Friday, 2017-03-03

faridaww yeah I got it working00:14
faridwtf debian00:14
faridguess I should've tried this in ubuntu since that's what craton will eventually run on doh00:16
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jimbakerany reason why is not getting merged in?00:56
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openstackgerritJim Baker proposed openstack/craton master: WIP: Variable search for resources now uses resolved variables.
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git-harrysigmavirus: next time I would prefer you speak to me before picking up something assigned to me. Given that you have a review up referencing the bug, I'm going to assign it to you. I'm also going to assign you the other two bugs referenced by your wip.08:36
git-harrysulo: ping08:38
openstackgerritgit-harry proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add devices-list to support /v1/devices
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sulogit-harry: morning09:37
git-harryhiya, I was trying to assign some bugs on launchpad but don't appear to have the right permissions09:37
git-harryCan you fix that for me?09:38
suloyeah one sec09:40
sulogit-harry: can you try now ?09:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add devices-list to support /v1/devices
git-harrysulo: that's done it. Thanks09:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Move craton to a non-conflicting port
openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Allow resolved vars in details list calls
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openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add vars filtering to region-list
openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds --vars filter to cell-list command
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faridmorning guys14:36
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faridsince you were asking14:43
git-harryfarid: ah, it's got a home. Excellent. Thanks14:44
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thomasemhey there15:00
jovonhola o/15:04
thomasemjovon: How'd training go?15:12
jovona tad disorganized. we were supposed to deploy a multi node env using kolla, but due to lack of communication there was confusion about the location and time.15:15
thomasemIf you don't mind my asking, who was administering the training?15:15
jovonand then we received an email saying there was problem with santa clara and had to reschedule :(15:16
jovontbh im not sure who is overseeing the process I'm only on the receiving end from some chained emails from the intel fuys15:20
thomasemAhhhh, I see15:22
thomasemWell that's pretty crummy - the miscommunications and such.15:22
jovonyes, very much so.15:23
jovongotta make lemonade out of lemons though15:23
jimbakerthomasem, here's that code we were discussing yesterday. i need to fix up tests, pep8, the usual. but it works nicely in terms of supporting both multiple vars and resolved vars in a search query:
thomasemjovon: haha, undoubtedly15:27
thomasemjimbaker: thanks!15:27
antonymfarid: cool, i'll need to give that script a try15:29
jimbakersulo, should be good to demo for monday, even if we don't get it in by then15:29
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: WIP: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
openstackgerritSyed Ahsan Shamim Zaidi proposed openstack/craton master: Documentation Fix for Region Create
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: WIP: Make column ordering consistent and predictable
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: WIP: Make column ordering consistent and predictable
* farid o/'s jimbaker16:22
sigmavirusthomasem: jimbaker sulo ^ is ready for review16:27
sigmavirusI'll brb16:27
thomasemAnyone here know off the top of their head a good way to mock sys.stdin.isatty? :)16:39
thomasemLemme try going up one level.16:40
thomasemGot it.16:40
thomasemisatty is read-only, so can't patch it directly, but patching stdin worked fine.16:43
jimbakerfarid, o/16:45
jimbakersulo, i think the logical thing for us to do is to get sigmavirus' patch in, then your --vars support (rebased) after that16:45
sigmavirussulo: If you want, I can rebase your change :)16:49
sigmavirusgit-harry: I'm sorry you took my working on that bug as anything other than trying to make sure it made the deadline16:57
sigmavirusI saw no work in progress from you16:57
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: WIP: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
sigmavirusthomasem: how's ^ coming along?17:12
