Tuesday, 2016-07-19

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openstackgerritJiong Liu proposed openstack/cloudkitty: Fix wrong option names and missed options in cloudkitty.conf.sample  https://review.openstack.org/32924201:35
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savadI installed cloudkitty in devstack. I configured pricing correctly. During Instance creation Rate is displayed in the instance creation window. But after creation of instance I am checking the Rating section for rates or cost.  It was not displaying the values as needed.04:54
savadGuys you have any idea?04:55
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sheeprineHi savad, data should be displayed around 1h after creation if you are using default settings08:20
sheeprineIf you want to make sure just dump the rated_data_frames from the cloudkitty database08:23
savadThanks for your reply08:26
savadI created instance last day. Till now there is no data is shown in Rate section. Okay I want to check cloudkitty database.08:27
sheeprineYou'll see if data is collected, and if calculation is applied08:28
sheeprineIt might just be that calculation is not applied08:28
sheeprinebut it's strange since you've got instance preview08:28
savadOkay. Let me check the cloudkitty database.08:30
savadSheeprine, I checked the database08:40
savadhere is the screenshot of my database content https://www.dropbox.com/s/61280e4t4b0h69c/cloudkitty.png?dl=008:41
savadHere the data is collected and all is rated 0 price08:46
savadDuring Instance creation Rate was displayed in the instance creation window.08:47
sheeprineres_type _NO_DATA_ is an indicator that no data was collected08:58
savadThanks for your information.09:22
savadI think sometimes it is due to my Calculation schema's mistake.09:23
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savadI enabled Hashmap in Rating module. Then I created new service in Hashmap named "compute"09:25
savadThen I added new field "flavor" and "image_id".09:26
savadIn flavor I created mapping for m1.tiny and m1.small09:27
savadI added these two mappings under the group "instance_uptime"09:28
savadIn "image_id" field I created new mapping using one of my image ID09:29
savadSame way I have created "volume" service and set group name as "volume_discount"09:35
savadThen I launched new instance using same image and flavor which used for rating.09:36
savadsheeprine, is there any mistake for my procedure?09:37
sheeprineNot really09:47
sheeprineCan you look at the logs for cloudkitty-processor ?09:47
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