Saturday, 2018-11-10

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openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-clients master: Readded support for keep-alive (better performance) once Django 2.2 is out.
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Rewrite config error messages to be more instructive.
ara-slackcarl.buchmann: in the Apache+mod_wsgi installation for Centos/RedHat, I followed the instructions, ( I'm having an issues with file permissions for /var/www/ara/.ansible/tmp directory when running playbook as non root user, what permission should I grant on this folder while maintaing good security practices? I tried adding non-root user to apache group but no success...14:23
apollo13carl.buchmann: oh wow, this configuration example is rather horrible anyways15:40
apollo13a simple apache misconfig and all the config is public15:41
apollo13or maybe not, was is the documentroot on centos?15:42
ara-slackzach.swanson: @carl.buchmann fwiw, I had a far easier time getting it setup in gunicorn than apache17:23
ara-slackcarl.buchmann: @apollo13 I left it at the default /var/www/17:51
ara-slackcarl.buchmann: @zach.swanson sure, I'm not tied to apache... I'm looking to add ARA to my dev workstation - if you can provide link to instructions or steps that would be great! I'll publish the completed role here:
ara-slackzach.swanson: I did it as a docker image17:54
ara-slackcarl.buchmann: oh cool! Let me have a look! thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:17:54
ara-slackzach.swanson: It'll link back to the github so you can pull the source17:56
ara-slackzach.swanson: for internal dev use this was way, way easier than using apache17:56
ara-slackzach.swanson: but, note that its postgresql only for the DB (or use the internal sqlite that won't persist), as I couldn't get pymysql to run under alpine17:57
ara-slackcarl.buchmann: Yes, it’s meant to go on a dev workstations for personal use so this is perfect! I’ll let you know once I’ve integrated this on my role!18:04
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ara-slackdmsimard: ohai o/19:18
ara-slackdmsimard: @carl.buchmann we could probably do a better job with the docs .. when they were written, it was not the expectation that people would use ansible from the same location19:21
ara-slackdmsimard: there are some gotchas if you want to do that, as you have noticed19:22
ara-slackdmsimard: I'm going to spend some time today looking at the role I've been meaning to talk about
ara-slackdmsimard: It supports mod_wsgi set up with apache, amongst other things19:23
ara-slackdmsimard: @carl.buchmann ah, just noticed
apollo13yikes, slack bridges kill tab nickname completion :(19:40
dmsimardit does19:46
apollo13dmsimard: how is the server migration going?20:05
dmsimardit could be done by now but I'm trying to do it right so it's taking a bit longer? :/20:05
dmsimardstory of my life lol20:06
apollo13well I guess that is what ansible forces us to do :D20:06
apollo13at least if you want your playbook to execute more than once20:06
dmsimardI basically want to redeploy the server and live demo from scratch after every commit20:07
apollo13not a bad thing then I guess20:07
dmsimardand the live demo is the actual deployment's data20:08
apollo13doesn't that introduce a little bit of a chicken egg problem?20:08
dmsimardinception-ish CI/CD haha20:08
dmsimardapollo13: in which way ?20:12
dmsimardif the gate passes, the deployment should work20:13
dmsimardif it doesn't, there's a gap20:13
apollo13dmsimard: but don't you need the demo to be up and configured before you can send data to it?20:15
dmsimardthere's a part where you need to install ansible and ara20:16
dmsimardbut after that it's ok20:16
apollo13ok, I will see the final result :)20:16
dmsimardit's a little bit how in current CI jobs, we can never see the end of the job because log collection picks up the database20:16
dmsimardnow we can't see the beginning, but it'd actually be in zuul20:17
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-server master: Set exit code to 1 if at least one linter fails.
dmsimard^ rebased on top of the necessary patch which needs review20:21
dmsimardapollo13: added a comment on
dmsimardneed to step away before I digest myself, catch ya later :D20:25
apollo13dmsimard: I'll think about it, but from the looks of the function at hand no; but the worst case scernario is that the traceback is as bad as before :D20:25

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