thomasemsigmavirus: writing tests. Figured we'd get in the projects implementation, then I'll follow up with rest so it doesn't turn into a huge patch?17:12
thomasemAlready wrote some tests. Definitely looking for feedback.17:13
faridsulo: put a playbook to set up an ajaxterm demo box here
thomasemGoing to update commit message.17:13
faridseems to work well with latest debian/ubuntu17:13
sigmavirusthomasem: i'll take a look17:15
thomasemsigmavirus: thank you!17:15
thomasemProbably should have done hosts vars support first... no idea why I did projects?17:17
thomasemMaybe I should swap that around.17:17
sulofarid: fancy17:19
sulofarid: is that running somewhere17:19
faridit's pretty basic but hope it simplifies things... tmux seemed to work well inside it17:19
faridsulo: yeah try it here
* farid is embarrassed to say the ht user and password is what's in README.md17:19
sulofarid: nice .. works well17:20
faridcool, hope it can handle a few users for the demo, otherwise we can fall back to vidyo or something else.17:21
jimbakersigmavirus, your patch looks great! next up: hopefully we can standardize on the columns, but that's an easy next step17:22
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Clean up shell submodule unit tests
sigmavirusjimbaker: I tried to make the defaults valuable17:24
sigmavirusthat said, we can now remove lots of code ^17:24
thomasemsigmavirus: jimbaker: I'm switching to using hosts for initial implementation in my CLI vars patch. Cool?17:24
sigmavirusthomasem: wfm17:24
jimbakerthomasem, that's fine17:24
thomasemCool. I think that makes more sense. :P17:25
thomasemFortunately, that was _super_ easy.17:25
thomasemSo, won't be a biggie to fast-follow.17:25
sigmavirusthomasem: see, here's the thing, I expect that if you want to do something it's because it makes more sense than the alternatives17:25
sigmavirusYou don't need to explain that =P17:25
jimbakeragreed. lots of autonomy in this group. we celebrate it! :)17:26
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
sulothomasem: jimbaker: sigmavirus: git-harry: can i get a few quick reviews pls, i can fix any concerns now .. but otherwise i am out for the rest of the evening here17:28
jimbakerre column choices: i went through systematically with the list commands - project-list, cloud-list, region-list, cell-list, host-list, device-list (no network-*-list, user-list yet...)17:28
jimbakerso now that we are consistent in our ordering within a command, we should be consistent across resource collection commands17:29
jimbakerin terms of column selection17:29
sigmavirusjimbaker: I disagree17:30
sigmavirusI tried to be consistent in what I chose to only include in --detail17:31
jimbakersigmavirus, i'm sure that we need different default columns to be selected17:32
thomasemsulo: All of those LGTM, pulled them down and tried out the vars queries and such.17:32
sigmavirussulo: jimbaker suggested merging after the column ordering change. Would you be okay with me rebasing it onto that chain?17:32
sulosigmavirus: yes, sounds good17:33
sigmavirusI can do teh same with
sulothomasem: thanks !17:33
sigmavirusBut I'll likely workflow them after rebase so that as soon as you/jimbaker approve mine yours will go in17:33
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds --vars filter to cell-list command
* sigmavirus apologizes in advance for double notification17:37
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds --vars filter to cell-list command
thomasemBoy, if he's apologizing for this one time, what does that make me?17:37
jimbakerthomasem, just a vile spammer? ;)17:37
thomasemI guess so.17:37
jimbakerno, you are all good. we chose to turn this bot on17:38
sigmavirusthomasem: I was apologizing because you'd previously apologized17:39
sigmavirusAnd I fubar'd adding a change I made to sulo's tests =P17:39
sigmavirusIOW, I felt bad for being sloppy rather than being efficient17:39
thomasemLol, ah. I must have mindlessly apologized. Guess that means it doesn't count?17:40
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add vars filtering to region-list
sigmavirusokay, sulo's reviews are rebased and approved17:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Make column ordering consistent and predictable
sulosigmavirus: awesome, thanks!17:41
suloalright then see you all next week17:41
jimbakersulo, cool17:41
Syed__have a good weekend sulo17:41
sulohave a good weekend17:41
thomasemsigmavirus: working through reviewing your patch, btw. Fixing up my craton-api since --detail isn't working for a lot of calls.17:41
thomasemsulo: take it easy!17:41
