Thursday, 2017-04-20

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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: Avoid known bad version of pbr 2.1.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara master: Avoid known bad version of pbr 2.1.0
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dmsimard0.12.5 tagged and released:
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dmsimardtbielawa: I'm going to work on that permalink thing20:47
dmsimardsee what I can do about it20:47
tbielawaoh cool20:47
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leifmadsenpermalinks ftw21:06
dmsimardsoon (tm)
dmsimardit works \o/21:19
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: First iteration of permalinks for modals
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rattboiwoot permalinks22:43
dmsimardrattboi: you can try it out here :)
dmsimardExample permalink:
rattboicool :)23:16
rattboihow about permalinks to a summary line?23:16
rattboilike everything in a specific run?23:17
rattboilike if a playbook fails, and I wanted to send it to someone to look at, and reference at a much later date, for example23:18
dmsimardrattboi: it'll come eventually, just need to figure out how to do it properly23:23
rattboiI was asking in case it was already there and I just didn't notice :)23:23
dmsimardrattboi: those permalinks are "free" because those "pages" are already rendered as iframes in the modals23:24
rattboiright, that makes sense23:24
rattboiso start by having a different render that's not in the "list of playbooks" view, and just renders a specific playbook23:24
dmsimardIf I add a permalink for each playbook report, it might mean generating 700+ extra pages if you have 700 playbooks in your db23:24
rattboithen you can permalink to that render23:24
rattboioh, for static view?23:25
rattboiyeah, we aren't using that, so I wasn't considering that23:25
rattboiand that's our use-case, btw23:25
rattboiit's dog-slow right now because it's backed by the default sqlite db23:25
dmsimardIt was one of the problems with the previous UI, permalinks everywhere led to generation of even a small data set take 6 minutes while now it takes 6 seconds23:26
dmsimardA lot of the current design was made with that in mind23:26
rattboimoving as much to the client-side rendering makes sense23:26
rattboibut I'm not sure how difficult that is. I'm no js master.23:27
dmsimardDon't get me wrong, I want permalinks for specific playbooks and even the "backend" functionality to implement it is there23:27
dmsimardJust got to figure out how23:27
dmsimardThis is a first low effort and free implementation, playbooks sometime later when I figure it out :)23:28
dmsimardrattboi: you need to upgrade ara, I implemented two performance improvements since 0.12.3 :)23:29
rattboiyeah, I'll add that to the changes I'm making. I'm gonna move over to a separate mysql db for backing store anyways23:29
rattboiI figured I'd upgrade then23:29
dmsimardShould be pretty noticeable at the amount of data you have23:29
rattboimaybe I'll ninja it then23:30
dmsimardIt's seemless afaik, no migrations or anything23:30
dmsimardCheck the changelogs if you're interested23:30
rattboi'pip install --upgrade ara', right?23:32
rattboininja fail23:35
dmsimardWhat happened ?23:36
rattboi2017-04-20 19:58:53,370 - ara - ERROR - No row was found for one()23:36
rattboiI was actually getting similar errors using the ara cli prior to the update23:36
dmsimardThat's odd23:36
rattboiit probably has something to do with the sqlite db being 1.9G23:36
dmsimardMake a backup of your db just in case, but should work out of the box23:37
rattboiI was going to get rid of the db anyways. It was too huge, and doing playlist deletes take forever at that size23:38
dmsimardHow did you set up the database path ?23:38
rattboiI have a purge script I'm putting in place to purge old playbook results on a cron job23:39
rattboiin ansible.cfg, just using dir = <my path>23:39
rattboianyways, I'll have to come back to it23:40
rattboiI need to take a test now23:40
dmsimardOk, let me know if you find an issue ? Happy to look into it.23:40
rattboiyeah, seems to be coming from sqlalchemy. I'll see if I can whittle it down to a base case tomorrow23:40
rattboithanks for your help23:41
rattboiit's WAY faster now :P23:41

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