaplefor obvious reasons...06:05
cloudnullgood show, season 4 was ok, season 5 seems to be getting off to a good start06:06
SamYaplei might watch it06:09
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cloudnullim out.06:13
SamYapleill ping you with a gist later. see ya cloudnull06:13
cloudnullSamYaple:  if you get a chance to work on that can you send it up as a pr to my feature branch so I can get it merged which should update the PR to ansible proper06:14
SamYapleyea im testing now06:14
SamYapletried to keep changes minimal06:14
SamYapleshouldn't affect existing code06:14
SamYaple(existing tasks i mean)06:14
cloudnullill look for that in the AM. ttyl06:14
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
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sdakeSamYaple if your about can you ahve a look at those two patches07:19
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sdakemandre about?07:32
sdakeasalkeld lets try to get a vote on the spec now07:32
sdakeyour spec that is07:33
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SamYaplesdake: since when did we start -1 for needed backport tag?07:44
SamYaplei dont htink we should be doing that07:44
sdakehow else will people know to backport it?07:45
sdake-1 = futher work needed07:45
SamYaplewell i was using it for when tehre wasnt a bug attached07:45
SamYapleif it has a bug then it should be set in launchpasd07:45
SamYaplelike everyone else07:45
sdakehrm...  i guess that is ok although more difficult to track via git07:46
sdaketwo sources of truth = annoing07:46
SamYapleyea but there will _always_ be stuff that will need to be backported after it merged into master07:47
SamYaplemaybe we thought ti didnt affect the other branch or whatever07:47
SamYaplein that case we would update teh bug with the new affected branch07:47
sdakeya although in this case we know ahead of time we need a backport07:48
sdakeyour exmpe is one where we didn't know ahead of time07:48
sdakefeel free to start a disussion on the ml07:48
sdakei'd be curiosu to know what the cr team thinks on this topic07:48
SamYapleconsidering no one seems to backport or use launchpad...07:49
sdakei intend to solve the lack of backporting problem07:50
sdakeit would be easier if its in the git log07:50
sdakei can bring up in this week's team meeting if you like07:50
SamYaplesure. but im going to continue to not add backport tag to patches with bugs attached like i have been doing sinec i recommened the backport tag07:51
SamYaplemight as well tag all patches07:51
sdakei'd rather keep stable stable07:51
sdakethen backport the world07:51
asalkeldhi sdake07:52
sdakesup asalkeld07:52
asalkeld"let's vote on the spec..."07:52
sdakeSamYaple can you review the drop-root patches - want to get moving on that07:52
sdakeas in quit reving it :)07:52
sdakeevery time you revise it it wipes out the +2 votes07:53
SamYaplesdake: sure if you review all of the patches i have in the queue07:53
sdakei am going to start reviewing noow actually sam07:53
sdakeyou saw my first two just now ;)07:53
asalkeldsdake: see >
asalkeldplace for ideas and what we are up to07:53
sdakeworking top to bottom atm SamYaple07:53
SamYaplesdake: thats... weird07:54
SamYapleyou should be going the other direction07:54
SamYapleoldest first07:54
sdakei am using asalkeld's review pge07:54
sdakeits not actualy top to bottom07:54
sdakeit helps prioritize reviews07:54
asalkeldit is handy;)07:55
sdakeasalkeld can you get a proper link for SamYaple to bookmark?07:55
asalkeldi shorten it07:55
sdakeSamYaple  I rview no feedbak within 1 wee, followed by no negative feedback first07:56
asalkeldsdake: if you want to tweak that you put this into "dashboards/kolla.dash" in the gerrit-dash-creator07:58
asalkeldyou can come up with other ideas for the "team starred"07:59
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SamYaplesdake_: im not sure you are seeing all the patches with that08:17
sdake_SamYaple you may be right08:18
sdake_i am not 100% convinced it is generating correct output but I ike the concept08:18
SamYapleok well ive got other patches (backports and blueprints) do you see those?08:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix to look for Dockerfile.j2
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: HAProxy does not have murano-api configuration
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Add missing murano-api to site.yml
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sdake_SamYaple yup i just went through them i think08:53
sdake_SamYaple asalkeld's thing doesn't show the stable branch unfortunately08:54
sdake_i htink your bacports need a rebase or something - they dont seem to be going in08:54
SamYapleAJaeger just told me to use gertty08:54
SamYapleoh my08:54
SamYaplei have been missing out08:54
SamYaplesdake_: likely they have dependant patches that arent merged08:55
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sdake_what is gertty08:55
SamYaplecli gerrit08:55
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SamYapleam I no core in kolla-mesos sdake_ ?09:01
SamYaplewhere do i even check the core list for a project09:02
sdake_one moment i'll fix that09:02
