Friday, 2015-08-14

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SamYaplesdake_: yea ive seen that before00:19
SamYaplewhen did you last rebuild your kolla-ansible container?00:20
SamYapleharmw: you need something i can help with?00:20
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Implement source fetching for
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove bootstrap.yml abstraction for rabbitmq
sdake_samyaple 3 days00:23
sdake_for kolla-ansible00:23
SamYapleoh yea the rebuild00:23
sdake_image is 3 days oh00:23
SamYapleid suggest building it again00:23
sdake_ok i'll pull the trigger on that00:23
SamYapleat one point we have ansible 1.9.2 i nthe container which throws that error00:23
SamYapleso now its ansible-dev00:24
SamYaplewow the repo looks different everyday00:24
sdake_ya lots of change00:24
SamYapleI have almost twice the commits as anyone at RAX00:25
sdake_code velocity is really high00:25
SamYaplebut i trail in reviews00:25
sdake_I am #1 and #1 at csco ;-)00:25
SamYapleneed about 150 more to come out on top00:25
SamYapleyea but you wouldnt be at RAX sdake00:25
sdake_check out this chart00:26
SamYaplerax looks the same00:27
sdake_got some pain cream for my back from prescription helps a bit00:27
sdake_cisco looks far different then rackspace00:27
sdake_I have 27% of the commits ;-)00:27
SamYaplego to a company that is heavy openstack and you wouldnt!00:27
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sdake_would you rmeind reviewing my single image ansible work samyaple00:28
sdake_i wasn't quite sure the best way to do it00:28
SamYaplewhere at00:28
SamYaplebout to leave on a date so quickly00:28
sdake_top of queue
sdake_date - i've given up on those00:29
sdake_must be nice to be young!00:29
SamYapledid you test this sdake?00:30
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: All the Cinder services need to reference the correct config
sdake_yes i did test it00:30
sdake_and got that error i linked you earlier00:30
SamYaplewell that is before it ever gets the the datavol stuff00:31
SamYapleim pretty sure CMD ["/bin/sleep infinity"] wont work00:31
sdake_it actually mounts one of the data volumes00:31
SamYaplethats a list of commands00:31
SamYapleCMD /bin/sleep infinity00:31
sdake_sounds good - i copied it from some other container00:31
sdake_i'll adjust before rebuilding00:31
sdake_just curious if the approach is correct00:32
sdake_the ansible part00:32
SamYapleI would move it to a global defaults, but we dont have that setup yet00:32
sdake_i was thinking the same exact thing00:33
sdake_but i wasn't sure if that would work00:33
SamYaplei have some work for moving that in00:33
sdake_in the meantime i'd like to get the work in so we can trim the repo ;)00:33
SamYaplewould you mind rebasing on
SamYaplesince that will break your work (or viceversa)00:34
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sdake_btw gat epatch hs 1 =2 vote thus far00:35
sdake_so should go in soon00:35
SamYapleyea i didnt get to ubuntu patch last night00:35
sdake_which ubuntu patch00:36
sdake_we should have source and binary gating shortly00:36
sdake_jeff has a pep8 error in his patch00:36
sdake_but it should be gtg once fixed00:36
SamYapleok gotta go. ttyl00:36
sdake_so looks good?00:37
SamYaplei left review00:37
sdake_ok thanks00:37
SamYaplemostly good, small nitpick00:37
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove data containers and adjust compose files
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove bootstrap.yml abstraction for rabbitmq
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use one data container for all data volumes
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove data containers and adjust compose files
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use one data container for all data volumes
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Kennanhi Sdake:01:23
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Kennansake_: ping01:24
Kennansdake_  typo sorry01:24
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove data containers and adjust compose files
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use one data container for all data volumes
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sdake_sup kennan how ican i Help01:45
Kennanhi sdake_01:49
KennanI saw
Kennanstill have some discussion on that01:49
Kennanso compose may still be used ?01:49
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sdake_coolsvapping me when you get aorund01:58
sdake_coolsvap ping me when youget around01:58
sdake_kennan even when it is reworked which it is not now01:58
sdake_it will not be usable without tripleo01:58
sdake_it will require tripleo to be used01:58
sdake_because we don't have a way of generating the configuration files01:59
sdake_here is how config external works01:59
sdake_it copies a config file  into the container and runs the appropriate binary01:59
sdake_kennan the only wy to rally use kolla today01:59
sdake_is with ansible01:59
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Kennansdake_ so you mean ansible would be formal and compose way may be dropped ? it maybe a long dicssuion for that?02:17
