Friday, 2018-01-19

ara-slack<faraz> So is it possible to use ARA with ansible tower or AWX? Ara's playback display of what jobs passed, what failed etc. is light years better than ansible tower01:57
ara-slack<faraz> the tower/awx display is slow and clunky01:57
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ara-slack<dmsimard> @faraz ohai02:29
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ara-slack<dmsimard> ARA is really just an Ansible callback plugin, you can add it to your AWX/Tower callback plugins - that would get you the features of AWX with ARA picking up the data it needs for the reporting.02:32
ara-slack<dmsimard> There's documentation for that here:
ara-slack<dmsimard> I still haven't had the time to try using it with AWX... :(02:36
ara-slack<faraz> Hey David, so i did do that but it doesnt seem to necessarily work02:44
ara-slack<faraz> File uploaded /
ara-slack<faraz> thats what i kept seeing02:44
ara-slack<faraz> Could be something I am doing. I'll continue to dig into this and try and get it to work02:46
ara-slack<dmsimard> @faraz What did you do to install ara on the tower node exactly ?02:49
ara-slack<faraz> just `pip install ara`02:49
ara-slack<dmsimard> Oh wait hang on, they've updated their docs.. that's not what it was like before02:50
ara-slack<faraz> appears they want the plugin in `/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback`02:53
ara-slack<dmsimard> Can you check if you have an /usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/ directory ? Do you see ansible/awx there ?02:54
ara-slack<faraz> hmm no02:56
ara-slack<faraz> there is `/var/lib/awx/`02:56
ara-slack<faraz> but nothing in `/usr/lib`02:56
ara-slack<dmsimard> I have to step away but the general idea is that you should have 1) ara installed (either in py2 or py3 as required) and 2) ara in your callback_plugins (the ansible.cfg configuration or env variables)02:57
ara-slack<dmsimard> To give you an idea, there's this quickstart:
ara-slack<dmsimard> I'll catch up later, let me know if you get it to work :)02:58
ara-slack<faraz> will do. thanks david02:58
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diranerpi_After delete ara database (ara-manage dropall ) , and run ansible play again, i'm unable to see report14:49
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