Thursday, 2015-08-20

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sdake_wtb samyaple05:02
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inc0good morning05:50
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inc0_soo I loaded ddwrt on my linksys router07:12
inc0_and dhcp didnt came on07:12
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inc0_SamYaple, around?07:33
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SamYapleinc0_ kinda07:39
inc0_up for an argument?07:39
inc0_codename: logging07:40
SamYapleidk maybe07:40
inc0_we have 2 options07:40
inc0_1. we do logstash and rsync forward logs to logstash by ansible-default07:40
inc0_rsyslog even07:41
inc0_2. we do data container and log to files by default - but this container can grow fat easily07:41
inc0_so we would do log rotation and stuff there07:41
SamYaplelog to files wont work07:41
SamYaplenot everything supports that07:41
inc0_rsyslog does07:41
inc0_and that's what I mean - we have rsyslog server which will write files07:42
SamYapleright but applications dont support directly logging to files is my point07:42
inc0_we want apps to use rsyslog07:42
inc0_what I mean is what we'll do with logs after that07:42
SamYapleinitially, just write tehm to a file07:42
SamYaplethats the first step07:42
inc0_so data container with logs07:43
SamYapleget them all to one rsyslog process07:43
SamYapleyea i dont care so much about a data container, I will be bindmounting07:43
inc0_well data containers are kinda pattern in kolla, so I'll stick to that07:43
SamYapleyea but im saying i dont care what that is since ill be bindmounting07:44
SamYapleso do whatever07:44
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inc0_you should care since it's for the betterment of whole project!07:44
SamYaplei dont agree with data containers period07:44
SamYaplei just go along with it07:45
inc0_btw, why?07:45
inc0_I'm kinda in favor of bindmouinting myself (easyier to process)07:45
SamYapleits like a horrible compromise between persistent data and not07:45
SamYapleif you want the data persistent, it shouldnt be in a container07:45
inc0_then why we do that in other containers? dabasase and such07:46
SamYaplethat was done before i got here07:46
SamYaplei never cared for it07:46
inc0_well, maybe worth changing?07:46
SamYapleno that arguement wont be won and i dont care enough to have it07:47
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use user_database_create in the register operation
SamYapleI only want to have teh option of bindmounting (which i have)07:47
sdakesamyaple can you have a look at that patch please ^^07:48
inc0_SamYaple, maybe then make this option in ansible as well?07:48
SamYaplesdake: user_database isnt in all.yml07:48
inc0_we're kinda pushing data containers with our approach07:48
SamYapleoh sorry yea i just looked at the commit message07:49
SamYapleyea moving to defaults would expose tha problem07:49
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use database_user_create in the register operation
sdakefixed ;)07:49
SamYaplereasonable fix07:49
sdakeya master is undeployable atm07:50
sdakespent like 6 hours figuring out why07:50
sdakebut learned something along the wway :)07:50
sdakeon the plus side i can now deploy a nova vm via boot07:51
sdakeso master seems to work07:51
sdake170 plays07:51
sdakeyay :)07:51
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix missing line break in memcached template
sdakesamyaple I studieid ansible_kolla contianer today looks prtty solid07:57
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add Dockerfile template for Gnocchi
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix binary builds for oraclelinux templates
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix small typo in task name
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Remove defaults.yml from docs
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SamYaplesdake: yea im not super happy about the command line wrapping, but at least its wrapping ansible native08:12
SamYapleand parsing json08:12
SamYapleoverall i am reasonably happy with it08:12
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Load ip_vs module for keepalived
SamYapleinc0_: yes option in ansible is what it will be. havent determined how best to do that. but probably a variable override is good enough08:48
inc0_you'd need to put conditionals to tasks, and that means having 2 tasks inheriting from 3rd one with simple when statement08:50
inc0_am I right?08:50
SamYaplesimpler than that08:50
SamYaplewhen specifying the volume we have a variable08:50
SamYapleby default it will be, say, /var/lib/mysql08:50
SamYaplebut since its a variable, it can be overrideen to /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql08:50
SamYapleno new tasks08:51
sdakesamyaple are there reviews you wanted me to tackle before heading to bed, i've been through the review queue09:04
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SamYaplei thinks thats the last one...09:06
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vbelgood morning/evening09:14
sdakeso remove ansible abstraction done then samyaple?09:14
SamYaplesdake: it is once you approve
SamYaplethats the actual final remove09:15
SamYapleit was being held up by the patch oyu just merged09:15
vbelis it correct understanding that does not support BUILDFLAGS/GIT_REF yet?09:15
SamYaplevbel: all I built into was basic tarball fetching09:16
SamYaplei dont think anyone has added more yet vbel09:16
vbelSamYaple: thanks, just trying to understand a bit more about the script09:16
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Remove start.yml abstraction for kolla-ansible
sdakevbel it is incomplete at this time09:17
sdakevbel evening btw ;)09:17
vbelok, evening :)09:17
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Dockerfile template for nova
sdake_ok guys09:28
sdake_quick brainstorm session about removal of docker dir09:28
SamYaplehey sdake_ can I rebase this for you?
