IRC channels
OpenDev assists a large number of channels on the OFTC IRC network for various communities' communications. You can learn more about IRC in the OpenStack Contributor Guide.
Some popular channels are:
OpenDev logs many IRC channels. You can find those channels and their logs here:
Links to specific meeting logs can be found on meeting descriptions below.
IRC meetings schedule
The IRC meetings schedule is driven by the
opendev/irc-meetings repository.
To propose a change, please submit a change to that repository in Gerrit.
Here is the link to an ICS file containing all scheduled IRC meetings, for
use in your favorite calendaring app:
Meeting details
Airship Team Meeting
This is the bi-weekly OpenStack Airship team meeting. Airship is a collection of tools that provide declarative automated cloud provisioning and management of the cloud.
Chair (to contact for more information): James Gu (jamesgu), Kostiantyn Kalynovskyi (kkalynovskyi), Matt McEuen (mattmceuen), Sreejith Punnapuzha (sreejithp), Drew Walters (dwalt)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting airship
Barbican Meeting
The Barbican project team holds a weekly team meeting on IRC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda with your name and we'll cover them.
Chair (to contact for more information): Grzegorz Grasza (xek)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting barbican
Blazar Team Meeting
The Blazar project team holds a meeting every two weeks on IRC.
Chair (to contact for more information): Pierre Riteau (priteau)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting blazar
Cinder Bug Squad Meeting
Review open bugs for Cinder, the OpenStack Block Storage service. Meeting is open to anyone with an interest in squashing Cinder bugs.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jon Bernard (jbernard)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting cinder_bs
Cinder Festival of XS Reviews
This is a two-hour meeting devoted to reviewing as many as we can of the XS-sized reviews that have piled up over the previous month for Cinder project deliverables. Meeting is in videoconference (but not recorded) so people can ask quick questions and bounce reviews back and forth (and for general camaraderie). Video connection info is always posted near the top of the meeting agenda. This meeting is open to anyone with an interest in reviewing Cinder project code.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jon Bernard (jbernard)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting cinder_reviewfest
Cinder Team Meeting
The Cinder team is responsible for the OpenStack Block Storage Service, the os-brick library, the python-cinderclient, and cinderlib. In addition to writing code, we are also responsible for documenting all this stuff, and we can always use help with that. And we're also working on improving automated testing using the cinder-tempest-plugin, which we also maintain. So if you are interested in any of this, please join us at our weekly meeting on IRC, and feel free to add items to the meeting agenda. NOTE: When adding topics please include your IRC name so we know whose topic it is and how to get more info.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jon Bernard (jbernard)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting cinder
CloudKitty Team Meeting
This is the bi-weekly meeting of the CloudKitty team. It is held on Mondays in odd weeks of the year (see ICS file for specific dates). If you want to contribute to CloudKitty, this is the right place, but you can ask us questions about CloudKitty at any time in the #cloudkitty channel on OFTC.
Chair (to contact for more information): Pierre Riteau (priteau), Rafael Weingärtner (rafaelweingartne)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting cloudkitty
Cyborg Project Team Meeting
This is the weekly meeting of the Cyborg Project.
Chair (to contact for more information): Sundar Nadathur (Sundar)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting openstack_cyborg
Diversity Working Group Meeting
This is the monthly meeting of the Diversity Working Group.
Chair (to contact for more information): Amy Marrich (spotz)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting diversity_wg
Eventlet Removal Pop Up Team Meeting
If you're interested in the effort to migrate all usages of the "eventlet" library across OpenStack projects, join us during this meeting. Please add your topic to the etherpad linked. Please consult the `eventlet removal wiki <>`_ for more details.
Chair (to contact for more information): Hervé Beraud (hberaud)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting eventlet_removal
First Contact SIG Meeting
This is the monthly First Contact SIG meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting fc_sig
Glance Team Meeting
This is the Glance meeting. Glance is the OpenStack Image service. Our mission is to provide services and associated libraries to store, browse, share, distribute and manage bootable disk images, other data closely associated with initializing compute resources, and metadata definitions. If you are interested in any of the above, please join us!
Chair (to contact for more information): Abhishek Kekane (abhishekk)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting glance
Horizon Team Meeting
The OpenStack Horizon Team holds public meetings on IRC. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chair (to contact for more information): Tatiana Ovchinnikova (tmazur)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting horizon
I18N Team Meeting
Discuss translation/i18n/l10n related topics here.