sdake_compose *IS* dropped02:17
Kennanok sdake_ I would read more to make sure understood it. Thanks02:18
sdake_compose is single node02:18
sdake_that is no good for us02:18
sdake_so we replaced it with ansible02:19
sdake_read the ansible-multi.spec in the specs directry02:19
Kennanwhen you talked about compose, is that docker compose ?02:19
Kennandocker compose, single node, do you mean docker compose only support run containers in one node ? sdake_02:20
sdake_ansible has an all in one single node deploy mode02:21
sdake_its right there in the docs02:21
sdake_yes docker-compose02:21
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Kennansdake_ I know some of chef, maybe ansible has same structure as that02:23
Kennanso you want containers run support multinode02:23
Kennanso you choose ansible02:23
Kennanwhile compose only support deploy contains on one node02:24
Kennanright ?02:24
sdake_roger that02:25
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sdake_samyaple when your back need some debugging on galera help02:31
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SamYaplesdake_: whats up03:15
sdake_galera fails to start03:15
sdake_ /var/lib/mysql which is a bind mount is howened by root03:15
sdake_I think mysql is running as nonroot03:15
sdake_a chown on the bindmount does ntot chown03:15
SamYaplethats not true though03:16
SamYapleit does03:16
SamYapleits not a bindmount03:16
SamYapleits a volume03:16
sdake_can you deploy master of a compete rebuild?03:17
SamYapleill try03:17
sdake_i put chgrp mysql: in and it doesn't change to mysql03:18
sdake_rather chown03:18
SamYapleman i cant wait to not have to uild 60 containers03:19
sdake_it may be my patch stream03:19
sdake_it is possible that when you remount the permissions on var/lib/mysql are set properly03:19
sdake_because its already in the filesystem03:19
sdake_i see there is a -u flag how woud lI specify that in the docker module03:21
SamYaplewhat do you mean03:21
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sdake_-u lets you specify the user to run the container as03:21
SamYapleno thats not what you want03:21
sdake_i wanted to try running the  data container as mysql03:21
SamYaplethat wont work and even if it did it wouldnt work like youd expect03:22
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sdake_well here is whati get with galera03:30
sdake_2015-08-14 03:29:36 7f821d91f880  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.03:30
sdake_InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to03:30
sdake_InnoDB: the directory.03:30
sdake_[sdake@bigiron tools]$ sudo docker exec a0 ls -ld /var/lib/mysql03:31
sdake_drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 14 03:29 /var/lib/mysql03:31
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sdake_master works my patch set does not03:34
sdake_master's /var/lib/mysql: [sdake@bigiron tools]$ sudo docker exec bb ls -ld /var/lib/mysql03:35
sdake_drwxr-xr-x 5 mysql mysql 4096 Aug 14 03:34 /var/lib/mysql03:35
SamYaplewhat patchset?03:43
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coolsvapsdake_, pong03:46
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coolsvapsdake_, regarding the fedora base image are we changing this with the docker templates04:02
coolsvapi think we were using the f21 as base image all along04:02
SamYaplesdake_: all good for me on master04:02
SamYapleill dig into your one data volume patch in a bit04:02
sdake_ya i already said master works04:02
sdake_i think i have fixed it04:03
SamYaplegood deal04:03
SamYaplewell im going to go hang with peeps04:03
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coolsvapsdake_, around04:10
coolsvapsdake_, question regarding fedora base image04:11
coolsvapyou put on
coolsvapor we are just using f22 repo for magnum packages?04:12
sdake_fedora base image pulls from latesst i think04:12
sdake_that is hwo the templates work04:12
sdake_latesst is f2204:12
sdake_it is definatey f2204:12
sdake_it prints all kinds of spam about dnf04:13
coolsvapits not04:13
coolsvapmissed the templates part04:14
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Dockerfile template for Magnum
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Update Fedora magnum images to use fedora repo
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Update Fedora magnum images to use fedora repo
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pbourkecan anyone give me background on these 'source incorrectly places config' reviews?08:41
pbourkethey all seem wrong as far as I can see08:41
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pbourkeas in the configs are in the right place08:42
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vbelwhich component was it?08:49
pbourkevbel: there's reviews for almost all08:51
pbourkeI just looked at the heat one and it does actually need to be changed08:51
pbourkeso maybe it applies to some, will double check08:51
vbel:) ever-changing animal :)08:51
pbourkevbel: much luck with the ol templates?08:54
vbelnot, yet, have some urgent stuff to do internally :)08:55
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix heat configuration.
