Monday, 2017-08-21

openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Default tasks without file references to the main playbook file
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Replace item IDs in API responses by references with hrefs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Fix regression when serializing results
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Start using the API in the callback
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sshnaidmdmsimard|off, can you please take a look when you're back?
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leifmadsendmsimard|off: do you have a link to the ARA API stuff, purpose, overview etc?13:20
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dmsimardleifmadsen: there's some examples here:
leifmadsendmsimard: thanks!14:02
dmsimardsshnaidm: wfm but it probably won't be released until 1.0 unless there's a dot release14:02
dmsimardleifmadsen: np, otherwise it's either unstructured self notes or in my head :)14:05
leifmadsenall good! this is useful :)14:05
leifmadsenwill read whole thing shortly14:05
leifmadsendmsimard: the decoupling of the backend is going to make building a container image(s) of ARA a lot more realistic I think14:08
leifmadsenheh, well being able to pick and choose what is packaged, and how, will make more sense ;)14:09
dmsimardleifmadsen: ara is almost available as a fedora package now.14:10
leifmadsenlet me know when you get a spec started, because I can review, help build, etc14:10
dmsimardIt was in rawhide and f26-testing but I pulled it to tweak some stuff14:11
dmsimardOh I'm much farther ahead than that14:11
dmsimardEverything is approved and stuff14:11
leifmadsenoh nice14:11
dmsimardleifmadsen: are you going to be at the PTG ?14:15
leifmadsendmsimard: I will not14:15
leifmadsenI'll be in Boston for a partner face 2 face14:15
dmsimardAw :(14:15
dmsimardYolanda too ?14:16
leifmadsenI'm not sure if she is going to the PTG14:16
leifmadsenwon't be at this meeting though14:16
sshnaidmdmsimard, it's interesting... can I build ara with dlrn in job?14:16
dmsimardsshnaidm: ARA can't be built on EPEL7 due to dependencies mismatch, it'll have to be built in a SIG (ex: cloud SIG/RDO)14:17
dmsimardBut yes, we could eventually build ara with DLRN14:18
sshnaidmdmsimard, cool, if so I could check the patches from ara with quickstart.14:19
sshnaidmdmsimard, and we'll add non-voting tripleo job to gate ara patches :D14:19
dmsimardsshnaidm: well, the ARA gate already has two jobs from openstack-ansible14:19
dmsimardI don't mind a non-voting oooq job but not one that takes 2 hours T_T14:20
sshnaidmjust kidding :)14:20
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dmsimardleifmadsen: find what you were looking for ?19:51
leifmadsendmsimard: yep, thanks!19:53
leifmadsenwas more just curious19:53
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