Thursday, 2019-06-20

kata-irc-bot<xu> should we update kernel for the SACK CVE-2019-11477?00:34
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Yes, please @xu01:51
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kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> If someone can send a PR we can get it in. Might be worth a quick release even02:05
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> :slightly_smiling_face:02:13
kata-irc-bot<xu> @eric.ernst you're super prompt, :+1:02:35
kata-irc-bot<xu> Maybe we should do a quick stable release for it @bergwolf :thinking_face:02:43
kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> Skipping the ongoing one and do a quick jump to next stable?02:47
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I’m fine with it if you can cover it for 1.6/1.702:47
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Arm patches need rebase tough.02:48
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Though*02:48
kata-irc-bot<xu> Another thought is to pick the fix commits for CVE-2019-11477/11478/11479, but I think bumping kernel version is better though we need @penny.zheng or @hejianet to update the arm64 patch.02:50
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Yes. I don’t want to cherry pick, as we are overdue for stable update anyway for kernel02:52
kata-irc-bot<penny.zheng> I will update asap, @xu follow you time_zone8)02:56
kata-irc-bot<xu> @penny.zheng I am in the same timezone as you, though my day time is a bit longer :sunny:02:57
kata-irc-bot<penny.zheng> are you sure is just a bit??? never mind, my english is poor. 哎嘿嘿02:59
kata-irc-bot<xu> My latitude is about 10 degrees higher than you, that's all03:03
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> and my day is even longer03:23
kata-irc-bot<xu> yes, you live close to the north pole.03:25
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kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> North pole, pah! I'm sat at a healthy lattitude of 53.8008° N :slightly_smiling_face: A friend of mine moved to a Swedish village that really is inside the arctic circle this year, up at 67.8558° N  Heh, no nightime for them right now!!09:06
kata-irc-bot<xu> cool, so he may saw the aurora!09:15
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> yep, every now and then :slightly_smiling_face: I've seen it twice !!  Once was from a plane when flying back from a holiday :slightly_smiling_face:09:19
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gwhaleydavidgiluk: I generated the report of 9p vs virtiofs from gmmaha data - attached the pdf to slack though, so let me fire you a copy in a pm..12:56
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davidgilukgwhaley: OK, so the reads are great, writes need a bit of tweeking13:03
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> writes I suspect hit the caches in the guest a lot - I think iirc 9p might cache in the guest a lot on writes, so we don't see the real to-host measures maybe :(13:04
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> the tests are fairly 'tweakable' on the fio settings if we need...13:04
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> v.easy to run @davidgiluk, honest ;) (well, once you help me fix any bugs in the scripts...)13:04
davidgilukyeh and we've got a bunch of cache settings as well13:05
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> the report generator will make reports comparing n>2 data sets as well, but, the graphs get pretty dense (especially the fio ones) at that point. So, fairly easy to go around the tweak/run/reportgen cycle13:05
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brtknrdavidgiluk: gwhaley: is there a way for me to see the pdf without signing up to slack?17:01
davidgilukgraham.whaley: You could post it to either the virtio-fs or kata lists17:04
davidgilukbrtknr: The summary is virtio-fs reads are great, the random write latency is a bit worse (probably due to the time to map the dax)17:11
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> davidgiluk: around?17:54
davidgilukalthough I'll be grabbing dinner in a few mins17:55
davidgilukseb: How can I help?17:56
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> quick question, am I crazy or the virtiofsd daemon is not reporting the protocol feature MQ?17:56
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> and I realized that get_queue_num is not supported17:56
davidgilukseb: We did disable multi-queue at one point because we realised there's some races in the filesystem code17:57
davidgilukseb: In the daemon that is17:57
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> but the guest driver expects at least 2 queues, one hiprio and one or more requests, right?17:57
davidgilukseb: yes I think that's right, I think we were counting the 'multi' in multi queues as all of the ones other than the hiprio - but stefanha is the one who knows the spec details more17:58
davidgilukseb: Best check that one with Stefan17:59
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> ok thanks Dave17:59
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> davidgiluk: enjoy dinner :slightly_smiling_face:18:00
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> stefanha: around?18:00
stefanhaHi, one sec.  Call.18:02
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> stefanha: of course, ping me when you have a sec18:04
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: Back now!  This is an ambiguous area of the spec.  I think it's only used for vhost-user-net devices (the spec refers to queue pairs, i.e rx/tx).  The QEMU contrib/ vhost-user code doesn't use the feature bit at all.18:06
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: I'll investigate a little more and will look at DPDK.18:07
stefanha(Basically I think virtiofsd doesn't need this feature bit)18:07
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stefanhasebastien.boeuf: I've compared QEMU and DPDK vhost-user.  This bit should always be set, otherwise QEMU won't fetch the number of queues from the vhost-user device backend.18:12
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: I'll post a vhost-user.txt spec patch to update the wording so it doesn't imply virtio-net.18:13
stefanhadavidgiluk: I'll send a libvhost-user patch to always set this bit too.  That will fix virtiofsd.18:15
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> stefanha: yes exactly, the bit should be set (we're talking about MQ right?), but in case it's set, then the VMM should call into GET_QUEUE_NUM18:16
stefanhaAh, hang on, libvhost-user doesn't implement the GET_QUEUE_NUM message yet :(18:16
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> that's my problem18:16
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> I just realized that this morning18:17
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> so virtiofsd is a bit off the spec right now18:17
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: libvhost-user needs the device (virtiofsd, vhost-user-scsi, etc) to tell it how many queues.18:18
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: I'll see how to add that to the code.18:18
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> that sounds great18:18
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> and yeah my understanding is that virtiofsd should provide to libvhost-user the num of queues and then qemu will know about the num of queues by calling into get_queue_num, but this has the dependency on having the bit MQ set18:19
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> I think that's the whole dependency chain :slightly_smiling_face:18:19
stefanhasebastien.boeuf: libvhost-user can unconditionally set the MQ bit and default max_queues to 1.18:20
stefanhaI think it won't be too bad.  fingers crossed :-)18:21
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> stefanha: but wait, if you report only 1 queue, that's wrong, right? because the VMM implementation will expect to have at least 2 queues supported18:24
kata-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> 1 hiprio + 1 request18:24
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