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Designate install from source incorrectly places config
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Cinder install from source incorrectly places config
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Ceilometer install from source incorrectly places config
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Barbican install from source incorrectly places config
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Magnum install from source incorrectly places config
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Gnocchi install from source incorrectly places config
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Murano install from source incorrectly places config
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Remove bootstrap.yml abstraction for rabbitmq
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Update Fedora magnum images to use fedora repo
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jmccarthyIs this due to the data container discussion that's taking place at the moment ?10:38
jmccarthyPulling mariadbdata (kollaglue/centos-rdo-mariadb-data:latest)...10:38
jmccarthyPulling repository kollaglue/centos-rdo-mariadb-data10:38
jmccarthycompose.progress_stream.StreamOutputError: Tag latest not found in repository kollaglue/centos-rdo-mariadb-data10:38
pbourkejmccarthy: no there's no latest tags on dockerhub10:39
pbourkejasonsb: you have to build yourself10:39
pbourkejasonsb: meant the above for jmccarthy10:40
jmccarthyHrm ok 'docker-compose -f compose/mariadb.yml up -d' used to work for me ? (stuff built with --release)10:41
jmccarthyholidays = everything forgotten :D Ok I'll try that10:43
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pbourkeSamYaple: I'm of the opinion exceptions should be used for exceptional circumstances11:40
pbourkeSamYaple: I think its probably one of those debatable things that differs between people11:41
SamYaplei agree with that11:41
SamYaplethe debateable part11:41
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SamYaplethe thing is, I have two options here, loop throughall the config options each time OR catch the exception11:41
SamYaplecatchign the exception is cleaner to me11:41
SamYaplebut i understand your viewpoint11:41
SamYapleto me it feels like duplicating work to loop through the options11:42
SamYapleI mean, this is kinda what the try/except block is for. Its really the only purpose for it11:43
pbourkecould we just check if the section exists?11:46
SamYapleThis is how you check...11:46
pbourkeright, but its more explicit, imo, to say 'if self.config.hassection(...):' (or whatever the method is called)11:47
SamYaplethier is no hasection function is my point11:47
SamYaplethis is literally docs code11:48
SamYapletry: except11:48
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sdakeinc0 around13:20
sdakesamyaple around13:29
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sdake_anyone experience a problem with keepalive being busted and restarting14:01
sdake_we have 24 containers in an ansible deploy14:02
sdake_quite a bit14:02
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rhalliseysdake_, which do you prefer14:03
rhalliseythe nested /etc directory is what was throwing off source builds14:03
sdake_the first one will error out if heat/etc/heat isn't present14:04
sdake_that is preferrable14:04
sdake_(erroring vs not copying unexpectedly)14:05
sdake_because debugging a wrong copy will be extremely hard14:05
rhalliseyya I agree14:05
rhalliseysome of the services don't have nested /ect (swift keystone)14:05
rhalliseyso I'l abandon those14:05
sdake_lets be consistent14:05
sdake_keepalive, why not working!!14:06
rhalliseyk I'll throw up a new set of fixes14:06
rhalliseysdake_, should I make separate bugs for these again?14:09
sdake_not new bugs14:09
sdake_just make one bug14:09
sdake_and one patch14:09
sdake_since they are all one liners14:09
sdake_less work for you14:09
sdake_less work for reviewers14:09
sdake_abandon all your changes plz14:10
sdake_all the ones reelevant to this tho14:10
sdake_btw folks propoed coolsvap for core reviewer on ml14:14
sdake_please vote, or dont vote, but read the email14:15
sdake_rhallisey does keepalived start up for you with ansible?14:26
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rhalliseyI'll try it..14:40
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openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: Refactor where source builds place config files
rhalliseysdake_, that will fix up source14:59
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Use inheritance for overriding of builder args
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Use inheritance for overriding of builder args
sdake_could you add a couple more classes to that patch15:17
sdake_for --template15:17
jpeelerthose are there?15:17