Chair (to contact for more information): Ian Y. Choi (ianychoi), Seongsoo Cho (seongsoocho)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting openstack_i18n_meeting
Image Encryption Popup-Team Meeting
This is the weekly Image Encryption team meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Josephine Seifert (Luzi), Markus Hentsch (mhen)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting image_encryption
Interop Working Group Meeting
IWG will hold the meeting on demand at the time scheduled below. If there is a topic you want to discuss, please add it to the agenda and notify the chair. Please give everyone at least 24 hour notice. The meeting takes place via videoconference (meetpad, not recorded), the link for the call can be found in the agenda.
Chair (to contact for more information): Martin Kopec (kopecmartin)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting interopwg
Ironic (Bare Metal) Team Meeting
If you're interested in bare metal deployments with OpenStack, please join us. This meeting is where we'll talk about the Ironic project. Anyone is welcome to add items to the agenda below, or bring up their topic during the open discussion at the end of each meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Julia Kreger (TheJulia)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting ironic
Keystone Team Meeting
If you're interested in identity for OpenStack, we hold public meetings in IRC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda with your name and we'll cover them.
Chair (to contact for more information): Dave Wilde (d34dh0r53)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting keystone
Kolla Team Meeting
If you're interested in Kolla, join this meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Michal Nasiadka (mnasiadka)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting kolla
Kuryr Project Office Hours
Kuryr is a project aimed on bringing OpenStack networking and storage to container platforms like Docker, Kubernetes and Mesos. We hold weekly office hours with a very unformal agenda on our IRC channel. Please feel free to come and bring anything you want to the discussion.
Chair (to contact for more information): Michał Dulko (dulek)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting kuryr
Large Scale SIG Meeting
Facilitating the scaling journey of OpenStack operators since 2019! Please join the Large Scale SIG meeting if you are interested in helping OpenStack operators navigate from scaling up one single cluster to scaling out to multiple regions, zones or cells. Anyone is very welcome to join. Our documentation lives at .
Chair (to contact for more information): Thierry Carrez (ttx), Arnaud Morin (amorin), Felix Huettner (felix.huettner)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting large_scale_sig
Magnum Team Meeting
The Magnum project team holds a weekly team meeting in '#openstack-containers' OFTC IRC channel.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jake Yip (jakeyip), Michal Nasiadka (mnasiadka)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting magnum
Manila Team Meeting
If you're interested in management of shared filesystems for OpenStack, we have a weekly meeting on IRC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda. NOTE: When adding topics, please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to get more info.
Chair (to contact for more information): Carlos Eduardo da Silva (carloss), Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting manila
Monasca Team Meeting
To provide a multi-tenant, highly scalable, performant, fault-tolerant monitoring-as-a-service solution for metrics, complex event processing and logging. To build an extensible platform for advanced monitoring services that can be used by both operators and tenants to gain operational insight and visibilty, ensuring availabilty and stability. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings and add agenda items.
Chair (to contact for more information): Martin Chacon Piza (chaconpiza)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting monasca
Multi-Arch SIG Meeting
If you're interested in multi-arch support (for example like ARM support) within OpenStack, we have regular meetings on IRC. Anyone is very welcome to join.
Chair (to contact for more information): Rico Lin (ricolin)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting multi_arch
Neutron CI team
This meeting is for the neutrons team members to discuss CI needs, gate failures and everything that pertains upstream testing efforts. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chair (to contact for more information): Yatin Karel (ykarel), Rodolfo Alonso (ralonsoh)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting neutron_ci
Neutron drivers Meeting
This meeting is for the neutron-drivers team to discuss RFE bugs. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chair (to contact for more information): Lajos Katona (lajoskatona), Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle), Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq), Rodolfo Alonso (ralonsoh)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting neutron_drivers
Neutron Team Meeting
The OpenStack Networking Team (Neutron) holds public meetings in IRC. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chair (to contact for more information): Lajos Katona (lajoskatona), Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle), Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq), Rodolfo Alonso (ralonsoh)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting networking
Nova Team Meeting
This is the weekly Nova team meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): René Ribaud (Uggla)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting nova
Octavia Meeting
Octavia meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Michael Johnson (johnsom)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting octavia
OpenDev Meeting
The OpenDev sysadmins, advisors and other contributors hold public weekly meetings. Everyone interested in the use, operation and future development of OpenDev's services is encouraged to attend. Please feel free to add agenda items (and your IRC nick in parenthesis).
Chair (to contact for more information): Clark Boylan (clarkb)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting infra
OpenStack Ansible Deployment Meeting
Chair (to contact for more information): Dmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting
OpenStack Charms Team Meeting
The OpenStack Charms project team holds a weekly team meeting in '#openstack-charms' OFTC IRC channel.
Chair (to contact for more information): Felipe Reyes (freyes), Corey Bryant (coreycb), Alex Kavanagh (tinwood)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting openstack_charms
OpenStack Data Processing (Sahara) Team Meeting
The Sahara project team holds a team meeting every two weeks.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jeremy Freudberg (jeremyfreudberg)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting sahara
OpenStack Ops Meetup Team
This team is expected to persist, and take a leading role in organizing all future ops meetups.
