Thursday, 2015-06-25

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sheeprinechuenlye_: Hi, about your devstack problem. Two options :12:36
sheeprine1) You applied your rating rules but previous calculations were already processed, so you'll only get rated values for the next periods.12:37
sheeprine2) It's not applying at all12:37
sheeprineWe can have an insight about that if you dump your storage database12:37
sheeprinetry to do a "select * from rated_data_frames order by begin DESC limit 24;"12:38
sheeprineif you want to retrigger the calculation process and you don't care about the data already stored in the cloudkitty's storage just do a "delete from rated_data_frames;" or a truncate12:39
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huats<sheeprine> chuenlye_: Hi, about your devstack problem. Two options :12:51
huats<sheeprine> 1) You applied your rating rules but previous calculations were already processed, so you'll only get rated values for the next periods.12:51
huats<sheeprine> 2) It's not applying at all12:51
huats<sheeprine> We can have an insight about that if you dump your storage database12:51
huats<sheeprine> try to do a "select * from rated_data_frames order by begin DESC limit 24;"12:51
huats<sheeprine> if you want to retrigger the calculation process and you don't care about the data already stored in the cloudkitty's storage just do a "delete from rated_data_frames;" or a truncate12:51
chuenlyehi, huats13:40
chuenlyeMy result of that SQL is here:
chuenlyeThe first options you said seems not the reason. I run cloudkitty for about two days already. but until now there is still no any result. what is its calculate period? thanks!13:42
huatschuenlye: I was just doing a copy paste13:43
huatssheeprine: was giving you the answer13:43
huatsbut you were not connected13:43
sheeprinechuenlye: Are you still getting a 0.0 in the rating view ?13:45
sheeprinebecause you clearly got data and rating rules applied13:45
chuenlyeI am sorry I am not familiar with IRC yet:( Yes, still 0.0 in the rating view and no any graph in reporting view13:46
sheeprineData are related to tenant f3109dbe2168439e8b276bd46595171e13:46
sheeprineare you logged for this tenant ?13:46
chuenlyeit is demo tenant. which log should I check?13:47
chuenlyeOh, I saw the Rating value !13:48
sheeprinewhat about the graphs ?13:49
chuenlyein 'demo' tenant view, I can see total value ! and Reporting is now OK13:49
sheeprinethe view is per tenant13:49
sheeprineit's filtered on your current tenant id13:50
sheeprineYou don't want your users to see how much others are consuming ;)13:50
chuenlyeNow only Compute in graph. but I create two instances for admin user and two for demo user. why admin tenant cannot see rating and reporting ?13:51
sheeprineConfiguration done in devstack only sets the rating role on the demo tenant13:52
sheeprineif you want to tell cloudkitty to apply rates on your admin tenant you need to add the role on this tenant too13:52
sheeprineuser=cloudkitty, role=rating, tenant=admin13:52
chuenlyeoh, I see! 'rating' role must be granted to the user we want to see, isn't it?13:54
chuenlyebut another question: yesterday I used demo tenant for test. and in demo tenant view there was no any rating and reporting. and I checked that rated_data_frames, all record is the same: column of res_type  was always '_NO_DATA_'13:57
chuenlyehow long is the calculate period?13:58
sheeprineIt's once every hour by default13:58
chuenlye# Rating period in seconds. (integer value)13:59
chuenlye#period = 360013:59
chuenlyeoh, i see.13:59
sheeprineIf there is nothing in the storage about a tenant it'll start from the begining of the current month13:59
sheeprinesince you don't have any data in ceilometer you'll get empty data frames, it's used to explicitly signal that there was no data and track data state.13:59
chuenlyeThe quick start for cloudkitty seems not to be quick though, now I can see it work well:) Thanks, guys! Let me continue to try it.14:06
sheeprineDon't hesitate to ask us any question, we need user feedback. Thansk14:08
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