Monday, 2022-07-25

kata-irc-bot<> Anyone try to port agent into windows container? Windows has no driver for vsock, would that be a stopper?10:39
kata-irc-bot<pmores> Hi! I'm getting errors like the following trying to compile the latest `runtime-rs`:  `error: there is no argument named `ty``   `--> /home/pvl/.cargo/registry/src/`    `|` `62 |     let ty_doc = format!("Iterator over values of type {ty}");`    `|                                                        ^^^^` Does that look familiar to anybody, what am I missing?12:42
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> @pmores I tried the latest code and it worked to run make in runtime-rs directory. What's your rust version?14:00
kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> Or is your `/home/pvl/.cargo/registry/src/` got corrupted? It shows a compile error, which means something wrong in the code.14:03
kata-irc-bot<pmores> In case my `enum-iterator-derive-0.8.1` dir is bad, can I just go ahead and delete it, or is there a procedure to clean up?14:17

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