Wednesday, 2018-05-30

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ssbarneadmsimard: hi! are you here? a quick question on ara (btw really happy to see the junit export, works very nice with jenkins)14:01
dmsimardssbarnea: I am14:02
ssbarneadmsimard: is this normal ? you see the .gz extension.14:02
dmsimardthe junit support was contributed by RAX :)14:02
ssbarneamainly making ara unbrowsable. not sure who's fault is, web server config or the archival part.14:03
dmsimardssbarnea: tripleo-quickstart likely gzips the generated files by default, the vhost can then set decompression and mimetypes like here:
dmsimardWe don't control the web server on so that's probably why it doesn't work there.14:04
ssbarneadmsimard: and adding index.html.gz to DirectoryIndex i suppose, right?14:06
dmsimardssbarnea: as far as openstack is concerned, we have rewrite rules that attempt to load the compressed version first and falls back to non-compressed14:06
ssbarneacool. time for me to raise a bug for ci.centos.org14:07
ssbarneame not sure why people use apache instead of nginx, but that's a personal choice :D14:08
ssbarneain this case this instance is an nginx server. i guess i will have to test the config items myself first, before raising a bug.14:10
dmsimardssbarnea: FWIW this is likely something we can manage ourselves14:11
dmsimardssbarnea: well, ourselves as in RDO/TripleO14:11
dmsimardssbarnea: there's already a fair amount of jobs running from that upload their logs to intead14:11
dmsimard(that's gzipped)14:12
ssbarneadmsimard: i have one hidden reason for documenting it for nginx, i want to use same config in other places, like downstream.14:12
dmsimardssbarnea: nothing wrong with nginx -- did you know we had a role to set up ARA in different flavors ? nginx is one of them :D14:13
ssbarneai should be able to find a solution easily, i being using nginx for 10+ years.14:13
dmsimardssbarnea: a fair warning, I'm not 100% positive ara 1.0 will have HTML generation14:14
ssbarneaapparently you underestimate the power of *static* content, there is nothing easier to scale and with better uptime  than static ;)14:15
ssbarneai am trying to make ara more popular here, so better if you keep html alive a bit more :D14:18
dmsimardssbarnea: html generation is simple and straightforward but it scales very horribly14:20
dmsimardssbarnea: I explain why it doesn't scale well here:
dmsimardtl;dr, if you run a 1000 task playbook against 50 hosts, that's 50 000 task results and 50 000 small html files (on top of whatever else there may be)14:20
dmsimardit takes time to compress those, transfer those (rsync) and they take up a significant amount of disk inodes versus what is a tiny sqlite database14:21
ssbarneadmsimard: hmm, yes I agree but how about other approaches like JSON? i wonder how much JSON can a browser load until it chokes.14:23
dmsimardThe plan with 1.0 is to have an optional API server with a stateless client interface14:24
dmsimardonly example of that implementation that comes to mind right now is zuul -- it's what makes them available to gate their client interface against real data14:25
* dmsimard tries to find an example14:26
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/ara master: Documented nginx config for static serving
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ssbarneadmsimard: yep, sqlite seems like the optimum way to store a report. what I do not know is why JS cannot download the database. why the middleware is really needed?16:14
dmsimardssbarnea: the frontend relies on the database model since there is no API16:15
dmsimardssbarnea: so the frontend needs actual access to the database16:15
ssbarneaif I remember well, JS can work with sqlite files directly, am I wrong?16:16
dmsimardI don't know, the backend is really sqlalchemy, sqlite happens to be the default driver so it wouldn't work with mysql/postgresql/etc16:17
dmsimardanyway, that's why things are properly decoupled in 1.016:17
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ssbarneai have no time to check now but when I have time I will check
ssbarnea(there are other alternative, too many maybe so I am not sure which one is future proof)16:25
ssbarneaHTML5 world is changing very fast16:26
dmsimardssbarnea: doing this in 0.x would not be very productive, maybe we can sync with gvincent_ -- we've been slowly setting up the pieces for the new UI and it'd be great to have your input there16:28
ssbarneagood idea. i would be happy to provide feedback, especially on UI part.16:28
ssbarnearegarding index.html.gz, i contacted centos, raised a bug at -- and it is likely to be fixed soon.16:31
ssbarneai am not sure why some ara checks failed on my patch, seems totally unrelated.16:32
ssbarneaERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: No module named ara16:33
dmsimardyup, seems like a new regression16:35
ssbarneai wonder if is not the same issue with cmd2 that git me earlier.16:35
ssbarneasadly the logs were not collected16:35
dmsimardlooking at a job, the python -m ara commands worked but it looks like 'ara' might not be in $PATH, I'll see if I can reproduce locally.16:37
ssbarneathis states that develop-install failed.16:41
ssbarneai was right, same issue as mine.16:42
ssbarneacmd2 broke most openstack project.16:43
ssbarneasearch for cmd2 in logs. i suspect, cmd2 dropped support for py2, and this prevented cliff from being installed. Here is the fix:
ssbarneamainly a pinning to last version that works.16:44
ssbarneai copied it from official openstack reqs file.16:44
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/ara master: Freeze cmd2 library on python2
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dmsimardssbarnea: ah thanks for figuring that out17:22
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Documented nginx config for static serving
dmsimardssbarnea: added a comment on your doc patch and rebased it on top of your fix17:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara master: Freeze cmd2 library on python2
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dcreno:dmsimard: I'm getting the following when running a lot of ansible jobs at once: OperationalError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (1040, u'Too many connections')19:34
Bakeyyou should try running less jobs at once19:37
dmsimarddcreno: what is your max connections ?19:38
dcrenodmsimard: probably the default 100, looks like about 72 jobs got stuck. Looking at the same thing right now, guess I need to double-check and kick that up to something higher.19:39
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dcrenodmsimard: interesting, the DB reports that the Max_used_connections is only 108 while max_connections is the default of 151. The DB claims to have never hit 151.19:59
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ssbarneadmsimard: is there a way to mark some failures as expected when generating junit?21:00
ssbarneai enabled ara to generate junit for infrare junit, which gave me
ssbarneabug this execution was sucessful, as part of testing was to generate same ansible task failures.21:02
dmsimardssbarnea: I don't believe there is a way to do that right now.21:25
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