SamYapleoh i thought you were going to bed09:29
sdake_samyaple that is a nova change that you own?09:29
inc0_sdake_, are we sure noone uses old build scripts?09:29
sdake_if they do I dont want them to do so :)09:29
inc0_noone we care about anyway09:29
SamYaplesdake_: sorry
SamYapleyou referenced the nova change09:29
SamYaplei thought you were going to bed, but that removal patch is missing things09:30
inc0_we still can't build single image with new script right?;)09:30
SamYapleinc0_: youre welcome to add that....09:30
sdake_ya single image - ounds like blocker09:30
inc0_I'll do it then09:30
inc0_just confirmation09:30
sdake_need done by friday pls :)09:30
SamYapleinc0_: nah i dont want you to be pulled away from logging09:30
inc0_it'll be few minutes of work09:31
sdake_ya focus on logging09:31
inc0_don't worry09:31
SamYapleim looking for some busy work at the moment I can add it09:31
SamYapleinc0_: its not a few minutes09:31
SamYapleit has to do parent building too09:31
inc0_I don't think it has thoi09:31
sdake_ok so i do want to go to bed soon 2:30am here09:31
inc0_single image is mostly for development09:31
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sdake_there are more use cases then dev09:31
SamYapleinc0_: yea it has to be able to rebuild the parents09:32
sdake_ci/cd using needsds single image09:32
inc0_but do they all need parent building?09:32
SamYapleits ok like i said you stick to logging we need that more09:32
vbelwe use docker/ and all old scripts09:32
sdake_vbel docker going bye bye for liberty09:32
inc0_vbel, we want to get rid of old scripts09:32 going byebye for liberty09:32
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SamYaplewell docker_templates will be renamed to docker I would assume...09:33
sdake_recommend adjusting now09:33
sdake_well that woudl probabybe the last step samyaple09:33
vbelif someone adds .buildconf .buildinfo to new scripts ..09:33
sdake_but yes i'd like to do that09:33
SamYapleyea ok just making sure09:33
SamYaplevbel: we arent using those09:33
SamYaplewe have the build.ini now09:33
sdake_that is what build.ini is for09:33
SamYaplethe buildconf and info were stopgaps09:33
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sdake_easy to adjust - use crudini09:33
SamYaple(as was discussed when they were commited)09:34
akwasniehi all09:34
sdake_ya i dont want dot files if we can help it09:34
sdake_and we can help it09:34
SamYaplehi akwasnie!09:34
inc0_hello again Ala09:34
sdake_first step is to make sure docker_templates images work for everyone09:35
sdake_pbourke or vbel give me an ack on oraclelinux asap :)09:35
vbelif I want my GIT_REF and couple of BUILDFLAGS can I use build.ini for that?09:36
SamYaplevbel: as soon as someone writes support for that09:36
SamYapleim not sure what BUILDFLAGS are here though09:37
sdake_what are BUILDFLAGS exactly?09:37
vbelI just cannot use it at work, will be glad to add oraclelinux if it possible to compile :)09:37
vbelBUILDFLAGS="$BUILDFLAGS --build-env PIP_TRUSTED_HOST=x.y.z.a"09:37
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sdake_that shouold go in build.ini09:38
vbelBUILDFLAGS="$BUILDFLAGS --build-env https_proxy=09:38
SamYaplesdake_: hold on now09:38
sdake_vbel i'll write support in the morning09:38
SamYaplewhat are we using https_proxy for in the source stuff?09:39
sdake_for curling the rdo repos for openvswitch for one ;)09:39
SamYaplebut thats done iniside the containers09:39
vbelsdake: ok, great! We run docker 1.8 with build-env patch to fetch anything from outside09:40
sdake_vbel what is the use case for git vs curl?09:40
sdake_trying to understand priorities here09:41
SamYaplesdake_: i think youre asking the wrong questions here09:41
SamYaplethe --build-env stuff, we dont do that currently do we?09:41
SamYapleits not in the build-docker-image script09:41
vbelcurl is to get tarball from outside, git is used to get stuff from internal mirrors (with or without patches)09:41
sdake_vbel got it09:41
sdake_everyone will want git for that use case09:42
sdake_samyaple I dont know if  we do that currently tbh09:42
sdake_first i've heard of it09:42
SamYaplesdake_: but you said we can add it to the build.ini09:42
vbelyes, for official build process we can only use our/internal things09:42
sdake_the use case is for supporting proxy environments for building09:43
SamYaplevbel: that doesnt need to be added yo ujust need to export that in your environment prior to building09:43
vbelalso can be custom vendor things that are not accepted in upstream for many reasons :)09:43
sdake_samyaple that sounds like a good solution - got docs?09:43
SamYaplesdake_: docker does09:43
SamYaplewe dont break that funcationality09:44
sdake_vbel can you research just using the environment for that09:45
sdake_i'd prefer not to expand options in build.py09:45
vbeldocker containers inside don't have proxy settings while building. E.g. we have public-yum site with our repos and we need to have http proxy settings just for build process09:45
sdake_or build.ini09:45
SamYapleyes vbel, but yours just setting that in .buildconf right?09:46
SamYaplein that case you should just be setting that in your ENV before running the build command, thats not going to be added09:46
sdake_buildconf just gets sourced by build.sh09:46
vbelyes, we have long awaited patch of docker that allows build-env flags09:46
SamYapleusing buildconf like that is abuse from the original use09:46
SamYapleright but my point is that isnt affected by, and isnt going to read .buildconf09:47
vbelwhy it did not work with ENV is that you cannot unset it09:47
SamYaplenot ENV in the container09:47
sdake_there is a blueprint on this09:47
SamYaple# BUILDFLAGS="--build-flags-go-here" build.py09:47
SamYaplelike that vbel09:48
SamYapleputting it in .buildconf is abuse09:48
SamYaplesdake_: yea but I think that is fixed with 1.8 and unneeded09:48
vbelwe have to pass those to docker09:48
SamYaplevbel: youre out of luck there, we use the docker-py python bindings09:49
SamYaplenot the docker cli09:49
sdake_samyaple i think what vbel is sying is docker reads BUILDFLAGS, whereas does not09:49
vbelyes, this is one more reason we still are with Dockerfiles09:49
SamYaplesdake_: well thats not entirely true09:49
inc0_I think you'll get buildtime envs in docker 1.809:49
vbelBUILDFLAGS are passed to "docker build" in old scheme09:50
SamYaplevbel: yes but thats abusing it09:50
SamYapleit wasnt desgned to do that09:50
vbelI will check if 1.8 actually passes anything to commands inside build09:50
sdake_i really prefer nto to make our minimum requirements docker 1.809:51
pbourkethe other idea for this which sdake had was to template ENV into the Dockerfiles09:51
SamYaplethe issue with that pbourke is they stick around forever09:51
vbelyes, true09:51
pbourkeSamYaple: true, but the workaround was to unset at the top of start.sh09:52
SamYapleI get the concerns here, but BUILDFLAGS was being abused before, it isnt supported in docker-py yet and wont be supported for the templates for a while09:52
pbourkebuildflags is *out* imo09:52
pbourkeit was never supported as part of docker09:52
vbelMy fast hack is sed /RUN/RUN https_proxy=a.b.c.d/g09:52
sdake_that definately sin't going in master09:53
SamYaplepbourke: no BUILDFLAGS is the name of the vairable that the used to run the docker build09:53
pbourkehas sdake's method being dismissed?09:53
SamYaplelike BUILDFLAGS="build --tag test ." docker ${BUILDFLAGS}09:53
SamYapleusing it for more optiosn is abuse and not how that was designed to work09:53
SamYapleso we dont have that support in or the templates, nor can we add it09:54
sdake_i dont want to permit overloading of the build flag options to docker - likely to cause confusion09:54
SamYaplenor could we09:55
SamYaplecli vs python bindings09:55
SamYaplebig difference09:55
sdake_if buildflags is --tag latest --tag llama that makes no sense09:55
pbourketemplating? ENV?09:55
SamYaplepbourke: sure if youre ok with that stick around forever09:55
SamYapleI am ok with that09:55
SamYaplebut thats not what vbel is talking about09:55
pbourkeSamYaple: its not ideal but its the best we came up with09:55
SamYapleI am not fighting that at all pbourke09:56
pbourkeSamYaple: ok :)09:56
SamYapleBut i want everyone on the same page09:56
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pbourkevbel: save me the scroll back, is there an issue with the above approach?09:56
sdake_i dont mind compomises but clearly bulidflags wont work09:56
sdake_so le sjust shit can that idea now09:56
