Thursday, 2019-02-28

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ara-slackalwaysharsha: I am just seeing about page.15:31
ara-slackalwaysharsha: Even running the following command i don't see the record details15:32
ara-slackansible localhost -m ara_record -a "playbook=7ab3858f-5d17-48f1-bb94-19ccdec0c983 key=all_your_base value='are belong to us'"15:32
Jmainguyalwaysharsha: you set ara and anisble up on the same host? did you edit your ansible.cfg to send there?15:56
ara-slackalwaysharsha: yes edited the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg to include callback_plugins and action_plugins under defaults.16:04
ara-slackYes Ansible and Ara is installed on same VM16:04
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Jmainguysorry got distracted. yeah that shoulda worked17:38
Jmainguyis it throwing any errors on run, like skipping this plugin or anything like that?17:38
Jmainguystopped working for me on fedora29 laptop. [WARNING]: Skipping plugin (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ara/plugins/callbacks/ as it seems to be invalid: No module named 'ara'17:45
Jmainguyat tyhe begining of all my runs17:45
JmainguyI can run python manually and import ara though17:46
Jmainguyansible is using python3 on my lappy now is the problem =)17:52
Jmainguy[WARNING]: Skipping plugin (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ara/plugins/callbacks/ as it seems to be invalid: No module named 'ara'18:30
Jmainguygave it my best shot, oh well18:30
dmsimardJmainguy: ara works with py3 as well, just needs to be installed in the same python interpreter/lib than Ansible18:38
Jmainguyyeah pip3 installed it then configured ansible.cfg to use the new plugins18:39
Jmainguyim still screwing something up, ill keep digging18:39
dmsimard@alwaysharsha: the default location for the database is in the home directory of the user that ran Ansible (~/.ara/ansible.sqlite)18:40
Jmainguydmsimard: got the stickers, ty ty18:40
dmsimardIf there is a database and there is nothing in the web interface, it means the web interface is not set up to look at the same location -- for example if you're running the webapp under another user18:41
dmsimardJmainguy: woot \o/18:41
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