asalkeldsdake_: I could add stable if you want09:02
asalkeldeasy enough09:02
sdake_asalkeld ya add kolla-core asalkeld09:02
sdake_i meant to do that today and got sidetracked09:02
sdake_SamYaple to seee it, go to review.openstack.org09:03
sdake_click "people"09:03
sdake_click list groups09:03
sdake_filter: kolla-mesos-cored09:03
sdake_SamYaple ok your all set09:04
asalkeldadded now,members09:04
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asalkeldsdake_: SamYaple
asalkeldwith stable/liberty ^09:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-mesos: Remove
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sdake_thanks asakleld09:10
SamYapleasalkeld: I have moved on to gertty09:11
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SamYaplei can never go back09:11
SamYapleits a rule09:11
SamYaplei didnt make it09:11
SamYapleit just is one09:11
asalkeld(totally doesn't worry me)09:11
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sdake_what is geerty09:13
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SamYaple08:56:51 < sdake_> what is gertty09:15
SamYaple08:57:19 < SamYaple> cli gerrit09:15
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SamYaplekproskurin: nope i accidentally did +2-109:21
SamYaplei meant to approve it09:21
kproskurinok, tx :-)09:21
sdake_kproskurin that happens sometimes09:21
sdake_inevery project09:21
kproskurinI know, just to be sure, may be a small misstake in docs or something09:25
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Incorrect parsed variable name
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SamYaplemandre: are you happy10:40
SamYapleim just going to remove all changes10:40
SamYapleabandon all patches10:40
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Make the database json variable more readable
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Make the database json variable more readable
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Incorrect parsed variable name
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Move data container to start.yml
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Make the database json variable more readable
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Incorrect parsed variable name
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Remove unused cinder-data container
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: Fix bootstrap for services
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Incorrect parsed variable name
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: We now have a logs publisher
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
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mandreSamYaple: there is no half measure13:02
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SamYaplemandre: im the one who commits13:12
mandrei didn't get your comment, you abandoned all the groups fixes?13:16
mandreor were there already in master?13:16
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SamYaplemandre: kinda there was a bigger issue that requires changing the way that whole section was done13:17
SamYapleive rebased that entire series onto another patchseriees13:17
SamYaplein other news, we now have an expiremental gate13:19
mandrewhich one is it?13:24
mandrewhat does dsvm stand for?13:24
SamYaplemandre: its convention13:25
SamYapleit stands for devstackvm13:25
SamYapleproject-config asked me to add it rather than update our existing regex13:25
mandreha, found the multinode gate :)13:28
mandremaybe soon they'll ask to rename all gates to kvm -- kollavm13:29
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SamYaplethat wont be confusing13:45
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SamYaplemorning sdake14:40
SamYapleim kidding14:40
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SamYapleive had sugar14:40
sdake_SamYaple please review
sdake_pretty please14:41
sdake_with sugar on top14:41
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SamYaplesdake_: reviewed14:47
SamYaplewell on the initial patch14:47
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
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sdake_SamYaple btw yes i hae etewted the seurity changes14:55
sdake_in both ha and non-ha setup14:55
sdake_i am testing the 440 change now14:55
sdake_and then will have a new review up14:55
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sdakeSamYaple note the gate caught a patchc that I thought was good15:14
sdakewhich was actually bad15:14
sdakea few days ago15:14
sdakeso yay ;)15:14
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
sdakeSamYaple more sugar on top can you review those again tia !#!15:16
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
SamYaplesdake: yay15:17
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SamYaplesdake: btw for the multinode gate I think we still need to do the dind stuff15:17
SamYaplereason being it will allow us to have a docker container for each and every service as if it were its own node15:18
SamYapleif we had that right now 5 bugs wouldnt exist15:18
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sdakeSamYaple sounds fine15:19