vbelwe are for any solution that works for such environments like us :)09:56
sdake_read the eavesdrop09:56
sdake_that is the only working solution09:57
SamYaplewe can add support for buildenv stuff when docker-py _and_ we bump up the requirements to the latest docker-py09:57
SamYapleI too want that09:57
sdake_i thought buildenv got killed off?09:57
pbourkeI wanted to discuss this in the meeting but there wasn't time09:57
pbourkeI think either vbel or myself can submit a WIP for the above approach09:58
sdake_pbourke sounds like a good course of action09:58
sdake_lets bikeshed it in the review ;)09:58
sdake_once we see what it looks like09:58
sdake_the only downside to the proposed approach is it leaks environment data09:59
sdake_build systems do that all the time09:59
sdake_its normal normal behavior09:59
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SamYaplevbel are you using a custom docker1.8?10:03
vbelcurrently - yes. Another way to avoid it would be running a VM and kind of transparent proxy10:04
SamYapletransparent proxy + https wont work10:04
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SamYaplenot without having the client cert (which would be autogenerated)10:04
SamYapleor the destination cert if yo ucontrol that10:05
SamYaplethat would work too10:05
inc0_I've been playing with man in the middle proxy stuff10:07
sdake_ok well lets sort out a wip today plz ,I want docker dir gone aap :)10:07
inc0_but that requires CA cets exposed to dockers10:07
SamYapleinc0_: yea i do transparent proxy at my host for https10:08
SamYaplebasically mitm10:08
sdake_pbourke this needs a review plz10:08
SamYapleall my device certs are controlled so i can do that10:08
pbourkesdake_: link?10:08
sdake_ok so with that review docker_templates is done I think10:14
sdake_we need some type of environemntal overrides to deal with proxy nonsense during builds10:14
sdake_we need pull from git in build.ini10:15
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sdakewhat else is needed to pull the plug on the docker dir?10:15
vbelGIT_REF to specify tag to pull10:16
sdakethat is git pull from build.ini10:16
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove start.yml and bootstrap.yml
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove start.yml and bootstrap.yml
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix up base, RabbitMQ, and MariaDB for Ubuntu
sdakesomethign is busted with gerrit10:18
SamYapleyea ive noticed that too10:18
SamYapleprobably related to the crash the other week10:18
* SamYaple is making things up10:18
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SamYaplesdake: the ubuntu mariadb container is 584MB10:22
SamYaplecentos is 1.17GB10:22
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source and templating for Zaqar
sdakesamyaple epic difference ;)10:23
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Just a test patch to test building with templates
sdakepbourke master is busted completely without an ack on this
SamYaplesdake: its not completely busted10:26
SamYapleI still use it ;)10:26
sdakeif your db is already initialized  it would probably work :)10:26
SamYaplenah its just a config option10:26
SamYapleif you have database_user: root in your globals.yml itll work10:26
sdakewhich config option?10:26
sdakeoh i see10:27
SamYaplei mean the patch still needs to merge, but you can workaround the issue10:27
sdakecool if people ask before it merges point em at that workaround :)10:27
sdakei have hit the wall10:27
sdakesamyaple before i go to bed10:30
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Use database_user_create in the register operation
sdakeis one of the gaps in shade your sorting out related to keystone domains?10:31
SamYaplenamely domain_create doesnt exist ;)10:31
sdakeany rough idea when that will land - it is blocking heat10:31
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SamYaplenope syncing up with the shade folks has been slow10:31
sdakewe can't create domain in the bootstrap10:31
SamYapleWe can, if we move to v3 only keystone10:32
SamYaplebut that busts kilo10:32
sdakebecuse the domain id needs to be stored in the heat engine's conf file10:32
SamYaplewhich i dont test10:32
sdakeotherwise stack delete doesnt' work10:32
SamYapleyea i know the issue. i can get it to work with v3 only keystone10:32
SamYapleno v3 endpoints10:32
SamYapleno v2.0 endpoints*10:32
sdakehow do you get the domain id into heat.conf in the engine container?10:34
SamYapleI can do a quick module to query keystone to fill that gap10:34
SamYapleno i can10:35
SamYapleif we have v3 endpints10:35
SamYaplethats what i was blocked on before10:35
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Update support to control
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix group name in vagrant docs
SamYaple/win/win 3510:38
sdakedon't we have v3 endpoints already?10:39
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: rsyslog container
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Ansible bits to rsyslog
inc0_test it out please10:40
SamYapleinc0_: that means all the services log to files10:40
inc0_to files generated by rsyslog10:41
inc0_for now, until we'll have logstash10:41
SamYaplehow do they get to rsyslog?10:41
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Implement Ansible role for Swift
inc0_this commits create rsyslog server10:42
inc0_we'll need to turn every service to log to this one now10:42
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inc0_but we need server first10:42
inc0_now we need to think how to teach services to use rsyslog clients10:42
inc0_without running rsyslog in every containert10:43
sdakei dont want services blocked on logging to rsyslog10:44
sdakei'd prefer they log to files and logstash jam that to rsyslog10:44
sdakeand on that note, i'm going to bed :)10:44
SamYapleinc0_: understandabled10:44
SamYaplesdake: they will be10:44
SamYaplethats how it goes10:44
SamYaplenot all services can even log to files10:44
inc0_service -> rsyslog -> logstash10:44
SamYapleservice -> rsyslog -> file|logstash10:45
inc0_later on logstash -> elasticsearch -> kibana10:45
SamYapleboth even10:45
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openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Ansible bits to rsyslog
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: rsyslog container
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inc0_SamYaple, how about installing rsyslog on host and having docker log driver use it?10:57
inc0_this will solve everything logging to stdin10:57
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inc0_which is...well pretty much everything10:59
SamYaplewe dont touch host10:59
SamYapleand we arent using the docker log driver10:59
SamYaplenot all things print to stdout/stderr10:59
SamYaplewhich rules that out10:59
inc0_what doesn't?11:00
SamYapleeven the openstack services dont all work well with stdout11:00
SamYaplebut keepalived haproxy only work with rsyslog11:00
SamYapleopenvswitch wont log to stdout11:00
SamYaplelibvirt wont do debug to stdout11:01
SamYapleand again, openstack is buggy with that too11:01
inc0_then how would you give them access to rsyslog withot having rsyslog in container?11:01
SamYaplewhat do you mean?11:01
SamYaplewe want rsyslog in a container11:01
inc0_we don't want rsyslog process in every container right?11:01
SamYapleone rsyslog container11:01
SamYapleall services logging to it11:01
inc0_my question - how?11:02
inc0_so by exposing /dev/log it works?11:02
SamYapleyou have to have /dev/log from the rsyslog container be /dev/log in the other containers11:02
inc0_I'll test it11:02
SamYaplenot /dev/log on the host11:02
inc0_well, pids will get messy anyway11:03
inc0_since several pid 1 services will write to same /dev/log11:03
inc0_I'm not sure rsyslog can handle that well11:03
SamYaplewe can provide a /dev/log for each service11:03
SamYaple/dev/log-nova /dev/log-neutron11:04
*** unicell1 has quit IRC11:04 will be /dev/log-nova-scheduler and /dev/log-nova-api and so on11:04
inc0_which means we'll need to create all that11:04
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inc0_prior to deploying rest of stack11:04
inc0_so ansible has to know what will be deployed on given host11:05
SamYaplethere will be an rasyslog server on each host dude11:05
inc0_at begginging of play11:05
inc0_server? why?11:05
inc0_don't we want few servers and clients on each host?11:05
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SamYapleclient cant do what we need11:06