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thomasemWeird... is --detail supposed to actually work?17:45
sigmavirusthomasem: I think sulo has a patch fixing detail17:46
thomasemOkay, great17:46
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
sigmavirusSomething I'm still bad at: Updating to latest master before making a new branch17:58
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Clean up shell submodule unit tests
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Make column ordering of devices-* consistent
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add vars filtering to region-list
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds --vars filter to cell-list command
sigmavirusjimbaker: needs your approval17:59
sigmavirusI didn't have the devices code in my tree so that original commit missed it18:00
jimbakersigmavirus, ack18:00
sigmavirus(This is why the clean-up commit failed the check jobs)18:00
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antonymgetting a traceback when doing craton host-show 1:
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antonymjust pulled master for client and server18:21
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sigmavirusantonym: I suspect that's from what we just merged from sulo18:23
* sigmavirus takes a gander18:23
sigmavirusOh that didn't merge18:24
sigmavirusalso jimbaker is necessary to merge sulo's client reviews18:24
antonymi double as a gate job on fridays ;)18:24
jimbakerantonym, :)18:24
sigmavirusantonym: much obliged =)18:25
sigmavirusthat's quite weird though18:25
antonymthat's all that was in it18:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Make column ordering of devices-* consistent
sigmavirusthat's bubbling up through the response_filter18:29
jimbakerantonym, so that can happen if you don't set up the variable association table properly; usually this is not a problem18:29
jimbakerbut it occurs at bootstrap for project18:29
antonymah, did i goof up on creation18:30
jimbakerbecause we do bootstrap at the mysql level, normal integrity stuff is bypassed18:30
sigmavirusjimbaker: uh, really? this validation is happening on the response18:30
sigmavirusIt's happening in response_filter when we call normalize()18:31
jimbakerbecause of project18:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Clean up shell submodule unit tests
sigmavirusI see18:31
jimbakerand project vars support18:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add vars filtering to region-list
sigmavirusthe project is "snippy" and not a UUID18:31
pwnall138tool for importing osa into craton can be found here.
antonymoh derp18:31
pwnall138needs some tlcc18:31
sigmaviruspwnall138: what's the second c?18:31
antonymi snagged out the wrong uuid heh18:32
jimbakerthis specific problem would be masked if we were more lazy, fwiw18:32
antonymthe proj is actually 717e9a216e2d44e0bc848398563bdada18:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds --vars filter to cell-list command
antonymi meant to snip out the token lol18:32
pwnall1382 issues,  when vars are importing, host-show failed because craton has issus parsingthe vars. and when i added labels, a host with labels would throw a 500 when trying to delete it.18:32
sigmavirusantonym: also that server port might change18:32
antonymyeah, i saw kevin's thing18:32
sigmaviruspwnall138: did you create issues on launchpad for those?18:33
sigmavirusIf not, we *will* most likely lose them18:33
pwnall138just encountered them last night18:33
pwnall138ill create launchpads soon, but im pretty busy today18:33
jimbakeranyway, this is why we have this specific lines in the docker setup,
antonymthink this exception is from having the vars in there?18:33
jimbakerantonym, sigmavirus ^^^18:33
antonymjimbaker: so should i recreate with that line then?18:34
jimbakerantonym, yes18:34
antonymone sec18:34
sigmavirusjimbaker: is there any reason why taht can't be part of an alembic migration to create the database?18:34
jimbakerit's absolutely necessary18:34
sigmavirusI mean, that seems like a crucial part of setting up craton18:34
jimbakersigmavirus, so that's get into a question of, how do we set up our bootstrap user. with password18:34
sigmavirusmight be best if every operator configuring craton didn't need that secret sauce for it to work18:35
antonymyeah, i just started with my scripts from a few weeks ago18:35
antonymso didnt know about that part18:35
jimbakerand this is recent18:35
jimbakerbecause of the project vars stuff18:35
jimbakerwe were not doing this for the bootstrap project18:35