sdake_and change the current tox source building to build with templates (but keep binary as is)15:17
sdake_which are where15:17
jpeeleri'm confused what you want added15:18
sdake_there is a build --template option15:18
sdake_it buidsl from docker_templates dir instead15:18
sdake_I want to gate the template building15:18
sdake_atleasst nonvoting15:18
sdake_i also want to run the regular build gate15:19
sdake_rather but for docker directory15:19
jpeelerok i see, so it's just --template?15:19
sdake_thats it15:19
sdake_simple huh :)15:19
sdake_so keep waht you have15:20
sdake_and add BuildTestTemplateCentosBinary and Source15:20
sdake_an just add more args15:20
sdake_its a shame we have to do this in code15:20
sdake_rather then as options to the testr15:20
sdake_but we went down that road and it didn't work15:20
jpeelerwell... if we used a different test runner maybe we could15:21
sdake_openstack uses testr overall right?15:21
sdake_I'd like to stick with that15:21
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jpeelerbelieve so15:21
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Use inheritance for overriding of builder args
jpeeleri really want to finish gate stuff soon15:24
sdake_boy our gate is coming along15:25
sdake_I dont know what is taking inra cats so long15:25
sdake_i'll go harass them a gain right now brb :)15:25
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jpeelerpbourke: if you could look one last time :) need it to merge ideally before the gate tries to start using it15:28
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sdake_our patches are in the +a state15:38
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sdake_for the gate15:41
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jpeelerright, i guess the worst the happens if the above patch and depependcy doesn't merge then the gate will run all combinations twice15:43
sdake_jpeeler its merged15:45
jpeelerthe gate change?15:45
sdake_lets get a review up15:45
sdake_to test it out15:45
jpeelerdang, better fix this up fast15:45
sdake_is there a problem?15:46
jpeelerthe other changes to use the proper tox targets and such have not merged15:46
sdake_lets get it merged15:46
sdake_note the gate doesn't have "Template" yet15:46
sdake_i'll submit those today15:46
sdake_so dont worry about that right now15:46
jpeeleri missed a blank line15:46
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Use inheritance for overriding of builder args
sdake_rhallisey please approve that patch15:47
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Implement source fetching for
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove data containers and adjust compose files
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use one data container for all data volumes
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Refactor where source builds place config files
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Use inheritance for overriding of builder args
sdake_the fetch from source patch breaks build.py16:52
sdake_samyaple ^^16:52
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kfox1111is kolla planning on supporting whats in the docker hub or are those just for testing?17:16
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove data containers and adjust compose files
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Use one data container for all data volumes
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sdake_kfox1111 our project does not really provide support17:17
sdake_that is a downstream's job17:17
sdake_its not part of our mission to support openstack17:17
sdake_kfox1111 that said, we want the images to work for the purposes of people being able to evaluate the software without having to build their own images17:17
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kfox1111understood, but I meant more like, if rdo releases an update, does the registry get it quickly,17:18
kfox1111or do us ops resign ourselves to always building the containers from source ourselves?17:18
kfox1111rdo's the source of support,17:19
kfox1111but kolla being the distribution channel.17:19
sdake_it does not get it quickly17:19
sdake_we release on milestones only17:20
kfox1111bummer. so we have to deal with the extra layer of complexity ourselves. :/17:20
sdake_if i could get em into the ci system of openstack i would17:20
sdake_but pushes takes like 5 hours per distro+src or binary17:20
kfox1111ah. that would be awesome. :)17:20
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sdake_infra has a 90 minute limit17:21
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sdake_kfox1111 have you tried out the ansible deploy bits?17:21
kfox1111no. all the clouds I have right now are production, so I'm just starting to kick the tires now on the redone external config stuff. I've got one cloud that doens't have trove on it yet, and am considering pulling just that in.17:22