SamYapleeverything logs to the server11:06
SamYaplehence each server has a rsyslogserver11:06
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inc0_wait, so we don't do remote rsyslog?11:07
inc0_we wanted centralized logging11:07
SamYaplewhat do you think is providing /dev/log11:07
SamYapleam i mistaken here in my understanding11:08
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SamYapleclient wont provide /dev/log, yes?11:08
inc0_I'm not sure, it might11:08
SamYapleit doesnt11:08
SamYapleits a client11:08
inc0_yeah, but server listens on port11:08
SamYapleserver listens11:08
inc0_so client has to get these logs somehow right?11:09
SamYapleport and device11:09
inc0_question is, how11:09
SamYapleserver creates /dev/log11:09
SamYapleeach node writes to /dev/log11:09
SamYaplewe arent doing central logging yet11:09
SamYaplethats what ELKstack is for11:09
inc0_we can do this with rsyslog as well11:09
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SamYapleyea but we arent...11:10
SamYaplethats what elkstack was for11:10
SamYaplewe arent reinventing that stuff11:10
inc0_elkstack was to be pluggable from the begginging11:10
SamYaplewe want all logging to be accissible in one place... per node11:10
inc0_and we're not, rsyslog is there for some time11:10
SamYapleinitially we are not doing anythign with central logging11:11
SamYaplethat was already agree11:11
SamYaplewe can have that converastion after11:11
SamYaplewe just need each server to have a central point for forwarding11:11
SamYaplersyslog on each server that collects and writes all logs to file11:11
inc0_also, that doesn't change anything11:11
inc0_we still need to get logs to rsyslog11:11
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inc0_remote or not11:11
inc0_having different /dev/log per every container seems ugly to me.11:12
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SamYaplewell test a single /dev/log11:12
SamYapleyou said it wouldnt work, i wasnt going to qeustion you11:12
inc0_I will, I expect it to fail11:13
inc0_but I'll explore other ideas as well11:13
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SamYapleok, but it does need to be a /dev/ since that is the only thing all these servcies have in common to log to11:13
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inc0_because I don't want to redeploy/reconfigure rsyslog container each time we start/stop new container11:13
SamYaplewell you wouldnt11:14
inc0_how then new /dev/log-whatever would be created?11:14
SamYapleclearly we would (if we had to go down that road) create all the possible devices first11:14
inc0_that's ugly and will cause tons of problems11:14
SamYapleit wont cause any problems11:15
SamYapleit is ugly11:15
inc0_remembering that we need to add a device each time we add a container to kolla will break11:15
inc0_it will cause problems on development cycle11:15
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SamYaple.... for that container... one time11:15
inc0_still, trust me, people will forget about that11:15
inc0_we want this to be pluggable11:15
SamYaplesure... until they look for the logs11:15
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SamYaplewhich is like the first thing anyone does adding a new service11:16
SamYapleto see if it works11:16
inc0_in which case we'll get tons of bugs "omg omg my logs are gone, world is ending"11:16
SamYapleno it wont ever merge see above11:16
SamYaplebut this isnt a conversation i need to have11:16
SamYapletry testing it first11:16
SamYaplei think youll be fine with a single /dev/log11:16
inc0_yeah, I'll try to get cleaner solution11:16
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add kolla-ansible for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add kolla-ansible for ubuntu
SamYaplepbourke: hey12:16
SamYaplei figured something out12:16
SamYaplei figured out why the docker cache is always busted12:16
SamYapleit uses more than just a file checksum12:16
SamYapleit uses mtime and even inode in the case of ADD12:17
SamYaplehow wierd is that12:17
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add kolla-ansible for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix up base, RabbitMQ, and MariaDB for Ubuntu
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SamYapleim writing a python patch to set the atime and mtime to 0 epoch so the cache wont break when building12:29
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pbourkeSamYaple: you mean for the source tars?12:49
SamYapleI mean for everything, but yes that too12:50
SamYaplethis will fix the cache for everything12:50
pbourkesounds great!12:50
SamYapleso far its working fantastic!12:50
pbourkewhat else was the cache not working for though out of interest?12:50
SamYaplemost everything, esecially after a git pull12:50
SamYaplebasically if you used `vi` to open a file, you break the cache12:51
pbourkeI wonder is there a reason for that though12:51
pbourkeor just an oversight12:51
SamYapleno there are some bugs for it12:51
SamYapleits 'working as designed'12:51
SamYaplesome people might care about atime and mtime12:51
SamYaplewe do not12:51
pbourkefair enough12:51
pbourkehave you have problems with the config merging in ansible breaking when the template isn't an ini file?12:52
SamYapleyea, it doesnt work12:52
SamYaplespecifically that12:52
pbourkeso just no augment files in that case?12:52
SamYaplethe config merging is a module i wrote to merge ini files12:52
SamYaplethe plan is to have a full override file12:53
SamYaplelike, 'this stomps the ansible template' overrie12:53
SamYaplerabbitmq, keepalived, haproxy, dnsmasq, are the uses i see12:53
SamYapleall the others can merge12:53
pbourkeI was wondering why haproxy had a different style config.yml actually12:54
pbourkenow i know12:54
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inc0_soo...logging to simple /dev/log works as I thought...from rsyslog perspective it's all same pid = same service13:04
SamYapleuhh inc0_ thats what the rules are for though13:08
SamYapleyou have to config that stuff correctly13:08
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add ansible role for memcached
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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apuimedoSamYaple: ping13:29
SamYapleapuimedo: pong13:29
apuimedothat was fast!13:30
apuimedothanks SamYaple13:30
SamYaplewhat did i do?13:30
SamYapledid I win a prize?13:30
apuimedoyou were picked from the mirrorlist13:30
apuimedoas the fastest server13:30
apuimedoof course13:30
SamYaplethats what my wife tells me13:30
apuimedoSamYaple: I have never tried kolla in multinode, is it being tested like that?13:30
SamYapleapuimedo: thats almost all i do13:31
apuimedoSamYaple: speed and efficiency, what more can she ask for?13:31
SamYaplei use AIO everynow and then just to maek sure it works13:31
apuimedoSamYaple: do we have some link for a guide to the multinode deployment?13:33
SamYapleAIO and multinode is exactly the same deploymentwise13:33
SamYaplethe only difference is the inventory file for ansible13:34
apuimedoSamYaple: just using swarm with compose, then?13:34
SamYapleno we dont use compose13:34
SamYaplenot with ansible13:34
SamYapleansible starts the appropriate containers13:34
SamYapleon the appropriate hosts13:34
apuimedommm, I thought I had seen compose the last time with the all in one13:34
SamYapleyea that was the old way, but never with ansible13:35
apuimedoSamYaple: cool13:35
SamYaplethe docs here work apuimedo
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SamYaplefor multinode look at
SamYaplebasically you just setup those first 4 groups with the servers you want (the same server can be in multiple groups)13:36
apuimedoI hope with this I'll be able to convince my team to use kolla for CI (which in turn will add midonet to kolla)13:36
SamYapleHere is what I will say, Kolla is in heavy development. We will have a stable working branch for Liberty, but its bumpy right now13:37
SamYapleyou have to build your images, host them somewhere (local docker registry), etc13:37
SamYapleso we wont have a 'it just works' deploy until LIberty branch13:37
SamYaple(2 months)13:37
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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pbourkeSamYaple: thanks for reviews13:48
SamYaplepbourke: no problem13:49
SamYaplei think we zeroing in on the memcache one13:49
SamYapleill help you tweak the swift one to consume memcache properly13:50