sdakeSamYaple can you review and its child15:19
SamYaplesdake: already did15:20
SamYaplechild was just a rebase15:20
* sdake made it through the sam hurdle yay15:21
sdakepbourke can you look at that patch15:21
sdakemandre/harmw as well ^15:21
sdakeSamYaple are you going to add a ded chicken test to deploy15:23
sdake(in other words vm boot operation)15:23
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SamYaplesdake: waiting on seeing what pbourke is doing15:28
pbourkejust reading it now15:28
SamYaplewe may want to reuse the already existing tempest tests that devstack uses15:28
SamYaplethoughts pbourke?15:28
pbourkestill trying to grok it15:28
SamYapleoh btw guys, I got us a logs publisher15:28
sdakepbourke he means tempest not my securit ypatch15:28
SamYaplenow we can have a logs/ directory next to console.html15:29
SamYapleso im going to be seperating the tasks out to make our gate more debuggable15:29
SamYaple(dump all the service logs in there too)15:29
pbourkeSamYaple: i haven't done much since the intial wip patch for tempest. We just got our lab env up here so I'm getting set up in that. Once I do so tempest is first on my list15:29
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SamYaplepbourke: ok, look at just reusing the same tempest tests that everyone else uses if possible15:30
SamYaplei dont know if it is15:30
sdakepbourke eta?15:30
sdakeif tempest is a few months out15:30
sdakea simple boot test may make sense now15:30
sdakeif its a week out it does not15:30
pbourkehopefully can get something up by the end of the week15:30
sdakecool that would be fantasti15:31
sdakepbourke my ptch uses alot of sudo magic15:31
sdakeif you have qs feel free to ask in irc15:32
SamYaplesdake: even right now we have no ram in the gates15:32
pbourkehmm yeah im half wondering should I ask you to comment it15:32
SamYaplei still have to trim the fats of containers15:32
pbourkeor should I just rtfm15:32
pbourkeor both15:32
sdakei am happy to comment sudoers15:32
sdakethe rest shuld probably stay uncommented i think15:32
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
sdakeotherwise we end up copy8ing those comments to all the files15:33
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sdakepbourke doc incoming sec15:36
pbourkesdake: have a query on one of the existing comments also, have added a comment15:36
SamYapleblindly approve!15:37
sdakewuld prefer no rubber stamping on this one thanks15:38
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
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sdakepbourke can you hit thoe again plz :)15:44
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
sdakepbourke i had a typo (corected)15:46
pbourkewas going to say :)15:46
pbourkedocs looking good15:46
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
sdakepbourke ok that looks ready for review now, pleae let me know ;)15:51
pbourkepatch is clever15:51
sdaketake 315:51
sdakeblame samyaple for cleverness15:51
sdakealthough blame me for the sudo config ;)15:51
pbourkedo we want a TODO to remove the root ALL= ... line once all services are migrated?15:52
pbourkeor are we keeping it in15:52
sdakeyou can see my other takes15:52
sdakepbourke i am not sure yet tbh15:52
sdakei think we can jsust keep it in our mental map ;)15:52
sdakewe may need it later15:52
sdakei just am not sure if wecan remove it when we finish this security work15:52
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pbourkesdake: have one more question15:56
pbourkeand a typo ;)15:56
pbourkewhy leave the kolla_* files executable by any group other than kolla?15:56
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pbourkei.e. you're chmod'ing them 755 and not using chgrp kolla in the Dockerfile15:56
sdakei could do that although it doesn't really add any value15:57
pbourkei guess not15:57
sdakethe files are publically avilalbeo n the internets to look for ways to crack them15:57
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SamYaplepbourke: also any user running will be in the kolla group15:57
sdakeits intereting how we actuallly get *more* security with this model then in a bar emetal environment15:57
SamYaplebut 755 is the typical perms for something in /usr/bin15:57
pbourkeSamYaple: only the service one is in that group no?15:58
pbourkee.g. glance15:58
sdakebecause you ahve o break out of the container and then break into root to break out of the container into the host os15:58
SamYaplepbourke: which is the only running processes user15:58
sdakethe levels of breakout required are much more difficult to pull off imo15:58
SamYaplepbourke: so any level of breaking into it will allow kolla group user to hit the file15:58
pbourkesdake: one quick typo in - usually wouldn't care but its in base so might as well fix it now15:58
pbourkethen +215:58
sdakeSamYaple good point i hadn't thought of that15:58
sdakewhich word am I looking for?15:59
pbourkeive commented the review15:59
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
SamYaplepbourke: and you say its hard to get a patch by ME16:01
pbourkeit is :p16:02
sdakeyou guys are a bit picky16:02
sdakealthough I think with kolla repo we should be picky16:02
SamYapleim not picky :(16:02
