Monday, 2019-02-25

*** my_nd has joined #cloudkitty13:26
my_ndhi there! is pyscript supported in openstack pike multi node? When I tried to list the rating modules, only showed me noop and hashmap modules but not pyscript?13:31
my_ndbut when I check on cloudkitty database (modules_state table) there is the pyscripts module13:37
*** jquiroga has joined #cloudkitty18:06
jquirogaim using  cloudkittyclient | 2.1.018:07
jquirogatrying to activate pyscripts module18:08
jquirogawhen i run the comand  cloudkitty module-enable -n pyscripts, says its deprecated18:08
jquirogacloudkitty module enable pyscript, fails with 40418:09
jquirogaany thoughts ?18:09
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