Tuesday, 2017-07-11

harlowjadmsimard lol01:11
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openstackgerritkavitha h r proposed openstack/ara master: Replace six.iteritems() with .items()  https://review.openstack.org/48212605:44
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harlowjadmsimard what parts of oslo u need?17:43
harlowjaoslo.utils is generally nice imho17:44
dmsimardharlowja: yeah encodingutils from oslo.utils17:44
harlowjai'd stay away from some of the larger (oslo.db and oslo.messaging and oslo.config) though17:44
dmsimardharlowja: the rest of oslo is fairly incompatible, mostly due to the expectation that we're running oslo.config in standard config files17:44
harlowjaimho those are 'infective' (for lack of a better word)17:44
harlowjaya, incompat, infective, ...17:44
harlowjaaka, drags in more17:45
dmsimardharlowja: I'd have to write a oslo.config driver to read from ansible.cfg like ara does or something17:45
harlowjado u like the pain17:45
harlowjahow much u like the pain17:45
dmsimardharlowja: It's not something I'm interested in doing17:45
harlowjau do not like the pain17:45
harlowjau fail17:45
dmsimardharlowja: but encodeutils is convenient for py2 vs py317:45
harlowjau may or may not like https://github.com/openstack/oslo.utils/blob/master/oslo_utils/excutils.py#L35 and a few others in there to17:46
* harlowja tried to simulate (at least as much as i could) chained exceptions in py317:46
harlowjaand timeutils has a nice stopwatch that i made, lol17:46
harlowjathat's about it, lol17:47
harlowja`with timeutils.StopWatch() as watch:17:47
harlowja    <some code that takes a while>17:47
harlowjaprint watch.elapsed()`17:47
harlowja(not super complicated but nice to have ^)17:47
dmsimardanyway.. next ara version is mostly going to be about py3 and ansible 2.417:48
dmsimardwhich is not exactly fun work17:48
harlowjafun fun17:48
harlowjasix and u will be BFFs17:48
dmsimardyeah I mean it's not too terrible already17:48
dmsimardhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/481837/ brought down the amount of py3 failing tests from 125 to 2917:49
dmsimardbut there's still some annoying encoding things I need to figure out17:49
dmsimardmy brain has a hard time with encoding and decoding17:49
harlowjaya, u just have to accept that there is some unicode type that has no real value until u make it appear (ie decode it)17:50
harlowjaand if u get binary types u have to encode them into that magic unicode type (that has no value until u decode it)17:50
harlowjasomething like that helps (maybe?)17:51
dmsimardI dunno, one day my brain will click17:51
dmsimarduntil then ihavenoidea.gif17:51
dmsimardharlowja: problem is also the matter that we store things in the db17:55
harlowjaya just store all the things as utf817:55
dmsimardharlowja: and those things are compressed/decompressed (zlib) on the fly through the sqlalchemy model17:55
harlowjaor utf3217:55
harlowjaya, weird, don't do that? :-P17:56
dmsimardharlowja: everything ends up in the DB, if things wouldn't be compressed the DB would end up huge17:56
harlowjawhat is huge now-adays :-P17:56
dmsimardharlowja: http://logs.bonnyci.org/ara/17:56
dmsimardharlowja: ara is all text, no binary, it compresses super easily17:57
harlowjaya, i was more wondering why sqlalchemy is doing the compression vs say the DB itself17:57
harlowja(just feels odd, but idk)17:57
dmsimardharlowja: https://github.com/openstack/ara/blob/master/ara/models.py#L13517:57
harlowjai gotta ask clint where http://logs.bonnyci.org/ara/ is being used17:57
harlowjai didn't think anyone was using bonnyci yet17:57
dmsimardharlowja: https://github.com/openstack/ara/blob/master/ara/models.py#L229-L23917:57
harlowjaya, weird17:58
dmsimardharlowja: I guess once ARA has an API we can take that out and abstract it there instead if that's what you mean17:58
harlowjai thought the DB itself could do that :-/17:58
harlowjathough meh, storage is cheap, whoopie17:58
harlowjaunless its TB sizes, then maybe not so small17:59
dmsimardharlowja: come on, compressing is free :P17:59
harlowjaya, idk, i just thought innodb could do that automatically18:00
harlowja(or other?)18:00
* harlowja not DB expert, lol18:00
dmsimardharlowja: innodb is not particularly reldb agnostic18:02
dmsimardharlowja: unless it's abstracted by sqlalchemy maybe18:02
harlowjai would expect so, not sure18:02
dmsimardI heard about someone sending ara data to oracle so..18:03
harlowjain a dream?18:03
dmsimardnope, 4real18:03
harlowjaprob in a dream then18:03
dmsimardharlowja: exhibit number one: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23ara/%23ara.2017-03-04.log.html#t2017-03-04T17:08:3518:04
dmsimardexhibit number two: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23ara/%23ara.2017-03-05.log.html18:04
harlowjaprob another person sleep walking to there computer and typing that18:05
harlowjain there dream18:05
* harlowja always wanted to try http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/ 18:08
weshayFYI https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:ara18:36
dmsimardweshay: yay18:38
dmsimardweshay: gotta start somewhere :)18:38

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