Tuesday, 2019-06-04

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apollo13dmsimard: sure I'll be in the datacenter the whole day :)06:21
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_KaszpiR_hiding ;D07:16
apollo13_KaszpiR_: I wish07:24
apollo13_KaszpiR_: migrating racks without downtime :/07:24
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dmsimardapollo13: the last rack I migrated without downtime was my home lab rack :p12:59
dmsimardliterally without downtime, it has those little wheels I can roll the rack with and everything stayed on UPS :p12:59
ara-slackalain: Starting to dive into ara 1.0 … ca you still export a static site per run ?13:31
dmsimard@alain: there is no equivalent to the static html export from 0.x yet13:33
dmsimardthe new web interface can be compiled to static html/css/js, though13:34
dmsimardbut it still expects an API server to poll data from13:34
ara-slackalain: Thanks. Also - do you know a place I can get used / cheap half rack (server not ribs) ? I’m finding full racks - but 42u is quite large (I recall you posting about your home clouds)13:35
dmsimardkijiji ? ebay ? https://sysracks.com/ has some more expensive things too13:37
dmsimardthey're near the YUL airport iirc13:37
ara-slackalain: tried kijiji - nothing  in the < 42U (except new or far)13:38
ara-slackalain: kurrently debating on a 42U13:38
ara-slackalain: for 150$13:38
dmsimard42U is overkill for home use :p13:39
dmsimardUnless you plan of somehow powering (and cooling) that many machines13:40
ara-slackalain: Oh… the link you gave is not that bad price wise … most of the ones I saw for 30#+ depth were 500+13:40
ara-slackalain: Thanks13:45
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gvincentdmsimard, when you want, I will try to work on ara web tomorrow morning15:00
dmsimardok, pulling the trigger16:08
dmsimardhere's to hoping it doesn't break too many things16:10
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openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara-infra master: Add blog post for release of 1.0  https://review.opendev.org/66285716:18
-dmsimard- I don't use channel notices often but if there ever was a valid use case -- ARA 1.0 has been tagged and will be on PyPi momentarily: https://ara.recordsansible.org/blog/2019/06/04/announcing-the-release-of-ara-records-ansible-1.0/16:24
dmsimardFeel free to share, try it out, etc etc ^16:24
ara-slackdmsimard: <!channel> I am sparingly using a channel-wide notification to let you know that ARA 1.0 has been tagged and will be on PyPi momentarily, please try it out and let me know what you think: https://ara.recordsansible.org/blog/2019/06/04/announcing-the-release-of-ara-records-ansible-1.0/16:28
krionchampomy !16:57
gvincentdmsimard, are you happy about the v1?18:25
gvincentblog post is a little monotone18:25
gvincent\o/ big kudoo18:25
dmsimardgvincent: I'm happy that it's out, yes :)18:35
dmsimardI didn't want to put too much emotion into the post since it's a project announcement -- might follow up with a more "personal" update on my personal blog or something :p18:36
ara-slackalain: Are the 1.0 Ansible roles in Ansible Galaxy ? or just the git repo ?19:05
dmsimard@alain: they're in the git repo for now, pending something else19:13
dmsimardThey might end up being shipped as an Ansible collection, to be determined19:13
ara-slackalain: Ok thanks. I wanted to just “requirements.yml” them in … but I guess I need to work :slightly_smiling_face:19:13
dmsimard@alain: open to suggestions and patches :D19:19
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara feature/1.0: Make the API page size configurable  https://review.opendev.org/66265320:47
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara feature/1.0: Add missing selinux policy package for running gunicorn  https://review.opendev.org/66180820:48
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openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara feature/1.0: Add missing selinux policy package for running gunicorn  https://review.opendev.org/66180822:38
openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara feature/1.0: Make the API page size configurable  https://review.opendev.org/66265322:45
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Switch default branch from feature/1.0 to master  https://review.opendev.org/66316623:53

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