Friday, 2019-03-08

openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Rename the ara role to ara_api and move nginx out to it's own role
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying live demos on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Rename the ara role to ara_api and move nginx out to it's own role
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Make the ansible-role-ara-api docs prettier
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Make the ansible-role-ara-api docs prettier
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krionstyle use callback_plugins= and action_plugins= in ansible.cfg in next release ?15:00
krionthis two declarations hurt me in my team work15:01
krionnot sure the best way to set it up15:01
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dmsimardkrion: I'm not sure I understand your question16:27
krionwell, in my ansible.cfg file i got this
krionbut my team buddy doesn't use ~/.virtualenvs/ for example16:29
krionsome use docker, some use other path, etc16:29
krionhence, I'm a bit stuck in modifying the ansible.cfg , since it's shared in git16:30
dmsimardWhat I've seen a user do in that kind of context16:34
dmsimardIs to have a local bash alias/function that wraps the ansible-playbook command16:35
dmsimardAnd inside that alias/function, there is an ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=$(python -m ara.setup16:36
krionyes, that what we thought we will do16:36
dmsimardErrr python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins16:36
dmsimardI don't have a better suggestion right now. If you want Ansible to load ARA, it needs to know where it is located. If you have any ideas, I'm listening :)16:37
krionHave not ;)16:42
krionwe will do this16:42
dmsimardkrion: fwiw, one thing I want to experiment with is ~/.ansible. You can put stuff in there. Config, roles, plugins.16:47
krionyes ansible-galaxy for install pull roles into subdir of this ~/.ansible dir16:49
dmsimardYeah so maybe ara could set up the callback in there. I dunno. It's something I want to look at but haven't had the time yet.16:50
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dmsimardDraft of docs for the new ara_api role, taken straight from the README and defaults/main.yaml files:
dmsimardSomewhat meant to force us to have a good README and well documented defaults/main.yaml :)17:53
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Make the ansible-role-ara-api docs prettier
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Make the ansible-role-ara-api docs prettier
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Make the ansible-role-ara-api docs prettier
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Prefix sphinx section labels with document name to avoid clashes
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Prefix sphinx section labels with document name to avoid clashes
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import role for deploying ara-web
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Prefix sphinx section labels with document name to avoid clashes
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dmsimardkrion: things are in good shape for an alpha3 milestone tag next week, it will be easier to consume :)20:29
dmsimardyou'll even have docs !20:29
MarbugHi, I installed ara and configure the database to use mysql, but when I run my playbook, it throws an error that /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/ara/db doesn't exist. And it's not there, even when I create it, then it doesnt' find the there. Is there something that I will need to install bescides ara to install something related to db? I installed dev-python/pymysql too20:29
dmsimardMarbug: how did you install ara ?20:30
dmsimardapollo13: did you want to work on getting the clients to work with basic auth ?20:31
Marbugfrom portage: app-admin/ara, it's version 0.15.0 dmsimard20:31
dmsimardMarbug: I don't know what portage is but 0.15.0 is a very old version20:32
dmsimardlike a year old version20:32
Marbugdmsimard, it's the packet manager from gentoo20:32
Marbugmm maybe it has some bad support for mysql, or I would even say, none?20:32
dmsimardWell today I learned that there is an old version of ara packaged in gentoo :)20:32
MarbugI'll install it from pip then20:33
Marbughehe :)20:33
dmsimardMarbug: please try to reproduce using the latest version from pypi in a virtualenv20:33
Marbugmaybe it should be updated, they only have: ~0.15.0 ~0.15.0-r1 available20:33
dmsimardI say virtualenv so ara doesn't end up conflicting with system/distribution python packages20:33
Marbugit doesn't matter, it's a vm anyway :)20:33
Marbugsetup with ansible, so in case of an issue I'll just recreate it20:34
dmsimardI'm sorry I can't help about the gentoo package :D20:34
Marbugno problem ;)20:35
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import role for deploying ara-web
dmsimardShutting down the ara-slack gateway for a bit, migrating it elsewhere21:12
Marbugdmsimard, installing it through pip worked ;)21:14
dmsimardwoo \o/21:14
dmsimardA problem that sometimes come up with mysql is the collation or encoding, be on the lookout for that21:14
dmsimardSome people need to suffix ?charset=latin121:16
Marbugah okido! I'll try to get the web interface up first21:19
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Marbugit'll be something for tomorrow anyway, I foudn the command, but need to write an init script21:23
dmsimardOk the IRC <-> Slack gateway is back I think.21:31
dmsimardok it's not21:31
dmsimardhow about now ?21:35
ara-slackdmsimard: it works \o/21:35
* dmsimard closes slack21:35
dmsimardgood thing IRC hasn't removed /me or anything21:35
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import role for deploying ara-web
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