sdakesince the code is failry mature16:02
sdakeedspecially in our commonly run codebase16:02
sdakei'd prefer for kolla-mesos we be less picky up front16:02
sdakeas wwell as kolla-cli16:02
sdakesince after those are implemented i expect they will be reimplemented16:03
SamYaplei point out something is broken or its a race or its a security thing, but im all about the "i dont care if its mispelled, but fix it if you rebase" comments16:03
SamYapleim not picky :(16:03
sdakeit would be nice if we didn't hae mispellings int eh code bse, but commit logs i am ok with ;)16:03
* sdake needs a deathstar16:04
SamYaplei dnot speel gudd, but i code da bomb16:04
pbourkei wouldn't hold up a patch for misspelling, just pointed it out as sdake was here ready to fix16:04
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sdakemight as well get it right folks16:04
SamYapledefine right...16:04
sdakedefect free16:04
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sdakespelling error = defect16:05
SamYaplecomments can be mispelled16:05
SamYaplecode is funny16:05
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SamYaplealright guys16:06
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SamYaplebrainstorm for me16:06
SamYaplesdake: pbourke16:06
SamYapleive got an ip16:06
SamYapleit exists on the machine16:06
SamYaplehow do i determine 100% of the time which interface it is on?16:06
SamYaplemachine could have 1 or 20 interfaces16:07
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SamYaple /kick pbourke16:08
SamYaplethis is art16:08
SamYaplei want eloquence16:08
pbourkeyou can thank me later16:08
sdakeip grep16:08
sdakeunix pipes exist for a good reason ;-)16:08
SamYapleyou guys are the worst16:09
SamYaplewhen im done itll be beautiful16:09
SamYapleyoull see16:09
sdakei really dont know any otheer way16:09
sdakenot that there isn't one16:09
SamYapleill probably walk the interfaces with netifaces16:10
sdakeSamYaple can yu ack
pbourkeSamYaple: move to windows you can use some com object to query the registry16:10
sdakeoh if yu wan tto write code yes that will work16:10
sdakeSamYaple i can show you how its done in c ;)16:10
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SamYaplesdake: i was a C guy long before python16:10
sdakepython is probbly similar16:10
britthouserI have some code that does that SamYaple16:11
britthouserlemme dig it up16:11
sdakemorning britthouser16:11
britthousermorning sdake!16:11
sdakebritthouser do you know bharaththiruveedula <>16:12
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britthouserdon't think so?16:12
sdakebritthouser cool thanks16:14
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sdakeSamYaple waiting for gate good idea thanks16:19
britthouserSamYaple - ok so its not exact, but I think you can make it work.  My code finds the interface whose IP matches a particular subnet.  But I think you just change the last IF statement todo what you want:16:21
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SamYaplethanks britthouser, I just threw this together
britthouserI would call it "find_ipv4_interface", but otherwise looks good! =)16:27
SamYaplebritthouser: im about to collpase it into a oneliner, ill prbably cahcne the name to 1 letter16:28
britthouseryou lost me there, but yes!? =)16:29
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HuiGood morning16:38
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SamYaplemorning Hui16:48
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla-mesos: Add a simplistic bootstrap script to install mesos (AIO)
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HuiSamYaple, I will test neutron patch now16:53
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ashishjainI am trying to setup kolla development environment aio using the bare metal deployment.17:21
ashishjainI have got few questions on some of the configuration parameters17:21
ashishjainWhat is the usage of "kolla_internal_address: """17:22
ashishjainMy host has got an IP address of and I have set up the kolla_internal_address: "
ashishjainIs this correct?17:23
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ashishjainanother question is on the network interface..I use a wireless network and the name of the interface is wlan0, I hope wireless network should not be a problem and I am using the configuration parameter as network_interface: "wlan0"17:24
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ashishjainsdake: hi17:49
ashishjainneed some help17:49
ashishjainI think I have misconfigured some of the configuration parameters in globals.yml17:50
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ashishjainthe sample config says : "kolla_internal_address: """17:50
ashishjainHowever my network is
ashishjainso I have set it up as ""17:50
ashishjainthe comment in the globals.yml says set kolla_internal_address as one of the unused ip address in the network and hence I have done the same17:51
ashishjainMy host ip is
ashishjainNow I am seeing lot of errors in rsyslog17:52
ashishjainwhere mysql is unable to connect to
ashishjainso my question is what is kolla_internal_address, does it has to be host_ip or a unused ip?17:53
