Thursday, 2018-04-12

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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Fix logging and add some basic verbosity
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andreagHi everyone , I'm struggling a little bit with ara to generate html09:28
andreagI'm getting a ara generate html: error: too few arguments09:28
andreagwhat I'm getting wrong ?09:31
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dmsimardandreag: you're missing a path11:50
dmsimardara generate html /tmp/report11:50
andreagdmsimard: it fails also with the path , see line #1411:54
andreagbut if I remove the --playbook option it starts generating the files11:55
andreagbut I need the report only for one run11:55
dmsimardThe path needs to go before --playbook11:55
dmsimardIt's a known issue11:55
andreagmy bad , I've not done my homework11:56
andreagthanks for your help , ARA it's amazing!11:58
dmsimardandreag: np and sorry about the issue :(12:03
andreagdon't worry12:16
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dmsimardjrist: should the bird logo have a red eye ? because it records things :D14:35
* jrist waves14:35
jristcamcorder in the background?14:35
jristI'm going to go with no :)14:36
dmsimardhaha it's just a random idea I got, maybe the circle could be changed to a camera lens !?14:36
ara-slack<dbpiv> Anybody got a suggestion for me?    Getting a 500 error “Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.” via browser   and in the terminal where I start ARA I am seeing this sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: No row was found for one().14:50
ara-slack<dmsimard> Is this a new installation ?14:51
ara-slack<dmsimard> Also, is it possible that you may have interrupted the execution of playbooks ? There is a known issue that sometimes the playbook is interrupted right after the playbook was created but before the associated file was saved (even if it's not that, thanks for reminding me I need to fix that)14:53
ara-slack<dbpiv> Oh No… I love ARA for developing playbooks.  I did see the stats but have forgotten how many runs are recorded.    That being said a combination of PIP and BREW have updated several things and so I would classify this a recently upgraded environment.  I will admit I wanna go back to ansible 2.3.*, in this same upgrade my ansible was upgraded to 2.5 and mercy I got some work to do.14:57
ara-slack<dbpiv> And yes it is always possible that I interrupted a playbook run. You dont happen to have a link to a page the specifies how to fix this do you?15:02
jristdmsimard: haha, ironically I was in the red hat open brand project meeting15:08
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dmsimardjrist: that's why I was thinking about it15:23
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ara-slack<dmsimard> @dbpiv logs from last time I discussed the issue with a user:
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Fix logging and add some basic verbosity
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Handle race condition where playbook file may not exist
ara-slack<dmsimard> @dbpiv ^ I *think* that patch would fix your problem, going to try and reproduce18:13
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Fix logging and add some basic verbosity
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Handle race condition where playbook file may not exist
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Fix logging and add some basic verbosity
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Handle race condition where playbook file may not exist
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Handle race condition where playbook file may not exist
ara-slack<dmsimard> @thangola It's been a long time but I managed to fix the issue you had a while ago :P ^18:58
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ara-slack<dbpiv> Tracked through the conversation and the same steps fixed mine.  However I think the cause is different (still working to identify that though)…  In my case had three playbooks that I ran.  All three have null for time_end but if memory serves me correctly those runs never succeeded.  looking at the tables there are no entries for those playbook_ids.  Interestingly those three playbooks are the first three playbooks that I ran after upgrading19:29
ara-slack<dmsimard> time_end being null probably means the playbooks were interrupted or never ended19:33
ara-slack<dbpiv> Thanks for your help…. If I can manage some time I will right the steps I used so to make it a little easier until the patch gets incorporated.19:37
dmsimardThe patch should land today and be released early next week19:37
ara-slack<dbpiv> all the better…19:39
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Fix logging and add some basic verbosity
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Handle race condition where playbook file may not exist
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Etherpad service at is being restarted to pick up the latest release version; browsers should see only a brief ~1min blip before reconnecting automatically to active pads23:38

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