Sunday, 2015-05-31

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sdake_samyaple if your the second person to review a patch and apply plus 2 to it, then also set workflow to +104:31
sdake_this will approve the patch for commit04:31
SamYaplesdake_: jpeeler already workflowed it04:32
sdake_just a fyi04:32
SamYaplecool will do04:32
sdake_if your first, dont set workflow if second set workflow04:32
sdake_its not like its obvious :)04:33
SamYapleso question about the bashate, soes that also include the lines that split with '\'04:33
sdake_here is what I do04:33
sdake_I run the script through bashate until it doesn't produce errors04:34
sdake_once i'm successful I make a commit04:34
SamYaplefair enough04:34
sdake_so anything in there is correct04:34
sdake_the big bashate failures atm are around swift and cinder04:34
SamYaplecool. sounds good04:34
sdake_i want to make the bashate gate voting04:34
sdake_but to do that have to get rid of the errors first ;)04:34
sdake_i fixed about 1400 errors in that patch stream04:35
SamYapleyea i agree. i like formatting04:35
sdake_samyaple for example take a look at
sdake_jeff peeler +2'ed it04:37
sdake_it enedsa a second +2 to be workflow +1ed (+A)04:37
sdake_but the workflow part doesnt happen automatically04:37
SamYapleintresting that that bashate script flagged that function, but not the one above it04:38
sdake_well I don't know how well bashate works04:39
sdake_I am just trying to inform you abou tthe cor ereview workflow04:39
SamYapleim trying to decide whether i approve the patch04:39
* SamYaple is mad with power04:40
sdake_all that shi tshould be rubber stamped04:40
sdake_obviously checked for errors tho :)04:40
SamYapleyea bashate is missing alot of stuff04:41
sdake_ross ulbrict04:44
sdake_life in prison04:44
sdake_fucked up country we live in04:44
SamYapleyea i saw that :/04:44
SamYaplehis little speech was really sad too04:44
sdake_didnt' watch04:44
SamYaple'ive had my youth, i understand you will take away my middle age, but please leave my old age'04:45
sdake_choices are a mofo04:45
sdake_some people make the right ones, other people make the wrong ones04:45
SamYapleyea mistakes on both sides though04:46
sdake_"hey I'm going to run an onine drug business, what could possibly go wrong."04:46
SamYaplei guess thats normally the case04:46
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Make build-all-docker-iamges bashate compliant
SamYaplenon-violent offend gets life in prison, murder out in 5 years04:46
sdake_rapist out in 1004:46
sdake_child molesters out in 1004:46
SamYaplethe average is 404:46
sdake_oh well life isn't fair04:47
sdake_live with it :)04:47
sdake_i had a friend04:47
sdake_he was an attorney04:47
sdake_turned into a crystal meth addict04:47
sdake_his wife divorced him04:48
sdake_he tried to blow up his wife's attorneys car04:48
sdake_with a car bomb04:48
sdake_the worst part is his sister was a crack addict04:48
SamYaplethat could have ended worse for the wife if he was making a filesystem rather than doing meth04:48
sdake_and he should have known better04:48
sdake_anyway the moral of the story is he went to prison04:49
sdake_lost everything04:49
sdake_his education his money his posessions04:49
sdake_and now he is fucked04:49
sdake_all because of one choice to smoke a meth pipe04:49
sdake_power of compounding in action ;)04:49
sdake_i wathced the first 3 episodes of that show04:51
sdake_too intense04:51
sdake_couldn't handle it04:51
SamYapleyea its not for everyone04:51
SamYaplei know my wife wouldnt like it04:51
sdake_i am going to get back to it04:52
sdake_i have last season of hosue of cards to watch still04:53
sdake_that show rocks04:53
sdake_have you seen it?04:53
SamYapleseason 3 was eh04:53
SamYapleim hoping they finish strong with season 404:53
sdake_my favorite part of the entire show was in season 204:53
sdake_when he writes the letter04:53
sdake_he writes on a typewriter to the president04:53
sdake_no mistakes04:53
sdake_he bet the farm04:54
sdake_and he did it flawlessly04:54
sdake_nevermind he i sa murder :)04:54
SamYapleyea i dont get the same feel from season 304:54
SamYaplesome stuff feels forced, but like a build to a big finale (season 4) kind of forced04:54
SamYapleeither way season 3 is still far better than alot of shows04:55
sdake_haven't seen it04:55
SamYaplefyi, i lived about 10 minutes from that peach water tower in season 104:55
SamYapledrove by it every day most of my life04:55
sdake_no shit04:55
sdake_can you imagine being president of the united states04:56
SamYapleno, i dont like being a puppet04:56
sdake_what a disasterous job choice that woudl be04:56
SamYaplewhere do you go after that?04:56
sdake_you create the greatest tax ever designed in the world04:57
sdake_the carbon exchange program ;-)04:57
sdake_although al gore was not president04:57
sdake_so I guess that doesn't count04:57
SamYaplehe was by popular vote04:58
SamYaplestupid smelly florida04:58
sdake_I just hope they unban the cuban cigars soon04:59
sdake_so I can have some good legit cigars ;-)04:59
SamYapleif you can smoke them in the white house i just dont know04:59
sdake_the us govt took cuba off the terrorist list04:59
SamYaplestupid docker04:59
sdake_and removed them from the most dangerous country list04:59
SamYapleyea i know05:00
sdake_keep in mind most dangerous countries are shit like syria05:00
sdake_cuba is a country club compared to syria05:00
SamYapleso i dont know what happened but i cant get traffic t oreturn into the docker container on this new install i did05:00
SamYaplei see it return correctly to the physical host, but it wont make the hop to the docker0 bridge05:00
sdake_csco has a list of countries you can and cannot visit05:01
sdake_one of the lists requires daily 15 minute checkins ;)05:01
sdake_one of the lsits requires in person checkins05:02
sdake_ya these are places you would not want to go05:02
sdake_fyi :)05:02
sdake_you wuoldn't catch my ass in some of these countries05:02
sdake_and csco will actually allow company sponsored trave lthere05:02
sdake_china us canda were on the highest saftey list05:03
sdake_some parts of europe05:03
SamYaplei want docker to work05:03
sdake_beat it with a dead chicken05:03
sdake_well i've hit the wall05:04
sdake_i'm off to bed05:04
SamYapleme too05:04
sdake_samyaple note there are about 20 patches in that review stream05:04
SamYaplebut i have to be up for a while05:04
SamYaplesdake_: yea i see em05:04
sdake_feel free to get on em :)05:04
sdake_for a holler?05:04
SamYaplego to bed05:04
sdake_i dont even know what that means05:05
SamYaplethats why i said go to bed05:05
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fangfenghuawhen i am a root user,execute build claim a error that i must be root or add myself to docker group05:24
sdake_fang where you been bro05:56
sdake_fang you can't run the  build as root anymore05:57
sdake_you have to run it as your normal user05:57
sdake_do this by adding yourself to the /etc/group file (docker or dockerroot depending on distro)05:57
sdake_then make sure /var/lib/docker.socket has group ownership of this group05:57
sdake_and then make sure the mode is 660 of the file05:57
sdake_fangfenghua ^^05:58
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Make clenaup-containers bashate compliant
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Change documentation to recommend Docker 1.7.0-dev
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sdakesamyaple alive?19:17
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