Sunday, 2019-03-03

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cgipythonanyone around here?02:58
larskscgipython: more folks around during US business hours. What's up?03:07
cgipythonlarsks, I am trying to run multiple ansible playbooks in parallel. Can ara handle that?03:16
larsksara doesn't run playbooks at all. It collects the output and statistics from your playbooks into a database and provides a web ui for viewing things.  How you run the playbooks is up to you.03:17
larsksIt works via a callback plugin that is repsonsible for sending data from your ansible runs to ara.03:17
larsksBut if you were to run playbooks in parallel, that would work fine.03:18
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dmsimardlarsks: thanks for helping out! :)13:25
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