Chair (to contact for more information): Chris Morgan (mihalis68)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting ops_meetup_team
OpenStack Security SIG meeting
The OpenStack Security SIG holds public meetings on IRC monthly. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chair (to contact for more information): Jeremy Stanley (fungi)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting security
OpenStack-Helm Team Meeting
This is the meeting for the OpenStack-Helm team. Goal of the project is to provide Helm charts for OpenStack services that allow to deploy OpenStack on top of Kubernetes using Helm.
Chair (to contact for more information): Gage Hugo (gagehugo)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting openstack_helm
Monthly meeting for OpenStackSDK team to further the development of the OpenStackSDK and OpenStackClient.
Chair (to contact for more information): Artem Goncharov (gtema)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting sdk_osc
Oslo Team Meeting
Oslo will hold IRC meetings on demand at the time scheduled below. If there's an Oslo topic you think warrants a project meeting, please add it to the agenda section on the wiki and notify the mailing list. Please give everyone at least 24 hours notice.
Chair (to contact for more information): Daniel Mats Niklas Bengtsson (damani)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting oslo
Public Cloud SIG Meeting
Please join the Public Cloud SIG if you are interested in improving the user experience for OpenStack public cloud users. Anyone is welcome to join.
Chair (to contact for more information): Tobias Rydberg (tobberydberg), Felix Kronlage-Dammers (fkr)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting publiccloud_sig
QA Team Office hours
The OpenStack QA Team holds public weekly Office hours. Everyone interested in testing, quality assurance, performance engineering, etc, should attend! Rules for adding to the agenda: Anyone is free to add to proposed agenda, please do so by 1 hr before the Office hours. If you add an item to the agenda, please include your ircnick (i.e. sdague) to the end of your item, so we know who did, and who should lead the discussion.
Chair (to contact for more information): Ghanshyam Mann (gmann)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting qa
Release Team Meeting
The release team (part of the Release Management project team) will hold weekly IRC meetings for team coordination at the end of each week.
Chair (to contact for more information): Thierry Carrez (ttx), Elod Illes (elodilles)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting releaseteam
Requirements Team Meeting
This is the weekly Requirements team meeting to discuss issues related to managing global-requirements, upper-constraints and associated tools
Chair (to contact for more information): Dirk Mueller (dirk), Tony Breeds (tonyb), Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting requirements
RPM packaging Meeting
The RPM packaging team meets weekly to discuss the current progress, goals for the next release and welcomes new people who are interested in the project.
Chair (to contact for more information): Dirk Mueller (dirk), Javier Pena (jpena), Thomas Bechtold (toabctl)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting rpm_packaging
Scientific Working Group
The Scientific SIG is dedicated to representing and advancing the use-cases and needs of research and high-performance computing atop OpenStack, as well as providing a forum for cross-institutional collaboration. If you are (or would like to) run OpenStack to support researchers/scientists/academics and/or HPC/HTC, then please join!
Chair (to contact for more information): Blair Bethwaite (b1airo), Stig Telfer (oneswig), Martial Michel (martial)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting scientific_sig
Secure Default Policies Popup-Team Meeting
Chair (to contact for more information): Ghanshyam Mann (gmann)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting policy_popup
StoryBoard Meeting
This is the weekly StoryBoard team meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Adam Coldrick (SotK), Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting storyboard
Swift Team Meeting
This is the Swift team meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): John Dickinson (notmyname)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting swift
Tacker (NFV Orchestrator and VNF Manager) Team Meeting
Chair (to contact for more information): yong sheng gong (gongysh)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting tacker
Technical Committee Meeting
The OpenStack Technical Committee is one of the governing bodies of the OpenStack project. It is an elected group that represents the contributors to the project, and has oversight on all technical matters. The Technical Committee is formally defined in the OpenStack Foundation bylaws and further refined in the Technical Committee charter.
The weekly meetings of the TC are focused on community wide discussions as well as the status updates on initiatives being led by TC members. Apart from weekly meeting, the TC members are active on IRC and mailing list so the community should not wait for a formal meeting to raise issues or bring questions to the TC.
Chair (to contact for more information): Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting tc
Watcher Team Meeting
Watcher provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds.
Chair (to contact for more information): Ronelle Landy (rlandy), Douglas Viroel (dviroel), Marios Andreou (marios)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting watcher
Zun Team Meeting
The Zun project team holds a weekly team meeting.
Chair (to contact for more information): Hongbin Lu (hongbin), Shengqin Feng (fengshengqin)
Start this meeting using: #startmeeting zun
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