Friday, 2021-02-12

dmsimardbtw an issue you might be interested in: "Would you contribute to ara if pull requests on GitHub were possible ?"
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ara-slacksd.kumar.85: @sd.kumar.85 has joined the channel11:25
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openstackgerritJeffrey van Pelt proposed recordsansible/ara-collection master: ara_api: Add conjobs
openstackgerritJeffrey van Pelt proposed recordsansible/ara-collection master: ara_api: Add conjobs
openstackgerritJeffrey van Pelt proposed recordsansible/ara-collection master: ara_api: Add conjobs
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baptistemmhello there16:42
baptistemmI've just installed ara in the simplest mode (local + sqlite) and when I do a "ara host show foo" I get a message "WARNING django.request: Not Found: /api/v1/hosts/foo"16:45
baptistemmI'm sure the host foo exists because I see it in the output of "ara host list"16:46
dmsimardbaptistemm: the command expects a host ID, not a host name16:46
dmsimardbest alternative is to run "ara host lists --name <foo>" and then pick the id you're interested in16:47
dmsimardlong story short, hosts are not "persistent" across playbook runs because a host named "webserver" could be entirely different hosts from a playbook to the next16:47
baptistemmk, sorry for not spotting that16:50
baptistemmindeed "ara host show -help" ,well, help16:51
baptistemmanother observation: ansible version reported by ARA is actually the version of ansible-base, do you know that dmsimard ?18:24
dmsimardperhaps not optimal but it's consistent with the behavior of "ansible --version"18:24
baptistemmmake sense18:25
baptistemmthanks !18:31
baptistemmI'm happy to gave 30 minutes to eventually test ARA today, worth the time spent18:32
dmsimard\o/ happy that you like it18:32
baptistemmI've opened an issue to deploy that at work18:33
baptistemmreally like the observability (being able to audit the playbook as It was written when it was executed)18:34
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