Wednesday, 2018-01-03

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ARA_QUESTIONHI! can ara also record and display results of adhoc commands?15:53
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ARA_QUESTIONCan ara record and display results of ansible adhoc commands?15:57
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ARA_QUESTIONare my questions visible just to myself?16:04
ARA_QUESTIONmaybe this is a fake irc web gui? anybody here?16:05
ARA_QUESTIONa giid answer wold be: "Yes this is a fake irc web gui. Nobody can read your questions!" :)16:05
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: hey, sorry I wasn't around16:14
dmsimardara can't record adhoc commands yet but it's in the roadmap to support it.16:14
ARA_QUESTIONah, somebody is here! happy new year! great! thank you!16:14
ARA_QUESTIONbtw the setup instructions found here16:15
ARA_QUESTIONare missing one little thing - I believe it is obvious to most neckbeard admins, but the occasional user will not understand this immediately:16:16
ARA_QUESTIONin the Using environment variables part16:17
ARA_QUESTIONit should be mentioned that the export commands could be put in .bashrc16:17
ARA_QUESTIONor in a similar file that is read on login.16:17
dmsimardSure, we can add that in16:17
ARA_QUESTIONI am in fact not sure if it will work out via ssh then.16:17
dmsimardDepends on the shell and whether it is interactive16:18
ARA_QUESTIONso sone info about where to put that commands would be appreciated for clarification! not everybody is dreaming in bash...16:18
dmsimardI recall having to use /etc/profile for Jenkins slave related things16:18
ARA_QUESTIONAlso I learned a while ago that the only really usable option for using python nowadays is via pyenv16:19
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: if you use an ansible.cfg file that's cool too, env variables are quick and convenient though16:19
ARA_QUESTIONfor many reasons that I would like to avoid explainig here. well, its still about the neverending python 2 vs python 3 thing in the end...16:19
ARA_QUESTIONI found pyenv to be the only thig that helps me keep a sane environment with multiple python softwares.16:20
ARA_QUESTIONunfortunately nobody assumes people are using pyenv in their installation docs - that is always a little extra mile to get around.16:21
ARA_QUESTIONjust from the view of a user...16:21
dmsimardI've never personally used pyenv before16:21
ARA_QUESTIONanyway thank you very much for your efforts, I am very eager to use ara, this is exactly what I was fiddling around to build myself and now am really happy to not have to reinvent :)16:22
dmsimardHappy to have you contribute doc improvements if you'd like to jump through the few initial hoops to get started16:22
ARA_QUESTIONyou should somewhere mention the current limitations, like adhoc commands. I am always happy to be informed upfront about things like that.16:23
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dmsimardwell it's not so much a limitation as a feature that doesn't yet exist16:24
dmsimardso while there are some perhaps more obvious use cases that could be worth a mention, it's hard to think about all of them :)16:25
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: you might be interested in reading what's coming for the next major release
ARA_QUESTIONbtw it would be really great to have that adhoc commands recorded with ara - that happens quite often because of flexibility and 'ah comon, dont bother writing a playbook' and just do it quick and dirty.16:26
ARA_QUESTIONand exactly in that situations something like ara is most needed. so adhoc recording very, very welcome!16:27
dmsimardadhoc commands are going to be recorded, it's just a matter of time :)16:27
ARA_QUESTIONis there a quick way to test ara setup?16:28
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: there's a quickstart in the readme:
ARA_QUESTIONI have no playbook.16:31
ARA_QUESTIONonly using adhoc commands until now.16:31
bcocadmsimard: adhoc creates a play and runs task .. any specific reason ara cannot record that?16:31
ARA_QUESTIONplaybook syntax too much overhead. I will look for some simple playbook.16:31
bcocait should fire events normally as long as plugin is enabled16:31
dmsimardbcoca: I don't remember the specifics but I remember asking about it in #ansible-devel though :D16:32
ARA_QUESTIONdo you have a link to some simple non-destructive playbook that should work everywhere (linux / ubuntu / debian) and just give some quick ara result page to view?16:32
bcoca-hosts : all tasks: -debug: msg=iwin16:32