SamYapleashishjain: is a VIP17:53
SamYaplekeepalived assigns it to one node17:53
SamYapleis this an AIO?17:53
ashishjainSamYaple: yes this is an AIO17:54
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SamYapleis keepalived and haproxy running17:54
ashishjainyes both of them are running17:54
SamYapleis the VIP assigned to your interface?17:55
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SamYapleHui: ohh i know whats happening17:56
SamYapleugh ansible17:56
ashishjainSamYaple: which interface will get the VIP?17:56
SamYapleHui: its run_once and the when conditional thats doing things17:56
SamYapleHui: ill convert to delegate_to i suppose17:57
sdakeashishjain the regular interface gets the vip17:57
sdakethe vip should be an unallocated ip addres17:57
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
ashishjainsdake: it indeed is unassigned17:57
sdakeSamYaple this is passing the gate - please kick a +a on it :)
ashishjainand how do I check whether the VIP is assigned to the interface?17:58
ashishjainI am unable to ping this ip address17:59
sdakeashishjain lets focus on symptoms, what problem do you have atm?17:59
sdakei see17:59
sdakeyo ucan run docker logs haproxy17:59
sdakeit will show you what it has done17:59
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sdakepasste your globals.yml plz18:00
ashishjainsure one second18:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Base image changes for drop-root
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ashishjainsdake: here it is
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: drop root for glance
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
HuiSamYaple, yes, delegate_to should solve it18:14
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
ashishjainsdake: Here is the globals.yml
sdakeSamYaple thanks bro18:19
sdakepaste not working for me for some reason ashishjain18:19
sdakeoh just came up let me look18:19
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sdakeashishjain run docker ps -a  and paste it please18:20
sdakeafter an ansible deploy18:20
ashishjainsdake: here it is
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack/kolla: DO NOT MERGE: gate testing
sdakeyou shouldn't be able to ping the haproxy ip18:22
sdakehowever, try this18:22
sdaketelnet 330618:22
sdakethat should work18:22
sdakerather i am not sure if you can ping the haproxy ip18:22
sdakeit may or may not work18:22
sdakebut that telnet will tell you if haproyx is working or not18:22
sdakewhat symptoms do you have, it looks like you have a good deploy to me18:23
sdakedoes source openrc-example followed by tools/init-runonce after customization not work?18:23
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ashishjain_sdake: it does not work18:25
sdakewhat doesn't work?18:25
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sdakepsate your openrc18:25
ashishjain_sdake: this kolla_internal_address is haproxy ip?18:25
sdakeyes kolla_internal_address become the haproxy ip address18:25
ashishjain_sdake: here it is
sdakedo not use 25418:28
sdakeoh wait18:28
sdakeya that should be correct18:28
sdakev2.0 is  not supported tho18:28
sdakedo not use v2.018:28
ashishjain_okay, than v3.0?18:29
sdakeexport OS_AUTH_URL=
sdakehttp:// should do18:29
ashishjain_okay will try but you know there is no ip
sdakekolla creates one18:30
sdakeyou specified it in your globals.yml18:30
ashishjain_okay but shouldn't this ip be pingable?18:30
sdakei think you can connec tto it via the telnet test if youwant18:30
sdakebut we dont set up a ping on that ip i think18:30
sdakei am not sure how ping would interact, as I said18:30
sdakeI can guarantee you telnet 3306 would be workign18:31
sdakeif kolla was working18:31
sdakeworking as in making a connection18:31
ashishjain_sdake: no it is not working18:31
sdakewhat distro are you running?18:31
sdakeit is possible your firewall is interacting in the deployment18:32
ashishjain_sdake: yes it is ubunut18:33
ashishjain_You know when I try my host ip and 3306 as telnet it works18:33
sdakeyes of course that should work18:34
ashishjain_which is telnet 330618:34
sdakethe vip should also map to that address18:34
ashishjain_so looks like the VIP part didnot go well18:34
sdakehowever your using a wlan - so not sure how that will behave18:34
sdakei don't run kolla on laptops18:34
sdakeit may be vips and wlan doesn't work correctly18:34
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sdakeyou can always run in a vm - that will definately work ;)18:34
ashishjain_so shall I use the vagrant dev environment?18:35
sdakeasalkeld if I bribe yu with more votes, would you please please fix the heat tempalte for kolla? :)18:35
sdakea fourth option is just to boot a plain jain vm18:35
sdakei think vgrant is too complex18:35
sdakebut if you want to try it out, go for it ;)18:35
ashishjain_na I think I will go ahead with "plain jain vm :)"18:36
ashishjain_okay so shall I just boot up a VM with 10G RAM and 100G HDD using say virtual box with just one network interface ?18:37
sdaketwo interfaces18:37
sdake16 gb ram is what i'd go with18:37
sdakebut yup, that will 100% work18:37
ashishjain_:( I got 12G only in my laptop18:37