kfox1111It is looking very useful though.17:22
sdake_you could try just all in one17:23
sdake_looking for critical feedback - anything wrong or needs attention17:23
kfox1111yeah. unfortuantly I have very little time. :(17:23
sdake_i get the implementaiton ins't complete17:23
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sdake_but beyond that looking for ways  to improve17:23
kfox1111playing with kolla containers to add trove's even questionable right now. :/17:23
kfox1111but I figured I could justify it by saying we'd get percona mysql out of it.17:23
sdake_trove is descoped for lilberty17:23
sdake_look at  the tracker and you will see why :)17:24
sdake_we have a mountain o fwork left17:24
kfox1111yeah. I understand.17:24
sdake_we may add  services asyncrounsly - our governance documentaiton allows for it17:24
kfox1111I may just use the rabbit container then.17:24
kfox1111since my current rabbit cant be exposed for trove's consumption.17:24
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kfox1111ah. cool.17:25
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sdake_the only integration with config-external at this point is ansible17:25
kfox1111I can do it manually with compose files.17:25
sdake_if your planning on rolling your own deploy tool take care to look at the ansible model - the containers are fairly tiglty integrated17:25
sdake_bad news there17:26
sdake_compose hsa not been ported to config-external at this time17:26
kfox1111no. I'd write my own.17:26
sdake_that would work17:26
sdake_but i tss a two phase bringup - bootstrap followed by container deploy17:26
sdake_in the old containers bootstrap and bringup happened every time17:26
kfox1111yeah. for this, I'd need a single rabbit that doesn't conflict with the system rabbit, so a container would work there. and I can install trove just on the local system then, so I think that would work.17:26
sdake_config-internal i scompletely gone17:27
kfox1111yeah. definately like the new split. the old combined thing made me really nervious.17:27
kfox1111awesome. :)17:27
sdake_ws just waiting for tripleo cats to see the light17:27
sdake_now they have ;)17:27
kfox1111I was hoping tripleO really didn't need it after all.17:27
kfox1111yeah. :)17:27
pmartini_Good morning all.  I'm trying to test kolla out according to dev-quickstart, and ./tools/kolla-compose start fails because nothing in kollaglue has a latest tag.  Any suggestions?17:28
sdake_compose is gone17:28
* sdake_ needs to update the docs17:28
sdake_use kolla-ansible17:28
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sdake_there are 4 required config variables17:29
sdake_kolla-ansible deploy will default to all in one deployment17:29
sdake_tools/ -T 1000 to build images17:29
sdake_we only ahe liberty-2 images in the repo17:29
sdake_in the dockerhub that is17:29
sdake_I know everyone wants latest images in the dockerhub but the ci guys wont let me suckup a build machine for 6 hours for a push operation17:30
kfox1111where does centos-rdo-rabbit for liberty2 come from?17:30
kfox1111kilo's repo?17:30
sdake_i built it and pushed it on my machine17:30
sdake_its based upon delorean17:30
kfox1111ah. ok.17:30
sdake_delorean is redhat's "master"17:30
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Change tox targets to use new
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pmartini_sdake_ - when you said use kolla-ansible, do you mean just run './tools/kolla-ansible deploy' ?  That also fails because of latest.  Trying to do the tools/build now17:32
sdake_jpeeler is busted17:32
sdake_would you mind fixing it17:33
sdake_i verified its sam's latest fetch source patch17:33
sdake_tools/ -T 10017:33
sdake_should take about 20 minuts17:33
sdake_you need to copy kolla/etc/kolla to /etc/kolla17:33
sdake_and configure 4 variables17:34
sdake_it is documented in the ansible doc in the doc  repo17:34
sdake_dev-qucikstart and ansible doc need to be mered/reworked for new model17:34
pmartini_k, rechecking17:34
sdake_i'll have new docs today17:34
sdake_atm working on gating17:35
sdake_pmartini_ I'd highly recommend reading the ansible docs in the docs directory - you need to install three deps (docker-py, docker, and ansible)17:36
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pmartini_sdake_ - I have docker and ansible, not sure about docker-py; if I didn't have those it wouldn't have gotten to the point of complaining that it couldn't fetch latest :-)17:37
pmartini_I sett up /etc/kolla now, and changed globals to  have "openstack_release: "liberty2" and now it's moving along.  Reading through the rest of the docs to see what else I've broken17:39
sdake_pmartini_ run pip show docker-py and paste17:39
sdake_i doubt liberty2 tag will work with mster of ansible17:39
sdake_bt it may17:39
sdake_the problem is master of liberty has added services, and we haven't pushed those yet17:39