pbourkeon your latest comment13:51
pbourkedo we need a group memcache? I removed it from the inventories as it just gets picked up as swift dependency13:51
pbourkeor maybe we dont want memcache on every swift node13:52
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apuimedoSamYaple: thanks for that info!13:55
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jpeelerSamYaple: did you get around to making build single image? i was actually working on it too14:04
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jpeeleri have a doctor apt me in a few, so it won't get done immediately. but i'll finish it up if i hear you don't have a patch started.14:07
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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pbourkeSamYaple: for comment here
pbourkewhich part is not consistent?14:13
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SamYaplejpeeler: just tonight i was working on it, i moved onto other things though not alot of progress there14:22
SamYaplejpeeler: you do it!14:22
SamYaplepbourke: using variable name in the group14:23
pbourkeSamYaple: i thought that, is that all though?14:23
SamYaplepbourke: memcache is a tricky thing, you dont want it running on your swift nodes, no14:23
SamYaplepbourke: yea thats all14:23
pbourkeSamYaple: it seems like there might be two complaints in that comment14:24
pbourkeok cool14:24
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Allow Docker to make better use of cache
SamYaplepbourke: ^^ it works!14:27
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Allow Docker to make better use of cache
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix up base for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix RabbitMQ for Ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix up base for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix MariaDB for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix up base for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix MariaDB for ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix RabbitMQ for Ubuntu
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add kolla-ansible for ubuntu
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix keystone for Ubuntu
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pbourkeSamYaple: maybe related to discussion earlier, are you against build options going into build.ini14:52
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SamYaplepbourke: what do you mean?14:53
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pbourkeSamYaple: im looking again at the neutron third party plugins (
pbourkeim thinking an alternative would be to have something like {% if enable_plugins %} in the template14:53
SamYaplelike global build options? rather than having to specify flags?14:53
pbourkeas far as I can see this code has to be part of the neutron-server14:54
pbourkeI may be wrong14:54
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SamYapleim ok with extra stuff being in the agents and server container to behonest14:55
SamYaplei dont actually like this data vol plugin thing14:55
SamYaplei would prefer it just be available14:55
pbourkeit just seems like a lot of bloat14:55
SamYapledefine alot?14:55
SamYaplei dont know how big is it?14:55
pbourkelike 10-15 repos14:55
pbourkeeach are reasonably small but I reckon 3/4 of people wont use them14:55
SamYapleI mean if we are talking 5-10mb i say go for it14:56
SamYaple100-500mb thats a different story14:56
SamYaplewhats the size?14:56
pbourkei'll check14:56
pbourkeon the same topic does that mean you'd be ok with adding the murano plugin directly into the horizon dockerfile?14:57
pbourkeno conditional14:57
SamYaplethe issue there is it will then show up in the dashboard, correct?14:57
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SamYapleyes so i wouldnt be ok there14:57
SamYaplether neutron stuff is just dormat files14:57
SamYaplecorrect me if im wrong there14:58
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pbourkenot sure if I missed a line there14:58
SamYaplethe neutron stuff is just dormat files, right? not active unless configured?14:59
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SamYapleyea thats the difference for me on the neutron vs horizon stuff14:59
pbourkemakes sense, I'll have another think wrt the murano add on15:00
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SamYaplehot damn this works across git checkouts very well too15:01
SamYaplelets get that merged in!15:02
pbourkehow do you use day to day without single image building?15:04
pbourkeI've not been using it for that reason15:05
inc0let me get this commit up and I'm going to do this single img build15:06
inc0this is pain.15:06
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Ansible bits to rsyslog
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Templates for rsyslog
pbourkeinc0: I'll owe you a drink :)15:06
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SamYapleinc0: jpeeler just poped on and said he had code already for that15:08
pbourkeSamYaple: Im going to need git for binary neutron now also15:08
SamYapleinc0: he said hell be pushing it later today15:08
pbourkeSamYaple: would you move it to the base?15:08
pbourkein your patch15:09
SamYaplepbourke: git is only installed for ubuntu15:09
pbourkeinc0: looks like jpeeler gets the drink instead15:09
inc0waiting on jpeeler then15:09
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Ansible bits to rsyslog
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Templates for rsyslog
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: rsyslog container
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: Ceph container
inc0SamYaple, mind removing -1 from first patch since templates are done in different one?15:11
pbourkeSamYaple: will need it for all though15:11
SamYapleno put the templates in the first one15:11
SamYapleits already causing review problems15:11
SamYapleyou are duping start.sh15:11
pbourkeSamYaple: to clone the plugin repos15:11
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: Ansible bits to rsyslog
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed stackforge/kolla: rsyslog container
SamYaplepbourke: hmm that needs to be discussed then15:12
SamYaplepbourke: git clone is less than ideal15:13
SamYapledo they exist there?15:13
pbourkeis size the worry?15:13
SamYapleoh yea yea definetely. But the size should be figured out first15:13
SamYapleand we need to talk about this more boradly, this seems like a good mailing list conversation15:14
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pbourkeI'll send one. Please respond with your concerns as although usually valid they're not always clear to me :)15:15
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Allow Docker to make better use of cache
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix keystone for Ubuntu
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SamYaplemorning sdake16:10
SamYaplei have good news16:10
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix keystone for Ubuntu
sdakemorning btw16:14
sdakestill waking up so don't give me any brain teasers pl zz :)16:14
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SamYapleI have fixed the docker cache! It works in a bunch of cases where it didnt before!16:15
SamYaplefrom source uses the cache properly now16:15
sdakesurprised that works16:18
SamYaplethere are some complaints around it16:19
SamYaplebut for the docker folks they say if a timestamp changes, the file change and cache is bad16:19
SamYaplewe dont care about timestamps and want the cache more than the timestamp16:19
sdakedocker cache still seems broke from binary builds16:21
sdakeif i build and rebuild it takes same time and does same thing16:21
SamYapleit doesnt take the same time as a full rebuild16:21
SamYapleit may take the same time because it is failing to build an image16:21
SamYaplethere are also still some thing we have in there that break the cache i believe (like VOLUME that breaks it i think)16:22
sdakethose need to go anyway16:22
SamYapleI asked to rebase your patch to remove that stuff last night16:22
sdakethis is not the volume you were looking for16:22
sdakerembase which one16:23
sdakei dont recall editing anything with volumes16:23
sdakevote -1 on it so i know you want hat16:24
sdakei must have missed that commentary16:24
SamYaplehey pbourke or rhallisey would you mind merging the last of the docker_templates for the main services?