sdake10gb will do but not give you much ram to do much work18:38
sdakebefore giving up tho18:38
sdakei'd like to understand what doens't work18:38
sdakecan we do a bit of debug on your haproxy?18:38
ashishjain_Okay sure18:38
sdakepaste docker logs haproxy18:38
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ashishjain_sdake: here are the logs
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sdake_ashishjain_ apologies got distracted19:02
sdake_ashishjain_ docker  exec haproxy ls /var/log19:02
ashishjain_sdake: here are the logs
sdake_you are looking for the haproxy log19:02
ashishjain_yes these are the haproxy logs19:02
sdake_then docker exec haproxy cat /var/log/haproxy.log19:02
sdake_whatever the file is called19:02
sdake_i am not sure if its alled haproxy.log or not19:02
ashishjain_i ran the command docker logs haproxy19:03
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sdake_yes run docker exec haproxy ls /var/log19:04
sdake_it will list some files19:04
sdake_one of them is the haproxy log19:04
sdake_pick the one that looks closest, it is probably /var/log/haproxy.log19:04
sdake_then ue docker exec to cat it19:04
sdake_then paste that19:04
ashishjain_sdake there is no such log as haproxy.log19:05
ashishjain_one more thing is haproxy running inside a container?19:06
ashishjain_yes it is running inside a container19:06
sdake_SamYaple where i sthe haproxy log stored?  I dont see it in my deployment19:07
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Add registry information to quickstart.rst
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sdakeashishjain_ not sure where the haproxy log is, suggest syncing up with SamYaple when he is around - but he isn't around atm it appears19:16
ashishjain_sdake: sure I will do that19:16
ashishjain_sdake: shall I retry the deployment anyways the containers are locally available19:17
ashishjain_do you think that may help?19:17
ashishjain_I think I will have to destory all the docker containers and it would probably clean up the complete machine?19:18
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SamYaplesdake: inc0 didnt do those logs19:45
SamYaplesdake: loggging needs alot of work19:45
sdakeit used to bee logged19:46
sdakeare the logs being droped silenty now?19:46
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sdakeif so that neeeds to be rectified19:46
sdakeSamYaple can i assign ceph USER work to you?19:49
sdakeand neutron is availbale as well ;)19:50
sdakejpeeler mind taking ironic on
sdakei dont know if anyone else has actually deployed it correctly19:51
sdakebritthouser why dont you take keepalived :)19:52
britthouserSure.  I was thinking about taking Zaqar too?19:53
britthouseror Tom Sawyering someone on my team todo it. =P19:54
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sdakeyou wouldn't be able to test it so zaqar would be really easy task for someone :)19:55
sdake(since it doesns't involve testing)19:55
britthouserI know just the guy! =)19:56
sdakeit probably takes 5 minutes of code work19:56
sdakefor the ones with ansible plabooks those take longer becaue you have to deploy19:56
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sdakebmace can i interest you in a container to securify:
bmacethat isn't much of a sales pitch sdake ;)19:58
sdakei could work on this project-config patch for python-kollaclient or i could work on secufiying continers ;)19:59
sdakehow is that for a sales pitch :)19:59
bmacehrm, sounds more like blackmail, but not completely ineffective :)20:00
sdaketake haproxy and keepalived /me love you forever20:00
sdakekeepalived and haproxy may have to run as root - not sure20:00
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sdakenot really blackmail - more reality -c an only work on one thing at a time :)20:01
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sdakebut dont ssweat it, i'll get to kollacli project-config no matter what20:01
bmacei would actually need a good environment to test to make sure things are working appropriately and i always turn off haproxy in my AIO environment20:01
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bmaceso those are probably the worst choices for me20:01
sdakeoh ya i want it tested20:02
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sdakejust pick a couple that you want to do if you dont mind ;)20:02
sdakeswift would be good too, I dont know if people know how that works20:02
bmaceyeah, i'll take a look at what is available.20:02
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sdakei'm going to do horizon now20:02
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sdaketo see if its a special snowflake given its httpd'ness20:03
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kfox1111whats the status of 1.1?20:03
kfox1111I know deadlines in open source arn't a thing. just looking for a ballpark estimate.20:04
sdakekfox1111 define what you want for 1.1 please20:04
kfox1111well, centos 1.0 containers aren't on the hub, right?20:04
kfox1111due to a mariadb issue?20:04
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sdakekfox1111 atm working on getting security rolled into the containers - but hatwont be backported20:04
