Tuesday, 2018-07-17

kata-irc-bot1<sebastien.boeuf> clarkb: Zuul CI build succeeded on the runtime repo ;)00:14
clarkbyup on PR 49000:14
clarkbI'm tryin gto keep an eye on it myself but do ping me if you notice anything weird00:15
clarkband generally happy for feedback (this is the purpose for running it on runtime repo in this way)00:15
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kata-irc-bot1<niteshkonkar007> When is the 1.2.0 release scheduled for?10:40
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kata-irc-bot1<yonatan.gefen> Hey all :slightly_smiling_face:. Any hints what the root cause of this error message is? I got it after a `docker run ...` on a first attempt after building and installing kata-containers.  ~~~bash ~~~14:44
kata-irc-bot1<yonatan.gefen> Hey all :slightly_smiling_face:. Any hints what the root cause of this error message is? I got it after a `docker run ...` on a first attempt after building and installing kata-containers. ```docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: Error bridging virtual ep.```14:52
gwhaleyhi @yonatan.gefen. First time I've seen that error, but I had a quick github search on our project, and it turned up one Issue that had that in the logs: https://github.com/kata-containers/runtime/issues/34114:54
gwhaleySadly, the user noted they 'fixed it by actually reading the docs' - but did not note which bit they had missed etc.....14:55
gwhaleyIf you get no more joy here, then the best route is probably to open a github Issue and add the details about what you did (your system, how you installed), and what you ran :-)14:55
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kata-irc-bot1<yonatan.gefen> Thank you @graham.whaley. I missed that issue. I guess I'll have to read the docs more carefully as well ;). It's probably to do with missing shared libraries in the target system. Assuming that to be the case, do you have any tips/ideas/guesses as to which component it could be that is missing the libraries?14:58
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kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: Hi, talking with @sebastien.boeuf, seems like we are not running static checks in the zuul jobs, which are called using .ci/static-checks.sh15:24
clarkbshould those go in a new distinct job?15:25
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: I think they can be inside the run.yaml job15:25
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> this is how we run them: https://github.com/kata-containers/tests/blob/master/.ci/jenkins_job_build.sh#L102-L10415:25
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clarkblooks like it runs before the other checks and after setup15:26
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> yes, that is right15:26
clarkbwould you like to take a stab at adding that to the zuul config? I'm happy to help and review it15:26
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> ohh sure :slightly_smiling_face:15:27
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> please give me some guidance15:27
clarkbdefinitely. If you clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs that is where I've put the job config until we spin up a zuul tenant for kata.15:29
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> ok, good, let me do that15:29
clarkbplaybooks/kata-runsh/run.yaml is probably the file you want to modify15:30
clarkband if you give me a diff I can push to gerrit, or if you want to figure out gerrit too I'm happy to walk you through that as well15:30
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: is there an envar that can tell me if I am in a PR or just using master branch ?15:35
kata-irc-bot1<sebastien.boeuf> @salvador.fuentes have we recently (like this morning) merged some kata-log-parser patch ?15:35
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> @sebastien.boeuf no, having issues with that?15:36
kata-irc-bot1<sebastien.boeuf> @salvador.fuentes asking because fedora builds are failing after they run for 2 minutes15:36
kata-irc-bot1<sebastien.boeuf> seen on several repos15:36
kata-irc-bot1<sebastien.boeuf> http://jenkins.katacontainers.io/job/kata-containers-runtime-fedora-27-PR/205/console15:36
clarkbsalvador.fuentes: Zuul will check out PRs onto the target branch already for you and if not on a PR master branch is the default.15:36
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> @sebastien.boeuf ohh, I was taking a look at that and seems like obs is having instabilities15:36
clarkbsalvador.fuentes: the idea is to make that somewhat transparent for you15:36
clarkband you just test the code that is there15:37
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/91/91/bdb05260061aee2a37ae31c63d4b7715ffa67ef3/third-party-check/kata-runsh-fedora-28/ec239ac/zuul-info/inventory.yaml shows you the ansible inventory which has additional info though15:37
clarkbchange and change_url specifically for this question15:38
clarkbwhen: {{ zuul.change }} as a conditional may work for this in the ansible?15:39
clarkbsalvador.fuentes also note that we can test it before it merges so getting something you think will work even if it isn't perfect is a good place to start15:48
clarkbwe set the depends on and recheck proxy PR 7415:48
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: ok, thanks, question, does {{zuul.project.canonical_name}} would bring me the name of the repo?15:50
clarkbwill give you the full name like github.com/kata-containers/proxy as code may come from other locations too15:52
clarkbif not interested in the source and only the name then zuul.project.name may be easier to use15:52
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> ok, got it, I think we still need the `github.com` part15:56
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kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: can we try this: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/tpGHzpWRQj~GCWA0rzJrmQ , lets see if it runs the static checks correctly, if not, maybe we'll need to implement the `when: ` condition16:04
clarkbI updated the depends on at https://github.com/kata-containers/proxy/pull/74 to test that16:08
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> cool thanks16:17
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clarkbsalvador.fuentes: http://logs.openstack.org/74/74/a77fc6b82dab0368f1cdc4d4d39ef6390c7a9526/third-party-check/kata-runsh/4031ebe/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-07-17_18_36_41_792213 does that look like it worked?19:32
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kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb, I missed the unit tests, can you please change to this: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/K0BCnukW3IzWuTnbIvyP8w19:47
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clarkbI've updated it with that new diff20:06
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/roadmap/azure-service-fabric-introduces-its-fully-managed-option-service-fabric-mesh/21:33
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clarkbsalvador.fuentes: runtime.RaceErrors: relocation target __tsan_report_count not defined errors like that running make test against proxy23:06
clarkbthe job didn't fail because we aren't running bash with set -e, we should probably fix the problem then add set -e23:07
clarkbany idea what would cause that?23:07
clarkbmaybe need to set GODIR?23:09
clarkbapparently golang-1.10-race-detector-runtime is a package that needs installing :/23:13
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> clarkb: do you have the log? I still cannot see it in the github pr23:15
clarkbhttps://zuul.openstack.org/stream.html?uuid=0457beb3ec044c298ea17600ae7f1559&logfile=console.log it is in progress so not uploaded yet23:16
clarkbsimple enough fix, I'll add that package to the package list and set -e as well23:16
kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> ok, cool, thanks23:17
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