sdake_rahter mastr of kolla17:40
sdake_you need to configure 4 other variables as well pmartini_17:40
pmartini_hah, nevermind, it just failed differently17:40
sdake_or your system will implode17:40
sdake_run pip show docker-py - you may not have the correct version17:40
pmartini_I have 1.2.3; what's the correct version?17:40
sdake_that will work17:40
sdake_if you have a paste of the failure i can help you debug17:41
sdake_master deploys for me atm, but keepalived is busted17:41
sdake_debugging now17:41
sdake_master of is also busted17:41
* sdake_ WTB MOAR GATING17:41
pmartini_I'm reading through the docs now before I ask any more questions17:41
pmartini_Particularly to see what those 4 variables are17:42
openstackgerritRobyn Bergeron proposed stackforge/kolla: Port openvswitch to docker_templates
openstackgerritRobyn Bergeron proposed stackforge/kolla: Port openvswitch to docker_templates
sdake_brb need to check email17:47
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sdake_jpeeler able to look at that problem or want me to look17:50
jpeeleri'm just now starting to look17:51
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jpeelerif just accessing the key is all that's required, then i'll have a patch up in a minute17:53
jpeelerseriously need to stop changing the build script before it gets in the gate17:55
jpeelersince we're so close17:55
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kfox1111ah.. yeah. this exteral config stuff's already sooo much nicer. :)17:55
kfox1111I think the container will work for the trove use case. I can move both rabbit default port and erlang port as part of the external config.17:56
kfox1111navive + containered rabbit on the same host shoudl work. :)17:56
sdake_pmartini_ if you build your images, take care to change the openstack_release field in the globals.yml to latest17:56
pmartini_Ah, thanks!17:57
sdake_once i fix keepalived, I'll sort out better docs17:57
sdake_step by step instructions17:57
sdake_as dev-quickstart is17:58
sdake_the ansible directions are not really step by step17:58
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed stackforge/kolla: Safely check for dictionary key presence
sdake_rhallisey pbourke need an ack on
sdake_good fix jpeeler I wouldn't have thought of that18:04
jpeelernow if everything will just merge18:08
sdake_atm wea re waiting on gearman18:17
sdake_we need to get rid of he keepalived pid file18:19
kfox1111nice. kolla's rabbit's working. :)18:21
kfox1111thanks. Liberty's kolla is orders of magnagude better. :)18:21
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Change tox targets to use new
sdake_the container partis improving18:23
sdake_we are templating them atm18:24
jpeelerok sdake_ as soon as that last patch gets merged and the gearman (what's that anyway) gets resolved, gate should be in a good state18:25
sdake_gearman attaches the build machines to the jobs18:25
sdake_i think18:26
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sdake_this is a problem18:36
sdake_ ->
sdake_jpeeler can you try an aio install and see if it works for you18:41
sdake_i want to see if master is busted on my machine or all machines18:41
jpeelerit'll take me a while since i either need to reprovision my dev machine or get vagrant working18:43
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sdake_just use kolla-ansible18:46
sdake_and copy etc/kolla to /etc/kolla18:46
sdake_and configure the 4 keys18:46
sdake_throw out vagrant fo rthe moment18:46
pmartini_Ugh, now build isn't working, looks like due to this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1484485 in Mirantis OpenStack "RPM-build fails during installing systemd" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Fuel DevOps (fuel-devops)18:47
pmartini_(I'd manually done the same thing as the patch above - 213277 - but now the base image won't build because it can't unpack systemd)18:48
sdake_thats a kernel bug18:49
sdake_are you using ubuntu?18:49
sdake_need to install the hwe 3.19 kernel18:50
sdake_another option is to use device mapper18:50
sdake_i'veheard dev mapper doesn't work on ubuntu becasue of library dependency problems however18:51
pmartini_You wouldn't happen to have the package name I'd need to install (on Trusty) to get that, would you?  The likely candidates I see are 'linux-hwe-generic-trusty' and 'linux-hwe-virtual-trusty', and I don't know which (if either) would be right18:53
sdake_i haven't personally tested these instructions18:53
sdake_tldr command is sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic18:53
pmartini_Thanks, will see if that blows me up <grin>18:54
sdake_i run fedora so i don't run into these ubuntu kernel bugs18:54
sdake_fedora always packages latest kernel18:54
sdake_3.19 or later is what you need18:54
sdake_samyaple I am pretty sure dind wont work because of /run bindmounting18:55
