Saturday, 2015-08-01

SamYaplesweet, right before the deadline00:00
SamYapleUTC 00:00 just happened00:00
SamYapleL3 has begun!00:00
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bmacebut the deadline reflects what is merged, not what is up for review, right?00:03
SamYaplebmace: i was just kidding00:04
SamYaplethe deadline is in our control to a degree00:04
SamYaplelol who is on #openstack ?00:05
SamYapledid you see what someone just posted?00:05
bmacemissed it, re-post?00:06
SamYaple00:03 < annilai>    /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER annilai uutwdoohtogl00:06
bmacei guess now if you ever want to pretend to be them you are all set unless someone mentions it.00:07
SamYaplei told them to change there password and quick00:07
SamYapleall i can see is hunter2 though00:07
SamYaplefor those not getting the joke
bmacehrm, it says variables set in one roles are available to other roles.. so if we just toss the per role stuff in roles/service/vars/main.yml the docs say other roles should be able to see it, and i don't see anything about override breaking00:13
SamYaplebmace only if the role runs00:13
SamYapleand only after it runs00:13
SamYaplehaproxy needs all those ports and it runs first00:13
SamYaplewith --tags the other roles may not run at all00:14
bmacehrm, i guess that part is omitted from the documentation00:14
bmacehaving a xservice.yml up with defaults / globals and doing a -e@ for each is kind of ugly but would technically work.00:15
SamYaplewhat we have now isn't ugly and does work though00:15
SamYaplewhy fight it00:15
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Add Ansible support for Heat
SamYaplei mean no matter what we will have to specify at least the keystone port in the defaults.yml or globals.yml00:16
SamYaplewe reference it when building our auth strings00:17
bmacei think we should, at a minimum, break out the vars in ansible/roles/<service>/defaults/main.yml so they can be easily modified programatically without needing to specifically ignore all the jinja2 stuff in there.  easy enough to just include some file that just has the vars.00:17
SamYaplewhat do you mean?00:17
SamYapleyou can modify any of those variables00:17
SamYaplejust put them in globals.yml00:17
SamYaplethat will override them00:17
SamYaplethis is the design of ansible00:18
SamYapleits literally how all ansible things work00:18
bmaceso, keystone_public_port is similar to nova_api_port right, where multiple services need it, which is why it is up in etc/kolla/defaults.yml00:22
bmacebut keystone_public_port is also defined in keystone/defaults/main.yml whereas the nova_api port is not in the nova/defaults/main.yml00:22
SamYaplebmace: correct. all ports are needed by multiple services00:22
SamYaplebmace: that should be removed then00:22
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SamYapleyea we dont want those in two places00:23
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bmaceok.  i was just looking around and seeing some inconsistencies, and we either want them in one place consistently, or in both places consistently. and i can really live with whichever.  if there are values that must exist at a global scope and don't exist anywhere else, maybe have them in a different file though from the file we want people to use to override values that exist elsewhere?00:25
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SamYaplei dont understand. what is broken with what we are doing?00:25
SamYaplethis is vanilla ansible stuff00:26
bmaceit is like you just agreed, that the keystone value should be yanked from the role var file because it is a value needed at a global scope.  but we always need it to be somewhere.00:27
bmacehaving the same file be where people override variables, and where these required global variables define is, i think, problematic.  some of the values will be safe to yank, like if they don't want to override something anymore.. some will break everything, because they are required across multiple roles00:28
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Removes unneeded variables
SamYaplefor the record bmace, people shouldn't ever change the defaults.yml00:29
SamYaplei was considering making it read-only00:29
SamYaplethe only file people should every touch is the globals.yml file00:29
SamYapleand maybe the passwords.yml file, but that is going to be autogen'd anyway00:29
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sdakeevenin folks00:31
bmaceah, i suppose it is.  time flies when you are having fun :)00:32
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Fix missing quotes in tools/genenv
SamYaplesdake: just fyi when you do that you screw with pbourke stats00:33
SamYapleyoure the committer now00:33
sdakeoh didnt know that00:34
sdakewell i dont think he will mind since he said he is out until tuesday00:34
SamYapleyea thats fair, just fyi00:35
SamYaplei wish the rebase button kept the original commitor00:35
SamYapleprobably that is a bug that could be filed, but i dont know where00:35
SamYaplesdake: it took me 6 patches to change my affiliation00:36
sdakenice ;)00:36
SamYaplethe 5th one jenkins finally +100:36
SamYaplebut my commit message had a typo :/00:36
SamYaplei shouldnt be an openstack dev00:36
sdakeis the change live yet or still awaiting =2?00:36
SamYapleits only been 2 minutes since jenkins returned on the final patchset00:37
SamYaplethe ordering was the big issue00:37
SamYapleorderd by launchpad id00:37
SamYapleand 8 comes after - alphabetically apparently00:38
SamYaplei mean i always thought the alphabet had no numbers or hypens, but eh00:38
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Removes unneeded variables
bmaceits all about the ascii, 45 vs. 56 :)00:41
SamYaplebmace: in this case its all about the Closes-Bug and not the Closed-Bug!00:41
