Monday, 2017-01-16

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*** dmsimard changes topic to "ARA - Ansible Run Analysis: Making playbook runs easier to visualize, understand and troubleshoot | Git: - Docs: - Latest version: 0.14 | This channel is logged:"13:58
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Add new ARA logo to README and documentation
dmsimardjrist: ^16:39
dmsimardrendered README:
dmsimardLooks like doc is broken, gotta look
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Add new ARA logo to README and documentation
jristugh gerrit is terrible lately16:47
dmsimardthere's the working docs
dmsimardjrist: ^16:49
jristI think it fits nicely16:50
dmsimardI will use the one I put in the readme at the top left of the new UI (logo/brand) and then the one with just the circle as the favicon16:51
dmsimardI didn't check how well it rendered that small yet16:51
dmsimardeh it's perfect to me
jristconfirmed perfect16:57
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Re-order requirements in order to satisfy Ansible release
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara: Re-order requirements in order to satisfy Ansible release
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Add new ARA logo to README and documentation
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara: Add new ARA logo to README and documentation
*** Redcavalier has joined #ara19:41
Redcavalier Hi, I'm testing out ara, and I'm wondering, does it also log ad-hoc commands that are run in ansible? Or does it only log playbooks?19:42
dmsimardRedcavalier: ARA's been tested with playbooks in mind, I've never really tested how it works with ad hoc commands come to think of it19:44
RedcavalierAh I see19:45
dmsimardThere's certainly some different logic that is required to account for the fact that there are no actual playbooks19:45
RedcavalierI just tried running an adhoc command and it didn't seem to log, but I was wondering if it may be ansible tower interfering somehow or if it just doesn't log it19:45
Redcavalierbut if it wasn't coded with that use case in mind, then I guess it answers that19:46
dmsimardRedcavalier: Well the ARA callback currently depends on the "playbook_on_start" hook, i.e,
dmsimardIt's likely possible to hook into something else for ad hoc commands and then leverage that19:47
Redcavalierto be quite honest, I'm perfectly fine with it not logging adhoc commands for now. It may be useful in the future though.19:48
dmsimardRedcavalier: I already created!/story/2000841 and asking #ansible-devel about it :)19:49
Redcavalierhahaha, cool19:50
dmsimardRedcavalier: looks like it should be possible19:54
dmsimardThere's some interesting logic to implement to support it, but it's possible19:55
dmsimardThey bypass the playbook callback hooks and pseudo-create a play and then put that one single task in it19:55
RedcavalierYea, so it would be listed under a randomly generated id?19:56
dmsimardAt the play level, ARA expects a playbook to exist (since all the data is tied back to a playbook) -- so I sort of need to create a "fake" adhoc playbook19:56
RedcavalierOk, so it's all about generating a playbook entry, storing the adhoc command in there and then it's the same information as regular playbooks from there on.20:00
dmsimardRedcavalier: I added a comment in the bug about it. It's something I'd like to have in ARA but not before I have the UI refactor out the door. It might be a while.20:00
RedcavalierThat's fine. It's not really essential, I can enforce a "playbook only" policy from now as I am the only person who uses ansible for now.20:01
dmsimardIt's hacky but you could make sort of a bash script that'd create a single task playbook if need be or something20:02
dmsimardRedcavalier: curious though, if you're using Tower, why ARA ?20:04
dmsimardI think the Tower playbook reports are nice20:04
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dmsimardBut Tower and ARA are two different things with very different use cases :)20:05
RedcavalierLet me explain quickly our whole infrastructure. I'm actually Jean-Philippe from planethoster, we spoke at openstack days canada and I was at Iweb a few years back. As you may remember, we're a hosting company and our current vps solution runs off openstack.20:06
RedcavalierIn the past, we were using containers with solusvm, but we're migrating everything to openstack. The main problem we're having is that, before, we could run commands on all our containers easily and OS password reset was super easy. Of course, this is not the case anymore with openstack. Hence, we're testing out using ansible to issue commands to our customers VPS.20:08
RedcavalierThat means thousand of servers to be managed, possibly through API. We tested out tower, and while tower is great, the only thing we really absolutely need is logging for our playbooks. So I was tasked with finding an alternative. and there comes ara.20:10
RedcavalierOf course, running tower at scale requries a license and well, the instances that be would like to save on that cost. I'm perfectly fine with running ansible from cli, tbh. I just need something that logs our commands/playbook runs.20:11
Redcavalierdmsimard, and that is why I am testing out ARA20:11
Redcavalierbtw, I also checked out other options, basically semaphore and rundeck. However, semaphore doesn't seem to support dynamic inventory, or at least, it's not clear if it supports it or not and there's pretty much no documentation at all. As for rundeck, I just don't trust it much.20:18
dmsimardRedcavalier: oh hi :)20:22
dmsimardokay, makes sense20:22
Redcavalieryea, sorry for the novel20:23
dmsimardI thought you already used Tower for other purposes (ACL, management, etc.)20:23
Redcavaliernaw, we're basically just testing out solutions at this point20:23
dmsimardARA really only does one thing, just wanted to make that clear20:23
Redcavalieryea I know, and it pretty much does exactly what I need it to do ;p20:24
dmsimardNot going to implement management or editing features and such20:24
Redcavalierthat's fine, I don't exactly need those. We're using dynamic inventory anyway.20:25
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dmsimardlarsks: do you have any opinion about removing "undefined_to_none" in ?21:07
* larsks looks...21:07
dmsimardlarsks: It's making cliff error out, i.e,
larsksdmsimard, I don't see any problem with dropping that.21:08
dmsimardsetting it to true (or removing it, it's true by default) fixes that and puts "null" in this particular context:
dmsimardI just wondered if I was missing anything21:09
larsksI don't think so.  Having an explicit "Undefined" is sometimes useful, but if we're just dumping to json setting it to None seems much easier.21:09
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Default undefined values to None when templating CLI fields with Jinja
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara: Default undefined values to None when templating CLI fields with Jinja
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara: Default undefined values to None when templating CLI fields with Jinja
*** dmsimard changes topic to "ARA - Ansible Run Analysis: Making playbook runs easier to visualize, understand and troubleshoot | Git: - Docs: - Latest version: 0.10.5 | This channel is logged:"22:01
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