Monday, 2021-07-26

opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Custom query Gnocchi collector
rafaelweingartnerHello guys13:56
adam_aqbHi 13:58
rafaelweingartner#startmeeting cloudkitty14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Jul 26 14:00:33 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty'14:00
rafaelweingartnerRoll count14:00
priteauHave we lost rafaelweingartner?14:07
rafaelweingartner#topic Target review of the meeting14:08
rafaelweingartnerHave you guys had the opportunity to review the PR?14:08
rafaelweingartnerI noticed Pierre already provided some feeedback there14:09
priteauI did. I only had cosmetic feedback on wording in commit message, docs, comments, so I made changes directly to the patch14:09
priteauUnfortunately CI is broken because of unrelated Sphinx issues14:09
rafaelweingartnerI see14:11
rafaelweingartnerDo you want my help to fix it?14:11
priteauNot sure how much we can do ourselves, it's a wsme issue14:12
priteauI've reported it to the mailing list14:12
priteauOne option might be to drop this extension, do you know what we use it for?14:12
rafaelweingartnerI see14:15
rafaelweingartnerI have no idea, but I can try to check it today14:15
rafaelweingartnermaybe, we do nto even use it14:15
priteauWe use it for `autotype`14:16
priteauThis is in the API reference14:16
rafaelweingartnerabout the review, I really appreciate it14:16
rafaelweingartnerif others also have something else to contribute there, just ping me in the patch14:16
adam_aqbI woul like to a topic for discussion14:18
adam_aqbto add*14:18
adam_aqbI have been working on CK's documentation for a while now14:18
rafaelweingartnerWe will have time when we open for open discussions14:18
rafaelweingartnerSo, moving on14:18
rafaelweingartner#topic next virtual PTG14:18
rafaelweingartnerWe defined  date and time for the next CloudKitty virtual PTG, which will take place October 18, at 14:00-17:00 UTC.14:19
rafaelweingartnerdo not forget to register at:
rafaelweingartner#topic Broken CI14:20
rafaelweingartnerPierre: do we need to discuss anything further about the CI?14:20
priteauNot really, let's see what the wsme dev reply14:21
priteauFollow this thread:
rafaelweingartnerok, thanks14:21
rafaelweingartnerI will do so14:21
priteauThe same extension broken for Sphinx 2 and 314:21
priteauSo it's not the first time we see this :)14:22
rafaelweingartnerthese dependency management is a nightmare sometimes14:22
rafaelweingartner#topic AOB14:23
rafaelweingartnerNow, I open for general questions and topics that people might have. 14:23
rafaelweingartneradam_aqb: do you have something?14:23
adam_aqbYes, CK's documentation14:23
adam_aqbThe current version of it is a bit out of date, and is not in compliance with Openstack's latest directory scheme14:24
adam_aqbsee the project guide setup
adam_aqbI have been working on a new version of the documentation, that repeats some of the old parts and adds a bit more explanations. It would also have a quick guides section14:25
adam_aqbhere is a **draft**
adam_aqbI have a few questions : First, how can we go about changing the documentation, what would be the best approach ?14:26
priteauWhen moving content around, we should redirect existing pages14:26
priteauThere is a module for this14:26
adam_aqbsecond : Can someone help with CLI guide ? There isn't enough info on it in the current documentation 14:26
rafaelweingartnerHmm, I would say that opening a patch would be the first step14:26
adam_aqbpriteau : alright14:27
rafaelweingartnerwhat kind of help do you need with the CLI?14:27
adam_aqbrafaelweingartner : Yes I will, I wanted your opinions first14:27
priteauI don't remember the name, I will look it up14:27
adam_aqbFor the CLI : I haven't gotten the time yet to see how it works, and I've already noticed a bug. So, I'm not the best person suited to write documentation about it14:28
adam_aqbpriteau : Thanks, that would be great14:28
priteauIt's actually just for testing the redirects14:29
adam_aqbokay I see14:29
priteauredirects are done via .htaccess files14:29
priteauSee for an example14:30
adam_aqba .htaccess file put inside build/ N14:30
adam_aqbalright thanks for the example14:30
priteauBut this is the last step, we need to agree on layout and content first14:32
priteauNo need to write redirect rules that might change later14:33
adam_aqbThe layout is similar to the one described in the project guide setup (
adam_aqbfor the content, you can already see a first draft by following the link above14:33
adam_aqbI will also create a story 14:33
rafaelweingartnerI liked the layout, but to validate the content, at least to me, it would be easier to review in a patch14:34
priteauAt first glance it looks ok. Not sure we will have much info in user, as cloudkitty is mostly an admin-level service14:34
priteauAlso I don't think the architecture should be under a "quick guide"14:34
adam_aqbwhat do you mean ?14:35
priteauI think it should be part of the admin doc14:35
priteauNot under Miscellaneaous14:35
adam_aqbalright, noted14:36
rafaelweingartnerthe installation part, I am not sure how you guys see it, but it has more or less to different processes14:37
rafaelweingartnerone for the processor, and another one for the API, which is not just "apt install"/"python install" thing14:38
rafaelweingartnermaybe, a section to describe these details would be interesting14:38
priteauThere is more complexity in many other services. We can look at what they do14:39
adam_aqbwhich section in the installation are refering to ?14:39
rafaelweingartner"Installing the API behind WSGI"14:39
priteauBut I find there is limited interest in these install guides. People should really be using OSA, Kolla Ansible, etc.14:39
rafaelweingartnerit is in the same level as "Install on CentOS 7"14:39
priteauAlso why these references to CentOS 7 / Train?14:40
rafaelweingartnerpriteai, I agree, but there are people that insist in using these manual installation processes ... I have no idea why14:40
mkarpiarzThe project looks good to me but what's the long-term plan? Will these new docs replace the official ones?14:40
adam_aqbFor the installation, I have tried to transcribe what was already in the current documentation. I do agree that some of it is not relevant14:41
rafaelweingartnerOverall, I liked it, and I guess that these details of sections and content could be discussed in the patch14:43
rafaelweingartnerI only wonder the best why to introduce this, one page/section at a time14:43
rafaelweingartneror one single big patch that introduces everything 14:44
adam_aqbThe first step would be to reorganize the directories14:44
adam_aqbThen one small change at a time14:44
rafaelweingartnerThat sounds good to me14:46
adam_aqbalright, if everyone agrees I'll start working on the patch14:48
mkarpiarzSure, go for it.14:53
rafaelweingartnerwe will have to close now14:55
rafaelweingartner Thank you guys for participating. Have a nice week.14:55
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Jul 26 14:55:35 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:55
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mkarpiarzThanks, all and have a good day.14:56
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