bmaceah, so picky!! we need some fuzzy matching00:42
SamYaplewarm and fuzzy00:42
bmacebest kind of fuzzy00:42
SamYaplei like our community. its warm and fuzzy00:42
SamYaplelike mold00:42
SamYaplegood to see I am the one with the reviews holding up the tag again :/00:43
SamYaplesdake: you see those stats00:44
SamYaple70 bugs and 16 bluebrints00:44
sdakeyou mean for l2?00:44
sdakeyou mean in total or just you00:44
sdakeya pretty good output for 1 month00:45
sdakesome of the blueprints are misleading because they contain 20+commits thatwere hard00:45
SamYapleover 2 bugs a day and 1 blueprint every two days00:45
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sdakei'm gld i'm getting help maintaing launchpad now00:48
sdakedoing it all by myself was taxing ;)00:48
SamYaplewere there for you00:48
SamYaplei like that we are using launchpad more00:48
SamYapleraking in that sweet sweet karma00:48
sdakei wonder how much karma it rquires to reach nirvana00:49
* sdake can't handle any more lifetimes ;)00:49
SamYaplea shotguns worth00:49
sdakelooks like we will slip a day00:50
sdakehope a core logs in tomorrow to hit the review queue00:50
sdakeharmw indicated he would when he woke up00:51
SamYaplesounds like we should promote a core right now00:51
SamYapleis there a battlefield promotion for Core reviews?00:51
SamYapleis that a thing?00:51
sdakeno :)00:51
SamYaplesee bmace i tried00:51
sdakethere is a battlefield promotion to ptl tho ;)00:51
bmacetemporary promotion? lol00:52
SamYaplewow ive had 7 patches merge today, 5 in the queue left00:53
SamYaplemost productive day ever amiright00:53
bmaceand answered a bunch of my goofy ansible questions, you are a machine!00:54
SamYapleits easy you make things up00:54
sdakesamyou have almost caugt up with me in reviews ;)00:54
sdaketoo bad coolsvap isnt into reviewing much00:56
* sdake makes reminder to harass coolsvp to do more reviews less code ;)00:56
* SamYaple says "lol +2+1"00:56
sdakewell time for idiot tube00:59
SamYaplesame here00:59
sdakespeaking of tubes, my new amp tubes arrived tody and worked yay :)01:00
SamYaplegot some rifftrax to watch01:00
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vinkmansdake: another one? I thought you got one not very long ago...01:30
vinkmanor is this just the tubes not the amp?01:31
bmacei think just new tubes.01:31
bmacei think maybe even a series of one.. which is essentially what the internet is01:31
bmaceone = ones01:31
vinkmanAhh..kk… I have tried but I am too death to hear the difference between a tube and a transistor amp…01:32
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bmaceditto. been listening to mp3s too long.  it actually sounds ok to me.01:33
vinkmanplus all my music is digital anyway…01:33
vinkmanLOL… So true!01:34
bmacesdake is hard core.  records!01:34
vinkmanHmm. probably still 45's, none of the 33 junk01:36
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Swift
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sdakesamyaple if you could review it would be much appreciated ;)02:04
sdakei hve almost all 33's ony a few 45s02:04
sdakejust because that is all I can get :(02:04
sdakevinkman these are just NOS tubes to replace the stock tubes02:10
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fix missing quotes in tools/genenv
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Add some missing containers for fedora
sdakenice work coolsvap ;)02:44
coolsvapsdake, thanks i am just browsing through the code to add missing pieces02:45
sdakedoes fedora work as a container os atm?02:45
sdakenotbuild but actually work02:45
coolsvapi will need to build all the containers to do that, i will give you an update on that02:46
sdakei think we need a whole lot of symlinks for build from source02:46
sdakei htink the base image needs attention likely02:47
coolsvapwe also need to think about updating repos02:47
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sdakecoolsvap do you ind if I take
openstackLaunchpad bug 1478451 in kolla "horizon has incorrect source & target" [High,New] - Assigned to Swapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap)03:39
SamYaplesdake: review03:48
SamYaplenow i sleep03:48
sdakereview what03:51
sdakesamyaple ?03:52
sdakecoolsvap|afk do you mind if I reassign
sdakecoolsvap|away ^^03:56
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Swift
sdakecoosvap|away pingola04:00
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coolsvapsdake, sure np04:02
coolsvapsdake, sorry lost connectivity04:02
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add build from source for Swift
SamYaplemorning folks15:14
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed stackforge/kolla: Updated all tags for Liberty2
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SamYaplei think thats the last merge beefore l2 tag16:51
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SamYaplesdake: would that tag be better as "liberty-l2"?17:16
SamYaplesince i imagine we will want tags "liberty-1" liberty-2" for the actual releases17:16
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harmwhave no fear, for I am here!19:15
harmwor whatever :>19:15
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Removes unneeded variables
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Add some missing containers for fedora
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Adds an example openrc file
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Use sleep during database bootstrap
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Fixes race condition in ansible playbooks
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sdakesamyaple I dont know - i'll look how how other projects are tagging20:46
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