sdakethat patc has been through the rebase ringer16:24
SamYapleyea i know :/16:25
SamYaplealso, guys I know no one is using ubuntu, but I need eyes on the ubuntu reviews16:25
SamYapleill be using that as my primary once its ready16:26
SamYaplei should have all the patches in within the week16:26
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add Dockerfile template for nova
sdakei'll probably end up trying it out once its done16:29
sdakeand of course i redview several times a day16:29
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible role for memcached
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SamYaplelooks good pbourke :)16:34
pbourkeSamYaple: thanks! I noticed the port thing before I saw your comment16:34
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Implement Ansible role for Swift
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Implement Ansible role for Swift
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sdakei had a dream my porsche was being reposessed16:43
sdakewhich is odd because my bill paying on it is automatic16:44
sdakebad way to start out the day16:44
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Implement Ansible role for Swift
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Implement Ansible role for Swift
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sdakenice swift116:45
sdakewill that make it by wednesday paul?16:45
sdakepbourke will that be in running form by wednesday?16:45
pbourkesdake: its running now, but the rings are issue16:46
pbourke*an issue16:46
sdakewe decided to handle the rings in rc1 right?16:46
pbourkehmm you did say that yeah16:46
pbourkethat works for me then16:46
sdakehow are rings loaded now?16:46
pbourkeyou have to supply them, if they're there, config-external loads them in16:47
sdakeif th eanswer is ther eis no way to get them into the system, that needs tobe fixed :)16:47
sdakewhere do you supply them?16:47
sdakeand what do they look like16:47
pbourkethe usual /opt/kolla/swift16:47
pbourkethey're gzipped files16:48
sdakegroan that is super hacky16:48
pbourkeI wouldnt say super16:48
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sdake /opt/kolla/configs/swift is super hacky16:48
sdakethat is an internal directory16:48
pbourkeops can supply any config this way16:48
sdakecan you atlaest copy them from /etc in some way?16:48
SamYaplesdake: we need to change everything over to /etc16:49
SamYapleso we can ignore that for now16:49
SamYapleitll get switched over with everything else16:49
pbourkeSamYaple: missed your comments somehow, looking now16:49
sdakeetc shouldn't be writetn by programs in geeneral I think16:49
sdakethat is what /var/lib is for16:50
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SamYaplepbourke: you didnt miss them, you upped two patchsets while i was writing them16:50
SamYaplesdake: /etc/ is where the ansible configs will go16:50
SamYaplesince they would be modifyable from there16:50
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sdakei'm good with that after the container is started16:50
SamYaplesdake: no we are having different conversations again16:51
sdakecopy always still uses cp to /etc16:51
SamYapleoutside the container vs inside16:51
SamYapleoutside the container we save to /opt/kolla/contig16:51
SamYapleinside the container we BINDMOUNT to /opt/kolla/{{ service }}16:51
SamYaplewe need ot change both of these16:52
sdakeyes that is what pbourke  is talking about putting the ring files there16:52
SamYaplebut they would be cp over to etc like veverything else16:52
sdakechange outside the contianer to what?16:52
SamYaple /etc16:52
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sdakeand just not copy?16:53
sdakehow does that preserve immutability16:53
SamYapleno no no16:53
SamYapleill just do the patches16:53
SamYaplewell talk about it there so you see whats going on16:53
sdakeok well back in my world i don't want to put a ring file in /etc/opt/kolla/config to launch swift ;)16:54
SamYaplethats not what happens16:54
sdakepbourke could you verify16:54
SamYapleits like every other file in /opt/kolla/config, it gets copied to /etc16:54
SamYapleits right there16:55
pbourkesdake: its like every other config we do currently, the only thing missing is we dont generate them automatically16:55
sdakeyes what i'm saying is the swift ansible code shoudl copy from /etc to /opt/kolla/config16:55
sdakepbourke its different in that its not an ini file16:55
SamYapleno it shoudlnt16:55
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SamYapleansible is distributing that file16:55
SamYapleits not unique per host16:55
pbourkesdake: that doesn't matter :) lots of other services don't have ini files16:55
sdakepbourke so lets say i have a 3 ring swift node, do i login to all 3 nodes, createa a tar gz of the swift ring on each node, and then launch swift?16:56
SamYapletahts not how swift works16:56
SamYapleyou generate teh ring in one location and distribute16:57
pbourkeSamYaple is correct. The only thing is we currently aren't doing the distrubution16:57
SamYaplepbourke: we can with ansible16:57
sdakethat is the part i just asked for!16:57
SamYaplepbourke: you already have the code16:58
pbourkeSamYaple: yes but I think what sdake is asking is how do they get onto the nodes16:58
SamYaplejust have ansible fetch the file from /etc on the deploy host16:58
pbourkeansible can do this, but the current patchset does not16:58
sdakesamyaple yes i'm pretty sure that is what I was saying :)16:58
SamYapleyou never said deploy host sdake16:58
SamYapleyou said container and thats not deploy host16:58
* sdake remebers to use real world examples next time to cut tot he chase :)16:59
sdakeroger its hard to communicate this stuff16:59
SamYaple /etc from the deploy host ->> /opt/kolla/config on the destination node16:59
sdakepbourke can you fix that up then with a file in /etc16:59
SamYaplethen config-external takes over no problem16:59
sdakeyes i am good with that model samyaple16:59
SamYaplecrisis averted16:59
sdakethere has got to be a simple copy operation in asnible16:59
SamYapleits called copy16:59
pbourkethere is but im not sure we want to add that17:00
pbourkeits would be non standard17:00
SamYaplehow so?17:00
SamYaplecopy and template are interchangable to me17:00
pbourkeyes but we're not supplying them17:00
SamYapletemplate is only used when we replace variables17:00
sdakepbourke we are adding more copys for other types of overrides I believe17:00
pbourkewe supply templates17:00
SamYaplepbourke: we still do the distrbition17:01
sdakepbourke although samyaple may implement that a different way not certain17:01
SamYaplethats perfectly fine17:01
SamYapleI am more than happy ammend the patchset with this model pbourke17:01
pbourkeno i can do it17:01
sdakepbourke thanks you rock :)17:01
SamYapleok ill be here to review :)17:01
pbourkei dont mind if you do but im sure you have better things to do17:01
sdakeya sam busy busy17:02
sdakebest to let him focus :)17:02
SamYapleok ill be here to review :)yea but thats like 5 minutes at most and then he can take back over17:02
sdakejumping around ruins focus17:02
pbourkeok so my plan is to get some of the supporting services in before moving this patch from wip17:02
SamYapleim not volunteerign to finish it17:02
pbourkethe ones there will make it work but you dont get replication and all the other consistency stuff17:02
SamYaplesdake: where do you want templates (non-modifyable files that have to persisnt on the destination host)? currently they are in "/usr/share/kolla/templates"17:02
sdakepbourke I am after a dead chicken implementation by wednesday in gerrit17:03
sdakesamyaple let me think a bit just woke up17:03
SamYapleyoure arguing pretty hard for not thinking17:03
pbourkegoogled dead chicken implementation17:03
sdakesamyaple we have two options /var/lib/kolla and /usr/share/kolla17:03
pbourkecame up empty17:03
SamYaplewell they are already in /usr/shade17:03
sdakedead chicken testing is when you wave a dead chicken over the box, and if the chicken doesn't come alive, it passed the test17:04
sdakethey are not user modifiable?17:04
sdakeonly part of the deploy system17:04
sdakeI think /usr/share is right17:04
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SamYaplethe templates are not, they simply exist to keep idepontency17:05
sdakekolla scripts need to go in there too17:05
SamYapleno no no17:05
SamYapleon the physical host17:05
SamYapleoutside the container17:05