sdakeso for mariadb, we can release 1.0.120:04
sdakeand build and push to registry20:05
sdakewe can do that now20:05
sdake(with an appropriate test of stable20:05
kfox1111cool. ok. I'd like to test that out. :)20:05
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kfox1111SamYaple also mentioned doing some work with ansible to be able to start the mariadb containers after pwoer failure. would that script work with a 1.0.1 release or would it need a 1.1?20:06
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Use trusts in heat.conf
kfox1111I'm hoping to get a keystone cluster up this week intended to provide production keystone services for multiple regions.20:07
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kfox1111was hoping to use kolla for it.20:07
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Add registry information to quickstart.rst
bmaceall the good ones, that i could test fairly easily, are taken :/20:18
sdakekfox1111 that work i think has already been backported so it would be in 1.0.120:18
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sdakei guess we have to tag 1.1.0 as a result20:18
kfox1111nice. :)20:18
sdakeSamYaple can you cnfirm if clustering has merged nto stable?20:18
sdakeclusterer that is20:19
kfox1111If  Iunderstood correctly, clusterer's for rabbit.20:19
kfox1111I think SamYaple mentioned needing something for mariadb too, but I can't remember.20:19
sdakei a mpretty sure its for mariadb20:19
sdakenope its rabbitmq20:20
sdakei'm not sure what is neded for mariadb20:20
sdakeso what yur looking for in 1.1 is lights out support then, in summary?20:20
sdakeunliekly to be done his week20:21
sdakei dont knwo what is involved for maraidb20:21
sdakei'll sync up with sam20:21
sdakehe is in and out atm20:21
sdakeis there somethign else your waiting on?20:21
kfox1111ok. thanks. I'll go with raw services then and look at upgrading to kolla containers when 1.1's ready.20:21
kfox1111no, just that I think.20:21
sdakeok well i thnk we are looing at 1.1 then 1.220:22
sdakebecause 1.2 is bigger = including upgrade capability20:22
sdake1.1 will be upgradeable to 1.220:22
sdake1.0 will not be upgradeable to 1.120:22
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kfox1111upgradability would be important too. but I was thinking there was enough pieces in there already to do it, although manually.20:24
kfox1111I've done enough manual upgrades taht I wasn't too worried about it.20:25
sdakepossible although we want it to be all automatic with minimal steps20:25
kfox1111yeah. that would be awesome. :)20:25
sdakewhat it would be at this point is undocumented and unknown20:25
sdakei can't promise 1 step upgrade, not yet, but we will have minimal steps20:26
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sdakeatleast from our 3 hour design session it sseemed possible to hit it in only a few steps from the consumer side20:26
kfox1111nice. :)20:27
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kfox1111even if its complicated, I doubt it will be more complicated then I already have had to do. :)20:28
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sdakeyes but atm its sort of documented or atleast understood20:28
sdakewhen you wrap everything in containers the complexxity from a "figure it out from scratch" perspective goes way up20:28
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sdakeso SamYaple i would be satisified at limiting 1.1 to lights out recovery20:29
sdakeSamYaple if you think there are other things we need to cover in 1.1 let me know20:29
sdakei thnk we can cover those other  things in backports to 1.220:29
sdakebecaue i think at people are really witing on the lights out recovery solutions20:30
sdakewhile the upgrades are "down the road"20:30
sdakeI dont recall what else we had slated for 1.120:30
kfox1111yeah. most of the upgrade stuff is either, tweak config files, do db upgrade scripts, or stateless things.20:30
kfox1111the config stuf isn't too bad so long as I'm careful with tracking the git changes, and then folding the changes back into the overrides as needed.20:31
kfox1111the db upgrade stuff I can do manually, and the stateless stuff is just replacing a container with a newer one probably?20:31
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Add registry information to quickstart.rst
britthousersdake for 1.1 we had slated: ovsdb container, rabbit clusterer, no pre-emption on keepalived, pin ceph to specific release on centos, and kolla to write its current version to /etc/koll/release20:36
britthouserat the bottom of
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britthouserapparently I missed the mariadb lights out when making that list. =)20:37
sdakeya i dont recall tht either20:37
sdakewhat is preemption on keepalived?20:37
sdakeceph is pinned on centos20:37
sdakei wasn't feeling wlel during that session, quesy so may have not mentioned that during the session20:37
sdakesam is working on a version write I think I saw a review for one20:38
sdakethose all seem reasonable to tackle this week for 1.1 minus the preemption for keepalived, no idea what that is20:38
