Thursday, 2016-06-02

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errrjohn5223: I made an ansible role that sets this all up here are the steps I take during the setup for the users, it might help you
errrI am using all v3 stuff though not v202:56
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georgem1errr: what version of Openstack is that Ansible playbook for?15:21
errr  georgem1 I did development on mitaka but also verified it worked with newton as well15:21
errrgeorgem1: Its not fully baked because I need to get all the stuff in the extras/ folder out and merged into the main osa tree but I had to put that work on pause until week after next. We got blocked waiting on the repro creation and such so it got moved off this current sprint15:22
georgem1ok, I'm looking for a working solution for Kilo15:24
errrId say by July it should all have pull request going through review to be part of newton and we will be looking to backport it to mitaka as well15:24
georgem1you didn't add any Horizon stuff in that playbook15:24
errryeah its in the extras folder15:24
errrbecause of how the OSA project works horizon stuff is done in its own role so I have to send pull requests to that role as well as the main OSA role15:25
georgem1ok, cool, thanks15:25
georgem1do you know what's the status of cloudkitty with Kilo? should I just wait until I upgrade to Liberty and try again?15:26
errrthat will end up being a patch to
errrhonestly Im not sure. I never was able to get it working on Liberty, and the need we had for it on liberty we ended up making our own rating service thing because it was faster for us15:27
georgem1hmm, this is not good news for me :(15:28
errrwe wrote this for liberty:
georgem1thanks, I'll take a look15:29
errrIm pretty sure the most current patches have not been pushed up yet, the guy working on it forgets to push until its totaly finished sometimes15:29
errrgeorgem1: this is the output you get from that usage project:
georgem1it's a start :)15:31
georgem1we only need pretty basic usage statistics, for now15:32
errrthis format is to try to match AWS billing feeds so its easy to consume for systems like cloudability and others15:32
errryou can get basically any metric from celimoter with it, and its simple to configure via the yaml config file15:33
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georgem1errr: does cloudability support Openstack?15:54
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john5223is james working with cloudkitty team?16:28
john5223or is that usage project seperate16:28
errrno, its not part of cloudkitty17:23
errrIm not sure what the plans our for that usage project as far as it goes with cloudkitty17:25
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mrmassishi everyone18:54
mrmassisi had a problema that i can resolve18:54
mrmassisthe cloudkitty dashboard dont work19:05
mrmassisanybody can help me?19:08
huatsWhat do you mean by it dont work ?19:12
huatserrr: actually WE had in the past produced a system compatible with aws so it would be easy to do it again...19:13
huatserrr: any chance you are around rcastril ?19:18
errrhuats: is that a person?19:19
huatsBecause I try to ping him without any luck...19:19
errrI work from home19:19
errrdo you know his first name?19:20
huatsLet me find it19:22
huatsI am pretty sure he works at rackspace...19:23
errrI dont see anyone in the directory with castril in their last name19:23
errrso if you have a last name too that may help19:23
mrmassisim deployed the cloudkitty in kilo under ubuntu 14.0419:33
mrmassisim used package version19:33
mrmassis when i create the links in horizon, the create instance screen dont appear19:33
mrmassisi tried investigate, and when i comment the call work19:34
mrmassisotherwise not.19:34
mrmassissorry by my bad english19:34
mrmassisany question im here19:34
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errrhi mrmassis I havent ever set it up on kilo, The main authors of the project are in France I think so you might have better luck getting help from them during France business hours. Its currently 21:42 there now so they may all be getting ready for bed..19:42
huatsmrmassis: I am sorry I clearly couldn'y find the time to have a look at your issue...19:52
mrmassisNo problem, tkz a lot. I entry more late. There is a specific person to I looking for?20:05
errrmrmassis: huats is one of those people, so is sheeprine, maybe some others too20:09
mrmassistkz so much.20:10
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john5223can i force cloudkitty-processor to pull metrics somehow with cli ? i keep seeing empty data being pulled from ceilometer in the processor20:40
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