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sdakeright i was talking about the kolla scripts outside the container too that are copied to /opt currently17:05
sdakebtw, there is abug for this akwasnie has assigned herself to17:05
SamYaplethere are no scripts outside the container17:05
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sdakeyour right17:06
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sdakefuck brain not operational let me wake up17:06
SamYapleoutside the container, we write configs to /opt/kolla/config, I suggest /etc/kolla/17:07
sdakeok templates on deployed host should go in /usr/share/kolla/templates or something similar17:07
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sdakethe problem with writing straight to /etc/kolla is AIO17:08
sdakei want aio to not implode :)17:08
SamYapleno it woulnt17:08
sdake /etc/kolla/configs might be better17:08
SamYapleive thought of everything17:08
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SamYapleon AIO, it wouldnt affect it at all17:08
SamYapleyou would have /etc/kolla/nova-api /etc/kolla/neutron-agents17:08
SamYapleno overlap17:08
sdakei guess it woudl be a little confusing for aio but we could document it17:09
sdakeand its more tidy on multinode deploys17:09
sdakewhich is what we are really after17:09
sdakeso yup go with that17:09
SamYapleagreed, but we want that17:09
sdakeits a config management tool so writing to /etc is acceptable17:10
sdakei.e. meets lsb17:10
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Change default config location
SamYapleinside the container is a whole different thing17:12
SamYaplebut i suggest /usr/share inside the container since its mounted read-only and they never change17:12
SamYaple(from the containers perspective)17:13
sdake /usr/share for which?17:13
SamYaplefor the bindmount17:13
SamYapleand scripts i suppose17:13
sdakecool make it so #1 :)17:13
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SamYaplethis update-configs blueprint is really getting a workout17:14
sdake /usr/share/kolla tho pls :)17:14
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sdakei filed a bug on this17:14
sdakemake sure to mark it invalid or something17:14
sdakeif your going to do all this work17:14
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sdakeit has "sed" in the titel17:14
SamYapleill closes the bug too17:15
sdakedo before akawasnie spends mucht ime on it17:15
sdakei hate for her to waste time on something that is wrong17:15
SamYapleI dont think she has done anything on it, inc0 is she still around?17:15
SamYaplemmmmmm nice17:16
SamYaplean empty /opt17:16
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sdakeinc0 usually not here that late17:16
sdakethis late17:16
sdakeso I've been thinking, we need a design.md17:16
sdakebecuase the core reviewer team understands the design of the system17:17
sdakebut other people will want to know as well17:17
SamYaplemake it so sdake17:17
sdakeyes i will17:17
sdakeprobably later next week17:17
sdakei'm going to beat heat into gerrit-submission17:18
sdakesamyaple dude i dont get it17:18
sdakegerrit has been acting up badly17:18
sdakeplease hold, I will ask on openstack-infra17:19
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove start.yml and bootstrap.yml
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pbourkeis there usually a delay on sending mails to the ML?17:22
pbourkesend one wrt neutron plugins about 2 hours ago17:22
pbourkebut not seeing it17:22
sdakepbourke jsut saw on #openstac-infnra mailman is lagged up17:22
pbourkesdake: ah ok, thanks!17:23
pbourkekeep an eye out for it :) would like to get that bp worked out17:23
sdakeok so re the rebases complaining17:23
sdakethe gate and gerrit use "jgit" whatever that is17:24
sdakeapparently its not as pro as our c git client at sorting out merge17:24
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sdakeSamYaple the reason that file was in merge conflict was because those  files were edited (by my patch last night)17:24
sdakeone of em atleast17:24
sdakebootstrap.yml iirc17:24
SamYapleah ok17:24
SamYapleat least that makes sense17:25
sdakeand a delete after an edit requires a rebase with jgit17:25
sdakeyou wouldn't think a delete after an edit would require a rebase - git sorts it out for us17:25
sdakebut jgit does not :)17:25
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SamYaplemmmmm that feel when you have the review queue up-to-date and have a dozen patches waiting for reviews17:29
SamYapleits great17:29
SamYapleim going to go eat and sleep17:29
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* sdake gets a bucket of -1's17:30
SamYapleI expect some -1 on my ubuntu stuff17:31
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SamYapleif people really want to get on my good side, get this reviewed ;)
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: The requirements.txt file isn't correct
inc0I'll tell Ala tomorrow that bug is invalid, afaik she didn't spent too much time on it17:40
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sdakerhallisey the ceph container has many comments in it ;)17:54
rhalliseyI'll make my way back to it shortly17:54
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sdakepbourke nice job on swift - bunch of comments in the review - needs a bit more work before mergable18:17
sdakebut looking fantastic18:17
sdakeif you could tell me how to get it started, i'd like to try it out18:18
sdakespecificlaly how do i generte a ring file and what is /srv/node (a filesystem?)18:18
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Allow Docker to make better use of cache
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix group name in vagrant docs
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix MariaDB for ubuntu
sdakeoff to pick up mail bbl18:31
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SamYaplesdake, please change your vote
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Change default config location
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Remove start.yml and bootstrap.yml
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openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: Ceph container
openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: Ceph container
sdakesamyaple apologies for that19:17
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sdakepbourke you happen to still be around20:36
sdakepbourke if you see this later, please submit some kind of docs on how to setup and use swift for noobs like me - it doens't have to be perfect - just put in gerrit queue with code review -2 - doesn't even have to be formatted, just a quick get started guide targeted at someone who understands the architecture in detail (just for me:)20:38
sdakepbourke like what needs to go in /srv/node (just an empty directory) and how to generate the ring file and some basic swift client commands20:39
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Add options for selective build and listing images
sdakeholy crap someone finally wrote that20:43
* sdake cheers20:43
sdakejpeeler could you go into more detail what -l does?20:43
jpeelerin the commit or here20:43
sdakeirc is good20:44
jpeeleri just traverses the directories and shows the image names for the available Dockerfiles20:44
sdakewhat is -d?20:44
jpeelerdebug, not necessary but i use it sometimes20:45
sdakeso sam had suggested not having an option like -i20:47
sdakebut instead anything at the end would be built20:47
sdakeif nothing was specified everything is built20:47
sdakeeg -T 1000 heat20:47
sdakewould build anything that matches *heat*20:48
sdakeor -T 1000 heat_base20:48
sdakeor build.oy -T 1000 heat swift ceilometer_base20:48
sdakeis that easy or hard to change around?20:48
sdakeI also prefer that model20:48
sdakejpeeler re gating, i spoke with the infra team about mutiple vms20:49
sdakehere is the deal20:49
sdakethey have 2 vm nodepool jobs20:49
sdake2 vms atm is hte limit20:49
jpeeleri'm not sure how hard it'll be, probably not hard, but i don't know how to parse it off the top of my head20:49
sdakethey said if we can get 1 node AIO stable, to go to 2 node AIO20:49
sdakeif we get 2 node AIO (1 controller 1 compute) stable they will give us more vms20:50
sdakei think the blocker for aio deploy atm is the lack of a --retry flag in build.py20:50
sdakei have a meeting in 10 minutes but i'll reviwe yur patch after20:51