pmartini_Ah, alright then.  Just upgrading kernel is a sight more comfortable18:55
sdake_i have no idea what the --install-recommends task does18:55
sdake_when you run kolla-ansible it needs to be under sudo as well18:56
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pmartiniI actually jumped straight to vivid instead of utopic, and now it's building!19:33
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ccrouchsdake_:  reading scrollback, I was going to do an AIO install with ansible, on a VM19:50
ccrouchwhat VM host opsys should i used?19:50
ccrouchis F20 good enough?19:50
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harmwccrouch: why not 21?20:00
harmwplus, you could go multihost using the Vagrantfile in our repo :)20:01
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ccrouchharmw: just because i've got a F20 instance already available20:06
ccrouchno downloading required20:06
harmwmakes sense20:06
ccrouchshould F20 work?20:06
harmwfrom what I've seen most people use 21, but the only major things are kernel+docker versions20:07
harmwif you can run ansible on it aswell, it'll work20:07
harmwyour kernel is probably fine20:08
harmwsince 21 is at 4, 20 would probably be at something 3.whateverwasverynice20:08
harmw3.19 perhaps20:08
jpeelermy aio attempt is complaining about DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION not being defined20:13
jpeelerwith docker-py 1.2.320:14
harmwhm, I've seen that before20:15
harmwdue to some other (something with an x) package being outdated20:15
jpeeleri thought that was why it was defined in defaults.yml20:15
harmwnah, this is different20:16
jpeelerok tell me what version i need20:16
harmwpip --upgrade six20:16
jpeelerhave 1.9,020:16
harmwoh no, let me check20:16
harmwgot my operator node still running I hope20:16
harmwgot that to20:17
harmwboth versions match my env20:17
harmwhm, thats fine20:18
jpeelerafter applying this fix(?) it reports docker-py isn't installed20:22
jpeelerbut it is.20:22
jpeelerupgrade to 1.3.1, no difference20:23
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Safely check for dictionary key presence
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jpeelerharmw: did you ever figure out the ansible_eth0 thing with vagrant?20:30
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harmwhm no20:31
harmwI too had that, right?20:31
jpeeleri thought you said you were seeing it20:31
harmwyea, you filed a bug20:32
harmwand Sam said something, about fixing, rather trivial20:32
harmwso first thing to do: git pull :)20:32
harmwlets spin up the good ol' Vagrant stuff20:34
jpeelerafter a git pull, i see the same error. but it could be network related? but since you said you saw it then i thought maybe it wasn't the network20:35
jpeelerso ansible just doesn't work for me, aio or multinode20:36
harmwcould you paste the buglink again? so I can read through what the actual errors were..20:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1482406 in kolla "ansible deploy yielding undefined variable " [Undecided,New]20:36
harmwI'm launching Vagrant, so going to see what happens in a while :)20:37
jpeeleri have some silly questions20:37
harmwsilly questions don't exists20:37
harmwonly silly answers :)20:37
jpeelerthe local registry that's deployed. the images must be pulled to each node right?20:37
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harmwthis regards Vagrant?20:38
jpeelerwell i assume every multinode setup, but i'm using vagrant20:38
harmwbut yes, each node pulls images to localhost using the registry20:38
jpeeleroh you mean you already set that up? it didn't happen for me20:39
harmwit's by no means specific to Vagrant btw :) (but you got that)20:39
harmwvagrant is launching the operator node which starts a docker-registry20:39
harmwyou only need to configure the ansible config to actually use it20:39
harmwbut then again, you also need to configure some other tiny bits inside the kolla tree20:39
jpeeleri think i missed this tag-and-push script20:40
jpeelerbut seeing it now it seems that it answered my other question20:40
harmwexcellent :)20:40
harmwthere are docs btw, docs/ iirc20:41
jpeeleryeah i saw them, i might add more if i could ever get my set up working.20:42
* jpeeler wonders if VirtualBox and libvirt would play nicely together20:42
harmwjust disable libvirt, not needed when using VBox :)20:43
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harmwhm, the vagrant nodes should probably be changed to not download all those pip dependencies20:44
harmwsince we now have a ansible container to do configs20:45
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jpeelerpip install -U websocket fixed the docker version issue20:52
harmwyes, I knew it was websocket :p20:52
harmwbut thats not what pip freeze told me (without -client, that is)20:53
harmwglad you resolved it though :)20:53
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harmwhm, its probably a good idea to rebuild images...21:00