bcocato ensure works everyhwere add 'gather_facts: off16:33
dmsimardbcoca: there's some backend specific things to do in ara, for example everything right now ties back to a playbook in the database (which is created by playbook_on_start) but iirc playbook_on_start doesn't fire on adhoc commands16:33
bcocaah, that makes sense, adhoc does skip several things as there is no playbook16:33
ARA_QUESTIONwhat will msg=iwin do?16:34
bcocaprint out a msg 'iwin'16:34
ARA_QUESTIONno google results that make any sense for that :)16:34
ARA_QUESTIONah, ok!16:34
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: let me get a sample report for you, hang on16:35
ARA_QUESTIONok, this one - THANKS!16:35
bcoca <= simple test that just prints to screen, does not even connect to the hosts16:37
ARA_QUESTIONaaarghhh, that yaml syntax...16:37
ARA_QUESTIONah, thank you very much for the gist!16:38
bcocaonce you get used to it, you find non yaml syntax to be  ... poor16:38
ARA_QUESTIONnono, its of course just my poor understanding of whitespaces in config files and why it is important to be aware of something that is nothing :)16:42
ARA_QUESTIONhowever, I have written yaml fiiles some time ago for some other project, really was just too slow to getting in - micro-avoidance of burning brain cycles16:43
ARA_QUESTIONof course this whole ara trip is just yak shaving for something else that I am doing... so deepin later.16:44
ARA_QUESTIONbut read about ara ansible and that is a great help now, and the new year is a good reason to step up with these things anyway...16:44
ARA_QUESTIONso thank you very much for helping me kick this of quickly! very very nice.16:45
ARA_QUESTIONok, one more 'arrrg'... is this the django dev server that will run with ara-manage runserver?16:45
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: flask, but it's the same general idea16:46
ARA_QUESTIONwhat was the flag to make it listen on all interfaces (this is not public, no worries)?16:46
dmsimardit'll be... -h iirc16:46
ARA_QUESTIONah, yes, -h, just found it!16:47
ARA_QUESTIONYES! O MY GOD this is so beautiful! Just one little hour of time for me and such a huge step for human kind... ahm, for our server handling :)16:49
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: oh I meant to get you a sample report, hang on16:50
ARA_QUESTIONwhen I put gather_facts to true I will get that nice 'click on server name for deep details' thing?16:50
ARA_QUESTIONyes, yes, please gimme a great example report thtat will blow off my head! I have tears already in my eyes :)16:52
dmsimardit's just ara testing itself, nothing to go crazy about :)16:53
ARA_QUESTIONwhat a great start of this year! I wanted to do that for the last six months, now finally I found some time...16:53
dmsimardthere's a video demo here where I go over the interface and the features:
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ARA_QUESTIONthank you again for your attention! maybe i just would have quit jsut because of some minimal thing, it is sometimes very motivating to have somebody just there, great!16:56
ARA_QUESTIONNow one more thing: are people using ansible + ara for any kind of alerting?16:57
dmsimardthere's a bunch of people here, feel free to come any time and if irc isn't your thing there's a slack channel too, and it's bridged through this ara-slack bot so people can communicate from one to the other16:57
ARA_QUESTIONI am also digging into using prometheus and alertmanager, but would like avoid as much overlap as possible.16:58
dmsimardara is 100% passive and it only records stuff that ansible does right now16:58
dmsimardin the future version, there will be an API and a client so you can programmatically query ara to see, for example, if there's been a failed playbook recently and you could hook that up to your nagios/prometheus/sensu/whatever monitoring16:59
ARA_QUESTIONthere are some overlapping areas to monitoring - I believe "ansible for monitoring" feels abusive, but one less tool is always a good way to go!16:59
dmsimardright tool for the right job16:59
dmsimardonce you get involved with ansible, it's easy to get drowned in "if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"17:00
* dmsimard is guility of that17:00
ARA_QUESTIONyes, but how to get alerted about failed / skipped / unreachable hosts the most easy way?17:01
ARA_QUESTIONassuming that playbooks run once / 24h17:01
dmsimardthere's different approaches17:01
ARA_QUESTIONlooking at weekly reports would be enough - if there are alerts for failed plays.17:01
dmsimardfor example there are ansible modules to send messages by email, or IRC, etc17:02