sdakeif you can see how to get the non option arguments out of the argparser that would probably do the job20:51
jpeeleri really need to get going on ironic, but haven't forgotten about the retry flag20:51
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sdakeI dont know off the top of my head20:51
jpeeleryeah i'll look20:51
sdakewe cn finish ironic in rc1 if need be20:51
sdakeanything that misses liberty3 will be essential or high priority for rc120:52
jpeelerlooks like arg_parse supports the model you are wanting20:54
sdakealso not sure we need a -l flag20:55
sdakewhat is the use case for that?20:55
sdaketo list out what is available to build?20:55
sdakecool make a separate patch for that plz20:55
sdakejpeeler i am not keen on adding stuff to the cli - because clis are like APIs :)20:56
sdakebut i can see the value in that type of operation20:56
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Add options for selective build and listing images
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Add options for selective build and listing images
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bmaceSamYaple around?21:36
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bmacesdake around?21:54
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sdakebmance wound me22:04
sdakebmace wound me22:04
sdakebmace whats up bro22:08
sdakesorry was OTP22:08
sdakemy life is so much improved since i put my main phone number on permanent voice mail - no ringing phone all day long22:09
bmacenp, had a question about the change that went in around where the config files end up being put.  i see they are going into /etc/kolla/ previously that was going to be the location of the "original" files on the node you push from22:09
bmaceso is there some sort of separation of the /etc/kolla space now between the ansible node and the control / compute / etc nodes?22:10
sdakeand on the deplooyed nodes as well22:10
bmacesince you might deploy to the same node you are on.. which i think was the reason for the separation?22:10
sdakethe separation is that each /etc/kolla directory on deployed node swil end up with a nova-api directory nova-compute directory etc22:10
sdakebmace we thought through all in one - I had that same concern22:11
bmacedirectly under /etc/kolla?  so /etc/kolla/config still has the stuff that gets pushed out?22:11
sdake /etc/kolla/config is gone22:11
sdakethere was never an /etc/kolla/config afaik22:11
sdakethere was an /opt/kolla/config22:12
bmaceah, i think you are right.. and that is still going to be there?22:12
sdakeno /opt/kolla/config got moved to /etc/kolla22:12
bmaceso /opt/kolla is for all the stuff on the deployment node?22:12
sdakethere will be no /opt/kolla going forward22:12
sdakethere will be /usr/share/kolla22:13
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sdakeand /etc/kolla22:13
sdakeon both deploy and deployed nodes22:13
bmacehrm.. so /usr/share/kolla will have all the 'usually empty' config files?  something like /usr/share/kolla/configs or whatever?22:14
sdakethe empty config files wil lgo in /etc/kolla22:14
sdake /usr/share/kolla/tempaltes22:14
sdakewill contain the template files for use with ansible22:14
sdakeonly on deployed nodes22:15
bmacehow about all the role stuff? all the bits under git:kolla/ansible need to be somewhere.22:15
sdakethe structure of the /etc directory on the deployment node is not changing at all22:15
sdakeansible should go in /usr/share/kolla/ansible imo22:15
sdakebut we haven't worked out packaging for kolla yet22:15
bmacekk.. /usr/share it is22:16
sdakestrangely i think the inventory file should go in /etc/kolla22:17
bmaceso the empty configs go in /etc/kolla/configs, from git:kolla/etc/kolla/configs22:17
sdakebut its in the ansible directory at the moment for unknown to me reasons22:17
sdakelet me look at the repo22:17
bmacewell, we are having the inventory file dynamically generated right now, so it doesn't need to live anywhere :)22:18
sdakeright /etc/kolla/config is where the configurable deployed-from node stuff goes22:18
sdakebmace there is some concern from pbourke and vbel on the removal of docker dir22:19
bmacethanks sdake :)22:19
bmaceyeah, i think that is around the build process.22:19
sdakeltes see if we can get that sorted out sooner rather then later22:19
sdakethe directory needs to go22:19
sdakehow do you dynamicallygenerate the inventory file22:19
bmacesomething about that getting nuked making it harder to use some custom bits or sources during the build than the new build process.22:19
sdakebmace ya I dont want to maintain two build systems or two sets of docker files22:20
sdakeneed both out of the repo as soon as feasible22:20
sdakedefintely before liberty22:20
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bmacewe have our own file that is a superset of the information in the inventory file, and we just generate json that ansible-playbook can use.  if you pass an executable as the param to playbook -i it will run it and take the output as its inventory file.22:20
sdakepbourke and vbel said they would sort out a patch to bikeshed on22:21
sdakeso this is the dynamic inventory thing people talk about - running a binary via -i?22:23
bmaceyeah, working pretty well so far.  all the basic inventory / property management / deploy stuff is in.22:23
bmaceyeah, and i don't know if it can take a normal inventory format at that point.. i know we pass in a json structured file.22:23
bmacewas able to deploy with custom properties and inventory without ever running vi ;)22:24
sdakewhere do you store hte inventory data?22:25
sdakeyou said in a superset file?22:25
bmaceyeah, .json formatted file.  now that the /opt/kolla stuff is moving i'll move it, but something like /opt/kolla/kollacli/ansible/inventory.json.. or some such22:26
sdakewhy not use yaml?22:26
sdakewhat manages the json file, cli tools?22:26
bmacejust some python code.  and the ansible-playbook looks like it wants the dynamic inventory in json anyway, so closer to what we are passing to ansible to consume22:27
bmaceansible is really ADD about what technologies it wants to use.  yaml for some stuff, their inventory file, which isn't valid yaml and they use a bunch of proprietary parsing code, and json for the dynamic inventory consumption..22:28
sdakethat json file should definatley go in /var/lib/kolla ;)22:28
bmacehrm.. what else is in /var/lib/kolla?22:28
sdakei see - wasn't aware22:28
sdakenothing but the json file is basically a database22:28
sdakeI mean its up to you but thats where i'd put it :)22:28
sdakedoes it contain stuff for gobals.yml?22:29
bmacedefinitely no, all the property stuff is done via directly touching the ansible property files, and the only one every directly changed is that globals file22:29
sdakecool would like to see a video demo if you ever come up for air :)22:30
bmacei am getting short on air :)22:30
sdakewould be nice to get some of those ideas upstream but understand the turnaround time on reviews + overload of work atm in upstream queue22:30
bmacei'm hoping it can just be super awesome for M.. the full monty :)22:31
sdakewell we dont have alot of work planned for m yet22:31
sdakemost of liberty I'd almost call "complete"22:32
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sdakeand not in need of alot of refactoring22:32
sdakejust service expansion22:32
bmaceyeah, for M maybe just more polish / images.. improved testing / stability / etc..22:32
sdakeas in adding more services, beyond that i dont have alot of ideas for new dev work22:32
sdakeclearly we need to go full hog on making the gate working well in m22:33
bmacenot super exciting but very important for people who want to use it :)22:33
sdakei'm trying to get some basic gating in place by conclusion of liberty22:33
sdakeso i know i'm asking twice but just for my satisfication22:35
sdakeif --inventory is specified, and hte file has +x permissions, it gets executed and the results are fed in as the invetory file?22:35
sdakedoes it have arguments?22:36
bmacehrm.. not sure if it can or not, ours doesn't.  it knows where the db is, consumes it, and dumps the json inventory data to stdout22:36
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openstackgerritDuane DeCapite proposed stackforge/kolla: Workaround for existing file
openstackgerritDuane DeCapite proposed stackforge/kolla: Workaround for existing file
openstackgerritDuane DeCapite proposed stackforge/kolla: Workaround for existing file

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