jimbakerbut it didn't matter until thomasem added project vars support18:36
jimbakerin the last couple of weeks or so18:36
jimbakerantonym, so that's the backstory, hopefully it makes sense18:36
antonymworks now18:36
antonymprobably should notate that in docs somewhere18:37
antonymis that a perm thing?18:37
jimbakersigmavirus, re making this work better - yeah, i think we have been (implicitly at least) saying that is the example for how to get things setup18:37
sigmavirusjimbaker: yeah, that's not acceptable really at this point18:38
sigmavirusIt was fine when antonym and everyone else was waiting for craton to be something they could use18:38
jimbakerwell, i think it's acceptable for today. but not after monday18:38
sigmavirusNow that it is something they can and *are* using it needs to be better18:38
sigmavirusantonym: fwiw, the ordering of columns in the client should now be fixed18:39
jimbakerthis is the whole, we need to make this suitable for deployment. whether that's a proper mysql cluster setup; use of an appropriate wsgi server; or user/password mgmt18:39
jimbakerthe advantage of is that it puts all the insecure, only do this in dev/test mode, in one place18:40
jimbakerreal usage needs to create desired users, with high entropy passwords, etc18:40
jimbakerantonym, definitely want feedback on that!18:42
jimbakerwe could certainly create a mysql rollout script that generates high quality passwords; and does the necessary bootstrap linkage for the project. it should also not create this project each time :)18:43
jimbakerwith identical uuid18:43
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antonymyeah, understand that the docker stuff is just for devel18:44
antonymcool, the details=all stuff works on vars18:44
jimbakeralmost feel like we should use an even better :) project uuid like 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for the example. to convey, yes, you will want to change this!18:46
antonymkinda looks like searching by two vars doesn't return results18:57
antonymthis one: /v1/hosts?vars=switch_name:dfw-tor-1,switch_port:6&details=all18:58
antonymby themselves they return results, but together they don't narrow down the host18:58
jimbakerantonym, known problem19:02
jimbakerand fixed with this patch19:02
jimbakerplease try that and see if it works for you19:03
antonymcool, thanks19:03
antonymso is hosts becoming devices?19:03
jimbakerdevices is a heterogenous collection of hosts and network-devices19:03
jimbakerwe plan to add more to devices in the future. example: aws resources19:03
antonymi didn't make use of the networking stuff btw, i just made variables called that19:04
jimbakerin hind sight, we probably should have used a more generic term, s/device/resource/19:04
jimbakerantonym, yeah, that's what we need to do to support such queries for now19:04
antonymk, i'll give that a whirl19:04
jimbakerwe should be able to query against the network topology, but not there yet19:05
jimbakervars are the workaround for now19:05
jimbakerantonym, the nice thing is, you can use vars in the search, wherever they are set in the hierarchy19:05
antonymyeah, that's fine, that's what i was used to in galaxy19:06
jimbakerantonym, right. network support is still very much WIP, but hopefully it will grow in functionality. until then, the vars stuff was a good idea that we definitely are taking advantage of from what worked in galaxy19:09
jimbakeraka, steal those good ideas :)19:10
antonymits good to run with proven stuff sometimes :D19:10
thomasemHoly scrollback, Batman.19:12
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Allow resolved vars in details list calls
openstackgerritJim Baker proposed openstack/craton master: WIP: Variable search for resources now uses resolved variables.
jimbakerantonym, rebased my var search support patch on top of master19:37
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
thomasemsigmavirus: addressed your comments and added tests ^^21:08
thomasemBah... some difference with python 3.521:12
thomasemLooking into it21:12
thomasemLooks like they got more strict about Mock() in a range evaluation21:23
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: CLI and client support for get/set/delete of resource vars
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thomasemWells, I think I'm done for the week. I'll work on this more this weekend as I get time.21:50
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fsaadlaters thomasem , have a great weekend man!22:00
jimbakerthomasem, thanks so much!22:15
jimbakerand have a great weekend!22:15
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