ARA_QUESTIONhmm hmm. well, ok, must dive deeper then for this. Do you see managing alerts as an attractive feature addition for ara?17:05
ARA_QUESTIONJust to make it more simple for lazy guys liek me. Like add one line to quickstart 'ara_alert_email =' and have alerts ready!17:06
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: it's out of scope -- what ARA does is to collect ansible data and make it easy for people to consume it either through the web interface, the CLI or eventually the API17:06
dmsimardThere's nothing preventing you from eventually leveraging that API to build monitoring on top of the data that ARA provides if you'd like17:07
dmsimardbut it wouldn't be something appropriate for the ara core itself17:07
dmsimardit'd be a great use of the upcoming API tbh17:07
dmsimardI need to work on getting this release out the door someday17:08
ARA_QUESTIONOK, just for the case that I might not sleep because of that ara experience: what would be the short path to let ara do 'something' on failed plays / unreachable servers etc.?17:08
ARA_QUESTIONor will that be better to handle on the ansible level api currently?17:09
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: ansible has a mechanism (like try/catch for exceptions) to handle errors during the execution of playbooks17:12
dmsimardPerhaps you could consider wrapping your different task execution within those blocks and then have a "rescue" which would trigger an alert or something.17:13
ARA_QUESTIONhmm, I am surprised that I have not many good results searching for 'ansible alert on unreachable'17:14
ARA_QUESTIONalso variations of these terms are not giving me great results. hmm- is it so unusual to get alerts on playbook failures?17:16
ARA_QUESTIONI feel like that is one of the most important things something like ansible could give me (as a step up from bash scripts)17:16
dmsimardwell, in a large majority of cases, you're sitting in front of your console and running ansible in the foreground17:17
dmsimardso if there's going to be a failure, you'll see it17:17
dmsimardotherwise, ansible-playbook is not going to exit 0 (it'll exit 1 or some other code on failure) so you can catch that and do something accordingly17:18
ARA_QUESTIONwell well. ok. thanks again for the info.17:27
ARA_QUESTIONanother thing is ROLLBACKS. I knwo this does not touch ara right now, but it would be a great thing to have rollbacks with a click.17:28
ARA_QUESTIONfrom my not totally deep research I have the impression that ansible does NOT handle rollbacks automatically.17:28
ARA_QUESTIONThat is, btw. also something that some people might expect to come oob with a system like ansible,17:29
ARA_QUESTIONbut from what I understand rollbacks have to be built manually. if at all a playbook fial just means 'not executed' - no transactions or some 'save-ass-logic' built in.17:29
ARA_QUESTIONI hope I am wrong and somebody just tells me 'no, look at this, the rollback module does this!# :)17:31
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dmsimardmight be a question for #ansible, but rollbacks is very process specific and I don't expect ansible to be able to rollback things magically17:33
ARA_QUESTIONyes, of course the magic would be in the modules to handle rollbacks. however, that wold be luxury, I know.17:37
ARA_QUESTIONjust a quick side question sorry for ot: does ansible recognize $HOME or ~ in playbooks?17:38
ARA_QUESTIONI mean 'expand to the current users home path'?17:39
ARA_QUESTIONso simple things so hard to find in the docs.17:41
ARA_QUESTIONthat btw, just to explain, is the reason why I just used adhoc commands - every little thing has its own ansible playbook syntax, that is horrible.17:43
ARA_QUESTIONtranslate all that bash stuff to ansible is just too much of a hurdle, but ara might be one more motivation to once get it done.17:44
dmsimardARA_QUESTION: adhoc commands are great when you want to do something quick, like update a package on your 100 servers for example17:47
dmsimardplaybooks are what gets you that repeatable series of tasks17:47
dmsimardyou'll want to use roles to logically regroup your things together17:48
ARA_QUESTIONyesyes, I got all that, thanks! its just the yamlification and ansiblification of things that is just one whole new job position.17:52
ARA_QUESTIONat least until you got something usable. long way. adhoc is, well, adhoc :) nice and quick, so, here we are again, ara would be of great value until all he playbooks are written...17:53
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