britthouserIIRC, SamYaple said that after you had keepalive do a failover from primary to standby, when primary comes back up, it takes back over primary role causing another uncessary failover.20:38
sdakeoh, i was late to that session20:38
britthouserIOS call this pre-emption20:39
britthousernot sure what keepalive calls it.20:39
sdakegot it20:39
sdakewell i dont know how to fix that:)20:39
britthouserin IOS its a one liner20:39
sdakenot sure it matters for 1.1 - not a compatibility breaking change20:39
britthouser'no pre-empt'20:39
britthouserno idea for keepalive20:39
sdakewhat is ios20:40
britthouserIOS - the software that run on cisco routers20:40
sdakei thought thatss what you meant20:40
ashishjainsdake: the issue seems to have resolved now and I am able to use the ip addr
britthousersorry...that is where my VRRP knowledge comes from.  not very keep on keepalive implementation.20:41
ashishjainsdake: I am just trying to check the sanity of my installation, by running few neutron,nova commands20:41
ashishjainwhen I run the command "neutron agent-list"20:42
sdakeashishjain what was the problem?20:42
ashishjainI get the result as "The service catalog is empty" which should not happen20:42
sdakeyes you may need to redeploy now that you hae fixed your problem, your cluster probablly didn' bootstrap properly20:42
sdakewhy that happens - i dont know, what did you fix to get your system operational?20:43
ashishjainsdake: I modified my home router and added a static ip addr for my mac address20:43
sdakeok, well go ahead and run tools/cleanup-containers20:43
ashishjainearlier I had done the same using /etc/network/interfaces20:43
sdakeand tools/cleanup-images20:43
sdakethen redeploy20:44
ashishjainsdake: okay I will redeploy it thanks20:44
sdakemake sure to cleanup your broken env first20:45
sdakebecause bootstrap wont run twice20:45
sdakeand you need it to run the firsst time :)20:45
sdakeand dont deploy on wlan imo :)20:45
ashishjaintools/cleanup-images will remove all the existing images?20:47
ashishjainnot using wlan may be a problem will just give it a try and if not than will try to use the physical cable20:48
sdakei am not sure what it does ash in master20:48
sdakethat is what my copy does20:48
sdakeare ou using stable or master?20:49
sdakeya cleanup-images probably doesnt need to be run20:49
sdakeyou can avoid that ashishjain20:49
sdakei run that because i do ha deploys and it makes my environment more correct20:49
sdakebut if you deploy a registry in a container, it will also remove that container, which is probably not what you want :)20:50
ashishjainmaster I guess so as I have cloned the repo ""20:50
ashishjainno I am not using the docker registry option currently20:50
sdakeyup your using master20:50
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ashishjainalright clean up is done and I will kickstart the deploy again20:51
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Add registry information to quickstart.rst
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove unused cinder-data container
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sdake_mandre about?21:44
sdake_harmw about?21:44
harmwsdake_: make it quick :)21:51
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asalkeldi am tempted to make a joke about not putting yourself in harm's way ( harmw ) ;)21:55
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harmwplease don't21:57
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sdake_asalkeld interested in taking a copule security workitems on this security bluepprint?22:04
asalkeldsure, where is it?22:04
sdake_look at lat patch - shuld be easy enough to copy22:06
sdake_just add your name to work item list22:06
sdake_want to crank this stuff out by friday22:06
sdake_then we can get cracking on harder work - ugprades !22:06
asalkeldtook 322:08
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sdake_cool thanks22:15
sdake_ceph hard one22:16
sdake_may want samyaple to tackle that one22:16
sdake_since he is our on-hand ceph go-to guy :)22:16
asalkeldok, i'll swap22:18
sdake_still a couple unasigned workitems in that blueprint above if anyone is looking for some work to tackle ;)22:23
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sdake_asalkeld di you author
sdake_i see michal did some work there22:48
sdake_asalkeld we dont permit authors to +2 their changes if they were at all involved the patch createion process22:49
sdake_even if they are only a co-author line22:49
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asalkeldsdake_: sry, wow heat is way more relaxed23:16
sdake_no reaon to apologize23:16
sdake_just slightly more strict23:16
sdake_it is because we are more young23:16
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asalkeldseems upside down23:17
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sdakeyes I get your argument :)23:18
sdakea young project should be more relaxed ;)23:18
sdakevs a mature project23:18
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla: Drop root for heat
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openstackgerritHui Kang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix neutron bootstrap
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