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jpeelersdake: something has happened with the pam+noaudit package preventing the base image to be rebuilt21:25
jpeelerRpmdb checksum is invalid: dCDPT(pkg checksums): pam+noaudit.x86_64 0:1.1.8-16.1.el7.centos - u21:25
jpeelerat first i thought it was due to being more strict, but the old way won't continue either21:25
jpeelermight be a local docker issue and not the package21:30
sdakejpeeler let me build base21:34
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sdake_jpeeler try --no-cache build option21:42
sdake_why does mac have a spinning wheel21:42
* sdake_ groans21:42
sdake_its unix ffs21:42
jpeelerthis is on a new host, so i would think any caching options wouldn't make a difference21:42
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sdake_2 minutes 18 seconds to deploy current ansible implementation21:47
sdake_on AIO21:48
sdake_glance and nova work, but neutron does not register its endpoint21:49
jpeeleri assume base built fine for you then?21:53
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sdake_getting there21:58
sdake_i was trying to fix my deployment21:58
sdake_forgot to configure a config option21:58
sdake_still neutron no worky21:58
sdake_cinder no worky21:59
sdake_jpeeler your new box22:00
sdake_is it fedora?22:00
jpeeleryeah f2122:01
sdake_df | fpaste22:01
sdake_well your partitioining is correct22:02
sdake_uusaully fedora borks /home at 90% of the disk22:02
sdake_are you using docker-engine?22:02
sdake_i am buildign now22:03
sdake_I am using 1.7.122:03
sdake_base builds for me22:05
sdake_with --no-cache22:05
jpeeleri'm going to switch to 1.7.122:05
sdake_make sure to delete /var/lib/docker22:05
sdake_is there any disk error or segfault in dmesg?22:06
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: test patch - do not merge
sdake_lets see if the gate is workign yet22:07
jpeelerstill says not_registered22:10
jpeelersomething must be wrong, shouldn't take this long22:10
jpeelerok either i did something wrong or 1.8.1 is screwy22:12
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sdake_jpeeler i got with clarkb on the not registered thing22:34
sdake_he says its because of the gate using distro names in the title to try to determine what node to run on22:35
sdake_we are going to have to use the curl install method with unless we want further delay and multiple gate scripts22:41
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sdake_samyaple when you get done with your date i want to undersstand the tehcnial difference between internal address and external address as it relates to load balancing and other things23:14
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Register neutron as the network service
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jpeelerare there more centos7 hosts than f21 or something?23:28
* jpeeler disappears23:28
jpeelerit's fine to do the curl thing i guess...23:29
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sdake_no but we will running the functional tests on centos23:29
sdake_might as well get em on the same host23:29
sdake_harmw when you getaround i want help getting vagrant rolling23:30
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sdake_rhallisey cinder is not showing up as an endpoint23:34
sdake_well master working again with that last patch23:43
sdake_not sure how that got past the reviewers23:43
sdake_or got put in a patch for that matter23:43
ccrouchsdake_: so my attempt to run an AIO from current master is doomed to failure?23:46
sdake_you can jut cherrypick the last patch on top of your repo23:47
sdake_and it works like a champ23:47
sdake_cinder appaers not to work23:47
sdake_rest works23:47
sdake_click the cherrypick tab on this patch
ccrouchlast patch = ?23:47
sdake_cut and paste into your kolla directory23:47
sdake_note I Just noticed we leak /run/ and /run/ so those need to be deletd if they are on the system23:48
sdake_jpeeler what vagrant command do  Itype to kick this thing of23:49
* sdake_ WtB DOCUMENTATION23:49
ccrouchsdake_:  but isnt that patch dependent on ?23:50
sdake_i was just lazy23:50
ccrouchok great23:50
sdake_its a one liner23:50
ccrouchBTW i'm doing an AIO in a VM, on my mac23:51
ccrouchwhat extra network adaptor do i need to add, which i can then reference from neutron_external_interface23:51
sdake_[sdake@bigiron vagrant]$ sudo vagrant up23:52
sdake_The provider 'libvirt' could not be found, but was requested to23:52
sdake_back the machine 'operator'. Please use a provider that exists.23:52
sdake_just add any type23:52
sdake_are you using virtualbo?23:52
ccrouchvmware fusion23:52
ccrouchdont scream :-)23:53
sdake_ruby looks interesting23:56
sdake_i dont understand why its written in ruby23:56
sdake_god ruby is a disaster for dependencies23:56

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